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Chapter 15 Missing Outbursts

Yang Mingde didn't stay long, had a conversation, gave Zhang Junping a few words of advice, then said goodbye to the old lady and left.

After seeing Master off, Zhang Junping chatted with the old lady again before going into the house to do his own business.

Zhang Junping did not rush to make a folding chair, but took out the manuscript paper and started writing a letter.

In this era, communication basically relied on writing letters, and for urgent matters, sending telegrams.

Zhang Junping was writing a letter to his family. It had been almost a month since he traveled back in time, and this was the first time he took the initiative to contact his predecessor’s family.

Zhang Junping wrote a letter while recalling the memories of his predecessor in his mind.

There is no such bloody plot as time travel, parents offering sacrifices to heaven, fiancée offering sacrifices to heaven, etc.

Both parents in the previous family are alive, and both grandparents are still alive.

There are just a lot more brothers and sisters.

However, this is also a characteristic of this era. In response to Mao Zu's call, more people will make us stronger, and we will have more children and more land.

Zhang Junping has an older sister, who is the second eldest, and two younger brothers and a younger sister, making a total of five siblings.

His sister is married and has given birth to two nieces.

It seems that my eldest sister is not having a good time.

Fortunately, the eldest sister married into this village, otherwise life would have been even more difficult.

In this day and age, if a family does not have a son, they will be laughed at by the village and unable to hold their head high.

However, in 1982, the country had already started family planning. To be precise, at the end of this year, family planning was included in the basic national policy and was written into the constitution.

It will be difficult to think about rebirth in the future.

Regarding family planning, Zhang Junping had personal experience in his previous life.

In order to give birth to him, his parents' house was demolished by the villagers.

Thinking of his parents in his previous life, Zhang Junping's eyes began to feel sore and tears filled his eyes.

His parents committed countless sins to give birth to him, and endured countless hardships to raise him.

It is said that raising children will provide for old age, but parents have never enjoyed his blessings for a day.

On the contrary, I was worried about his marriage.

In his last life, Zhang Junping devoted himself to woodcraft and trained himself into a straight man. He is in his thirties and does not even have a girlfriend.

Of course, the kind of girlfriend who stayed with you for a few hours and spent hundreds of dollars in breakup fees cannot be counted.

At least he had made a name for himself in the woodworking world, but he suddenly traveled through time.

I don’t know how sad parents would be in another time and space.

Maybe you will be happy!

After all, there is one less bastard to piss them off.

Two sisters and two brothers-in-law are more filial than themselves, so they should be able to take better care of them, right?

Zhang Junping's tears ran down his cheeks and wet the manuscript paper.

The old lady wanted to continue to communicate with Zhang Junping about the repair of ancient furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. When she opened the door and walked in, she saw Zhang Junping with tears streaming down his face and asked in concern: "Boy, what's wrong with you?"

Then he saw the manuscript paper on the table, smiled and patted Zhang Junping on the head, "Why are you homesick?"

"Yes!" Zhang Junping nodded heavily.

He really missed home, his parents, and his little nephew who loved to cling to him.


If you really miss home, go back and have a look!" The old lady touched Zhang Junping's head lovingly and comforted him softly.

"As for the furniture at the junkyard, I will buy them all tomorrow and put them in my studio for the time being. Think of it as a apprenticeship gift from the master!"

"Master?!" Zhang Junping looked up at the old lady in surprise.

"As before, let's call her Grandma Liu!

Apprenticeship is just a formality, only you have me as master in your heart, the title is just a code name!

Just like what you, Master Yang, said, those broken furniture are shabby in the eyes of most people!

However, in the eyes of you woodcrafters, it is a priceless treasure!

It's just that no one has noticed this for the time being. I didn't expect that there are so many treasures hidden in the junkyard!

Once the people at the Forbidden City Research Institute find out, they will definitely try their best to get it back!

Those guys at the National Palace Museum Research Institute are all academic lunatics, and it would give me a headache even if I met them!

In order to avoid having too many nightmares at night and causing unnecessary trouble, I bought it directly, closed the door and studied it slowly!

You don't need to delay, Master is not short of the money!" The old lady explained earnestly, and added another sentence for fear that Zhang Junping would refuse.

"Grandma Liu, I have no intention of refusing, but I dare not refuse!

I was just thinking about how I should honor you in the future!" Zhang Junping blinked, making a face as the old lady, and said with a smile.

"Smelly boy!" The old lady knocked Zhang Junping's brains out, laughed and cursed, and warned: "Go to bed early and don't stay up too late!

If I really miss home, I’ll go back and have a look!

As for studying ancient furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there is no rush!"

"Master, I'm just a little homesick, but I can still persevere!

I just wrote a letter to tell my father and mother about the great joy of meeting two masters!

When you buy back the ancient furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, can I come to your studio?"

Zhang Junping was also a bit crazy in his research skills in his previous life.

As the saying goes, you can't live without going crazy!

Without this crazy energy, as a folk craftsman, how could he become the youngest arts and crafts master in Dongshan Province?

Nowadays, so many ancient furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties are placed there for him to dismantle and study, how can he bear it?


I'll get you a pass later. In addition, I have a dormitory in the school. If you move there tomorrow, you won't have to run back and forth!" The old lady was really nice to Zhang Junping. She gave the school to her dormitory.

Take it out and give it to Zhang Junping.

"It's okay, it's just a few steps away! I'd better come back and live there. It's more comfortable to live in a courtyard, and there's ready-made food to eat every day!" Zhang Junping still refused the old lady's kindness. The old lady lived alone, so he could come back.

Talk to the old lady.

Deep down, I also enjoy spending time with the old lady.

When he traveled through time, his mother was about the same age as the old lady.

Subconsciously, Zhang Junping replaced the old lady in the role of mother.

In fact, why didn’t the old lady put Zhang Junping into the role of her grandson?

These can be regarded as two lonely people, hugging each other to keep warm in the city of Beijing.

"You brat, you're very good at planning! Are you relying on me?" The old lady knocked Zhang Junping again, turned around and left.

After walking out of the room, he reached out and wiped the corners of his eyes.

Zhang Junping looked at the old lady's leaving figure, and his heart was filled with emotion.

After clearing up his mood, Zhang Junping continued to write.

There are five children in the family. The eldest sister is married and goes to school in Beijing. The two younger brothers are in junior high school and high school. The younger sister is about to enter junior high school.

The burden is heavy.

Zhang Junping sends half of his subsidy home every month to support his family.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Junping's predecessor was so hungry on the street that he fulfilled his destiny after time travel.

Recalling the memories of his family in his mind, Zhang Junping felt a little heavy.

He has accepted the fact of time travel and his family in his previous life.

However, Zhang Junping still didn't know how to deal with it when he went home directly and had face-to-face contact.

This chapter has been completed!
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