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Chapter 46: Mrs. Leng's Intentions

Madam Zheng withdrew her gaze calmly.

The reason why a noble son from a poor family of the Li family failed in the capital has a lot to do with this family.

Which of the words of our ancestors were said in vain?

A house that accumulates good deeds will always be happy, and a house that accumulates bad deeds will always have disaster.

On the contrary, the girl from the Fang family was pitiful. She became a widow after only a hundred days as a bride. She was plotted against by her husband's family over and over again. She had a bad life and was pitiful.

Of course, this is where the Blessed Family is. Fang Qingshi is quite capable, but the Li family is blind and stupid as a pig, so there is no clue at all. If it were anyone else, even Fang Qingshi

How can he be so watertight even if he deliberately conceals it?

Mrs. Leng glanced at her master and said softly: "Old madam, the Li family really has no expression."

"It doesn't matter." Mrs. Zheng said.

Mrs. Leng rolled her eyes, but did not express her thoughts. She was no less eager to see Fang Qingshi than Mrs. Zheng.

The carriage arrived outside Fang Qingshi's door. Zheng Fu jumped out of the carriage. Mrs. Leng put down the stool and helped Mrs. Zheng get out of the carriage.

"Miss Fang, are you at home?" Zheng Fu lightly knocked on the door and asked in a loud voice.

Mrs. Zheng was quite surprised. Fang Qingshi's courtyard was very small and had nothing to do with his style. However, the gate and courtyard walls were tall and large. At first glance, he seemed to be a man with a clear mind.

The door creaked open a crack, and Zhou Ling stuck her head out and asked sharply: "Where did this noble man come from?"

Zheng Fu smiled kindly: "Little girl, the old lady of the Zheng family in Luwu County has come to meet your girl."

"Then please wait a moment." Zhou Ling glanced at Mrs. Zheng and Mrs. Leng, gently closed the door and ran into the house to deliver the message.

Fang Qingshi saw Zhou Ling running over from the window, raised the corners of her lips and shook her head slightly.

"Miss, there are people from the Zheng family in Luwu County coming outside. The old lady brought a wife and a driver, saying they want to see you." Zhou Ling said.

Fang Qingshi put down the book in his hand and stood up: "Remember from now on, don't run around unless it's an important matter. If you fall into the eyes of a wealthy family, this means our family has no rules."

Zhou Ling nodded: "Yes, girl."

Fang Qingshi raised her eyebrows and looked at Zhou Ling: "Okay, from now on I will call you girl both externally and internally. It sounds better."

"My slave thinks so too," Zhou Ling said with a smile.

Opening the door, Fang Qingshi came over quickly and said, "I apologize to the old lady. Qingshi has a filial piety and doesn't dare to come to the door for fear of being rude."

"Miss Fang is very considerate. I'm here in person." Mrs. Zheng came over and held Fang Qingshi's hand warmly: "This little courtyard is really neat and tidy. You can tell at a young age that you can live a good life."

Good player."

Fang Qingshi accompanied Mrs. Zheng inside. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "The brothers from the escort agency took care of it."

Later, Mrs. Leng's face lit up with joy. She looked at Fang Qingshi's walking posture and confirmed that she was probably going to find the treasure.

After entering the house and taking a seat, Wang Ying took Zhou Ling to the kitchen to heat hot water. There was no tea at home, but there was sugar, so she prepared two bowls of sugar water for the guests.

Mrs. Zheng watched the two little girls come in carrying pottery bowls. Although their postures were not very standard, they were very polite in hospitality. This Fang Qingshi was not low-spirited, and there were people around her to help her.

After the two little girls exited, Fang Qingshi asked: "The old lady took the trouble to make this trip. It seems that I am lucky."

"You kid can talk, and listening to it makes people feel happy." Mrs. Zheng picked up the bowl and took a sip of the sweet water. She raised her eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: "This is the beginning of spring farming, and the people need food seeds.

, Our Luwu County had a bumper harvest last year, and if we want to sell the surplus grain, we have to choose a good place."

