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0730, the original god

 ‘Mummy’ walked firmly towards Jian Zong’s station.

The Jianzong disciples stationed at the gate noticed this group of people and immediately intercepted them.

But [Mummy] just waved his hand gently.

These powerful Sword Sect disciples suddenly fell limply to the ground as if they had lost their strength due to drunkenness.

The ‘Mummy’ and others walked unobstructed towards the monastery on the small island deep in the quiet lake.

at the same time.

Female disciple Xin Heng Qibu looked at the soup pool that was stained red with blood, tears flowing down like broken pearls.

"Master, why don't you stop practicing!"

She couldn't help but kneel down and plead.

As the only disciple of Masami Ishihara, the strongest swordsman in the history of the sword sect, Shinheng Kiho admires and respects his master, Masami Ishihara, and treats her as his closest relative.

Therefore, every time when he saw his master's injuries and had to rely on the power of the geothermal energy of Mount Paektu to suppress them, Xin Heng Qibu felt his heart twisting, wishing he could bear the pain on his master's behalf.

What kind of exercises are you practicing?

Every time an injury occurred, countless pores on his body would burst open and the soup would be dyed red with blood.

It was as if almost all the blood in his body had been replaced.

If it weren't for her master's exquisite cultivation and powerful life source, she would have died countless times.


The blood in the soup pool boils.

Masami Ishihara walked out slowly on the stone steps.

There were cracks all over her body, with traces of blood visible, and the wounds were slightly closed, especially a large wound on the chest and abdomen. The organs could almost be seen through the cracks.

There was a trace of pain on that stunningly beautiful face.

But as she walked out of the soup pool, the wounds on her body gradually healed and eventually disappeared completely.

A perfect carcass, as white and shiny as if carved from mutton-fat white jade, was exposed to the air.

Flawless, like a work of art carefully crafted by God.

She was dressed in white and her hair was like a waterfall.

"Go and greet them. There are guests arriving on the island."

Masami Ishihara's voice is quiet and ethereal, like the sound of nature.

Xinheng Qibu was startled.

This island in the middle of the lake is the forbidden place where Master retreats.

No one in the Sword Sect is allowed to break in.

Why are there guests?

Could it be the person that Master has been waiting for all this time?

She vaguely knew a secret - Master has been waiting for someone for these years.

A person who is more precious to Master than his own life.

"Yes, Master."

Xin Hengqi stepped out of the monastery and walked along the green gravel path towards the only small pier on the island.

When they arrived, they found a small wooden boat carrying five figures already on the dock.

Her appearance immediately attracted the attention of the five people opposite.

The leader, whose whole body was wrapped in white bandages, looked over and said, "Is the girl a disciple of Sword Master Ishihara?"


Xinheng Qibu bowed slightly and said, "My master asked me to lead the way for some guests."

The other four people were shocked.

This small island in the middle of the lake is where the strongest Jie Peng, the mythical Sword Master, lives.

It must be a dangerous place, comparable to Shura's place.

If they were allowed to lead the way with this thin, dark girl, they would be trapped in a trap if they were led into it.

"Sir, if you are careful of fraud, why not restrain this little girl and let her..."

A superpower on the left suggested.

Before he finished speaking, the 'Mummy' waved his hand directly and said: "Sword Master Ishihara is so charming, how could he do such a despicable thing? Little girl, please lead the way."

After saying that, he followed Xin Heng Qibu very confidently.

The other four superpowers were frightened and wondered where the boss got such mysterious confidence.

But it can only be followed closely.

After a while.

Arrived outside the monastery door.

"Greetings to the Sword Master."

The 'mummy' saluted respectfully at the door.

"Tang Anlu, can you finally bear the urge to show up?"

Ishihara Masami's voice came out clearly from the monastery, as cold as a lark in an empty valley.

The ‘mummy’ body shook slightly.

He didn't expect that Ishihara Masami actually knew his identity.

Ever since the Zhongjie martial arts exchange that day, he died in the hands of the girl who used a bamboo branch as a sword due to an attempted kidnapping of Li Guorui. He disappeared mysteriously, but in fact he has been active in Jipeng under a new disguise.

The reason why he didn't die is because he has a rare super power, one of which is the 'immortal body'.

As long as he is not crushed to death and turned into a pulp, he can be resurrected.

Because he was well aware of Li Xiaofei's terrifying strength, he had been sneaking into secret activities after he faked his death and returned to Jipeng.

