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Chapter 240 Windfall

Jin Yongshun's partner turned out to be a pile of foreign books and a Bible, which made Zhang Junping very curious.

The reason why I know the Bible is that this Bible is in Traditional Chinese and is printed very beautifully.

Looking at the date of publication, this Bible has a history of more than a hundred years and should be from the late Qing Dynasty.

With a history of more than a hundred years, this can be considered an ancient book, and it is so well preserved.

Looking at the other books, they are all in foreign languages. Zhang Junping can't even read English, let alone other languages. Zhang Junping can't even tell what languages ​​these books are in.

However, this also aroused Zhang Junping's curiosity. He found a pair of gloves and carefully opened the Traditional Chinese version of the Bible.

This is a Bible New Testament.

The New Testament of the Bible mainly advises people to be kind, to be calm, to be forbearing, and to keep themselves.

This is similar to Buddhism. It tells the world that it is okay to suffer while alive, and it is okay to be exploited and oppressed by capitalists. You must endure it. As long as you endure it and maintain your piety to God, you will be able to enjoy happiness after death.

Those who believe in Christianity can suffer suffering while alive and then go to heaven to enjoy happiness after death.

Those who believe in Buddhism will suffer hardship while alive, but after death they can go to the Western Paradise to enjoy happiness.

Why are Christianity and Buddhism so popular? They are respected by the ruling class because these religions serve the exploiting class.

Infinite Life Lord, Amitabha, Amen, forgive the author for using foul language.

Zhang Junping finished flipping through the Bible and flipped through other English books, when suddenly a folded piece of paper fell out of the book.

I picked it up and opened it, and it turned out to be a sketch.

This is a Western sketch, an abstract sketch.

The strange-shaped woman, except for some similar organs, is all abstract. If a person who doesn't know how to draw sees this, he will probably think it is a child's graffiti.

Although I don’t know who drew it, this sketch is very skillful and should be somewhat famous.

Zhang Junping quickly looked through all the foreign books carefully and found more than ten sketches.

In addition, there was an unexpected gain, that is, I found several letters in the book.

The letter is not important, what is important is the stamp on the envelope.

The stamps on these letters are all American missionary stamps in Hawaii.

Hawaii missionary stamps are called missionary stamps because the people who used these stamps were missionaries.

Zhang Junping speculated that this may be a letter from a missionary in China to contact missionaries abroad.

Opening the letter paper inside, it turned out that it was all in foreign language that Zhang Junping could not understand.

There is no way to rebirth and it is not omnipotent. Who told us that we don’t have a system?

I have no choice but to do what others do, complete a task and get some kind of reward, maybe a big gift package, a treasure chest or something like that.

Once you open it, you will be proficient in ten foreign languages.

Snap! Suddenly he became a master of ten foreign languages.

If you don’t understand foreign languages, you really don’t understand.

Unless you learn it yourself.

It is impossible to learn, and I will never learn a foreign language in this life.

Chinese people don't say a word.

Because of the great harvest, Zhang Junping couldn't help but think wildly when he was so proud.

After all, he came back from the 21st century, and he also likes to read those online novels in his spare time.

In fact, online novels are very stress-relieving. Not only does he like to read them, but it is said that some big leaders also like to read them.

That's too far.

Zhang Junping carefully put away the stamps and the letter paper.

Of course, there are also those dozen sketches.

Although I don’t know who painted it, he must be somewhat famous.

He planned to go back and find someone who knew foreign languages ​​to help translate.

After packing up everything and hiding what should be hidden, Zhang Junping made himself another cup of tea to calm down his excitement.

Just as I was making tea, the eldest sister walked in.


"Sister, what's wrong?" Zhang Junping asked curiously.

The eldest sister seldom enters Zhang Junping's studio unless there is something urgent.

"There is something wrong. Now our three furniture stores are doing very well."

"Haha, is business good? At least you don't have to worry about me losing money." Zhang Junping, who was in a good mood, started joking with his eldest sister.

"Good business is a good thing, but too good a business is also troublesome."

"What's wrong?"

"Our orders are currently scheduled for five months, and a large number of new orders are generated every day. If this continues, I don't think it will take long before our orders can be scheduled for a year."


Zhang Junping held his chin and thought deeply, what the eldest sister said was indeed a problem.

Once the time is delayed for too long, it will also have an impact on the reputation of the furniture store.

"Your eldest brother-in-law and the others are working overtime every night until after eleven o'clock.

I'm not afraid of working overtime, but the problem is that we all work with power tools now. I'm afraid what should I do if something happens because I'm too tired?" Seeing that Zhang Junping didn't speak, the eldest sister continued.

"Sister, you are right. Please tell everyone that starting from today, you are not allowed to work overtime at night. The purpose of working overtime at night is to study."

"But, there are so many orders there, what if we don't work overtime?"

Sister, this is really a torture of the soul. If you work overtime, you are prone to safety accidents due to fatigue; if you don’t work overtime, you will not be able to complete the order.

"I'll talk to Huang Juan later. Starting from next week, the price of our furniture will increase."

"Price increase?

Pingzi, we can't do this!

Originally, a set of furniture we sold for one thousand and two dollars was already expensive enough. You can't just increase the price just because the sales are good."

"Sister, market economy!

Market demand determines product prices!

We can produce so much furniture in one month, what should we do? The one with the highest price can only get it.

Of course, I am not blindly raising prices randomly.

Wait a minute, I'll get you something, you'll understand after you look at it." As Zhang Junping said this, he stood up and went to the bookshelf, took out a picture scroll and handed it to the elder sister.

"What's this?"

"You'll know just by looking at it!"

"Is this painting furniture?" The eldest sister opened it, took a look, and raised her head to ask.

"Yes! Look at the difference between this furniture and our current furniture."

"These furniture seem to look better...

I understand, our original furniture had no patterns, but the furniture you painted has more patterns."


This is version 2.0 of the Chinese furniture I designed.

I didn't want to take it out so early, but I didn't expect the business to be so popular.

Therefore, we can only release version 2.0 in advance.

In addition to previous orders, we will only produce version 2.0 in the future.

I plan to sell a set of furniture like this for three thousand yuan."

"Three thousand? Pingzi, are you crazy about money?

Who would want a set of furniture worth three thousand yuan?" The eldest sister was so shocked by Zhang Junping's words that she stood up and shouted loudly.

"Haha, eldest sister, you said the same thing when I priced it at one thousand and two dollars. Who would buy such expensive furniture?" Zhang Junping laughed.

This chapter has been completed!
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