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Chapter 862 Zhang Taishi is my uncle

Zhang Dong led his troops south, and among his troops there was a young man named Zhang Yu. His experience was quite special. Some said that his ancestors defected to Mongolia, while others said that he was kidnapped.

, charged into the army.

Anyway, he was taken as a prisoner.

During the Battle of Lingbei, Zhang Yu fell to the Ming Dynasty. Logically speaking, a person like him should be sent to work in a factory in Peiping, and it would take at least five years before he could come out.

But soon Zhang Yu left the logging camp, and then moved to Yingtian. Then as if he felt a call from somewhere, he followed Zhang Dong, and they went south to Annan together.

When he met Zhang Yu, Zhang Dong immediately laughed.

He has found a treasure. This Zhang Yu can write and count, and his martial arts are quite good. His archery skills are extremely high, and he can be said to be one to ten warriors.

"Very good, great. From now on, we will be half-brothers! This time we go to Annan, we will definitely accomplish great things and achieve great things! It turns out that I don't like the Port of Busan, so let's find a good place this time

, also build a country and have the final say!”

Zhang Dong is in high spirits. After Gao Li's performance, he now feels better.

The difference between countries is sometimes greater than that between people... For example, on a test paper, he may get a zero score, and someone in the same class may get a perfect score, but there is a difference of 100 points.

But if you look at a few countries sitting here, like the Ming Dynasty, they can barely score 80 points, no more, but some countries can definitely score minus 80 points, and the difference is only 160 points.

Totally unreasonable.

Regardless of the fact that there are only a few hundred of them, even if there are only a few dozen of them, as long as they are brave, careful, clever and seize the opportunity, they can accomplish great things that others dare not think of.

Zhang Dong is very confident in this point. Unlike Zhang Dong, Zhang Yu is a complete activist. He only carefully wipes the strong bow in his hand.

He relied on this bow to kill a fierce tiger. Yes, although Zhang Yu did not have the ability to kill a tiger with his bare hands, he was definitely not a waste with a shovel.

It was because of this tiger skin that Zhang Yu left the lumber camp early. It was the owner of the lumber camp who instructed him to defect to the south and not waste his good skills.

Then he took a boat south, and the sailors on the boat told him about overseas affairs.

Only then did Zhang Yu know that according to the current rules of the Ming army, if you want to join the army, you must not only rely on martial arts, but also need to be read and literate, especially background checks... Yes, not everyone in the current Ming army can do it.

Got in.

A situation like that where thieves and armies are deployed will never happen.

After Tang He took charge of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion, he began to carry out drastic reforms... Speaking of which, in the entire Ming Dynasty, the person who was least afraid of offending others was this one.

Not even Xu Da.

A general must have a martial arts background and must pass the examination. Someone talked to Tang He and said that he should be eclectic and be able to use any talent, as long as he knew how to fight!

Tang He stared at him, who wants talents?

Who said I have to select talents?

Let me tell you, don't think you are good.

The first thing I choose is to be obedient... There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Ming Dynasty and generals from top to bottom. I don't need you to be talented or have any ideas.

Do what the school taught you conscientiously, understand how to use the guns and artillery in your hands, and figure out the logistics. That's enough!

As for the art of war and tactics... don't talk about this with me, wait until you understand the firearms!

Tang He really didn't care about anything. Several disobedient uncles were killed by him directly... so that in the entire Huaixi noble family, except for a few princes, there was nothing left.

Tang He's troubles aroused unanimous opposition. From the military to the Zhongshu Province, some people even went to Zhu Biao, hoping that His Highness would come forward and capture Tang He.

But I'm sorry, no matter how they try, it's useless.

Tanghe is as stable as Mount Tai.

Some people speculated that Taishi Zhang was supporting Tang He behind his back, but Zhang Ximeng knew very well that Tang He had only one real backer, and that was Zhu Yuanzhang.