In recent years, there has been an explosion of superpowers in Daxia, and Jie Peng is approaching Daxia. As a result, the tide of spiritual energy in the world has far exceeded that of Western countries, so many superpowers have emerged.

As the former chief and think tank of the new power group, Tang Anlu was very comfortable in secret activities.

He uses "Assimilation", one of his many powers, to continuously absorb the energy of other superpowers and steal their abilities, so his strength continues to soar.

Over the past few years, he felt that his identity had been hidden very well.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they met this time, Ishihara Masami would reveal her identity.

After being slightly surprised, Tang Anlu smiled slightly, and the bandage on his body suddenly untied itself as if it were a flexible tentacle, and then shrank back to his armpit and disappeared. Soon, a tall and tall body was revealed, with a resolute and decisive face.


"As expected of the Sword Master."

He slowly straightened his back and said: "I came to Jinghu this time because I hope Master Sword Master can help me achieve my goal."

"What do you want to accomplish?"

The cold voice in the monastery asked.

Tang Anlu smiled slightly and said: "I want to unify Jie Peng Martial Arts and the superpower world, unite as one, and fight against Daxia."

Silence fell in the monastery.

This is the best answer.

Who on earth today dares to speak out against Daxia?

Five Omega-level superpowers are like five ancient sacred mountains, weighing down everyone's breath.

Tang Anlu said: "I am not just dreaming, but I have received help from the gods from outside. It will be easy to destroy the Daxia Dragon Group. It won't be long before Jie Peng can replace Daxia and become the master of the entire earth. By then,

I, the Jie Peng people, will be the only nobles on earth, the true masters of humanity. Everyone from the east to the west will kneel down at the foot of Mount Paektu. The glory of the Yamato nation is very close at hand."

There was absolute fascination in his voice.

The four subordinates around him felt their blood boiling and they were willing to die for Tang Anlu.

"A god from outside the sky?"

The voice of the most noble goddess Jie Peng came from the monastery again: "You don't understand, there is only one god in this world, and there will always be only one god."

The words have not yet fallen.

Five rays of sword light flew out from the monastery.

The speed of the sword light is not very fast.

But there's no way to avoid it.

Tang Anlu's unparalleled superpower energy was running crazily.
> But found that he couldn't even move a finger.

As for the other four superpowers, they are even more unbearable.

The sword light passed over their bodies, like sparks lighting up fireworks.

With a soft sound, the bodies of the five people exploded in no particular order, turning into a ball of brilliant but short-lived flames, and then completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

Tang Anlu, who had the ambition to unify Jiepeng and had worked hard to remain anonymous for nearly ten years, was not immune.

When he died, he was deeply shocked.

Is this the strength of the Sword God?

No matter how heroic you are, in the face of this sword, your ashes will eventually return to dust.

In the end it was all in vain.

This is his sorrow.

Maybe it's also Jie Peng's sadness.

At the last moment of his life, Tang Anlu couldn't help but think of a question: After his death, would there be any Jie Peng people in this world who would be like him, trying to revive Jie Peng at all costs?

Xin Heng Qibu stood aside, with no surprise on his face.

She had known this outcome for a long time.

The master is invincible.

It's really sad that these people have the desire to challenge Master.

Just when she was about to enter the monastery, she suddenly saw a blur of flowers in front of her eyes.

I saw Ishihara Masami, dressed in white, suddenly flying out of the monastery and escaping directly into the void in front of me. Immediately, waves of terrifying roars and terrifying energy fluctuations burst out from the void, as if coming from another person.

Same in the world.

Russian qing.

A few drops of blood fell.

It was swaying red-gold blood. The moment it fell to the ground, it seemed like a mountain was falling, and the entire island shook violently.

Within a radius of a hundred meters, there was suddenly a burning blackness like a burning flame.

"The original god?"

A man's exclamation sounded.

Immediately, ripples flashed rapidly in the void, drawing a long escape trajectory.

Then the void split open.

Ishihara Masami's figure fell from the sky.


Xinheng Qibu was shocked and quickly stepped forward to hug him.

When looking down.

Masami Ishihara was extremely weak, her face was as thin as gold, and her breath was intermittent.

What's even worse is that the two energies in her body finally couldn't be suppressed and began to destroy her body crazily and violently.

Master, I'm going to die.

This chapter has been completed!
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