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0845, Six Changes of Divine Consciousness

"Is it because I did these things on the Green Continent, accumulated merit, and accidentally hit it, which coincides with the promotion opportunity of the Six Gods Realm?"

Li Xiaofei was thinking while doing exercises to guide the immortal power in his body.

The Five Dragon Realm is the five turns of the dragon in the body's spine.

The Six Divine Realm is the sixth transformation of spiritual consciousness, and then captures and utilizes the rules of the universe.

A strong person in the Six God Realm can open up a small world of rules.

That is, the field.

In his own small realm, he is a god.

Once the opponent falls into it, he will lose more and win less.

To describe it in the language of the Internet on earth, it is to bring the opponent closer to the field that you are familiar with, and then use your rich experience to defeat it.

Li Xiaofei’s desperate situation of reincarnation is a kind of small field. ??

But he grasped it early.

Because he is cheating.

"If you open up your own new field, what kind of field should it be?"

Li Xiaofei refined his consciousness and began to think.

time flies.

His idea gradually took shape.

And as the immortal power rolls and stirs, the spiritual consciousness is also tempered, becoming tougher, deeper, higher level, and more intense.

Spiritual consciousness is like a tentacle to a strong person.

This tentacle can help cultivators better observe the world and their opponents.

The so-called "sweeping of spiritual consciousness" refers to using this kind of "tentacles" to perceive the world.

It is a spiritual touch.

The highest level of this kind of touch is to firstly understand the rules of how the world operates, and secondly to reconstruct the effects of the rules on the world.

Before the Six Gods Realm, the strong men in the universe only understood the rules based on a vague intuition.

The grasp and use of rules are based on this intuition, which is a kind of 'taking advantage of the situation' and a kind of 'going with the flow'.

After reaching the Six God Realm, it is direct recognition, modification, and reconstruction.

There is a world of difference between the two.

Li Xiaofei tempered his consciousness and felt that his mind was getting calmer and calmer.

At the same time, on the green continent below, a steady stream of mysterious power entered his body, allowing him to refine his consciousness faster and faster.

I don't know how long it took.


There was a roar in the brain.

Li Xiaofei's body remained motionless, but a layer of dust seemed to be blown away from his body.

The world suddenly becomes different.

Li Xiaofei opened his eyes.

The eyes are calm.

There were no unusual signs.

But he knew that his consciousness had entered a new level.

Even if he closes his eyes at this moment, he can still 'see' the world around him clearly.

Arouse spiritual consciousness.

The scene before my eyes changes.

Li Xiaofei entered a mysterious world.

It is no longer a construction of appearances.

Rather, it is composed of countless flowing qi.

Objects that are not used emit different qi.

Qi has strength and weakness, and also has its own flow patterns.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the law of Qi flow is one of the laws of the universe.

‘Spiritual consciousness sees Qi’.

This is the Six Divine Realm, the sign of the first transformation of spiritual consciousness.

Li Xiaofei struck while the iron was hot, constantly observing the ubiquitous Qi around him, integrating his consciousness into it, and letting his own Qi coincide with the flow and operation of the Qi of all things.

The next moment, he felt as if he had integrated into this world and became part of the rules of the universe.

This feeling is very wonderful.

It gives people an ecstatic impulse.

But he quickly stopped and continued to blend in.

Because if you continue like this, you will become a Taoist.

You will truly melt your body and become part of the Tao.

Similar to death.

This is also the most dangerous part of Six God Realm cultivation.

There are some strong people who cannot break away from the wonderful feeling of "transformation" during this process. In the end, their bodies turn into nothingness, their spirits turn into rules, their consciousness is annihilated, and they become part of the world.

Li Xiaofei tried to circulate his own Qi and influence the Qi around him.

affect their flow.

Affect their strength and weakness.

This process is quite difficult.

But Li Xiaofei enjoyed it.

