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Chapter 651 I am a loyal minister of Ming Dynasty!

How many corrupt officials are there?

Ru Taisu thought seriously for a long time and finally slowly extended a thumb.

Zhu Di was shocked, "Just one? Are you lying to me?"

Ru Taisu smiled helplessly, "Your Highness, King Yan, I can only promise that I will not be greedy or possessive, and that I am innocent. As for the others, I don't know!"


Zhu Di was completely dumbfounded. What do you mean?

Are there corrupt officials everywhere in Peiping?

Isn’t that too scary?

This is the Ming Dynasty!

The Ming Dynasty was founded less than ten years ago!

"Ru Taisu, are you not lying?"

Ru Taisu said sternly: "I was saved by the prince and survived by chance. During these times, I have been secretly investigating. If I say anything that is not true, thunder will naturally strike me!"

Zhu Di looked at this scholar with raging beard and had no choice but to believe what he said.

"I asked you to investigate, can you uncover all the corrupt officials?"

Ru Taisu gritted his teeth and said, "Of course you can, but I'm just afraid that King Yan won't be able to bear it!"

When Zhu Di heard this, it was a joke!

"I am King Yan of the Ming Dynasty. I stay in Peiping and act under the king's orders. Anyone who dares to stop me will be killed without mercy!"

Ru Taisu was startled for a moment and bowed deeply, "Since King Yan is so sure that the subordinate officials will die, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

Ru Taisu turned around suddenly and said to the soldiers: "Let's go, let me catch the corrupt officials!"

Five hundred soldiers, following Ru Taisu, rushed towards Beiping City... Ever since Zhu Di went north, countless pairs of eyes have been staring at him. When this boy started to make trouble, the gods behind him could not remain indifferent.

"Your Highness, this Ru Taisu was arranged by you, right?" Zhang Ximeng said with a smile.

Zhu Biao nodded, "Sir, although Ru Taisu is a little pedantic and likes to show off his words, he is still an upright person. He hates evil as much as he hates it. He is happy with poverty and is quite chivalrous. After he went to Peking, he continued to report and impeach, which caused a lot of trouble.

People. Some people complained in front of me, but I suppressed them."

Zhang Ximeng nodded, "Your Highness is right to do this. Ru Taisu is indeed a magic weapon. Used at critical moments, it can indeed clarify Yu Nei and convince Xiao Xiao. This move is brilliant!"

Zhu Biao felt slightly comforted, but then he said with concern: "Sir, I really can't figure out why those officials didn't want to repay the favor they received from the emperor, and actually took bribes and perverted the law. Do they really think that the Ming Dynasty's royal laws are child's play?

?Looking at the news coming from Peiping, I'm afraid that not only the Chief Envoy Division, but also the other two divisions are also involved. Especially Qian Yongren and others. They have already been punished by their father and cannot learn from it.

They try to keep themselves clean, but they are implicated again. What are these people thinking?"

Zhang Ximeng sighed and looked a little helpless. If he could learn a lesson, things in the world wouldn't be so troublesome.

"Your Highness, your Highness must know something about the backgrounds of the officials in Beiping these years, right?"

Zhu Biao nodded, with awe in his heart. When the Ming army regained most of the capital, they captured many Yuan court officials. In order to maintain order, many Yuan court officials were retained. This group of people accounted for about one-third.

Later, many officials were assigned to Peiping to enrich the place. These people were forced to come, and it goes without saying how many corrupt officials there were among them.

These people gathered together, hoping that they could change their ways and focus on national affairs from then on.

It’s really hard to force someone to do it.

And there is another troublesome thing here. Peiping and the grassland are closely connected. The front line of the Great Wall is not blocked at all. There are only a few beacon towers. Normal personnel exchanges are not difficult.

There is another question that Zhang Ximeng is not willing to talk about.

After almost five hundred years of estrangement, the people of Peiping and the remnants of the Northern Yuan Dynasty are probably still more connected than those of the Ming Dynasty. At least those Mongolian, Jurchen, and Khitan remnants are thinking of their old master and thinking of being domineering.

There is nothing difficult to understand about life.

To expect that the Ming Dynasty's rule in a few years can make up for the separation of hundreds of years is to overestimate the Ming Dynasty's ability.

"Nowadays, the officials in Peiping are still divided into three parts. One part is the old officials of the Yuan Dynasty, one part is sent by the father, and the other part is those who have recently passed the assessment and were recruited locally. There are no problems with these people.

Xiao, the old officials of the Yuan Dynasty have not changed their bad habits, they are still corrupt and bending the law, and they are doing whatever they want. Those who were assigned to the past are resentful and feel that they have suffered a loss after leaving Yingtian, so they rack their brains, take bribes and bend the law to make up for the losses. As for those recruited locally

, those who can read and write are mostly those who benefited from the Yuan Dynasty, and they were also alienated from the imperial court. When the disciples were in Peking, they invited famous Confucians to give lectures several times, and offered sacrifices to Yan and Huang to eliminate Hu Feng. But now

It seems that the effect is very little and it has not restored people's hearts. I am really ashamed."

Zhu Biao's voice was low and he was emotionally depressed. It can be said that he failed to completely solve the problems in Peiping and left a lot of troubles. He was very sorry.

But Zhang Ximeng doesn't think so. Some things really need the right time and the right people to solve them just right. Zhu Biao has tried his best and cannot be demanding.

