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Chapter 20 Busy and Leisure Time

Back at his residence, Zhang Junping originally planned to rest during the day, but he started working hard for the legendary chicken tickets and the silly dog ​​tickets.

"You really don't want to die?" the old lady scolded with distress when she saw that Zhang Junping didn't rest after he came back. His clothes were soaked even on a hot day and he was still working there.

"Grandma Liu, it's okay!

I'm still young, what does this hardship mean?" Zhang Junping raised his head, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said with a grin.

"That's not okay. I didn't sleep last night, and I don't know how to rest and catch up on sleep today!" the old lady scolded with a dark face.

"Grandma Liu, I can't sleep during the day!

I'll work more during the day and go to bed earlier at night!" Zhang Junping also knew that the old lady was doing it for his own good, but when he thought about promising the post office lady to buy stamps tomorrow, Zhang Junping lost all sleep.

Besides, wasn’t it just a matter of staying up all night?

What a big deal!

His current body is that of a man in his twenties, which is the age when his energy explodes.

I stayed up for a day and two nights, and there was no problem at all.

Until evening, when it was dark, Zhang Junping made a total of fifteen folding chairs.

Practice makes perfect. He made more than 20 folding chairs in a row. Zhang Junping's speed is now one-fifth faster than before.

Zhang Junping also wanted to go back to the house and make a few more, to make up to twenty.

As a result, the old lady confiscated his tools and forced him to take a bath and sleep.

After not sleeping for more than 30 hours and doing carpentry work for another eight or nine hours, Zhang Junping was almost at his limit.

After taking a shower, I lay on the bed and fell into a deep sleep within five minutes.

The next morning, Zhang Junping woke up and was resurrected with full health again.

Young is good!

That feeling of swelling in the body in the morning is so good!

The old lady got up earlier than Zhang Junping. She had already returned from exercising and had breakfast ready.

After becoming a disciple and eating the food prepared by the old lady, I suddenly felt different.

In the past, I always ate with a feeling of gratitude, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Now when I eat it, I feel much more comfortable and feel a little at ease.

It is only natural for the apprentice to eat the master!

After eating breakfast, Zhang Junping went out to find a trolley.

I pulled the folding chair I made yesterday to Dashilar.

Folding chairs are still popular!

It was sold out right on the cart.

Counting the cents in my hand, I found a total of fifteen yuan.

Fifteen yuan is not enough to pay for a breakfast, even though the food in Houshan is slightly better.

However, in this era, fifteen yuan is a month's salary for many people.

When he went to college, the monthly subsidy was only eighteen yuan.

I have been to Dashilan four or five times. On the first day, I had to wait for customers for a long time. After the second day, I came and went in a hurry. I have never taken a good look around Dashilan in the 1980s.

Today I finally have the time and the mood.

In the morning, there is a morning market in Dashilar.

In Dashilar in the 1980s, the streets were very narrow and there were a lot of people, making it very crowded. Basically, people were crowded and bumped into each other.

Naturally, there are many people selling things on the roadside!

There are farmers who come to the city to sell vegetables, and there are also various small vendors, those who buy fruits, sell snacks, sell clothes, sell electronic watches, and those who collect and sell tickets.

We collect all kinds of tickets, including food stamps, meat stamps, oil stamps, cloth stamps, candy stamps, liquor stamps, coal stamps, industrial stamps, foreign exchange coupons, whatever you can think of, we collect them here.

All are for sale.

There are various shops on both sides of the road, including Ma Juyuan, which sells hats, Neiliansheng, which sells shoes, Badaxiang, which sells clothes, pickles shop in Liubiju, Study Four Treasures in Rongbaozhai, Tongrentang, Zhang Yiyuan Tea House, and Changchun Hall.

, there are also Yipinzhai, Buyingzhai, Jushunhe, Changchengkui, etc., which are all time-honored brands with a history of hundreds of years.

Walking on the streets of Dashilan, the sounds of hawking, bargaining, and quarreling are all mixed together, forming a flourishing music.

Zhang Junping spent nearly an hour shopping in Dashilar before buying a large, fresh carp weighing three kilograms. He passed a straw rope through the fish's gills and carried it in his hand.

Feeling good!

The rich atmosphere of life in Dashilar makes people feel at ease.

Looking at the time, he felt that it was time for the post office to open, so Zhang Junping strolled towards the post office.

It's still the same eldest lady as yesterday, currently busy collecting mail and packages.

Zhang Junping waited for a while, and then stepped forward after she finished her work: "Sister, I brought the money. Do you still have the stamps from yesterday?"

"Oh! You came quite early! I've saved all the stamps for you!" The eldest sister smiled heartily when she saw Zhang Junping, turned around and took out two sets of stamps.

It can be seen that it is indeed specially reserved for Zhang Junping, and the two editions of chicken tickets and dog tickets are specially placed together.

"Thank you, sister!" Zhang Junping carefully collected the stamps.

When I left the post office with the stamps, I felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

"Grandma Liu, I bought a big carp. I will show you my skills at noon and let you try my craftsmanship!" Zhang Junping raised the big carp in his hand.

This carp is definitely wild and has tenacious vitality. It was still alive and kicking after being carried all the way.

"That's a great feeling! I'll be waiting for the ready-made food at noon!"

"Just please! If you eat the fish I cook once, you will want to eat it a second time!"

"Haha! As long as your cooking skills are half as good as your tongue, you must be at the level of a chef!" the old lady joked with a smile.

"It must be of the level of a chef! When the chef tasted it, he gave it a thumbs up! Let me just say, it's delicious!" Zhang Junping and the old lady put the carp in a basin, poured water on it and raised it up.

Then he started busy with other things.

First, I took apart the old bicycle that I got back from the junkyard yesterday, divided it into parts, and then used sandpaper to polish off the rust on it.

The old lady sat on the leisure chair holding the radio, with a pot of tea on the stone table next to her, happily watching where Zhang Junping was busy.

The old lady enjoys this kind of life very much. When you get old, no matter how successful you are or how famous you are, what you want most is to have children and grandchildren to live happily with you.

The appearance of Zhang Junping just made up for the old lady's shortcomings in this aspect.

After polishing all the accessories, I wiped them with waste engine oil from the junkyard, and then started to assemble them again.

Although Zhang Junping has never learned to repair bicycles, carpentry is a profession that very much tests his hands-on ability. Zhang Junping's hands-on skills are naturally very strong.

After thinking about it for myself, a semi-finished bicycle was assembled after a while, only the inner and outer tires and the seat were missing.

It's a pity that there is no paint, otherwise it would look like new with paint.

"Grandma Liu, are my skills passable?" Zhang Junping showed off to the old lady after looking at the fruits of his labor for a while.


Boy, tell me, you have such skills, why did you faint from hunger at my door?" The old lady couldn't see Zhang Junping's proud look, and said with a smile.

"Grandma Liu, can we not mention the past?" Zhang Junping said with a bitter face.

Zhang Junping had a premonition that the embarrassing incident of fainting from hunger on the roadside would probably stay with him for the rest of his life.

This chapter has been completed!
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