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0807,Three drops of blood

In fact, advocating self-sacrifice is a very stupid thing.

Li Xiaofei never felt that he was a savior.

I have never held myself to the savior’s standards.

He felt that he just did what he thought was right at the right time, in the right place, and in the right environment. During this process, at one or several nodes, he did indeed do a very impulsive thing.

Thus he became the hero who turned things around.

But in fact, if someone suddenly said to him, you go and sacrifice, your sacrifice can bring peace to the world, then Li Xiaofei would spit on his face without hesitation, and then kick him hard.

Sacrifice, sacrifice.

However, at this moment, facing Ximen Qianxue's question and looking back at the hardships along the way, Li Xiaofei suddenly made such a decision. .??.??


I am willing to give everything for the people I love and the people who love me.

At this moment, he suddenly realized.

It turns out that those great sages who sacrificed themselves for others may not have had the perfect moral integrity to begin with.

Maybe it was just the scenery and people along the way that made him reluctant to leave and unwilling to lose, so he made that decision that seemed very great to outsiders.

So, is this the same for Li Mu, Ding Hao, Lin Beichen, Ye Qingyu and Sun Fei?

Countless thoughts flashed through Li Xiaofei's mind.

Numerous and complex.

But in the end it only came together into one answer.

Ximen Qianxue nodded and said, "On the top of the Tushita Palace, there is a pillar that supports the backbone of the thirty-third heaven. It is also the most important part of sealing the mother of all animals. It needs to be irrigated with blood and essence to seal it."

To maintain the effect, you are the new generation of sword and sword saints, containing the destiny of this generation. If you are willing to nourish this pillar with the blood of your Dantian, the blood of your heart, and the blood between your eyebrows, and then pour all your strength and spirit into it.

Among them, you can seal the Mother of All Animals for another hundred years."

"a hundred years?"

Li Xiaofei couldn't help but ask, "What about a hundred years from now?"

"The rest of the matter will be left to the people who come after you."

Ximen Qianxue said calmly, "We only need to complete what our generation should do, and that is enough. The human race can never be saved by one person. The rise and fall of any race must be the self-salvation of all members."

Li Xiaofei was silent when he heard this, unusually agreeing with it.

He took a deep breath and said, "Senior, please tell those on the twenty-ninth floor that I love them deeply, and if possible, forget me forever."

After saying that, he turned and left.

It disappeared directly into this drawer world.

Ximen Qianxue sighed slightly.

"I'm just a lingering memory, and I don't have much time left. How can I bring you a message?"

Her figure gradually blurred.

In a dark and lonely universe, it is extremely difficult for a race to survive.

War and destruction between civilizations are eternal themes.

If there really is a Creator in this universe, then Ximen Qianxue wants to ask, since he created intelligent human race, created thousands of creatures, and made life so beautiful, why did he create such cruel people as reapers?

species to destroy this beauty?

She has seen countless young people with high spirits rushing to the battlefield.

I have seen countless geniuses stained with blood.

Those outstanding people are just like the young man who just said "everything" firmly after thinking.

What a great son of the human race.

I wish the boy just now...good luck.

Coming out of Ximen Qianxue's bedroom on the 33rd floor, Li Xiaofei immediately felt that the entire Tushita Palace was shaking violently.

The smell of blood coming from the window went straight into the sky.

Look down.

Countless alienated birds, like colorful tides, crazy

Ground attack.

Some of the formations in the Tushita Palace were activated, releasing the great millstones. Wherever they passed, giant robbers were directly strangled into flesh and blood...

Outside the Tushita Palace, there was already a marsh of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The thirty-third heaven has completely turned into the Shura Blood Prison.

In that endless distance, the golden vertical pupil was still bright, constantly sending out one gaze after another, shining crazily on the Tushita Palace, destroying the layers of forbidden formations.

The battle has reached its final moment.

Li Xiaofei could clearly sense that once the Tushita Palace was captured, the mother of all animals would really be able to escape.

Without any hesitation, he passed through the passage on the top floor and reached the top of Tushita Palace.

According to Ximen Qianxue's description, Li Xiaofei quickly found the so-called 'Tianzhu'.

This is a white jade dome pillar that runs through the entire Tushita Palace. It extends from the top of the palace tower. What is exposed is a white pointed pillar about two meters long, which is divided into three sections by carving.