"Your Highness is the crown prince. If you deal with any party rashly, it will cause local turmoil. Some people may even doubt the imperial government's national policy, spread rumors, and shake people's hearts. Things in Peiping are still based on the use of troops. We must first deal with the remnants of the Beiyuan army.

Only by eliminating external threats can we rectify the situation internally, otherwise internal and external collusion will lead to endless troubles!"

Zhu Biao cheered up and said hurriedly: "Sir, you hit the nail on the head. I did think so, so I first deployed troops against Liaodong. I thought that I would first defeat the remnant troops of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, regain Liaodong, and eliminate external threats, and then I could concentrate on internal affairs.

If the fourth brother goes over at this time, with his character, he will definitely cause a huge stir and expose many problems, so it is only natural that we take the opportunity to rectify it."

Zhu Biao finally expressed his idea. In fact, this plan was very Zhang Ximeng's style.

After regaining the capital, the most important thing was military.

We must concentrate our efforts to deal with the threat from the remnants of the Yuan army.

Recover Shanxi, attack Xanadu, and finally capture Liaodong... In this way, an obvious isolation belt can be established to completely separate Peking and the remaining forces of the Yuan Dynasty.

After dealing with the outside, you can then focus on the inside.

But overall, there were two things Zhu Biao didn't expect.

First, he did not expect that Zhu Wenzheng and Li Wenzhong would be so quick. It only took more than a month to wipe out the Yuan Dynasty's influence in Liaodong. There was no delay, and there was no collusion between inside and outside.


Secondly, he did not expect that not long after Zhu Di arrived in Peiping, he first won a "big victory", and then immediately launched a prison and began to arrest Peking officials on a large scale.

This thing became very interesting. Without the blessing of military merit, Zhu Di would just be a naughty kid messing around. It's hard to say how big the movement would be. Zhu Biao felt that he could control it freely.

But after Zhu Di was assigned a share of military merit, when he dealt with corrupt officials, it would not be a naughty child's nonsense, but a far-sighted and clever method.

Although even Zhu Di may not know exactly what he is planning or thinking about, I guarantee that someone will help him figure it out.

However, in Zhang Ximeng's view, these problems are not big, and it can even be said that these accidents are good things.

The question now is how much trouble these people in Peiping have caused?

To what extent will this case be involved, and how should we clean up the mess...

Zhang Ximeng was thinking about these things, and Zhu Biao was also thinking about it. He ran to Zhu Yuanzhang every day, always paying attention to the news from Peiping.

But what surprised Zhu Biao first was not the news from Peiping, but the news from Liaoyang.

The person who sent the letter was Li Wenzhong. When he counted the seizures, he found that a batch of grain from the Ming Dynasty had actually flowed into the hands of the Yuan army, amounting to more than 100,000 shi.

Stealing and selling military rations!

Seeing this, Zhu Yuanzhang was already furious and filled with righteous indignation. Looking at the news coming from Peiping, there was a huge shortage of food. Anyone who is not a fool would know what happened.

"Okay, that's great! You dare to cheat your enemies! This is no longer an ordinary corrupt official!"

Lao Zhu was furious and immediately shouted: "Call Mao Xiang over!"

Not long after, Mao Xiang, the commander of the Jin Yiwei, came in a hurry. Zhu Yuanzhang said directly: "You set off immediately, go to Peking, take over this case, and take those corrupt officials into custody. We will personally stand trial!"

Mao Xiang immediately accepted the order, and the embroidered spring sword was unsheathed again.

In the following days, more and more news came, and gradually, the entire Ming court was frightened by what happened in Peiping.

What is unscrupulous and daring? Compared with them, Lu Zhongheng, Tang Shengzong and others are simply good babies.

Zhu Wenzheng and Li Wenzhong sent ten boxes of correspondence.

After unfolding it, there were actually letters from many powerful people in Peiping, even merchants from Datong, and the Yuan army in Liaodong. They informed the Yuan army about the strength of the Ming Dynasty, the arrangements of the generals, and the provisions and weapons.

Some people even begged, hoping that Wang Shi could organize his army and attack Beiping as soon as possible, save the people from the fire and drive away the red thieves... Obviously, in their eyes, the Ming Dynasty was still not as orthodox as the Yuan Dynasty.

It's just that they are powerful. There are also some officials here, which look particularly ironic.

What is especially shocking is that this group of people actually prepared a plan, which was to raid the Gongde Camp, rescue the Iron Pot Emperor, send him to Helin, re-enthrone himself as emperor, and order the Mongolian tribes to regain Peiping.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this. Their imaginations are really rich!

You too look down on the Ming Dynasty’s ability.

According to their plan, they only needed 200 martyrs to successfully support the Yuan Dynasty.

When the news spread to the Gongde camp, Iron Pot, his son, Prime Minister Qingtong and others felt not joy, but the earth was shattering and the earth was falling apart, an unprovoked disaster!

"It's unjust, it's really unjust! How can we have the intention to rebel against the Ming Dynasty! It's all those people who are daydreaming, and innocent people are being harmed!"

Mao Xiang snorted coldly: "Whether the innocent is innocent or not, you don't have the final say! Now that the matter is over, we can only escort them all to Yingtian! By the way, Tamerlane first, you can't escape the blame, take them away together, and hand them over to Yingtian."

Your Majesty is disappointed!"

First, Timur was shocked. I am a loyal minister of the Ming Dynasty!

Who wants to save the iron pot, but it’s not my turn?

But it's a pity that Mao Xiang didn't listen to his explanation and sent him directly to Yingtian...

This chapter has been completed!
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