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Chapter 103 A bigger market than furniture

"What you said, since we want to train, we naturally hope that the children can develop in this area." The middle-aged man was a little dissatisfied with Zhang Junping's statement.

"That's what you think. In fact, some parents let their children learn calligraphy and painting. The purpose is not to make them become painters or calligraphers in the future. They just hope that their children can have a good hobby.

You can let your children receive the influence of traditional culture while learning calligraphy and painting." Zhang Junping didn't take it seriously and explained with a smile.

"What you said makes sense. In that case, I will go back and discuss it with my lover. Is your price really not cheap?"

"No, this is already the lowest price, because you must have been introduced by the neighborhood committee aunt, so our store manager directly gave you the best price." Zhang Junping shook his head.

In the end, the middle-aged man did not pay to sign up, but said he would go home and discuss it.

Zhang Junping is not disappointed with this. This is normal. Paid extracurricular tutoring classes are still a new thing. It is normal to have concerns.

If you can come for consultation, it means that you have a need in this area, but you just have various concerns or need to go home to discuss, which is normal.

The training market is no smaller than the furniture market.

Moreover, the furniture market still has a saturation problem, but this problem basically does not exist in the training market.

It happens one after another. This market is too big and no one can monopolize it.

After seeing the middle-aged man off, Zhang Junping smiled and praised: "Okay, sister-in-law, you can completely take charge of yourself now."

"Oh, you don't know, I did it forcefully just now, and my heart is still pounding now!" Huang Juan patted her chest with a look of shock.

"It's pretty good. When I first came to Beijing, I wasn't as good as you." Zhang Junping glanced at him and turned his head to the side.

Huang Juan’s name was incorrect and she should be called Huang Yourong.

No wonder Liu Zhengwen is so obsessed with Huang Juan and wants to cling to her.

After sitting on the chair for a while, I always felt like something was missing.

After pondering for a while, I remembered that I had not seen my two little nieces.

I used to be used to it. When I arrived at the furniture store, I would make out with my niece for a while before starting to work.

I came today and didn’t see my niece, so I felt like something was missing.

The eldest sister and the others have moved to Liulichang, and only Huang Juan is left here as the store manager, clerk, and accountant.

Oh, I also have a non-staff employee, Liu Zhengwen.

Zhang Jun Pingyuan thought about moving here, but before he could take action, Liu Zhengwen moved over and stayed with Huang Juan.

"You guys should be busy, I'll go take a look at Liulichang." Zhang Junping stood up and said, leaving the furniture store.

After walking for a while, we arrived at the school gate and took the No. 11 bus.

This is the real No. 11 bus, a white-topped and blue-bodied bus, not the walking "No. 11" bus.

Take the bus to Dashilan, get off and continue on Route 11. This time it’s really “Route 11” (are you confused?).

After walking for more than two kilometers, we arrived at Liulichang.

"Uncle, uncle!"

"Uncle, uncle!"

As soon as I entered the yard, I heard a friendly and familiar shout.

The two nieces held the toy car made by Zhang Junping in their hands and stumbled towards Zhang Junping.

"Niuniu, Nini, do you miss your uncle?" Zhang Junping squatted down and hugged the two nieces who ran over.

"I wonder, uncle, don't you know that we are moving? You haven't come to see us for so long?" Niu Niu asked, holding Zhang Junping's neck.

"None...none...didn't come to see Nini!" Nini also wanted to ask why she didn't come to see her, but she couldn't find the right words, and it took her a long time to come up with one sentence.

"Isn't uncle coming to see Niuniu and Nini?

Did you listen to your mother and eat well?"

"Niuniu is so good. Niuniu helps mother take care of her sister."

"Nini, be good..."

The two nieces nestled in Zhang Junping's arms. Listening to his niece's soft words, Zhang Junping's heart almost melted.

"Niuniu Nini is so good, how about your uncle making you a set of fun toys to reward you?" Zhang Junping walked in with his two nieces in his arms.


"Thank you uncle!"

Niuniu Nini kissed Zhang Junping on both sides of his face.

"Pingzi, don't spoil them all the time. They've become spoiled by you." The eldest sister, who was polishing the furniture, raised her head and said to Zhang Junping.

"It's okay. As the old saying goes, if a poor man raises a son and a rich daughter is raised, the daughter will have to be spoiled." Zhang Junping grinned nonchalantly.

Putting the two nieces down, Zhang Junping began to make toys for them.

What Zhang Junping is planning to make is a set of building blocks. The building blocks can be used to puzzle, exercise children's brain development, and be educational and entertaining.

Zhang Junping searched around and found the place where scraps were piled.

The eldest sister is very good at living and calculating. During this move, she didn’t even let go of the scraps and brought them all with her.

Making building blocks is very simple. Just cut the scraps into regular rectangular blocks, squares, triangles, cylinders, etc., and then polish them smooth without leaving any barbs.

If it were just like this, it would be a bit too simple and would not show Zhang Junping's ability.

Zhang Junping processed some simple mortise and tenon structures on the sawn wood blocks.

It can be assembled into a small house or castle, and ordinary building blocks can also be assembled into a house or castle, but that one falls too easily and falls apart when touched.

This one designed and produced by Zhang Junping is a little more troublesome to assemble, but it won't fall down easily if it's assembled well.

It's just a bit troublesome to make, but for my two nieces, no matter how troublesome it is, it's not a problem.

Even with Zhang Junping's hand speed and working until night, he still wasn't done yet.

However, the rough embryo has been prepared, and Zhang Junping, who needs to process the mortise and tenon joints, has also drawn the lines. All he needs to do is finish processing the mortise and tenon joints and then polish them carefully.

Zhang Junping directly handed over the rest of the work to his eldest brother-in-law.

Niuniu Nini is his biological daughter, so she should contribute some effort to make building blocks.

When he returned to school, Zhang Junping did not take the bus again. It was only a four- to five-kilometer road. If there was time to squeeze into the bus, it was better to walk quickly.

In addition to bicycles, buses are the main means of transportation for Beijingers to travel to and from work. Once it is time to commute to and from get off work, buses are very crowded. How crowded can they be? From getting on the bus to getting off, you can keep your feet on the ground. land.

In order to save time, Zhang Junping walked through an alley and crossed an alley. He just turned into Xiaoshamao Hutong, and when he saw that he had passed through another alley and reached Xiaowei Hutong, a trolley in front blocked the way.

Zhang Junping stopped and took a look, he was still an acquaintance.

"Hey, Aunt Zhao, did you buy so much cabbage?"

"Master Zhang? Why don't you... buy some cabbage and save it for the winter." Aunt Zhao saw Zhang Junping and had a bright smile on her face.

Buying cabbage for the winter is a living habit of old Beijingers, or it is a necessary preparation for most northerners to spend the winter.

After greeting Zhang Junping, Aunt Zhao shouted angrily into the yard: "Shi Shi, Shi Shi, come here quickly, come here quickly!"

This chapter has been completed!
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