Lao Zhu has made up his mind. In order to completely eliminate the problem of arrogant and powerful generals threatening the court, he advocated reforms in the army... First of all, generals must come from martial arts... This does not mean that all those trained in schools are usable.


On the contrary, there are more idiots who just study hard.

But I'm sorry, what the Ming army needs now is rules, that is, regularization. Walking, sitting, lying down, every word, every move, everything must be in order!

And all the rules point to one core, that is loyalty!

Absolute loyalty!

The troops cannot be returned to the generals, nor can the troops be controlled by generations of nobles. All soldiers and horses must follow the same set of rules. Maybe this set of rules has some shortcomings, but now, it must be done like this!

Implement it in one go!

Some people may ask, will doing this not damage the combat effectiveness of the Ming army?

All I can say about this is haha, if you can make hundreds of thousands of people agree, how can this combat effectiveness be low?

The key is to be united and united.

Zhu Yuanzhang knew better than anyone else that he could control the generals in the army, but Zhu Biao couldn't. When he got to Sun Tzu, he was afraid there would be more problems.

Arrogant soldiers have always been the most troublesome thing in history. If they are too strong, they will be easily counterattacked. If they are too weak, they will be bullied.

Sometimes, as a last resort, there is no other way to send away all the proud soldiers.

After all, all they want outside is money and land... These soldiers will kill you.

In order to avoid future troubles, Lao Zhu agreed to Tang He's strategy and launched a thorough reorganization of the army.

As for Tang He, he also thought very clearly that his son would be the governor of the Japanese country. At worst, he would move to the Japanese country to take care of his old age. Anyway, he would not bow his head even if he stayed in the Ming Dynasty.

Under Tang He's instigation, a large number of army officers and soldiers were disarmed and returned to their fields. Most of these people were unwilling to go home to farm.

Therefore, you will find that there are merchants and restaurants, carriage and horse shops, and transportation companies opened by veterans... There are also people who invest in building factories, and there are even more people who simply go overseas and look for opportunities outside.

There are many such people under Zhang Dong.

They are generally young, vigorous and ambitious. There is no need for us in the army. We can still shine in other places, live better and make greater noise.

One can imagine what would happen if such a group of living ancestors went to Annan.

"Dad, why do I think you were fooled by Sun Yan?"

Zhang Chengtian sat opposite Zhang Ximeng. As he got older, Zhang Chengtian obviously lost weight, and his height quickly increased, becoming more and more like the tall, thin and fair members of the Zhang family.

Finally, no one doubted it. Apart from the extra baby fat on his face, Zhang Chengtian looked exactly like Zhang Ximeng.

This kid is also becoming more and more smart and capable... For example, Sun Yan wants to publicize this incident, support the righteous men of Annan, defeat the foolish emperor, promote Zhang Zi's learning, and save the people of Annan...

But basically, he still acted in accordance with Zhang Ximeng's ideas, tried to break open the doors of the two countries, successfully grasped the lifeblood of the two countries, and gradually included them in the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

But when it was actually implemented, Zhang Chengtian found that it was a bit overwhelming, and Sun Yan kept encouraging the younger generation to march towards Annan.

Zhang Chengtian even discovered a complete immigration plan that existed in Zhongshu Province.

"Do you want to say that Sun Yan is acting in a yin and yang?" Zhang Ximeng said with a smile.

Zhang Chengtian pondered slightly, "Dad, it stands to reason that Sun Yan doesn't have the guts to play tricks on you, old man. I'm really a little confused."

Zhang Ximeng smiled and said, "What's so strange about this... A country as big as Ming Dynasty is a huge system from top to bottom. What do you think will happen if I declare that I will definitely help those Annan volunteers?"

"It must be someone who pays for it and goes all out!" Zhang Chengtian thought.

"Then what will happen if we lose the battle and use too much force?" Zhang Ximeng asked with a smile.

Zhang Chengtian was startled, and he seemed to understand.

