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Chapter 105 Comments from the school boss

"You are now a celebrity in the school. All the teachers and students in the school know you Zhang Junping." The old lady enjoyed Zhang Junping's massage for a while before she spoke again.

"I can't help it, it's so good that I can't even hide it."

"You are so shameless, but you have obtained the true inheritance from your master Yang Mingde.

Okay, with this shameless energy, there's no need to worry that you can't handle those rumors.

But, boy, you have to work harder, anything good in the forest will be destroyed by the wind.

In the face of rumors, the best way is not to ignore them, but to be strong enough, like Xu Beihong, to be able to protect Central America from the wind and rain. At that time, all the rumors will turn into praise."

The wife said teasingly, but also seriously.

"I know, Grandma Liu, I will work hard!" Zhang Junping nodded solemnly.

In the evening, Zhang Junping and Huang Xue went to the old lady's house to have a meal together. The old lady was alone and welcomed people to have a meal at her house.

During the dinner, Zhang Junping told some jokes from time to time and acted cute, making the old lady laugh.

It wasn't until the next day that Zhang Junping knew what the old lady meant when she said those words yesterday. The saying that the wood that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind did not refer to him pulling rosewood from the school, nor did he pull ancient furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties.


Of course, his fame has something to do with this. After all, CAFA is so big, with only five to six hundred teachers and students.

It was caused by his painting "City Under the Sun".

In front of Zhang Junping, Yang Mingde did not comment on his painting, but just took the painting and left.

However, as soon as he returned to school, Yang Mingde asked someone to frame it.

CAFA has a mounting studio and also teaches students the techniques of mounting calligraphy and paintings.

After mounting it, Yang Mingde immediately convened a meeting with professors from the Department of Color and Ink Painting and the Department of Chinese Painting.

Yang Mingde put the framed "City Under the Sun" on the conference table, and then said with a smile: "Everyone may have heard that when I joined the team, I took on an apprentice. He was considered a closed disciple! It's just that this bad apprentice is really bad.

It was disappointing. It had been more than a year since I entered Central America, and I handed in an assignment at my urging.

I have called everyone together today because I hope you can help take a look and comment on my apprentice’s works.”

Wu Zuoren, Wu Guanzhong, Tian Shiguang, Liu Lingcang and other traditional Chinese painting masters curled their lips. You, Yang Mingde, talk about being modest. You are a scoundrel and a failure. If it weren’t for the high-spirited look on your face and the uncontrollable pride on your face, we would

Everyone believed it.

Although they were very disdainful of Yang Mingde's showing off, all the bosses still gave him face.

Wu Zuoren took the lead in picking up the scroll that Yang Mingde placed on the conference table and opened it, "I'm here to appreciate the masterpieces of old Yang Mingde's disciples."

"I know this kid Zhang Junping, he has a solid foundation! Let me take a look too..." Tian Shiguang also joined in to watch.

The scroll was opened and Wu Zuoren glanced at it. Wu Zuoren, who was a little careless at first, was suddenly startled. This painting was interesting, and then he gathered his attention and looked at it carefully.

This is an ink and wash freehand painting, which also incorporates some gongbi painting styles.

The long shot, middle shot and close shot are arranged reasonably and naturally.

Surrounded by mountains in the distance, the Great Wall is like a giant dragon guarding the city.

The middle shot is naturally the city, a city that is both familiar and strange to Wu Zuoren.

If it weren't for the Great Wall, Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, and Siheyuan in the painting, Wu Zuoren would never have known that this painting was about the city of Beijing.

However, those high-rise buildings towering into the clouds are so unfamiliar.

As a master of Chinese painting, Wu Zuoren, who is proficient in the two major schools of Chinese painting and oil painting, naturally understands that this is an imaginative painting that depicts the future BJ City.

Will Beijing city look like this in the future?

Wu Zuoren asked himself secretly.

Come to think of it, it's really possible.

In that small fishing village in the south, skyscrapers with dozens of floors have begun to be built.

Looking at the close-up view, on the straight and wide road, cars are flowing continuously, and pedestrians on the roadside are walking in a hurry.

If it were just these, Wu Zuoren would give him a score of 70 points at most, which is the level of an average undergraduate graduate from Central America.

However, the finishing touch of this painting is the sun in the sky.

The brilliance of the sun enveloped the entire city, and the sunlight shone on the faces of pedestrians. Pedestrians in a hurry raised their heads and held their chests high, with happy smiles on their faces.


Soak up the sunshine!

Let this painting come to life, Wu Zuoren silently gave this painting ninety points.

This is a painting full of imagination and extremely correct intention.

To a certain extent, it is comparable to Li Keran's "Ten Thousand Mountains Are Red", at least in terms of political conception, and is in line with the current mainstream political dynamics.

"You all should take a look at it too!" Wu Zuoren handed the painting to Wu Guanzhong and others next to him.

After everyone took turns to look at it, Wu Zuocai said: "Lao Yang, I knew that you, the old boy, asked us to pass, but you didn't hold it in well. What's the matter? You accepted a good apprentice and showed off to us?"

"I didn't expect it! It's only been so long. This child has made great progress. It can be seen from this painting that Zhang Junping's painting skills have reached the point where he can sell it for money." Wu Guanzhong commented very pertinently.

"The heat is still a little bit off, but once you realize it, you have understood it. On the contrary, the heat can slowly make up for it." Tian Shiguang nodded in agreement.

The realm of calligraphy and painting can be divided into three levels. To put it simply, the first level is to look at mountains as mountains and see water as water. In the collection world, it is called practicing painting. Practice painting refers to the beginning of painting. The paintings produced are quite satisfactory, but there is no collection.

The value means that ordinary people spend a few hundred yuan to buy them back as decorations.

The second level is to look at mountains, not mountains, but water, not water. From the perspective of the collectors, calligraphy and paintings at this level have a certain degree of artistry, have collection value, and have a lot of room for appreciation in the future.

In later generations, some calligraphy and painting dealers bought out the paintings of a certain calligrapher and painter, and bought works of this level. After such works were hyped, they were considered masterpieces.

Zhang Junping's works are in this realm, so Wu Guanzhong said that Zhang Junping's paintings can be sold for money.

The third level is to see mountains as mountains and water as water. This is the work of a true master.

In the world of collecting, if you encounter something, you absolutely cannot let it go.

For example, Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian, Xu Beihong, Wu Changshuo, Lin Fengmian, Huang Binhong, Huang Zhou, Li Kuchan, Li Keran and Zhang Junping's master Yang Mingde.

As for the big guys like Wu Zuoren, Wu Guanzhong, and Tian Shiguang, compared with those before them, they are still a little behind.

If I had to define it, it would be a half-step master.

"Tell me, you called us here not just to show off your apprentice's works, right? What else is there?" Wu Zuoren asked with a smile.

"That apprentice of yours has been making a lot of noise recently."

This chapter has been completed!
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