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0891,Several big mysteries

But things in this world are always developing and changing.

One answer cannot always solve all problems.

The evolutionary path of the Iron Clan cannot completely solve the evolutionary path of the entire Reaper family.

When the entire race develops to its ultimate glory, evolutionary problems will inevitably arise. Even if you practice 'Qi' to the extreme, you will not be able to achieve the ultimate goal of evolution.

Evolutionary difficulties arise.

What follows is the pressure of annihilation.

Annihilation monsters breed around the Iron Clan's settlement.

Panic spread.

Finally, the ancestor of the Yingtie Tribe who forced his way through the bottleneck exploded and died.

The Yuntie tribe prospered and then declined.

They struggled for a long time.

But it is no match for the ruthless destruction.

In the end, the whole family died.

After reading the history of the Yuntie Clan, Li Xiaofei couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

Within the Reaper tribe, this is a great group.

Created a super-powerful cultivation civilization.

They almost broke the innate shackles of the Reaper tribe.

We have almost reached the other side.

Unfortunately, it fell short in the end.

At the same time, a question popped up in Li Xiaofei's mind.

"Even the evolutionary path of the Yingtie Clan is blocked. Is it true that the evolution of the Reaper Clan is a dead end?"

Otherwise, for such a long time, he has visited so many evolutionary strongholds and seen the evolution and death history of so many reaper races, but he has not seen even a royal family seeing hope of success.

For the reapers, evolution is like a candle. Although the light is tempting, once they get close, they will be burned by its hot flames and eventually be destroyed completely.

Li Xiaofei continued to observe.

He saw a message.

It is recorded in the literature of the Yuntie Tribe that there was once a group of reapers who found the answer to evolution. They soared out of the Temple of Evolution and reached the legendary other shore, becoming the envy of all ethnic groups.

"It seems that my previous guess was wrong. There is really a group that has successfully evolved."

Li Xiaofei was quite surprised.

But it is a pity that there is no detailed information about this successfully evolved race in the literature records of the Yantie Tribe, and there is no record of the name of this race.

"Is this successful race a lineage of Zhizu?"

"Are the reaper groups outside the Evolution Temple today the ones who will succeed later?"

Li Xiaofei fell into thinking.

Maybe it's possible.

But Li Xiaofei always felt that something was not right.

Then, in some subsequent documentary records, the Yantie tribe mentioned another thing -

Zhizu seems to have found a shortcut that can overcome the problem of evolution.

Countless other races that have not yet found the answer to evolution are trying to follow in Zhizu's footsteps.

The Yuntie Clan also sent out envoys, hoping to get help from Zhizu.

But in the end, there seemed to be a dispute within the Yantie clan.

In the end, we didn’t wait for Zhizu’s arrival


When the Annihilation monster finally arrived like a tide, it completely destroyed this glorious Reaper royal family.


Li Xiaofei didn't understand why.

After reading all the books and documents of the Yuntie Clan, Li Xiaofei had an intuition.

It seems that there is a mysterious force that has abruptly erased a lot of key information from this library.

For example, there is no mention of the statues worshiped by the Yuntie tribe in any of the collection of books and documents.

It's completely blank.

This is very abnormal.

The belief of a race is a top priority at any period in history.

But there is no record at all.

Secondly, regarding the race that successfully evolved to reach the other side, it should have been mentioned in detail, but it was not mentioned in detail, and its detailed records seemed to have been erased.

Finally, there is a shortcut about Zhizu.

It was just a passing glance.

It was not described in detail in the end.

Because of this shortcut, internal disputes broke out among the Yuntie tribe, and they were eventually completely destroyed... Why the dispute?

Li Xiaofei read all the books and documents and fell into thinking.

Along the way, in this evolutionary temple world, all the fortresses encountered were places of death.

One can imagine how much effort and sacrifice the original group of reapers made in order to evolve and reach the other side.

What is the so-called other side of evolution?

Li Xiaofei walked out of the library and stood at the highest point of the central temple, overlooking the entire city.


Such a glorious giant city.

Now it has completely become an empty city of death.

If humans could be moved in...

The moment this idea came up, Li Xiaofei's heart skipped a beat.

Immediately rejected.

This is a place of evolution.

Has the human race evolved successfully?

Even if Li Xiaofei had a sense of racial pride, he would not dare to say that.

If we move in and can't find the final path to evolution, wouldn't it be like the Yuntie Clan, facing the attack of the Annihilation Monster and eventually being completely destroyed?

Looking at the lonely world and smelling the smell of sulfur in the air, Li Xiaofei felt a sense of confusion in his heart.

A year has passed.

But there is still no news about Sikong Xue and her daughter.

This made Li Xiaofei start to reflect.

Is my current method wrong?

Searching blindly may just be a waste of time.

"Now that my strength has improved, I may be able to return to the Ancestral Home Galaxy. Starting from the top of the Reaper clan, it would be best to break into the Ancestral Home and find relevant clues, and then search here again, which will be more efficient."

Li Xiaofei thought


Finally, he made up his mind.

At this time, the undead bone dragon Ao Ying also came closer.

"You stay here."

Li Xiaofei ordered Ao Ying to garrison this huge city and leave coordinate points.

Through the space singularity function, he opened the teleportation door and returned to the port outside the Zuting Galaxy.

