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Chapter 139: Take the initiative to send it to the door

The Jiangnan Yuan Army decided to launch an offensive. In terms of time, they probably followed Tuotuo's order. After all, the allocation of grain and grass, the requisition of civilians, the battle plan, and the mobilization of soldiers... this whole set would be impossible in less than a month or two.


Even if it takes three to five months, it is normal.

It is very likely that when Tuotuo went south, he urged the Jiangnan Yuan Army to cooperate. It has been until today that Tuotuo was captured, and the Jiangnan Yuan Army took action.

"Tuotuo, Tuotuo! The Yuan Dynasty has treated you like this, why are you still trying to extend Yuan Ting's life?"

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed deeply and slapped the table, his anger rising straight to the top of his head.

Zhang Shicheng has been defeated and is hiding in Gaoyou. There is no way he can hold out for a few months this time. It will take at least ten or eight days to get in. Zhang Shicheng will definitely lose!

As long as Zhang Shicheng is dealt with, hundreds of thousands of defeated troops from the Yuan Dynasty can be collected, and the entire Lianghuai River can be occupied, which will be just around the corner.

Once you have the land of the Huaihe River and the Huaihe River, you can go down to the south of the Yangtze River and take Shandong at your fingertips.

The destruction of the Yuan Dynasty is just around the corner.

It can be said that the future is bright, most of the thrones are beckoning, and reaching the peak of life is right in front of you.

But if this opportunity is missed, Zhang Shicheng will come back to life, recruit surrenders and rebels, and expand his strength, and sooner or later he will become a powerful enemy.

Zhu Yuanzhang naturally understood the principle of not killing someone but turning him into a enemy.

Therefore, it would be of great benefit to kill Zhang Shicheng in one go.

Abandoning Gaoyou and rescuing Hezhou was a missed opportunity with huge consequences!

How to choose?

One of the biggest problems fell on Zhu Yuanzhang's shoulders again.

"Sir, can you say no again and let's see what we do? Can we get the best of both worlds?"

Zhang Ximeng frowned deeply, "My lord, the Jiangnan Yuan Army has dispatched 100,000 people, and the Yangtze River Navy is cooperating. Even if their fighting spirit is not strong, we have to divide 15,000 people, preferably 20,000 people, to be sure.

.Yangzhou has just been taken, and at least 10,000 people are needed to hold it down. Gaoyou has been besieged by 400,000 people. If we want to re-siege Gaoyou, we still need 50,000 people, including 20,000 veterans... In addition, there are dozens of Yuan troops.

Thousands of people were scattered. Sizhou, Tianchang, Liuhe, Chuzhou, these places cannot be defended without thousands of elites combined with tens of thousands of militiamen."

At this point in the calculation, Zhang Ximeng could no longer say anything. There were still too few Zhu Jiajun. No matter what, there was no way to take care of both. He wanted them all, but they all came to nothing.

So a decision must be made.

Chuzhou and other places are fundamental and nothing can happen to them.

Yangzhou has already eaten it and cannot spit it out.

Gaoyou or Hezhou, which one should I choose?

"Which one do you think it should be, sir?"

Zhang Ximeng smiled sadly, "To be honest, I don't know."


"Because Hezhou fell into our hands for several months and worked hard, we have reached the current situation. As long as the summer grain harvest is completed by May and June this year, Hezhou will be alive and will become a foundation place comparable to Chuzhou. No matter what,

, we shouldn’t give up. But then again, hundreds of thousands of Yuan court troops were defeated, Zhang Shicheng, the future enemy, and the interests of salt, in any case, are much greater than Hezhou..." Zhang Ximeng sighed helplessly.

, "Lord, if I am to be scolded, this decision can only be made by you. I am only responsible for carrying the fruits of your lord's careful consideration. I, I am just a humble public instrument!"

Zhang Ximeng lowered his head silently. In fact, after getting along for more than two years, Zhang Ximeng has realized his flaws more than once...

Taking the situation at hand as an example, what should we choose?

It is said that the lesser of two evils and the greater of two benefits... In fact, this is a correct nonsense. If you can distinguish the greater from the greater, is there any need to worry about it?

Moreover, in the face of this problem, the experience of time travel cannot help Zhang Ximeng make correct judgments. On the contrary, it will interfere with Zhang Ximeng, which is why he cannot give final suggestions.