These words stirred Fang Qingshi's heart, because she remembered very clearly that floods were raging in the late summer and early autumn this year, and the farmland was most likely affected by the disaster, and there would be famine in the next two years.

"Speaking of which, this luck path was not given to Miss Fang by the Zheng family. Only Miss Fang can walk on the road to Qingwa Village. The Zheng family has some grain in hand and wants to transport it to Jinghe Prefecture. Can this business be accepted?"

The old lady noticed that Fang Qingshi had been acting agitated just now, so she asked tentatively.

Fang Qingshi nodded: "I can pick it up. When does Mrs. Zheng plan to send it over?"

"Spring plowing is about grabbing time for farming, the earlier the better. If you can leave tomorrow, do it tomorrow, and if you can leave the day after, do it the day after tomorrow. Go early instead of late, and you don't have to send it elsewhere. Just send it to the Yamen of Jinghe Prefecture," Mrs. Zheng said.


Fang Qingshi looked at the sky outside: "Maybe tomorrow, but the escort agency has not purchased many carriages and horses so far, so I'm afraid our luck will be limited."

Mrs. Zheng lowered her eyes: "For this transaction, the Zheng family will provide carriages and horses. It is not difficult for Miss Fang to get carriages and horses. Later, the Zheng family can help. As for the remuneration, the people below will go back to the escort agency to discuss."

"You are very considerate." Fang Qingshi took the box from the side and pushed it in front of Mrs. Zheng: "I originally prepared the gift for the last visit, but something suddenly happened at home and delayed it. It's not a rare thing, just some lavender clothes.

The spices, old lady, don’t dislike them.”

Mrs. Zheng became interested: "Miss Fang can actually make perfume?"

"To be honest, my brother has learned the medical skills passed down from our ancestors, and my younger sister and I have learned herbal medicine and have a basic understanding of it," Fang Qingshi said.

Mrs. Zheng didn't ask much. The shop that Fang Qingshi bought is still empty. Sure enough, this girl is not simple. I'm afraid this spice is a stepping stone.

A smart person cannot explain everything clearly.

After the things that needed to be done were done, Mrs. Zheng stood up and left. Outside, Zheng Fu and Mrs. Leng took down the gifts they had brought from the carriage. Although they were not expensive, things like rice, flour, grains and oils were worth a lot to Fang Qingshi.

But it is a good thing that is needed right now.

After a few words of refusal, I accepted.

After seeing Mrs. Zheng off, Fang Qingshi left Wang Ying alone at home. She just went out with a basket and went to Zhou Dalang's house to arrange the delivery of grain and seeds.

Here, Mrs. Zheng opened the box on the carriage and said twice: "This girl is really hard to see through."

"Old Madam." Mrs. Leng knelt down.

Mrs. Zheng frowned: "How big of a deal is this? Are you still kneeling down?"

"Don't dare to speak until you kneel down." Mrs. Leng raised her head and looked at Mrs. Zheng pitifully: "I would like to ask the old lady to help with the matchmaking. Changqing is eighteen years old and wants to ask Miss Fang to be his wife."

Mrs. Zheng was obviously stunned for a moment when she heard this.

Mrs. Leng's family has been with the Zheng family for three generations. They were released last year and their slave status was cancelled.

It stands to reason that Chang Qing's child looks upright, hard-working and capable, and the recipe of Qing Shi is very good, but I am not blind, and I feel that I am not an ordinary person who can marry into this family.

After thinking for a while, she said: "Miss Fang's husband died not long ago. Moreover, Changqing needs to find a good-looking girl to marry. No matter how young and beautiful she is, Miss Fang is also a second marriage."

"Old madam, I've looked at it carefully, Miss Fang is still in perfect condition," said Mrs. Leng.

Now, Mrs. Zheng was even more surprised. She had an old man under her control, and she knew what kind of skills he had.

Ha! This is interesting!

The old Li family has married a daughter-in-law and doesn't want to spread the branches and continue the family line. What kind of monster are they doing?

This chapter has been completed!
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