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Chapter 135 Designated Hotel

Zhang Junping followed Aunt Feng to a state-owned hotel on Liulichang West Street.

This hotel is very close to Zhang Junping's furniture factory, only three to five minutes away.

This distance is not bad. It takes three to five minutes to have a meal, which is just right.

After some discussion, the two parties reached an agreement that the hotel would print a batch of special meal tickets, and the furniture factory would pay for the meal tickets and then issue them to the workers, who would then use the meal tickets to eat.

The hotel needs to prepare a large pot of food for the furniture factory separately. The requirement is that there must be meat at noon, one meat and one vegetarian in the evening, and one egg in the morning. Other hotels arrange it according to the situation, and the daily standard is 60 cents.

Everything was settled, the contract was signed, and there were changes in the hotel.

Because Zhang Junping requested that the workers come over for lunch tomorrow at noon, the hotel said that the meals were ready, but the meal tickets could not be printed out tomorrow.

"Director Zhang, I'm really sorry, no one will push business to other places, let alone Sister Feng who introduced me here.

Actually, printing meal tickets takes time... How about you pay cash first tomorrow?" the hotel manager said apologetically.

Zhang Junping can understand that it is indeed a bit embarrassing for him to make a decision today and ask the other party to prepare meal tickets tomorrow.

After all, this is not the future, and the various printing industries are not yet so developed.

Zhang Junping thought for a while and said: "Let's see, Manager Wang, I will take care of the meal tickets. I will bring the meal tickets over in the evening, and your hotel will be responsible for signing and sealing them. Is that okay?"

"Of course there is no problem. Thank you, Director Zhang, for your understanding. You just need to bring your meal ticket, and I will work overtime overnight to sign and seal it."

"Okay, it's settled then!" Zhang Junping shook hands with Manager Wang and said goodbye.

"Aunt Feng, thank you so much for helping us solve a big problem."

"Thank you, I don't have to. As long as you recruit people next time, remember to recruit people from our Liulichang side."

"Don't worry, next time we recruit people, we will give priority to our Liulichang." Zhang Junping quickly promised.

Don't underestimate the neighborhood committees. If you really offend them, even if Zhang Junping has the Central American brand, it won't be easy. They have many ways to make Zhang Junping want to die.

"If you have any difficulties in the future, you can come to me at the neighborhood committee..." Aunt Feng was very satisfied with Zhang Junping's attitude.

The purpose of her going to interrogation today was to make plans for the future.

As for the more than 70 people Zhang Junping has hired now, they will be hired as soon as they are hired. You can't force them to fire the workers, right?

She cannot afford the consequences of dismissing workers, and the Liulichang Street Neighborhood Committee cannot afford it either.

After parting ways with Aunt Feng, Zhang Junping returned to the furniture factory.

(For better distinction, the Liulichang side will be named Furniture Factory from now on, and the Wangfujing side will be named Dream Factory.)

When it comes to printing meal tickets, he doesn't have the ability to print them out in one afternoon, but he has other ways to solve it.

Take out a piece of sketch paper, cut it to A4 size, grind the ink, and start sketching on the sketch paper.

After a while, a hand-drawn version of the meal ticket was completed.

This piece of A4 size sketch paper can be cut into thirty pieces, which means that this version of hand-drawn meal tickets has thirty pieces.

Zhang Junping drew a total of five kinds of meal tickets with different denominations, namely one yuan, fifty cents, two cents, one cent, and five cents.

Even if a worker wants to improve his life, one dollar is enough. For one dollar, he can order two meat dishes in a restaurant.

Zhang Junping took the hand-painted meal tickets and first went to Xinhua Bookstore to buy a box of A4 copy paper. Then he returned to school and went directly to the logistics office to ask for help in making hundreds of copies.

This is the fastest solution Zhang Junping can think of, and it is also the most economical way.

You only need to pay a little money for ink and machine wear to the logistics office.

After printing, Zhang Junping returned to Liulichang and handed the printed meal ticket to Manager Wang for his signature and seal.


"Comrades, I have already reached an agreement with the Liulichang West Street Hotel. From now on, our furniture factory will have meals at the Liulichang West Street Hotel.

The factory subsidizes you 18 yuan for food every month, which is given to you in the form of meal stamps once a week.

If you don’t have enough, you can buy meal tickets or eat directly. If you can’t finish the food, you won’t be refunded.” Zhang Junping stood on the workbench and announced the food subsidy, and there was a burst of cheers from below.

A food subsidy of eighteen yuan a month is a benefit that many large state-owned factories do not have.

You know, the monthly salary of these newly recruited apprentices is only eighteen yuan.

"Okay, now the workshop director Dong Jianjun will assign production tasks to everyone." After Zhang Junping finished speaking, he jumped off the workbench.

Immediately afterwards, the eldest brother-in-law climbed onto the workbench and began his first speech since becoming the workshop director.

It can be seen that the eldest brother-in-law is a little nervous, but he is okay, at least he is not so nervous that he can't speak.

The eldest brother-in-law began to assign production tasks to everyone in Mandarin with a strong Yuandu flavor.

How to distribute it was naturally explained to Zhang Junping in advance by his eldest brother-in-law yesterday.

Each carpenter has four apprentices, and now there are fourteen carpenters in total. The third brother was transferred to the quality inspection department and is no longer engaged in production work, but is responsible for quality supervision and inspection.

Fourteen carpenters, each with three apprentices, are divided into forty-two apprentices.

This time, a total of sixty-four people were found. After deducting eight carpenters, the number was fifty-six. After allocating forty-two people, fourteen were left.

Ten female apprentices and four male apprentices.

After the eldest brother-in-law finished the assignment, Zhang Junping stood on the workbench again.

"There are still fourteen people who have not been assigned tasks. Don't worry. Liu Yunle, Wang Changjiang, Su Xiujuan, and Hu Haiyan, the four of you, go to the Quality Inspection Department and follow Director Zhang.

Although the four of you will be engaged in quality supervision and inspection in the future, your carpentry skills must not be left behind and you must learn from them.

Only by truly understanding carpentry craftsmanship and knowing how furniture is produced can we better complete quality supervision and inspection work."

These four people were not randomly selected by Zhang Junping. Among them, Wang Changjiang is Aunt Wang's nephew, and Hu Haiyan is Fat Aunt's niece.

The other two were high school students who had not been admitted to college and did not want to repeat their studies, so they came out to look for jobs.

"For the remaining ten people, you will follow Factory Director Zhang and learn how to polish and paint furniture.

Director Zhang is the director of the furniture factory and is responsible for all the work of the furniture factory." Zhang Junping introduced the eldest sister to everyone and directly gave her the title of factory director.

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"Some people may ask, Director Zhang is the director of a furniture factory, so what do I do?

Let me introduce myself, I am the director of Central America DreamWorks, and the furniture factory is a branch of Central America DreamWorks, specializing in furniture production." Zhang Junping introduced himself and continued.

"In addition, I would like to introduce someone solemnly. This is Mr. Du, the technical consultant I specially invited back.

Mr. Du's family has been carpenters for generations. Mr. Du's ancestor once made furniture for the emperor in the palace, and it has been passed down to Mr. Du for six generations.

There is no need to say more about craftsmanship. You are all from Beijing and you should know what it means to be able to make furniture for the emperor.

You all must learn carpentry skills from Mr. Du. As long as you can learn one-tenth of Mr. Du's skills, your salary will be the same as Du Meili, and one hundred is just a starting point."

This chapter has been completed!
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