Each section looks smooth and shiny, but in reality it is not.

Li Xiaofei got closer and took a closer look with his eyes, and found that the seemingly shiny surface was actually engraved with countless dense patterns. With Li Xiaofei's strength, he felt dizzy after looking at it for a long time, and his vision was blurred.

He also saw that on each section of the sky pillar, there was a depression the size of a finger.

In the shape of water droplets.

Li Xiaofei knew that this was where the so-called 'blood from the dantian, blood from the heart and blood from the eyebrows' was injected.

He didn't think too much, and without any hesitation, he directly struck his Dantian with his straight fingers like a knife.


Blood splattered.

Dantian is broken.

Li Xiaofei felt it for a long time and took back his palm.

The tip of the middle finger of his right hand picked up a drop of blood that was beating slightly.


Like a perfect gem with no impurities.

Dantian blood.

It is not simply taking a drop of blood from the Dantian.

Instead, the most essential and core power of the Dantian among the three elements was collected and taken out from the same drop of blood, condensing the core of the Dantian world that Li Xiaofei had cultivated for so many years.

Taking out the blood from the Dantian means that the Dantian is broken.

Three yuan, destroy one of them.

Li Xiaofei embedded this drop of blood into the depression in the bottom section of the Tianzhu.

The blood droplets merged with this depression instantly.

Then you can see that the blood spreads rapidly along the thin and dense lines on this section of the Tianzhu. In the blink of an eye, a small drop of blood completely dyes this section of the Tianzhu bright red.


Weird and coquettish strange changes!

Li Xiaofei did not hesitate, then stretched out his hand again and inserted it into his left chest.

Crush the heart.

Gather that drop of your heart’s blood.

Like Dantian blood, heart blood is also the condensation of the life force and essence of the heart.

To obtain this drop of blood, Li Xiaofei lost his heart.

Three yuan, destroy two.

Embed "heart's blood" in the second section of Tianzhu.

In just a breath, the blood spread along the fine lines, and in the second quarter, the Tianzhu turned bright red.

Li Xiaofei felt that his vitality was rapidly collapsing.

Without any hesitation, he once again inserted his fingers between his eyebrows.

The brain is cut open.

A drop of bright blood was immediately picked up on the fingertips.

Blood between eyebrows.

Warrior's Three

The Yuan Secret Realm was all destroyed at this moment.

That is to say, it was only when his cultivation level reached Li Xiaofei's level that he did not die immediately after the Three Yuan Secret Realm was completely destroyed. His keen senses still allowed him to clearly perceive the world around him.

He did not hesitate to inject this drop of blood into the concave spot on the top section of the Tianzhu.

Losing the Three Yuan Secret Realm means that from now on, even if he survives, Li Xiaofei will lose his hard-earned cultivation realm, fall into the clouds, and become a useless person.

But he still didn't hesitate at all.

After injecting three drops of blood, you still need to pour all your spirit, soul and will into the Tianzhu to complete the next hundred-year seal.

He held the Tianzhu with both hands and roared.

All the energy, the energy and spirit of a lifetime, were poured into the Tianzhu in the hand without any reservation at this moment.


The Tianzhu suddenly vibrated slightly and made a thunderous sound.

Li Xiaofei's face, already covered in blood, showed a smile.


His body was swaying and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

The Three Yuan Secret Realm has been destroyed, and all the spirit and energy in his body have been poured into the Tianzhu. At this time, Li Xiaofei is in an unprecedented weak state. His whole person is like a completely burned candle, releasing a faint light.

, a gust of wind can take away his life.

There was a smile on his face.

It was pitch black before my eyes, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

He subconsciously raised his hand and waved it gently in a certain direction.

Goodbye, my love.

Good bye my friend.

When the wind blows at night, that is my song.

Maybe you will remember me.

But it's better to forget about me.

The feeling of weakness could no longer be contained, and Li Xiaofei felt like the world was spinning.

Consciousness keeps sinking, sinking...

at the same time.

Tushita Palace, twenty-ninth floor.

The aunt's face became more and more solemn, and her eyes showed anxiety.

The horde has already invaded the thirteenth floor of Tushita Palace.

Along the way, all kinds of restrictions and formations were filled up by the "Sou Hai Tactics" and violently destroyed.

