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Chapter 190 Conversation before departure

If it weren't for the fact that after posting the Spring Festival couplets, he would have to visit the grave next, Zhang Junping would still be writing Spring Festival couplets for the villagers right now.

It was not just the Zhang family who came to Zhang Junping with red paper to write Spring Festival couplets.

Even people from the Dong family and the Yang family came over with red papers.

The Zhang and Dong families have been entangled together for more than a hundred years. By the time they merged after liberation, love, hatred and hatred had already been intertwined.

Now it is no longer possible for the head of the Zhang family to separate the two families just by saying that they will never interact with each other until death.

Therefore, many Dong family members came to ask Zhang Junping to write Spring Festival couplets, and he really couldn't refuse.

There are relatives and childhood friends here.

It’s really not fun to celebrate the New Year here in my hometown, especially in this era, it’s even more boring.

On the night of New Year's Eve, after setting off the whip, serving dumplings, and eating, there is no so-called staying up late on the New Year's Eve. They all go to bed early.

The only thing worth mentioning is the New Year greetings on the morning of New Year's Day.

At four o'clock in the morning, before it was dark, everyone got up one after another, and after setting off the whip, they served dumplings.

After eating dumplings, we started to pay New Year greetings.

New Year greetings are always done in groups. For example, Zhang Junping, his uncle's family, the second uncle's brothers, and the second and third elders all go together as a group of about ten people to go from house to house to pay New Year greetings to their elders.

On the road, you will encounter many groups paying New Year greetings. Sometimes everyone gathers together, sometimes disperses, and goes to pay New Year greetings separately.

New Year greetings are also very particular, starting from the elders who are close to the elders who are distant relatives, and the New Year greetings are done in order.

Until the end of daybreak.

I remember that when I was a child, Zhang Junping liked to follow his brothers to pay New Year greetings. In fact, the purpose was to go to the yards of various houses to find the silent firecrackers.

Children's happiness is so simple. Finding a squib among a pile of firecrackers and confetti can make them happy for a long time.

It makes them feel happier than getting lucky money.

You all know that you can't keep the New Year's money at all.

Basically, parents will take it away on the pretext that I will keep it for you.

I started visiting relatives on the second day of junior high school, and naturally the first relative I visited was Zhang Junping’s grandma’s house.

The eldest sister and the eldest brother-in-law did not return to the Yang family to celebrate the New Year after all. Even though the two families kept making peace, the eldest brother-in-law still insisted on being a promising son-in-law.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, my eldest sister and my eldest brother-in-law also went to my grandma's house to pay New Year's greetings.

A family of ten drove a carriage to Zhuliu Commune next door, a commune that was truly located at the junction of three counties.

Being located at the junction of three counties means that it is the farthest away from the county seat, and the living conditions are naturally more difficult.

It is said that my father used ten pumpkins to marry my mother back home.

On the carriage, there were a lot of food, clothing and other things.

Zhang Junping's family is not short of money now, and his father has become generous. He has a bag of white flour, a knife of pork, three kilograms of mutton, ten kilograms of soybean oil, and two hens that are still in the egg stage.

They are all very affordable things.

The third day of the lunar month was Red Dog Day, so I stayed at home for a day, and continued visiting relatives on the fourth and fifth day of the lunar month.

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, I went to my father's grandma's house. Naturally, my father's grandma had passed away long ago, and only a few uncles were still there.

This time, no whole family went out, only Zhang Junping and his father went.

The things I gave him were a little bit inferior to those at my grandma’s house, and I didn’t eat at my uncle’s house. I just cooked for a while, said New Year greetings, and then left.

I was so busy that the eighth day of the first lunar month passed unknowingly. Government departments, enterprises and factories were all ending their holidays and starting to go to work.

On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, Zhang Junping started packing his things, preparing to leave and return to Beijing on the ninth day of the Lunar New Year.

As for the equity investment Zhang Junping mentioned a few years ago, although everyone responded well and was very enthusiastic, the loan could not be approved at once.

Dozens of households have submitted loan applications, and it is estimated that it will take several days to be approved.

Everyone else is still waiting and watching.

Before leaving, Zhang Junping and his father squatted in front of the scaled-down greenhouse.

"Da, look, how does this greenhouse look like? This spinach is so tender, it can be eaten in just ten days."

"Well, it's indeed good! I didn't pay you to study in vain, your brain is good for you." Father said with a grin.

"Da, go back and ask your eldest brother-in-law to build an enlarged version of the greenhouse according to my method. I have drawn the drawings so that my eldest brother-in-law can understand it.

Now that you build the greenhouse, you can grow vegetables. In May, all the vegetables in the greenhouse will be ready for the market. At that time, other people's vegetables have just begun to bloom or climb.

We are more than a month ahead of others, so we will definitely be able to sell it at a good price."

"Okay, I'll let Hua Zi lead people to start building the greenhouse later.

But, boss, you are asking the villagers to raise chickens and build greenhouses, what should you do with your furniture factory?"

"Da, raising chickens is a job for women, and greenhouses are for male laborers in their thirties, forties, and fifties.

My furniture factory only needs young people aged 17, 18 or early 20s." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

For those in their thirties and forties, it is too late for them to learn carpentry. It is better to do something else.

"You are right to think about it, so I will do as you say." Zhang Yingyao was quite convinced of his son.

I didn’t go to college in vain, my brain works better than before, and my thinking about problems is much more mature and steady.

"What do you think about the Dong family's affairs?" Father asked about another matter.

Yesterday, Secretary Sun of the commune brought Dong Changhe to Zhang's house to discuss matters with the second grandfather. Zhang Junping, as the only college student in the village, was also invited to attend.

The attitude of the Dong family has already been shown, and Dong Fengshan was replaced as the leader a few years ago.

We talked about things after years later, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

"Da, in fact, what Dong Changhe said makes sense. Cooperation can lead to win-win results. Constant confrontation and holding each other back will only lead to continued poverty together.

If they are willing to invest, let them do so.

The cooperative can also be run together, and the method is still the same as the previous production team selection of cadres, each of the two companies selects representatives to manage the affairs of the cooperative." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

He didn't expect that his father would value his opinion so much and even specifically ask for his opinion.

"I think so too. Before liberation, our two families fought too fiercely, and no one benefited.

After liberation, although the two families also fought, they were not as fierce as before, and people died frequently. The two families also began to intermarry, and they were able to maintain a superficial peace.

In just over thirty years, the population of Zhang and Dong's family has more than tripled..."

"Da, just do it boldly. Don't worry about not doing it well. My son will take care of it for you.

Mother, please give me some advice. We don’t require every meal of fish, but at least we must ensure one egg a day, including you and my mother.

Nothing is as important as your and my mother's health. If you and my mother fall ill, what's the point of making more money?" Zhang Junping whispered to his father.

He knew that even though his mother seemed to have the final say in the family, in fact it was his father who really had the final say. He always had a way to make his mother do things according to his wishes.

This chapter has been completed!
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