And the ‘power of merit’ and ‘power of faith’ continuously replenished from the green continent allowed Li Xiaofei’s consumption to be replenished all the time.

I don’t know how much time passed.


Li Xiaofei's mind

In the middle, another ‘explosion’ occurred.

Divine consciousness was strengthened again.

Second turn.

This time, when Li Xiaofei entered the state of consciousness, in addition to Qi, he could also see wisps of threads.


These lines are located between the Qi.

As Qi continued to flow, Li Xiaofei discovered that the flow of Qi followed these lines.

Line is the route of air flow.

By observing the existence of the line, you can know the direction of air flow in advance.

By ‘seeing’ the line, you can predict the Qi.

The sight of spiritual consciousness is a sign of the second transformation of spiritual consciousness.

The second turn of the Six God Realm.

Li Xiaofei was happy in his heart.

This time I practiced without using the Secret Palace of Time.

But the progress is also very rapid.

He opened his eyes.

"I really didn't expect that you would get something unexpected after sitting on the Virgin for a while this time... Damn it, is this the protagonist's good fortune?"

A rather envious voice came from the side.

It's Brother Chicken.

As early as after the Battle of Tiangu Mountain, Brother Ji left the Green Continent and went outside to inquire for information.

On the one hand, it was because he couldn't stay idle, and he and his two female oiran disciples had lost their enthusiasm, and their wandering footsteps were going to the end of the world without a home.

On the other hand, Li Xiaofei needed to do things that he couldn't spare, such as investigating the power of the Reapers in the starry sky, and the next steps of the Reapers, etc.

So the two of them acted separately.

When Li Xiaofei said wait before, he was just waiting for Liu Shaji.

Now, he is finally here.

"Meet Uncle Master."

Li Yiyun and Gou Dongxi also woke up from practicing meditation and saluted together.

Liu Shaji glanced at the two of them and said, "Old Li, you don't want to take these two novices with you to walk in the stars, do you? They are just two burdens."

Li Yiyun "..."

Gou Dongxi "..."

Only Master is good in the world.

Gill hates uncles and other thieves.

Li Xiaofei said, "They should go out for a walk and take back what they see and hear so that others can know. They should open their eyes to see the world."

Liu Shaji said with regret, "If I had known you would bring two oil bottles with you, I would have brought those two dear apprentices with me, so that I could alleviate the loneliness of the journey."

Li Xiaofei was speechless.

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me the news you heard."

he asked.

Liu Shaji immediately came to talk and said, "This is very interesting to talk about. You must have never imagined that this area is still ruled by the Death Eye clan, and their king was killed by you not long ago.

Death Eyes Delta.”

When Li Xiaofei heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Delta, the Eye of Death, was killed by himself with a blood-drinking sword, and there was absolutely no possibility of his resurrection.

Wei Xiaotian stole the origin of Delta.

He came here.

There is only one possibility.

Now the one who occupies the throne of the Eye of Death clan must be Wei Xiaotian.

This guy, he succeeded.

As a human being and a high-ranking member of the Garden of Eden, he actually became the first person in history to successfully infiltrate the Reapers and become a king in a majestic manner.

"It's time to go meet him."

Li Xiaofei said.

For him, this is definitely great news.

Perhaps many mysteries can be uncovered from this person.

"Do you know where he is?"

Li Xiaofei asked.

"of course I know."

Liu Shaji smiled triumphantly and said, "No need to ask? Brother, don't worry about doing the work."

Li Xiaofei nodded.

He took out two vests made from the skin of the Mother of All Animals and asked Gou Dongxi and Li Yiyun to wear them, so that they could avoid being discovered as human beings.

Then set off.

The Eye of Death Tribe, the third camp.

This is the largest camp set up by Death Eyes, one of the thirty-six wise tribes of the Reapers, during the long-term strategy of conquering space anchor points.

In fact, most of the tribes of the Reapers are wanderers in the stars. They don't care much about their ancestral homeland and often make their base by invading the planets they occupy.