If this pace continues, the twenty-ninth floor will fall within an hour.

And in the endless distance in the distance, the huge golden vertical pupil has become clearer and more complete, and even the figure behind the vertical pupil has gradually emerged.

The terrifying pressure from the superiors made even my aunt, Tan Qingying and others in the Tushita Palace feel suffocated, and their bones were about to break under the pressure.

The Bagua furnace is suspended in the air.

Keep spinning.

Release boundless light.

The Bagua pattern forms an illusion, flashing throughout the twenty-ninth floor.

The entire Tushita Palace seems to be integrated with the Bagua Furnace, but it seems to be missing something, and after all, it cannot release the maximum power.

"This can't go on like this."

Auntie became more and more anxious.

Li Xiaofei went to look for the blood-drinking sword, but it was only three floors up, so why hadn't there been any movement yet?


Tan Qingying suddenly spoke.

The aunt turned her head and looked.

But I didn't know when the eldest lady burst into tears.

"What's wrong?"

The aunt was slightly startled and asked distressedly.

Miss Tan shed tears and said, "I don't know why, but I suddenly feel so distressed and out of breath. It seems like something is going away from me. I

so afraid……"

My aunt suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

At this time, a terrifying sound wave, like the resonance of heaven and earth, came from the void in the endless distance.

The aunt's expression changed, and she quickly looked out the window without caring about anything else.

I saw cracks like broken glass in the void outside, spreading crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Behind the cracks, the body part of a huge alien beast could be vaguely seen, shining with golden phosphorescence, hitting these cracks, trying to break free from inside.

The mother of all animals!

It's about to get out of trouble.

My aunt instantly felt desperate.

This most terrifying monster, one of the highest sequencers in the Reaper camp, is about to wake up from its endless slumber and descend into the universe again.

During the five Immortal Emperors' expedition to the end of the galaxy, the major armies of the human race were struggling to support the balanced era of the galaxy battlefield. Once this mother of all animals successfully broke out of the seal and appeared in the rear of the human race on the galaxy battlefield, it would definitely be a disaster for the human race.


Back then, when it came to heaven, it was already deadly enough.

If it comes again this time, it will be the end of countless human races.

But, what to do?

Even across countless distances, my aunt felt a deep powerlessness.

This is no longer a difference in cultivation level and combat effectiveness.

Rather, it is a real gap in life levels.

This gap cannot be replaced or changed by any spiritual will.


The barrier of time and space is completely shattered.

Space fragments like lenses collapsed.

An extremely huge golden beast with an invisible edge finally broke free from the sealed land.

The mother of all animals!

Its huge body covered the sky.

An ant-shaped outline is vaguely revealed, but the golden phosphorescence makes the outline look sacred and majestic.

It came from the void, stepped into the ruins of heaven, and the earth shook.

It resisted the Tushita Palace with all its might, with a hint of hatred in its eyes.

"I'm back."

The tyrannical fluctuations of mental power swept around like a world-destroying hurricane.

Even the Tushita Palace began to shatter and crack at such an announcement. Countless jade-colored powder fell off the palace body. The huge Jade Palace may be destroyed at any time.

Auntie, Tan Qingying and others looked desperate.

That's too late.

The mother of all beasts has been completely out of trouble.

Even if Li Xiaofei found the blood-drinking sword, he could no longer seal it back.

Fate, at this moment, became so ferocious and cruel.

"I'm going to find Brother Xiaofei. Even if it's the end of the world, I'm going to die with him."

Tan Qingying rushed towards the stairs.

Resolutely and decisively.

No matter what.

My aunt didn't stop me.

She also wanted to find Li Xiaofei...

at this time--


The Black Emperor suddenly called out in a tone full of doubts.

It seemed to have noticed something.

It was also at this time that an unprecedented force came out from above the Tushita Palace, surging and rapidly sweeping across the land and radiating to the surrounding areas.

The alienated flocks inside and outside the Tushita Palace were rolled up by this force and instantly turned into powder and fly ash, disappearing between heaven and earth - even the powerful sub-primaries Swallow and Yinqiao also disappeared in an instant.

It seemed as if something existed suddenly arrived in Tushita Palace.

Auntie and Tan Qingying looked up at the same time.

This chapter has been completed!
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