Three years have passed since the eldest princess entered the Holy Ruins with great fanfare.

Three years is almost a short period of time for the reapers.

But in the past three years, the Zuting Galaxy has undergone tremendous changes.

The first of these is the rise of the human resistance.

Originally, with the killing of the last commander of the resistance army, the human resistance army had a tendency to become a passing thing.

But I don’t know why, starting a year and a half ago, several strong humans rose up and became new commanders, leading the resistance forces to kill all directions. In just one and a half years, they have occupied the Ancestral Galaxy.

Among the twelve natural planets.

It is said that the five newly emerged commanders in the resistance army are all extremely powerful, and they also hold heavy treasures in their hands, making them invincible.

The ancestral court organized four encirclement and suppression campaigns and dispatched at least twenty-one prince-level experts, but they still lost troops and returned without success.

The rise of the human resistance army stirred up huge waves.

You must know that in the Ancestral Galaxy, the number of humans already accounts for a huge proportion. If the Brutal reapers are excluded and only the wisdom reapers are included, the number is less than one-tenth of the human race.

Once the rebels continue to gain momentum, the raging fire will ignite the entire Ancestral Galaxy, enough to threaten the dominance of the Reaper clan.

Therefore, the progress of the Fifth Encirclement and Suppression War is being discussed everywhere today.

Many Reaper nobles eagerly hope that the ancestral army can quickly defeat the human resistance and completely annihilate them.

Because the human slaves under their command have begun to make moves.

There are tens of thousands of planets in the Ancestral Galaxy, and resistance wars by human slaves have broken out in hundreds of places.

Although most of them were quickly suppressed and wiped out.

But as long as the resistance continues to exist, it will be like a beacon, always attracting the free hearts of human slaves, and always inspiring human slaves to fight to the death.

This day.

Port No. 7, a young guest came.

After passing the customs identity verification, he entered the port and checked into the Travelers Hotel.


Feasting and feasting.

A farewell party for the labor force is in progress.

The nobles at the port rushed to attend to see off the army of the 'Yan Iron Clan' that was about to go to the Karen system to participate in the fifth encirclement and suppression war.

The Yuntie Clan is a glorious family in the Zunting Galaxy.

It is said that his ancestor was the most powerful man who came out of the Evolution Temple, and was highly regarded by his two ancestors. There are now over a hundred Shuangzhu Prince-level powerhouses in the clan, and the patriarch is one of the few peak powerhouses in the Ancestral Galaxy.


> Therefore, the expedition of the Yingtie Clan army has attracted the attention of all parties.

The managers of Port No. 7 and other nobles gathered here rushed to attend the farewell party, hoping to make a deep impression on the nobles of the Yingtie clan, and then board this giant ship and receive a good relationship.

Young people also showed up at the party.

"It's really a branch of the Yuntie tribe in the Evolution Temple."

The young man is none other than Li Xiaofei.

After he teleported out of the Evolution Temple, he began to understand the changes in the Ancestral Galaxy.

Then I learned about the rise of the human resistance.

He knew that the so-called five commanders must be Zhu Zhixun and other scapegoat five.

Li Xiaofei was also surprised that Liu Shaji, a pretender, had not become famous.

Is Brother Chicken so low-key and smart now?

Hiding behind the scenes and being the mastermind?

He decided to go to the planet occupied by the rebels and join them.

Passing by Port No. 7, we happened to encounter the Jintie Clan's encirclement and suppression army.

This made Li Xiaofei a little curious. Are this Yuntie tribe the same tribe as the Yuntie tribe he saw in the world of the Evolution Temple?

That's why I sneaked into the party.

When I saw the results, I couldn't help but be surprised.

They are really the same race.

The appearance and physical characteristics are exactly the same.

"It is recorded in the library documents that there were disputes and divisions within the Yingtie tribe over whether to follow Zhizu's footsteps and take shortcuts. Now it seems that some of the Yingtie tribe members who decided to stick to the tradition died in the Evolution Temple.

In the end, those who followed Zhizu and took the shortcut came to the Zuting Galaxy and continued the glory of the Pingtie Clan."

Li Xiaofei thought about it for a moment and understood the reason.

However, what surprised him was that although the physical features of the high-level powerful men of the Yingtie Tribe in front of him were similar to those of their ancestors in the Evolution Temple, their cultivation and aura were completely different.

They no longer practice 'anger'.

There is no inner strength in their bodies.

Instead, like other reaper groups, they fight purely by relying on their powerful body, reaction speed and physical strength.

As for the innate supernatural powers, we can’t tell yet.

So, these iron tribes have degenerated?

Li Xiaofei rubbed his eyebrows.

This is an interesting discovery.

The occurrence of this change should be related to Zhizu's so-called shortcut.

The farewell party continues.

The Yantie tribe's army participating in the encirclement and suppression war this time only numbered ten thousand, and the leading general was a powerful man at the level of Prince Sanzhu.

Three Princes, equivalent to a 10th level reaper.

It is a genuine upper sequence.

In addition, there are ten Shuangzhu Prince level experts accompanying the army.

This is a force that cannot be ignored.

Looking at the three-beaded prince held in the middle like a star over the moon, an interesting idea suddenly came to Li Xiaofei's mind.

This chapter has been completed!
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