This third camp was completely transformed with just one

Based on the huge planet created, six other small planets were aggregated to create a mobile planet fortress.

There is a fleet stationed outside.

There are countless wild and intelligent troops patrolling the interior.

It is a purely militarized fortress.

Any intruder will be discovered immediately.

For humans, this planetary fortress is more terrifying than the Forbidden City of Death.


"That's how we got in?"

Li Yiyun saw such a scene for the first time and found it unbelievable.

At the beginning, he felt extremely uneasy. ??

Because the aura emitted by any of the patrolling reapers was dozens of times more powerful than him.

Li Yiyun felt that one look from the other party could shock him to death.

But I didn't expect that I and others just took a hitchhiking boat and sneaked in easily.

In particular, the four of them didn't even put on any disguises, they casually passed on each other's uniforms, and then they were able to move around in the fortress with such arrogance.

Gou Dongxi looked at everything around him curiously.

On the way here, he had already obtained a detailed and in-depth understanding of this group of mortal enemies of mankind known as the Reapers through some documents given by Li Xiaofei.

But it turns out to be shallow on paper.

At this time, seeing the horror of this ethnic group with his own eyes, he felt a little bit worried about the current situation and future of mankind in his heart.

He had never seen such a terrifying race.

Strange appearance.

A combination of savagery and intelligence.

He saw that on all the streets inside the fortress, there were many humanoid creatures - even many, judging from their appearance, were simply human beings.

But obviously, that's not true.

Li Xiaofei's face also showed a solemn look.

The number of the Death Eye tribe is greater than previously thought.

Each time it was only a small part of Xiao Kuang's star that invaded.

This military fortress, known as the 'Third Battalion', is a thousand times larger than Chongque City. The outer garrison is mainly composed of Brutal reapers, while the internal defense is composed of Wisdom sects.

The Eye of Death is one of the thirty-six wisdom sects of the Reapers, but it does not mean that all members of this group are wisdom sects.

It also has countless beasts under its command, has unparalleled reproductive capabilities, and is producing offspring all the time.

"Their architecture is similar to humans."

Goudong Creek Road.

In the core planetary area, there are hundreds of large and small cities on the surface.

The architectural styles of these cities obviously imitated human beings, ranging from modern cities to ancient cities.

High-ranking members of the Death Eye tribe also live within it.

As city managers, there are not many of them.

Because even some ancient cities have a high degree of mechanization and intelligence, with a large number of robots or semi-mechanized beasts serving a small number of Eye of Death members.

In the wilderness, there are tens of thousands of wild tribes living in dotted areas. They use mountains, rivers and other natural places as their residences, each occupying one area and entrenching themselves for survival.

Those who can have a place on the core planet are also powerful races among the wild faction.

According to Li Xiaofei's careful observation, he found that every Wild Sect group has at least one beast king in the Six God Realm.

This power also frightened Li Xiaofei.

If it weren't for the fact that the nearby space anchor points and teleportation channels were not high enough so that these beast kings could not teleport there, Xiao Kuangxing would have fallen long ago.

And this is just the surface world.

The core of the Death Eye clan are all in the underground world.

This huge planet has been robbed of all its vitality by them. The core of the earth has been hollowed out and reconstructed with technology and formations.

The palace of Delta, the king of the tribe and the contemporary Eye of Death, is located in the deepest part of the earth.

That is the holy land of the entire Death Eye tribe.

Li Xiaofei and the other four people were able to travel smoothly along the way because they were blessed by the outer clothing of the Mother of All Animals. Even many experts in the Six God Realm could not see through their true identities and arrived outside the palace smoothly.

"You have to find a way to sneak in."

Li Xiaofei looked at the towering palace and thought in his mind that a strong attack was not a good idea. It would be easy to alert the enemy in advance and allow Wei Xiaotian to escape.