The truth is not complicated... because history told Zhang Ximeng that the Jiangnan Yuan Army was vulnerable. History told him that although Zhang Shicheng had many problems, he was definitely not someone to be trifled with. With such a good opportunity, no matter how much it cost, only give him the chance to eliminate Zhang Shicheng as soon as possible.


According to these two items, Zhang Ximeng will most likely choose to continue to deal with Zhang Shicheng, and let the Yuan army attack Hezhou. After Zhang Shicheng is dealt with, he will turn back to deal with the Yuan army. As for what the situation will be like at that time, he cannot predict.

From a perspective of pros and cons, this seems to be the case.

But don’t forget, reality is always an extremely complex chaos.

After the Zhu Jiajun captured Hezhou, they built beacon towers along the river, built water conservancy projects, and did many things. In order to support the project, they borrowed a lot of grain from the grain bank, and Zhu Yuanzhang also allocated a lot of materials from the warehouse in Chuzhou.

The current situation is that Hezhou has a bumper summer grain harvest, the grain has been paid and taxes are paid normally, the grain bank can recover the loan, and there is still a small profit.

After paying the land tax, the people of Hezhou also had enough food.

Zhu Jiajun's financial situation will also be greatly improved. In short, it's good for you, good for me and good for everyone, so all the problems can be solved easily.

But, but!

Once Hezhou was destroyed by the Yuan army, there would be no way to harvest on time, no way to fill the holes in the food bank, and hundreds of thousands of people would be without food.

After suffering huge losses in their interests, are the people of Chuzhou still willing to fanatically support Zhu Yuanzhang and the Zhu Jiajun?

It seems that the interests here are great, but after careful analysis, this may not be the case.

It seems that there is not much to do there, but if it is involved, it will be a stormy sea, enough to break one's body to pieces.

This is the situation. You want Zhang Ximeng to explain clearly what the situation is. He really doesn't have the ability.

The two sat across from each other, and a full quarter of an hour passed. Lao Zhu suddenly hit his forehead with his hand and said with a big smile: "Sir, actually we have made a decision, don't you think so?"

Zhang Ximeng immediately cheered up and said immediately: "My Lord, has decided to save... Hezhou?"

At this moment, Zhang Ximeng's heart was in his throat. No matter what the situation, like-minded people can always resonate. Common values ​​can even transcend blood ties and family ties, surpassing everything else!

At this moment, it is a test to see whether Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhang Ximeng can be connected and trust each other!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled, stretched out his big hand, and patted Zhang Ximeng's shoulder. At this moment, both of them felt a great sense of happiness. Boya Ziqi, high mountains and flowing water.

Liu Xianzhu met Kong Ming in Longzhong, and Fu Tianwang Ba Shang met Wang Meng.

A wise king and a wise minister are stories that will be told throughout the ages.

"Sir, we must not forget our original aspirations. When we were in Linhuai, we made it clear that we must strengthen the army and save the people. Now hundreds of thousands of people in Hezhou are relying on us, but for the sake of our ambition to dominate, we ignore the lives and deaths of the people, even if

What can we do if we defeat Zhang Shicheng? He is just the second Yuan Ting who does not care about the life and death of the people!"

After Zhu Yuanzhang said these words, he stood up, shook his armor, and said to Zhang Ximeng: "Sir, we are leaving now. Everything in Gaoyou and Yangzhou must be finished by you. No matter how it is done,

We all believe sir!"

Zhang Ximeng also stood up, facing Zhu Yuanzhang's gaze, his hands trembling slightly.

Even though he had analyzed so much and had made up his mind, he was still upset about letting Zhang Shicheng go!

"Never forget your original intention" is easy to say, but how difficult is it to do?

Perhaps only people like Zhu Yuanzhang can adhere to it all the time!

"Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely handle these matters properly. My lord, just feel free to lead the troops. After I have taken care of it, I will also go to assist your lord. We will win this battle!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded with satisfaction, he could rest assured.

Immediately, Lao Zhu turned his head and walked outside.

Right at the entrance of the tent, a burly black-faced man was kneeling there, tears welling up in his eyes.

This person is none other than Hu Dahai.

"The superior position, the humble position, the humble position, on behalf of the people of the state, thank the superior for the grace of survival!"

Bang bang bang!

Hu Dahai banged his head on the ground, trembling with excitement.

Zhang Ximeng came in a hurry, and there was a crisis in Hezhou, which could not be concealed.

In Lao Zhu's army, although the main generals were from Haozhou and other places, more than 20% of the soldiers were from Hezhou.