"I understand, that is to say, even if you always want to take advantage of this opportunity to win Annan in one fell swoop, you can't say it directly. Once you say it, you will do it regardless of the cost. And then the resources invested will be too much.

If there is too much and cannot be recycled, there will be heavy losses. There has been a problem in the past dynasties of expanding territory and wasting people and money." Zhang Chengtian said with a smile: "Is that so?"

Zhang Ximeng nodded, "Indeed."

Zhang Chengtian said again: "Dad, what should we do? Is there a safer way?"

Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "Of course there are. Just like now, let some people rush to the front. They are not the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, nor do they represent the Ming Dynasty court. If they fail, it will not damage the situation of the court. But if they succeed, that is

With a huge profit, the imperial court will follow behind, enough to get everything that belongs to the imperial court!"

Only then did Zhang Chengtian suddenly realize, "I understand, it turns out that Sun Yan's obedience was tacitly approved by you!"

Zhang Ximeng straightened his face and said, "It's a shame, don't use these bad words on yourself. You are getting older now and you are a close official of the emperor. If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will slap you in the mouth."


Zhang Chengtian quickly grinned, "Don't worry, I'll be careful. But I'm looking forward to seeing what those people will do! I can't wait."

It is said that after Zhang Dong and others successfully arrived in Annan, they contacted the local rebels and immediately figured out the situation... At present, Annan can be roughly divided into three parties.

First of all, there are these rebels. Under the banner of equalizing the land, they want to attack the foolish emperor and overthrow the Chen Dynasty.

However, this group of people is in chaos internally. They are just a bunch of rabble, and there are also many powerful people mixed in. The so-called equal division of land cannot be implemented at all.

Zhang Dong was greatly disappointed when he saw it!

Even though he didn't read much, he knew exactly how Zhang Ximeng managed to equalize the land. He couldn't do it even if he didn't know. His father, Zhang Ziming, always talked about it. After all, it was the equalization of the land in the Ming Dynasty that made their family so successful.

Even if I change my family and have a stable life, this kindness will be as high as the sky and as deep as the sea.

But Annan's side is just shouting about excitement, with no sign of implementation.

However, it is worth mentioning that in addition to the courtiers and royal family, a powerful official emerged in Annan named Hu Jisao. It is said that his ancestors were from Zhejiang and later moved to Annan. After several generations, he climbed to a high position.

After learning this, Zhang Dong called Zhang Yu directly, "Let's go see the person named Hu!"

Zhang Yu was also a ruthless person, so he didn't ask any unnecessary questions and the two of them set off directly.

Not to mention, they actually met Hu Ji Ya.

"Annan is originally from the Central Plains, and you are also a descendant of China... What do you want to do now?" Zhang Dong went straight to the point.

The other party was startled, "You, who are you here on behalf of? What's the matter?"

"Of course the Ming Dynasty is behind me!" Zhang Dong gave a vague answer, "As of now, it is nothing more than the Ming Dynasty supporting the rebels and completing the equalization of land, or the Ming Dynasty supporting reliable people, such as you... to complete the equalization of land, you Choose one!"

Hu Jiyou hesitated again, "Can you really represent the Ming Dynasty?"

"If you are so entangled in my identity, I might as well tell you that Taishi Zhang is my uncle, and our Zhang family is in charge of Annan's affairs!" Zhang Dong said so confidently. Anyway, his father and Taishi Zhang were awarded honors together, so he was in charge. There is probably nothing wrong with Grand Master Zhang calling him uncle.

Hu Jiya frowned and suddenly said: "The Emperor of Dayue is indeed stupid and incompetent, but I am willing to surrender to the Ming Dynasty. Maybe the Ming Dynasty canonize me as King Annan?"

Zhang Dong was secretly happy, look, he has taken the bait!

"That depends on your ability! After all, Ming Dynasty can't help you win the throne, don't you think so?"



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