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One hundred and seventy-fifth chapter two grandpa's official way

“I had just established myself in Beijing, so I wrote a letter to call some of the better carpenters in the village.

Later, I wrote to Woda and asked him to arrange for the establishment of a carpenter study class to train carpenter craftsmen.

I once had an idea, which was to develop our Jiahe Village into a carpenter village.

With the country's reform and opening up, people's lives will get better and better, and craftsmen will become more and more popular.

Craftsmen cannot starve to death in years of disaster, let alone in times of peace and prosperity, which is the spring for craftsmen.

So I thought that if I paid to turn Jiahe Village into a carpenter village, even if they don’t follow me in the future, they would still be able to have a good meal wherever they go.”

"That's very well said. As expected of a college student, he speaks with great skill!" Secretary Liang applauded.

Zhang Junping smiled lightly, he knew exactly why Secretary Liang flattered him.

"I support the establishment of village-run furniture factories, but again, don't count on me for sales.

This is not shirk or unwillingness to help the village, but the reality does not allow it.

It's a thousand miles from Yingqiu County to Beijing. How do you transport the produced furniture there?

Anyway, I don’t have the ability to transport furniture to Beijing.”

Zhang Junping stopped Secretary Liang with just one sentence.

As the secretary of the commune, Secretary Liang is quite knowledgeable and knows that transportation is a big problem.

Railway transportation is a big problem.

Now that the country is engaged in economic construction, the task of railway transportation is very heavy. To put it bluntly, anyone who has connections with the railways and can get trains can become the guests of the county leaders.

As for road transportation, not to mention the freight, just by going through this road, the car bandits and road lords, by the time they get to Beijing, they probably won’t even have the car drums left.

Zhang Yingyao and Dong Fengshan didn't know, but Secretary Liang knew it very well.

Not to mention the distance, just their commune, the brigade near the provincial highway (I won’t mention the name), is a typical road bully village. As long as there are trucks passing through their village, they have to get something down.

For this matter, the Armed Forces Department of the commune was mobilized and they also talked to the production team leader and secretary, but to no avail.

A whole village is doing this, and it really takes guerrilla tactics and people's tactics to their extreme.

There is more than one such village in Yingqiu.

Therefore, there is no need to even consider road transport.

Railway transportation is safe, but railway carriages are not available.

Everything equals zero.

Zhang Junping saw that Secretary Liang was silent and knew that he was a sensible person.

“Actually, why do we have to sell furniture to Beijing?

Can't they be sold in the county? Can't they be sold in the region?

If the price is less than one thousand, we can still make a lot of money by selling a set of four hundred. The production cost of a set of furniture is only about two hundred yuan.

I can only give you four hundred yuan for a set of furniture to be shipped to Beijing. Any more than that and I will lose money.

Think about it for yourselves, which one is suitable?"

Is there any need to think about this? It is definitely more suitable to transport it to Kite.

Even if you can find a truck to transport the furniture to Beijing, the freight will be much higher than transporting it to Yuan.

"Actually, it's very simple. As long as the furniture is well made, find a few shops near the road in the county or region, put the furniture up, and people will naturally come to buy it." Zhang Junping gave them another idea.

"Can anyone buy it?" Second Grandpa asked somewhat unconfidently.

"Second Grandpa, now that the country is reforming and opening up, people's consumption concepts are also undergoing earth-shaking changes.

You can go to the city and see that all kinds of daily necessities are in short supply. Furniture in state-owned furniture stores requires tickets and queues, and it may take several months to buy furniture.

Many people who can't wait choose to buy high-priced furniture on the black market. Our furniture is free of charge, so there will definitely be many people buying it." Zhang Junping explained with a smile.

In this day and age, as long as you dare to think and do something, you really don’t have to worry about selling anything.

You can make more money selling tea eggs than a university professor.

In fact, Zhang Junping still has many ways to make money, but because Dong Fengshan is making such a fuss, Zhang Junping is too lazy to talk about it now.

Even if he did, it would be in private to the Zhang family.

Zhang Junping is a generous person, but he never does anything to retaliate with kindness.

Confucius said, repay evil with kindness, why repay kindness with kindness?

Therefore, Secretary Liang asked the furniture factory if it could be done, and Zhang Junping said it could be done, which was telling the truth.

Being able to come up with ideas is already a great honor to Secretary Liang.

Others, grandma!

Secretary Liang also noticed Zhang Junping's perfunctory behavior and said nothing more.

The purpose of his coming was not for the furniture factory, but to calm the conflict between Zhang and Dong's family.

As long as the two families don't get into trouble or fight, there's no need to worry about anything else.

Regarding the furniture factory, Zhang Junping will have to stay at home for another seventy or eighty days anyway, and we will talk about it later.

After saying a few words to Grandpa Second, Secretary Liang stood up and left.

Send Secretary Liang off.

Dong Changhe wanted to say something else, but the second grandfather glared at him, "What are you doing? You're not going to leave, and you want to stay for dinner?"

"Zhang Laoer, can't you be more polite when you speak? Isn't it interesting to fight for a lifetime?"

"It's really interesting. I want to fight with you? You Dong family don't do things honestly and don't do anything stupid. Why do you still blame me for fighting with you? It's so wrong!" The second grandfather raised his eyes and said sarcastically.


"Zhang Laoer, don't be rude. Dashanzi is responsible for this matter. Now that his brigade secretary has been dismissed, what else do you want?" Dong Changhe was also holding back his anger.

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The position of a good brigade secretary is gone.

"Who did he blame when his secretary was jerked off? I am not a good pussy, I did something stupid and deserved to be jerked off!

Not even many shots were fired!" Second Grandpa sneered.

This time the Dong family lost all their dignity and dignity. Dong Changhe turned pale with anger and walked away with his beard pouted.

If he didn't leave, he felt like he might get heart disease or high blood pressure from the anger.

As soon as Dong Changhe left, Dong Fengshan quickly followed suit.

He was afraid that if he stayed, he would be beaten and humiliated even more.

As soon as he left, the Yang family elders and brigade committee members also said goodbye and left one after another.

Only my family is left at home.

The most unjust person here was Zhang Yingyao. Because he said something wrong, the pipe pot he had just smoked two packs of cigarettes in was poked out by his wife just after he got it.

Now, his wife is ignoring him, and his parents are not giving him a good look either.

Complaining that he didn't know how to protect his son.

"Third brother, it's not that the second uncle told you, you are still far behind. Don't think that you are a good cadre because you are dedicated to serving the public!" Grandpa Fuji started to scold him again.

"Don't forget, you, captain, it was the young and old men of the Zhang family who pushed you up!

When facing our own members of the Zhang family, we should act as a helper rather than as a relative.

However, when facing outsiders, you have to help your relatives but not help them!

Only in this way will the people who push you up not feel cold.

No matter how upright you are to outsiders, they will think you favor your own family, so think about it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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