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0789, Crane

 What shines with golden light is a spear.

The body of the gun is pale gold in color, with exquisite carvings of a swimming dragon. The dragon's mouth opens and spits out the spear tip, and the dragon's tail is the handle of the gun. It is about two meters long, as thick as an egg, and is made of some kind of alloy that Li Xiaofei cannot identify.

This gun is as beautiful as a work of art.

The one flashing red treasure is a medicine bag.

Li Xiaofei picked up the gold-patterned Dragon Spear, which was heavy and cold to the touch. ??

He picked up the medicine bag and opened it.

There are six pills the size of longan and as red as cardamom.

This elixir is round and translucent, exuding a faint herbal fragrance. You will feel refreshed after taking a whiff. It seems to be some kind of valuable elixir.

Li Xiaofei put away the pills and then refined the spear.

Maybe it's because this gun is already ownerless, so it can be successfully sacrificed easily.

I immediately felt at ease.

While dancing, there was a faint sound of dragon roar.

"It's a good gun."

Li Xiaofei was happy in his heart.

The harvest was good this time.

He took the spear and the dog and left the wooden building.

Not long after I went out, I suddenly heard what sounded like shouting and fighting coming from the block ahead on the right.

Li Xiaofei's heart moved and he rushed over immediately.

From afar, I saw the old speaker holding a sword in his hand, fighting two second-level evolved night demons. Luo Ge seemed to be seriously injured, leaning against a burning ancient tree, his face pale...

The knife in the old speaker's hand is obviously not ordinary and can pose a threat to the Night Demon.

He has considerable fighting experience, but the fighting instincts of the two Night Demons are equally astonishing.

They cooperated with each other to contain the old speaker and gained the absolute upper hand.

Seeing this scene, the female warrior Luo Ge reluctantly stood up, waving the big sword in her hand, and was about to help...

Just then——


A sound broke through the air.

The figure flashed.

Li Xiaofei entered the battlefield.

The spear in hand is like

The dragon swims out of the sea and stabs out instantly.


A sound like continuous bubbles being popped.

The two second-level evolved versions of Night Demons were frozen in place, with the skull armor pierced.

A wisp of blood slipped.

Before they could fall, a black wind struck.

A big black dog pounced on the two night demons and chewed them up as snacks.

The sudden change made the Speaker and Luo Ge stunned at the same time.

When they saw clearly the face of the visitor, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Li, thank you very much."

The old speaker thanked him repeatedly, and then hurriedly went to check Luo Ge's injury.

Luo Ge leaned against the wall and slowly fell down. There was blood spilling from his mouth, but there was no trace of regret on his face. He said intermittently, "Sir, I... I can't survive anymore. Bury me... at the door of my house. I

...very satisfied..."

The old speaker was in tears.

Throughout his life, he left his hometown and seemed to enjoy all the power, but in fact he suffered from homesickness all the time, and he dreamed of returning to his hometown.

Only the child Luo Ge was the greatest comfort to his lonely life.

Now that I have finally returned to my hometown, I didn't expect to be separated like this.

The old speaker took out many healing elixirs, but they had no effect.

After being injured by the Night Demon, a light black corrosive poison remained in the wound, which could not be removed.

When Li Xiaofei saw this, his heart moved.

He took out a red pill and said, "Try this."

It was the pills in the medicine bag that were found among the bones of the general on the second floor of Namu Building.

The old speaker didn't ask any more questions, took it and pressed it into the mouth of Luo Ge, who was already semi-conscious.

Soon, a miracle happened.

Luo Ge's originally pale face suddenly turned rosy, and her intermittent breathing began to become steady and deep. After dozens of seconds, she slowly

Slowly he opened his eyes.

The black toxin in the wound has disappeared.

She is resurrected.

Not to mention the old speaker was shocked by this curative effect, even Li Xiaofei was dumbfounded.

"Thank you, thank you, Brother Li, I..." ??

The old speaker's voice was choked with sobs.

He regarded Luo Ge as his daughter and the last relative in the world. How could he not be grateful at this time?

"It's just a little effort."

Li Xiaofei pretended to be cool.

But he was also wondering in his mind what the origin of that pack of red pills was.

It seems to specifically target the Night Stalker's black toxin.

"Where are you going next, Mr. Boss?"

Li Xiaofei asked.

He has always been curious about the purpose of the old speaker's paranoid desire to return to heaven. If it was for the legendary treasure of heaven, he believed it.

"Not going anywhere."

The old speaker looked gloomy and sighed softly.

He pointed to a burning courtyard ahead and said, "My home is right here."

Li Xiaofei was startled.

The old speaker walked slowly over and stood in an inconspicuous small courtyard, saying, "No. 28, Middle Lane, Waitian Street, my home is here, it... is still there."

After hundreds of years.

He is back.

The home that was clear and yet fuzzy in my memory was completely shattered when it truly appeared in front of me.

The burning flames, the messy courtyard, and the mottled blood all clearly told the old speaker what happened.

His family is gone.

The honest and straightforward father, the mother who always smiles, the little brother who wears crotchless pants, and the greedy sister who never has enough to eat...

They're all gone.

After fighting against the Night Demon, the old speaker already understood what happened to his family.

The entire time in heaven seemed to be stuck in the moment after the disaster occurred. It seemed that many things had been preserved, but countless things were also lost forever.

He was originally just an ordinary farmer from heaven.


At its peak, Heaven had a vast territory.

In addition to the Emperor, gods, and generals, there are many producers.

For example, Ling Nong.

Farmers grow spiritual food on both sides of the Tianhe River to supply the entire heaven and the thirty-six earths and seventy-two caves in the outer world. Their lives are peaceful and peaceful, similar to the lives of ordinary people in the mortal world.

The old speaker showed outstanding talent, so he was able to enter the Immortal Academy, performed well, and was later appointed to serve in Chongque City.

I remember that before I took office, my parents, brothers and sisters crossed the river to see each other off...

At that time, he longed to complete his duties and return to heaven to reunite with his family.

did not expect……

We've been apart for five hundred years, but we'll never see each other again.

After the initial anger, panic, confusion, regret, pain...

At this time, the old speaker's mood gradually calmed down, like a pool of dying water.

He opened the door and walked in.

Standing in the courtyard burning with flames.

The whole heaven is burning.

Wooden, stone, metal, ceramic...

Everything is burning.

And it will never burn out.

Even a weed in the yard is burning forever.

"The entire human race can't believe that the enemy can actually capture the heaven."

The old speaker looked at Li Xiaofei, with a hint of sustenance in his eyes, and said, "What must have happened back then? With so many bad guys wandering in the heaven, there must be a mother of all animals. Li Xiaofei, will you be the chosen one?"


The mother of all animals?

what is that?

A series of black lines appeared on Li Xiaofei's forehead.

This chapter has been completed!
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