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Chapter 263 Carpenter Level 6

The beautiful middle-aged woman who just opened her mouth to buy Zhang Junping's giant wood sculpture is Gao Meiqing, the head of the art department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Gao Meiqing didn't take Zhang Junping's words to heart.

The so-called "keep it for your own research" is just that the price you pay is not enough.

Therefore, Gao Meiqing is more concerned about who Yang Mingde and Liu Manning are in Lin Fengmian's mouth, "Mr. Lin, who are Xiao Yang and Manning in your mouth?"

"Xiao Yang was a famous talent in the capital at that time. He was the young master of Long Shuncheng at that time. He was proficient in calligraphy, painting and wood carving and was known as the Three Great Talents.

At that time, Long Shuncheng was a royal furniture workshop and the largest hardwood furniture dealer in Beijing.

Manning is a relatively low-key person, so it's not surprising that you don't know.

Liu Manning was a noble lady in the capital. Her ancestor was once a second-rank official in the Qing Dynasty and the left minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Manning traveled to the UK and various European countries when she was young. Her sculptures combine Chinese and Western characteristics, creating a unique style.

It is deeply loved by the upper class people in the UK and other European countries, and has even been received by the Queen of England.

If Manning hadn't been determined to return to China, Manning might have become the first Chinese female knight.

These two are both wealthy owners, so I say you have to show sincerity." Lin Fengmian was in a good mood and explained clearly.

Gao Meiqing's face was full of shock. People who had just listened to them talked about Yang Mingde and Liu Manning with respect, thinking that these two were emerging art masters in mainland China.

I didn't expect it to have such a prominent origin.

I also know that the one million Hong Kong dollars I just offered was a bit abrupt.

Although Gao Meiqing is the dean of the Art Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, he is more like an art dealer than an artist.

He has the intellectual beauty of culture and the shrewdness of a businessman.

I am also a famous art collector and have many paintings by famous modern painters such as Zhang Daqian and Xu Beihong.

Gao Meiqing proposed to collect Zhang Junping's wood carvings, naturally for the purpose of increasing their value.

There are comments from Jao Tsung-i and Lin Fengmian, and this is a work full of the background of the era of mainland China.

There is huge room for future appreciation.

Everyone around looked at Zhang Junping with eyes filled with envy and jealousy.

If you say you are a little better, that's fine. We admit that you are great.

But you have such great teachers, and the most outrageous thing is that you have two such great teachers.

Are you going to let people live?

"Mr. Rao, I think you just discovered something different. Can you give us some pointers?" Xiao Huirong smiled and asked the question that everyone wanted to know.

Xiao Huirong is considered a new generation artist. He is in his forties, which is a critical moment for his youth and career to rise.

Xiao Huirong is not as withdrawn as ordinary painters. Instead, he is well-rounded, very sociable, and has good relationships with many old artists.

The year before last, I felt that I was constrained in China and could not express my creative passion, so I left the country and ran to Xiangjiang.

In the 1980s, many people left China for this reason. It seemed that only the air abroad was free and could inspire creative enthusiasm.

Zhang Junping doesn't want to comment on what is right or wrong.

Anyway, he feels that the country is pretty good.

"You can all see the skill of carving this wood carving. It has broken away from the category of craftsman and has been officially promoted to master.

It can be said that this is a work of advancement by a wood carver. From then on, there is another wood carving master in the world.

But this is not what surprised Mr. Rao and I." At this point, Lin Fengmian hesitated and paused.

After enjoying everyone's attention, eager and expectant eyes for a while, Lin Fengmian continued to speak: "Look carefully, there is a thin invisible gap here, here, and here.

What a craftsmanship, it’s really unique and craftsmanship!” Lin Fengmian praised it with a click of his tongue.

As soon as Lin Fengmian finished speaking, everyone took out their magnifying glasses and looked for the gap in what Lin Fengmian said.

Under Lin Fengmian's guidance, everyone finally found those deep hidden gaps, but their hearts became at a loss.

What does it mean to find a gap?

Is there something wrong with the materials used to carve wood carvings?

This is impossible. If there is a problem with the materials, then Lin Fengmian will definitely not give the eight-character comment of "unique and ingenious".

So what is it?

It was Xiao Huirong, his eyes lit up, and he exclaimed loudly: "Is it possible that this giant wood carving is not a whole piece, but is assembled from many wood carvings?"

Lin Fengmian and Rao Zongyi both nodded to Xiao Huirong with satisfaction.

"If I guess correctly, Zhang Xiaoyou has combined wood carving with mortise and tenon structure.

Divide a piece of wood carving into several parts and then connect them with a mortise and tenon structure." Lin Fengmian asked Zhang Junping with a smile.

Although he said it was a question, he actually already had the answer in his mind.

"You have a sharp eye! This wood carving is the second one I have made.

The first thing was that Master said that my work was very craftsmanship and then told me something.

After realizing this, I made this second piece and considered exhibiting in an exhibition in Xiangjiang. The wood carvings were too big to be transported, so I used the mortise and tenon structure to turn a huge wood carving into 108 small wood carvings..."

Zhang Junping bowed slightly to Lin Fengmian and then explained.


Art comes from life. Many of our current works of art, or many crafts and crafts that are called art. Initially, the purpose of our ancestors creating them was to improve life or just for convenience.

For example, painting originated much earlier than writing and was a means for ancient humans to record major events." Jao Tsung-i said with a laugh.

As for the others, their eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

Are you speaking in human language?

Co-authored with you to create an assembleable wood sculpture that has been praised by the boss, just for the convenience of transportation.

Some girls from the Art Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong looked at Zhang Junping with burning eyes.

So handsome!

He is handsome, tall and strong, and he is so capable.

Some women from the Chinese University of Hong Kong stared at Zhang Junping with bright eyes, their faces flushed.

Outsiders don't know what you think in your heart.

“My little friend is not only a superb carver, but his carpentry skills are also quite impressive.

If you can become a wood artist at such a young age, you will surely outperform and surpass your two masters in the future. It is only a matter of time before you surpass your two masters." Lin Fengmian praised again.

If traditional carpenters have to be classified, they can be divided into: carpenters, carpenters, carpenters, master carpenters, grand masters of carpentry, and god of craftsmen.

These six levels are also a tribute to the ancestor.

Except for Lu Ban, no other person can reach the level of the God of Craftsmanship.

Even the great masters are only from the Mohist family.

Others, as recorded in history, were no more than masters at best.

As for modern times, in an era when craftsmen are extinct and great masters are scarce, being able to reach the level of a carpenter is already quite impressive.

This chapter has been completed!
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