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 Nagashima Road “As long as there are common interests, there is a basis for cooperation.”

Li Xiaofei said, "Then what are our common interests?"

Nagashima Road "Earth 1818."

Li Xiaofei thought, "Tell me in detail."

Nagadao smiled and said, "You should also know that Chongque City is preparing to open Earth 1818. Once it enters the normal opening process, in addition to the surge of spiritual energy that is considered to interfere with the surge, there will be a lot of things that break the balance.

For example, the release of star beasts, the addition of points in the technology tree that violates the laws of nature, the plundering of natural resources, the earth you cherish is facing the crisis of destruction... You should know more or less about these."

Li Xiaofei said nothing. .??.

He does know this.

This is an artificially accelerated evolutionary process.

What followed was a sudden change in the destiny of the earth, country, society and mankind.

Many people will die.

From then on, the relative peace on earth was gone forever.

Countless people will live in dire straits.

These days, he has been thinking about this issue.

Seeing that Li Xiaofei remained silent, Nagadao continued, "You should have noticed that these bureaucrats in Chongque City are all hypocritical and despicable people. They don't care about the life and death of humans on earth or the development of each base. They will never

Greedily grabbing all resources, just to satisfy their own selfish desires, and in order to keep their own official positions and power, the one hundred thousand plane base stars are just chips for them to satisfy their selfish desires. They have long since turned their back on the heavenly palace and established important barriers.

The original intention of the city.”

Li Xiaofei took a deep breath.

He asked, "I'm very curious, will such repeated human intervention in evolution really help the starry battlefield ahead? At least the earth plane I visited seems to be dilapidated and declining, and the indigenous humans can't even

If you can’t save fate, how can you support the universe and starry sky battlefield?”

Nagadao said, "Those base stars you have been to should all be evolved.
It’s a defective product that failed.”

"Evolution failed?"

Li Xiaofei was startled.

Nagashima explained, "The inability to breed cosmic life forms in batches means that evolution has failed. For such a base star, Chongque City basically gives up. After squeezing out the final value, it will directly close the file and return it to zero."

"Close the file and reset it to zero?"

Li Xiaofei asked back, having a bad guess in his mind, "What do you mean?"

Nagashima Road "Literally, it means that this base star has been erased forever from the long river of time. If you still want to hear a detailed explanation, it is to use a two-way foil to directly transform this once living world into

A painting that is frozen forever.”

Li Xiaofei asked again, "Are there any base stars that have successfully evolved?"

Nagadao nodded and said, "Of course there are, and there are many. Otherwise, Heaven will not allow this plan to continue."

Li Xiaofei fell into thinking.

Therefore, the earth that I am on and the earth that Liu Earth is on are actually defective products that have failed in evolution. After all the resources are extracted, they will be closed down and reset to zero sooner or later.

At the same time, Li Xiaofei also realized that the 100,000 base star plan really worked. Once the cosmic life forms can be produced in batches, it can indeed support the cosmic starry sky battlefield.

"However, due to the corruption of Chongque City officials and the division within Heavenly Court, there are fewer and fewer cases of successful evolution of base stars. All parties have gradually become less concerned about whether the evolution is successful or not, and only care about the success of each new development.

How many benefits have you captured in the base star?"

Nagashima sighed.

Li Xiaofei's thoughts gradually became clearer.

He asked, "Aren't you one of them? Lord Angelus, if Chongque City is

If it is corrupt and inefficient, then you and your Garden of Eden are simply sucking blood and killing innocent people indiscriminately. You have been talking for so long, all of which are blaming others. Do you think you are qualified?"

Nagashima said seriously, "I have never done anything like this, so I think I am quite qualified."


Li Xiaofei couldn't help but laugh, "You? The divine general in the Garden of Eden, the source of evil who instigates war and kills innocent people indiscriminately. Your understanding of yourself seems to be a bit biased."

Changdao was silent for a moment.

Then he gave a wry smile.

"Actually, just like Chongque City, the Garden of Eden also has factions and disputes. A group of poor people were forced to join together to fight against the pursuit of Chongque City. When they were finally able to survive, various ideological disputes began again.

It will breed..."

Nagadao's face was full of helplessness, saying, "Human beings are social animals, but when we gather together, there will always be various opinions and contradictions. I can assure you that my faction and I are absolutely incompatible with each other."

I came to cooperate with you in good faith.” .??.

Li Xiaofei shook his head.

It’s as colorful as you say.

I only believe what I see and hear and my own judgment.

"I don't accept your kindness."

Li Xiaofei said with a thought in his mind.

The surrounding heaven and earth instantly turned into blue-grey, like a netherworld, turning into a strange space with a radius of about 500 meters, swallowing and shrouding both of them.

Desperate situation of reincarnation!

Li Xiaofei opened it up as soon as he came up.

There was a hint of helplessness on Chang Dao's face.

"No matter what happened in the past, we really have a basis for cooperation when it comes to protecting Earth 1818."

"I don't know what happened to you before or what grudge you have against Eden, but for adults, the sensible thing to do is to put aside your prejudices and cooperate temporarily."

He still tried to persuade Li Xiaofei.

Li Xiaofei stretched out his hand.

Spear in hand.

An extremely powerful pressure spread out.

There was a hint of surprise on Nagashima's face, "Your strength..."

Higher than expected.

call out.

The spear shot through the air.

Pierced Nagashima's limbs.

It penetrated his Dantian.

The power is wasted.

Lost the power to resist.

"I will hand you over to the City Lord's Mansion."

Li Xiaofei said, "If you have anything to say, go talk to the people in the army. I think they will be very interested in having a good chat with you."

Nagadao lay in a pool of blood and said helplessly, "An expected result, haha, but I won't give up so easily. We will meet again. Next time we meet, I will definitely convince you."

After saying that, his life breath quickly dissipated.

The body turned into a cloud of flying ash and disappeared directly.

Li Xiaofei observed carefully for a moment and resolved the desperate situation of reincarnation.

From the very beginning, he knew that the Long Island in front of him was just the incarnation of Angelus, just like the Igus man he saw that day.

I just didn't expect that this incarnation technique was so brilliant.

The desperate situation of his own reincarnation could not even imprison his spirit at all.

Now, it’s hard to explain to the city lord’s palace.

He knew that he had to go back to Chongque City.

The news brought by Changdao is very important.

The big shots in Chongque City are really going to activate Earth 1818.

He wants to stop this.

After everything was arranged, Li Xiaofei returned to Chongque City.

As soon as he returned, he was summoned to the military headquarters to attend an emergency meeting.

A piece of bad news came.

This chapter has been completed!
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