If Zhu Yuanzhang ignores Hezhou and continues to use troops against Gaoyou, these people may not rebel, but there is no doubt that a deep thorn will be planted in their hearts that they will never be able to pull out!

I would like to ask how come the Yuan Dynasty's hundreds of thousands of troops collapsed just because they dismissed Tuo Tuo?

Where is military discipline?

Are there no ministers or generals who care about the life and death of the Yuan Dynasty?

No more, really no more!

Under the helpless kings and powerful ministers, under the bloody massacres, in front of the bloody examples... that little bit of cohesion has long since disappeared, and it is all maintained by one person, Tuotuo.

Compared with them, Jiangsu is so unbreakable.

Therefore, as soon as Tuotuo was gone, the army of hundreds of thousands immediately collapsed.

For the same reason, Zhu Yuanzhang did not abandon the people of Hezhou, and the soldiers of Hezhou were willing to die for Zhu Yuanzhang! There are too many similar examples, so Zhu Yuanzhang's soldiers and horses became stronger and stronger as they fought. If they could not be defeated, they could not be defeated, and finally they could sweep the world.

, to become the king of troubled times.

After understanding this truth, we also understand why Zhu Yuanzhang dared to eradicate any illegal nobles. No matter how great their credit is or how many old subordinates they have, as long as they corrupt the national code, they have no ability to resist in the face of Zhu Yuanzhang's butcher knife, and can only surrender obediently.


It's not that these people don't want to cause trouble, but Zhu Yuanzhang has unparalleled prestige in the military and among the people. His power comes from the imperial edict of each family!

After all, for thousands of years, there have been too few emperors who can be sincerely good to the people, and Zhu Yuanzhang is the leader!

"Hu Dahai, you came here to eavesdrop on the military situation and broke military discipline. I will punish you with thirty lashes. After you save Hezhou, you will come back to receive the punishment. Now you immediately mobilize your subordinates, act as a vanguard, and send troops to rescue Hezhou!"

Hu Dahai hurriedly agreed, grinning widely.

"If I can save Mr. Hezhou, I will be willing to die!"

After speaking, Hu Dahai turned around and went down, mobilized his troops and set off quickly.

Zhu Yuanzhang followed closely behind. Xu Da, Hua Yun, Fei Ju, and Wu Zhen, who were able to fight, all left with Lao Zhu. There were not many people left for Zhang Ximeng.

Tang He was still stationed in Yangzhou, and only Feng Guoyong was left beside Zhang Ximeng.

Fortunately, this man is well-known for being both civil and military, and Zhang Ximeng is the most compatible with him.

"It's so benevolent and courageous that I went to save Hezhou! I was able to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of people here and still have Gaoyou City at my fingertips. I am truly worthy of being the hero of the world! We did not follow the wrong person!" Feng Guoyong said with great emotion.

If there is no difficult choice, everyone knows how to choose, what's the big deal?

Zhu Yuanzhang's behavior really won the respect of everyone.

But now there is a problem, just retreat and give up such a huge benefit to Zhang Shicheng?

That would be too cheap for him.

"I was wondering if I could squeeze some oil out of Zhang Shicheng?" Zhang Ximeng said thoughtfully.

Feng Guoyong nodded immediately, showing great interest.

"Mr. Zhang, this Zhang Shicheng is extremely fat. Not to mention anything else, the salt alone is immeasurable!"

Zhang Ximeng was convinced that no one could tell how beneficial the salt from the Lianghuai River was. In normal years, the Yuan Dynasty produced 950,000 salt from the Lianghuai River every year. Maybe everyone has no idea about this number. Once the salt is imported,

The Yuan Dynasty converted Zhongtong banknotes to 150 guan... while the Lianghuai banknotes had nearly one million qian!

This is evident from the great benefits of salt.

This was before the Red Turban Uprising, and it didn’t include private gossip!

After all, Zhang Shicheng is a private salt dealer, and he knows better than anyone how to make a fortune from private salt.

Regardless of the current war, no matter what time it is, as long as the people do not die, their food intake and salt consumption will not decrease at all.

Why did Zhang Shicheng fight with Zhu Yuanzhang for so many years in history? His biggest reliance was huge profits from salt!

At this time, Zhang Ximeng planned to tear off a piece of fat from Zhang Shicheng's hand.

"Sir, there is a man named Shi Naian who came down from the city and asked to see the superior!"

Zhang Ximeng's eyes lit up, he was just a bad coder, he came here to beg for food...

This chapter has been completed!
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