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One hundred and seventy-third chapter two grandpa mighty and domineering

Four other people came with Dong Changhe, the elder of the Dong family.

One is Secretary Liang of the commune, one is the elder of the Yang family, one is the village soldier company commander Yang Baomin, and the other is Dong Fengshan.

"Mr. Zhang, you are in good health!" Secretary Liang greeted the second grandfather with a smile on his face.

"Hey, Secretary Liang is here too? Thanks to Chairman, you are in good health and can eat and sleep!" The second grandfather stood up from his chair and greeted Secretary Liang.

"Mr. Zhang, are you having a meeting or preparing for a dinner party?"

"Secretary Liang, please stop beating around the bush. Since that bastard Dong Fengshan invited you here, he must have told you everything.

Just in time, you can be a witness!

Dong Laosi, how do you think this matter should be resolved?"

"How to solve the problem? Can something big happen? It's just that Dashanzi came up with an idea to lead the villagers to uniform, but Pingzi didn't agree and couldn't reach an agreement."

"Really? Co-author, our Zhang family owes you the Dong family, right?

Opening a furniture factory was Pingzi's idea and he did it. He did not forget his roots and was willing to make money with his father and fellow villagers.

Didn’t this matter leave your Dong family alone?

What's going on?

I invited you to eat, but you planned to take the pot away, leave a bowl of rice, and say with a giving face: This is for you, eat it, you're welcome, no need to thank me!


Do you, the Dong family, want to be shameless?

Do you want me to bow to you, Dong Changhe, and thank the Dong family for giving us the rice?" The second uncle learned and applied it, directly changed the words Zhang Junping just said, and then used it to quarrel with Dong Changhe.

"I said why is this bastard Dong Fengshan so shameless? It turns out he is Sui Gen!

You, Mr. Dong, are even more shameless. At this time, you still want to put a shit basin on Pingzi!" The second grandfather didn't give Dong Changhe a chance to speak, and directly sprayed him with saliva, "Today in front of Secretary Liang

, I formally inform you, Dong Laosi, from now on, our Zhang family and your Dong family are at odds with each other!

You take your Yangguan Road, and I'll cross my single-plank bridge.

You don’t want anyone from the Dong family who goes to Beijing next year!”

After spraying, before Dong Changhe could speak, the second grandfather again targeted Zhang Yingyao, who had followed him in.

He kicked me, "Is there a father like you? Your son was bullied and you didn't even give a shit. What are you doing every day? Stop being a production captain!"

"Second uncle, please listen to my explanation. Dong Fengshan told me in advance about opening a furniture factory, and I agreed. This is a good thing.

But I had no idea that the furniture was sold to Pingzi for 800 yuan a set, and Dong Fengshan never discussed it with me.

Later... I am also a production captain, and it is not easy to do anything!" Zhang Yingyao said aggrievedly.

Before he could speak, Dong Fengshan was first scolded by his son, and then scratched all over his face by his wife and a group of old ladies.

What should I do?

You can't just go up and give me a kick, right?

Although I really want to kick him, my status doesn’t allow it!

"You are still aggrieved, why did you do it? Dong Fengshan, that bastard, deserves a beating! I want to be there, I have to open it for him with a cigarette bag and a pot!" the second grandfather said angrily.

"Mr. Zhang, please calm down! I understand everything about this matter. It is indeed Dong Fengshan who did something wrong and did not consider the problem thoroughly!"

"If Secretary Liang says that, then we have nothing to talk about. Please go ahead!" Second Grandpa was quite stubborn. Secretary Liang just wanted to make peace with him, but Second Grandpa pushed him back.

Seeing that reconciliation could not solve the problem, Secretary Liang simply gave up on Dong Fengshan.

"Okay, this is what Dong Fengshan did wrong. I will criticize Dong Fengshan at the commune meeting later! I will also deal with his behavior seriously!"

"This is what a secretary should say!" Second Grandpa nodded with satisfaction.

Then he turned to the elder of the Yang family and said: "Old Yang, I feel that this term's secretary and captain are all unqualified. I might as well give them all a fuck. How about we re-elect the secretary and captain?"

"I am Zhang Lao Er, you are almost ready, you can kill people with no more than a nod!

What Dashanzi did was indeed unethical and ill-considered! But you can’t hold on to him forever!” Dong Changhe quickly interrupted the second grandfather’s words.

The Zhang family and the Dong family have almost the same population, so no one can do anything to the other, and democratic elections are all about half and half.

Therefore, the Yang family, the third surname in the village, became the target of wooing between the two families.

Although there are not many Yang family members, the few votes in their hands are crucial. As long as the Yang family sides with someone, that family can defeat the other party.

Dong Changhe naturally couldn't let this kind of thing happen under his nose.

"Pingzi, your uncle Fengshan didn't think carefully about this matter, which hurt your feelings.

I apologize to you on behalf of Uncle Fengshan!" Dong Changhe went directly to Zhang Junping, who was the source of this matter.

"No, Grandpa Dong, I can't bear your apology!

As for Dong Fengshan’s plan to set up a village-run furniture factory, I expressed my position from the beginning and I fully support it!

I am also willing to bear the pain and leave Brother Zhijun and Brother Zhiyong to help the team.

Dong Fengshan said before that if he gave me a set of furniture, I would sell it for 1,000 yuan and give it to the village for 800 yuan. I would keep 200 yuan. I still said the same thing. I cannot take advantage of the government.

The village-run furniture factory can be brought to Beijing to sell it, and all the money of 1,000 yuan can be kept.

Secretary Liang is here today. Let me say one more thing. In order to express my support for the village-run furniture factory and thank Jiahe Village for its kindness in raising me over the years, I am willing to donate 10,000 yuan free of charge to help the furniture factory get started."

"Look, these are our college students. Who dares to say that Zhang Junping is not enlightened?

How selfless are you? In order to support the development of a village-run furniture factory, you generously provided a development fund of 10,000 yuan free of charge.

[Read books and get cash] Follow the vx public account [Book Friends Base Camp] and read books and get cash!

On behalf of all the members of Jiahe Village, I thank you!" Secretary Liang laughed.

Originally, his original intention was to resolve this situation as soon as possible. In his opinion, Zhang Junping said these words, which was a sign of being on the right path.

But they have ignored a very important question. A set of furniture costs 1,000 yuan. Do Beijingers really have so much money that they have nowhere to spend it?

"Secretary Liang, you have given me the award. It's just a little thought. I am not very capable and can't contribute much to my hometown."

"Hahaha, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Dong, look, haven't all the problems been solved?

Classmate Zhang Junping donated 10,000 yuan as the founding capital of the furniture factory. From now on, your Jiahe Village will be the leader of our commune.

When Jiahe Village develops, more care must be taken of other backward villages.

A set of furniture costs one thousand yuan, and these ten sets of furniture cost ten thousand yuan. As long as we can produce it in a year..." As he spoke, Secretary Liang lost his voice.

Turning his head and glaring at Dong Fengshan, the furniture you made is made of gold?

A set of furniture costs one thousand yuan!

This chapter has been completed!
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