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Chapter 213 The hot opening ceremony

"Aunt Wang, you can tell your old sisters that they can also enjoy this preferential policy now.

As long as you have old furniture at home, you can still bring it over to pay for the goods, and you can also bring it over if it has already been delivered. After we evaluate it, we will refund the corresponding cash." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

He knew that Aunt Wang's words were mostly for him. After all, Aunt Wang had just bought the furniture.

Aunt Wang made a lot of money by introducing clients to Zhang Junping, and she spent it generously, ordering two sets of furniture in one go.

Of course, only one set was spent, and the other set was promised to her by Zhang Junping as a reward for Aunt Wang's help in contacting and buying the yard in Liulichang.

Although the two sets of furniture only cost the price of one set, the shrewd Aunt Wang still felt a little unbalanced when she saw that others could use the old furniture to pay for the money.

"Aunt Wang, if it were anyone else, I wouldn't say anything more, but if it were you, I have to say one more thing.

You must keep the pair of official hat chairs at home. The pair of official hat chairs are worthless now. In more than ten years, they can be exchanged for at least one house." Zhang Junping reminded in a low voice.

This is Zhang Junping's principle in life and work. He can make mistakes, but he will never take advantage of his friends.

Even if he takes advantage, he will speak out clearly.

Take Jin Yongshun for example. When Zhang Junping took things from him at first, he gave them the current market price.

However, as time went by, even though it was still charged at the current market price, it was clearly explained that this thing is not valuable now, but it may be very valuable in the future.

In fact, Zhang Junping knew it in his heart without Zhang Junping having to say anything about Jin Yongshun.

After all, he is a former royal family, and he knows very well the principles of antiques in the golden age of troubled times.

But, there is no other way, he also has to eat.

However, apart from being exposed to various antiques and toys since childhood, Jin Yongshun knew little about this area and had no other ability to make a living.

In order to make a living, I had to sell antiques and toys passed down from my ancestors.

"Really? Can I really change my house?" Aunt Wang was overjoyed and asked quickly.

"Well, Aunt Wang, you should have heard of the saying that gold in troubled times and antiques in prosperous times.

Our country is currently undergoing reform and opening up and revitalizing the economy. It can be said that the prosperous age is coming soon." Zhang Junping did not give an affirmative answer, but took a detour and explained from the side.

As for whether Aunt Wang will listen or not, that's not up to him. He has already fulfilled his obligation to remind her.

If Aunt Wang didn't believe it and sold the pair of Ming Dynasty Hainan huanghuali official hat chairs, then she could only blame her for being destined not to enjoy this wealth.

Little did he know that Aunt Wang not only heard it in her heart, but also thought about other things.

Since I met Zhang Junping, many things Zhang Junping has done are beyond the comprehension of outsiders.

Some people may believe that Zhang Junping has a noble character and only seeks to benefit others and does not benefit himself at all.

However, Aunt Wang always raises a question mark.

How can there be so many selfless ********* in the world who do not benefit themselves but only benefit others?

Today, after listening to Zhang Junping's words and comparing Zhang Junping's previous behavior, Aunt Wang suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

Zhang Junping never expected that with just a few words he would create a powerful female antique bug in Beijing.

Of course, this is something for later.

After Zhang Junping walked around three stores, he stopped at the Qianmen Street store.

At the Wangfujing and Liulichang stores, there are aunties from the subdistrict office helping to maintain order, so there are basically no problems.

Only the Qianmen Street store seemed a little confused.

The Qianmen Street store is the largest of the three furniture stores, with three floors and more than 1,000 square meters.

There are twenty salespeople arranged here, but they are still a little busy.

In the three-story store, there are twenty or thirty customers on each floor surrounding the salesperson asking about prices, trade-ins, warranty refunds and other matters.

And there was an endless stream, as soon as one group of people left, another group came in.

Many people, after asking questions, directly paid the deposit, feeling anxious that they would not be able to buy it if it was too late.

This shows how big the furniture market is.

Zhang Junping also personally acted as a salesperson and helped explain to customers.

This situation lasted until the evening when the furniture store closed its business.

"Xiao Li, how are you today? How many orders?" Zhang Junping asked Li Li, who was in charge of the cashier.

Each of the three stores has two cashiers assigned to it. Li Li is the cashier at the Qianmen Street store and is responsible for accounting.

"Director Zhang, today we ordered a total of 89 sets of furniture and 127 individual pieces of furniture. We received a total deposit of 20,340 yuan." Li Li picked up the abacus and crackled.

After calculating for a while, he spoke.

After saying that, she herself was shocked.

Today I was just busy collecting money and issuing invoices, without thinking about anything else.

After finishing the statistics, I discovered that so much money was collected in one day.

Zhang Hongxia, another cashier in charge of collecting money, was also shocked by the number reported by Li Li.

Turn around and pounce on the money box and start counting money.

While counting the money, I prayed secretly that nothing would go wrong.

With so much money, if there is less money, my salary will not be enough to compensate.

Zhang Junping was very calm and had already expected this number.

Today is the first day of opening. There are many people and the discount model of trade-in old for new appears for the first time. People are a bit blind and impulsive in their consumption. It is normal to have high achievements.

"Everyone has worked hard today! Pack up and take the time to go home and rest.

There is still a tough battle to be fought tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

After these few busy days pass, I will treat everyone to dinner and give everyone red envelopes."

Today, more than 200 customers came to see the furniture. At the end of the day, no fewer than 1,000 people came to the store to visit and inquire about prices.

It’s not that many people don’t have purchasing needs, they just don’t have the money, or they don’t dare to make the decision.

After discount, a set of furniture costs one thousand yuan, which is the salary income of many families for one or two years.

Be cautious and it is normal to go home and discuss before buying.

Therefore, Zhang Junping predicts that more people will come to buy furniture in the next two days.

This heat will last for three to five days before it slowly returns to normal.

Zhang Hongxia counted the money twice before counting the money and handing it to Zhang Junping.

Naturally, such a large amount of money cannot be put into the store. Today, Zhang Junping personally took it back to the furniture factory.

After get off work every day from tomorrow onwards, they will be required to deliver the goods to the furniture factory in person and hand them over to the eldest sister for accounting.

Carrying a bag full of money, Zhang Junping found that he had overlooked a very important issue.

It was too risky for two little girls to go to a furniture factory with so much money to settle accounts.

It is only March of 1983, and the crackdown has not yet begun.

It was the most chaotic time. Just after the New Year, Zhang Junping heard that several people had died.

There were fights, robberies and murders, and rape╭(╯ε╰)╮rape╭(╯ε╰)╮murder.

This chapter has been completed!
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