Although he had the blood-drinking sword in his hand, Li Xiaofei felt that he was fully capable of attacking.

But it would be best to approach Wei Xiaotian without anyone noticing, and then

Later, he suddenly launched an attack and restrained him.

Li Yiyun and Gou Dongxi had to admit at this time that they seemed to be a burden and could not help at all at this time.

Liu Shaji chuckled, "No, come with me."

With that said, he walked directly towards the palace.

Li Xiaofei's eyelids twitched.

About to stop.

But he saw Lao Liu walking up, greeting the guards at the palace gate skillfully in Reaper language, and then took out something that was like currency and handed it over to them.

Immediately afterwards, Li Xiaofei and others were allowed to enter the palace.

Not to mention Gou Dongxi and Li Xiaofei were shocked.

That's it?

Does this approach work here too?

It's true that money can make a fool of himself.

The palace of the Death Eye family is very grand, with a wide and spacious space, but the decoration is very simple, with a Nordic minimalist style, giving people the impression that Death Eye Delta is a demon king who pays attention to separation.

There are not many patrolling guards in the palace.

After all, within the Reaper clan, the king is the strongest in the clan and does not need to be protected by other weaklings.

Every day, some messengers, businessmen, inventors or challengers came to the palace to deliver messages, present gifts, explain inventions, or challenge the king.

If the merchant's gift is accepted by the king, his status will be improved and commercial activities in this area will be guaranteed.

Inventors also have a high status within the Reaper tribe. Any new discoveries or inventions will be rewarded once they are proven to enhance the strength of the tribe or be beneficial to evolution.

Within the Reaper system, there is a complete set of detailed title system.

Inventors are often promoted and become nobles within their tribe because of a discovery or invention.

According to the ancestral system, the king must be the most powerful person in the entire ethnic group, so if he accepts the challenge of the knight, only the strong one who always wins can sit on the throne.

Of course Liu Shaji came in as a businessman.

During his previous travels and inquiries, he had already understood the operating rules of the Death Eye tribe. He knew these very well, so he could sneak in easily.

Although he often relies on recklessness, Brother Ji is still very reliable as long as he does things seriously.

Soon, we arrived at the inner palace.

Not long after, I was invited into Delta's throne room.

This is a magnificent building.

The interior space of the 100-meter-high hall is extremely empty.

The black dome pillars support the fully covered dome, making the interior of the hall look a little dark. The light is projected from outside the huge 20-meter-high hall door, elongating the shadows of the dome pillars and forming a harp on the ground.

Like plaid.

The air in the hall is a bit cold.

At the end of the light is a dark throne.

Floating in the air.

A vague figure sat on it.

He supported his chin with one arm, tilted his head, raised one foot and stepped on the armrest of the throne, giving people an impression of being arrogant and arrogant.

Li Xiaofei and others walked in and got closer.

He first looked around.

"Don't look, there's no one else."

The figure sitting high on the throne said, "There are only five of us in the entire palace."

He spoke Daxia Mandarin.

Li Xiaofei was suddenly shocked.


The figure on the throne laughed and continued, "I have been waiting for your arrival for a long time, Li Xiaofei, you came a little later than I expected."

Li Xiaofei recognized this person's identity.

He motioned to his two disciples to stand behind him.

Step forward slowly.

Li Xiaofei asked, "Wei Xiaotian?"

"Yeah, long time no see."

The figure on the throne said calmly, "I let you come in easily, but you don't even want to call me gang leader?"

"That's all in the past tense."

Li Xiaofei said calmly, "Do you know why I came and where is he? Hand him over quickly."


Wei Xiaotian laughed dryly and said, "Hall Master Li, it has been such a long time, do you think they are still here with me?"


The blood-drinking sword appears.

The faint light from the sword blade circulated, illuminating the dark hall.

The figure on the throne suddenly became clear.

It was none other than the former leader of the Bombing Star Gang, Wei Xiaotian.

This chapter has been completed!
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