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0727,Global Chineseization

 Li Xiaofei was sitting on the beach.

He looked up at the snowflakes flying in the sky.

The snow came very unexpectedly.

The setting sun dyed the sea surface red like blood, and the crimson waves reflected the fluttering white snowflakes, as if they were white elves who had strayed into the Shura field.

He stretched out his hand slightly.

Ishihara Masami took a step forward and put her wrist in Li Xiaofei's palm.

Li Xiaofei injected the life breath of the universe, and while sensing the energy changes in Ishihara Masami's body, he strengthened her body.

Before the 'experiment' finally reached a conclusion, he did not want Ishihara Masami to be abandoned like this.

The strengthened body can withstand greater and stronger energy repulsion.

Li Xiaofei hopes to see further training data.

But this process may be more painful.

After doing all this, Li Xiaofei looked into the distance.


In the sky, a bright and hot white light suddenly exploded.

It was as if there was suddenly an extra sun.

The dazzling brilliance is fleeting.

At this moment, countless people on Jie Peng Island saw a miniature day suddenly appear in the sky.

This scene lasted for a full five minutes.

Boom boom boom!

Miniature days bloomed outside the atmosphere, and the dazzling brilliance shone, making the snowy Rebun Island dusk become eerie and strange.

A look of shock appeared on Ishihara Masami's face.

"That is……"

She seemed to react immediately.

Those were nuclear bombs exploding in outer space.

Moreover, it is a medium-to-large nuclear warhead with a considerable yield. The energy of the explosion spreads and the brilliance spread to the earth.

It looks like large fireworks.

Standing on the earth and looking up into outer space, it seems like meteors are blooming with divine light outside the atmosphere.

Such a magnificent spectacle made countless children clap their hands and cheer.

Many white-collar workers who had just finished get off work also raised their heads and raised their mobile phones to take photos and videos.

People looked happy and cheered.


It seems like we are welcoming a grand festival.

But only the political figures from various countries, as well as the top military officials, seemed to have stopped breathing at this moment.

"what happened?"

In the Kempes state of Igus, in the White Palace that symbolizes the highest power of the United States of Igus, Mr. President saw the images from the spy satellite and was extremely shocked and said, "The nuclear bomb we launched should have exploded in the south of Daxia."

Why did the Island and Sun Moon Island explode like fireworks in outer space?"

In the combat staff room.

The military bosses and defense giants at the country's highest decision-making level were all dumbfounded.

The female communications officer with sweat flowing from her temples, after constantly calling and analyzing messages, explained with a strange expression, "The orbit calculation is correct, the signal transmission is correct, and there is no interference in the communication and calculation frequency bands. The data shows that the nuclear bomb from launch to explosion

, there is no data error... The forward command center said that there is only one possibility that our nuclear bomb was intercepted by the micro wormhole space and transmitted."

This means that there is at least one Omega-level space system superpower in Daxia.

Only people with superpowers of this level can transport nuclear bombs into outer space out of thin air.

Many Yigus generals were shocked and broke into cold sweats.

Because they realized something terrible.

Since Daxia can send nuclear bombs to outer space, it can also send nuclear bombs to any place in Igus's homeland.

if it is like this……

The mainland of Yigus is now in ruins, becoming a doomsday place shrouded in nuclear winter.

“The whole world is our soil, we must not pollute it.”

This is Daxia's reply.

The news quickly spread to the ears of heads of state like a hurricane.

The six high-power nuclear bombs launched by the Igus people in defiance of the world's disapproval were directly intercepted by Daxia's superpowers less than ten minutes after they were launched and sent to outer space for detonation!

Half a year ago, such a thing would have been more

The first fantasy in One Thousand and One Nights is nonsense.

But now, it keeps countless heads of state awake at night.

Nuclear bomb.

The most terrifying strategic deterrent weapon in the development of human civilization so far has always been like the Sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of all countries, deterring the entire world, and it has never been solved.

But now, it is like a mathematical puzzle conjecture that has been cracked, losing all mystery and intimidation and becoming pale and powerless.

This seems to be a sign.

It marks that the physical and technological civilization that has dominated the human world for thousands of years - especially in the past five hundred years - has finally withdrawn from the stage of dominance due to the power of the emerging super powers.

Now, the heads of all countries need to seriously consider an issue——

How to get along with Daxia?

This giant Eastern dragon, which had been sleeping for thousands of years, finally opened its eyes and woke up much earlier than the whole world expected, and no one thought it would be in this way.

A new overlord quickly emerged.

The international structure and order have been subverted.

Someone is watching.

Someone immediately took action.

The overlords of the old era, unwilling to call it quits, are still stubbornly resisting. Various advanced weapons and countless equipment that exist in the theoretical stage are being used on the battlefield, hoping to break the myth of Omega superpowers.

But they all ended in failure.

Ten days later.

Igus's military bases around the world were visited by the god-like superpowers of Great Xia, who conquered and destroyed all facilities.

Soon after, this kind of special beheading war spread to the Igos mainland.

Military base, military fortress, garrison area...

The people of Daxia launched a demilitarization attack on Yi Ges without mercy.

This strike is efficient and deadly.

The Yigus people had no power to fight back.

Such demilitarization strikes quickly spread to other countries and regions.
In less than half a year, all regions in the world except Daxia had achieved demilitarization.

As a police force to maintain social order, it was allowed to survive.

Some gangs, careerists, and regional warlords who took the opportunity to cause chaos were mercilessly destroyed by Daxia's super-powered team.

A new order is quickly established.

Humanity around the world can only adapt.

July 19, 2010.

Daxia has achieved absolute control over the world.

This kind of control is not like what the Yiges did in the past, where they established military bases and stationed troops there.

Because it's not necessary.

Under the surveillance of spy satellites, if an event beyond the control of the police force occurs anywhere in the world, the god-like superpowers of Daxia can arrive at the scene as soon as possible by flying or teleporting.

The earth has never been so peaceful.

Order has never been so effective.

Fortunately for Westerners, Daxia did not engage in any racial policies, nor did it dumb them down, nor did it castrate their culture and history...

They still enjoy the social treatment of developed countries, and after the involution stopped, the happiness index of residents' lives has actually increased!

A new era has arrived.

Li Xiaofei sat on the cliff by the sea on Rebun Island and looked at the sunset, without any disturbance in his heart.

As the evolutionary executive officer of Earth 1818, half of his plan has been realized.

Next, is the stage of national evolution.

Completely liberalize reproduction and mass-produce cosmic-level life forms!

These two are signs of the planet's evolutionary success.

And Li Xiaofei has already grasped the key to this.

Boo hoo hoo.

The light flashes.

Five figures appeared in front of him.

They are all cosmic-level life forms.

Their whole bodies exude powerful life energy, surging with suffocating energy fluctuations!

This chapter has been completed!
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