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Chapter 244 Communication Across Time and Space

Zhang Junping didn't bother looking for antique furniture anymore. He paid the money directly, left his address, and asked the middle-aged clerk to help deliver the top box to Dongmi City Hutong.

Then he turned around and returned to the furniture factory.

He took the time to digest what he had just learned.

As for Chen Zengbi, who was so angry with him just now, go to hell with him.

Back at the furniture factory, Zhang Junping walked directly into the studio, laid paper on the painting table, and then began to slowly grind the ink.

The process of grinding ink is actually a process of thinking and meditation.

After polishing the ink, Zhang Junping picked up an outline pen and began to draw on the paper. What he drew was "Morning in Wangfujing" that he had completed before.

The woodcarving "Morning at Wangfujing" produced by Zhang Junping is more than thirty meters long. Now restored to paper and reduced in scale, it is more than ten meters long. In terms of length alone, it is even longer than the Song Dynasty's Qingming River Scene.

Quite a few.

Along the River During the Qingming Festival is 25.2 cm wide and 528.7 cm long. By comparison, Zhang Junping seems to be more powerful than the Song Dynasty painter Zhang Zeduan.

After all, the painting "Morning in Wangfujing" that Zhang Junping wants to paint is larger than Zhang Zeduan's "Along the River During the Qingming Festival".

In fact, this is a wrong understanding. In fact, Zhang Junping is more than one level behind Zhang Zeduan.

When will Zhang Junping be able to paint "Morning in Wangfujing" with a length of two to three meters, then he will be considered to have reached the level of Zhang Zeduan.

You must know that Zhang Zeduan's "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" depicts not just a street, but the bustling scene inside and outside the East Corner Gate of Bianliang (Kaifeng) in Tokyo and on both sides of the Bianhe River. Five hundred figures of different shapes are painted in it, each of which

Each person's expression is different, even the excited mouth shape of the gambler in the window is drawn.

"Along the River During the Qingming Festival" is written with a combination of pen and tape, and the colors are light and elegant. It is different from ordinary boundary paintings, which is the so-called "number of different families".

The composition adopts a bird's-eye view panoramic method, which realistically and concisely depicts the typical area in the southeast corner of Bianjing at that time. The author uses the traditional hand scroll form and adopts the "scattered perspective method" to organize the picture.

The picture is long but not redundant, complex but not chaotic, tight and compact, as if it were completed in one go. The scenery captured in the painting ranges from silent fields, vast rivers, and towering city walls; to people as small as people in boats and carts, and goods displayed on vendors.

, the words on the market sign are not lost at all.

There are more than 500 characters in the picture, interspersed with various plots, organized in an orderly manner, and at the same time interesting.

The complexity is several levels higher than Zhang Junping's "Morning in Wangfujing".

The "Morning in Wangfujing" that Zhang Junping had previously carved placed too much emphasis on realism. When put on paper, it placed too much emphasis on fine brushwork and was a surreal painting. It neglected freehand brushwork and the whole work seemed a bit lengthy.

Of course, this is Zhang Junping's self-evaluation and his own analysis of his shortcomings.

In fact, Zhang Junping's wood carvings are enough to overwhelm all sculptors and painters under the age of thirty from the 1970s and 1980s.

Zhang Junping is confident that after this epiphany, he can surpass the painters of the 1960s, that is, crush all sculptors and painters under the age of forty.

Zhang Junping was multitasking, half of his mind was immersed in Zhang Zeduan's "Along the River During the Qingming Festival", and half of his mind was on "Morning in Wangfujing" that he was sketching. He sketched very quickly, and the picture was no longer limited to Wangfujing Street, but

It extends to the alleys on both sides.

The shops selling breakfast in the alley and the people queuing up to buy breakfast are all outlined one by one.

Studying "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" is a required course for every painter, and Zhang Junping is no exception. In his last life, Zhang Junping spent a lot of time and energy studying the "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" and consulted a large amount of information.

It can be said that you can draw a picture of "Surfing the River During the Qingming Festival" with your eyes closed, but it won't achieve the charm.

At this time, there seemed to be a door across time and space in Zhang Junping's brain, and half of his mind was having a cross-time and space communication with Zhang Zeduan through the time and space door.

The other half of my mind is quickly absorbing the knowledge and painting techniques exchanged from Zhang Zeduan, and applying them to painting.

Wangfujing Street is 1,600 meters long, so Zhang Junping would not foolishly transfer the entire Wangfujing Street to paper.

In fact, he intercepted only the section of Wangfujing Pedestrian Street, that is, the section from Dengshi Hutong to Dashamao Hutong.

This is also the essence of Wangfujing.

The famous Dong'an Market, Xinhua Bookstore, department stores and some famous century-old stores are all in this section.

Even so, the entire text is grand and vast enough, and the content is far more complex than "Along the River During the Qingming Festival".

In more than an hour, Zhang Junping only completed the painting of one corner of Dashamao Hutong.

Just when Zhang Junping had just completed a micro-scene painting and picked up his pen to examine it, the studio door was pushed open with a bang.

Zhang Junping's hand trembled. Fortunately, he had picked up the pen before, otherwise the painting he had worked on for an hour might have been destroyed in one day.

Zhang Junping turned around angrily, ready to see who was so rash.

"Uncle, uncle!"

"My mother is sick!"

"Mom is sick..."

The two nieces shouted to Zhang Junping with panic on their faces.

Seeing that it was his niece, Zhang Junping's expression suddenly changed, he put on a gentle smile, put down the brush, and asked gently: "Nini, don't worry, tell your uncle, what happened to your mother?"

"Uncle, my mother just vomited again, and she vomited for a long time..." the niece said anxiously, pulling on Zhang Junping's clothes.

"Let's go, uncle will follow you to see your mother." Zhang Junping picked up his two nieces and left the studio.

"Sister, Nini just told me that you vomited again?"

"It's okay, I'm just a little sick!" The eldest sister said weakly with a pale face.

"Let me take you to the hospital."

"No, I'm not that delicate. I'm just a little nauseous. I'll be fine after a while." The eldest sister shook her head and refused.

"No! You have to go to the hospital with me. If you don't think about yourself, you have to think about Nini Niuniu, right?

You don't have to check it once or twice, it won't cost you a lot of money.

If you are sick, treat it early, and we will feel at ease if you are not sick." Naturally, Zhang Junping would not listen to the eldest sister this time, and said firmly.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the eldest sister to object, she said to Nini Niuniu in her arms: "Nini Niuniu, you two should be good at home.

Uncle takes your mother to the hospital for medical treatment. Nini, you are the older sister, so you must take good care of her."

"Nini is old enough to take good care of her sister."

"Niuniu is very well-behaved."

Zhang Junping was still uneasy and called his eldest brother-in-law over again, "Eldest brother-in-law, I will take my sister to the hospital for a checkup. You can take care of Nini Niuniu."

When he heard that Zhang Junping was taking his wife to the hospital, the eldest brother-in-law also looked nervous, "Pingzi, how about I go? You take care of Nini Niuniu at home."

"It's better for me to go, I'm more familiar with Beijing than you are." Zhang Junping shook his head and said.

This chapter has been completed!
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