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Chapter 313 scheming

"Hahaha! Master Zhang is threatening me?" Old Fengtou said with a crazy laugh: "To give you face, I call you Master Zhang, and to be polite, when I threaten people, you still

Wearing crotchless pants!”

"Haha, Uncle Feng flatters me too much. When you threaten people, I don't have crotchless pants to wear. I basically run around the streets with my buttocks bare!" Zhang Junping laughed twice indifferently, "You should listen.

As I said before, there is a saying that a good man never mentions his courage.

You are not afraid of threats, but what about your son?"

"You..." Old Fengtou was angry.

"No harm to the family..."

"No harm to your family? You should have said this to yourself several times back then. Maybe you wouldn't be so angry today!" Zhang Junping sneered.

"Okay, no more nonsense.

I'm just threatening you!

I have a principle of doing things, fair dealing, and no bullying!

I will not ask you about the origin of these things, nor will I deliberately lower your prices!

However, if you want to transfer things passed down by your ancestors abroad, then I'm sorry, I will use all legal and illegal means to deal with you.

You decide how to choose!" After Zhang Junping said this, he stood up, picked up the writing box and prepared to leave.

Of course, he didn't really leave. The yard was his now, and the things in the room were also his. He didn't want to leave it to Old Fengtou and his son to look after him.

He was going to find a public phone at the entrance of the alley, call the factory, and call some security guards.

"Wait!" Old Fengtou called to Zhang Junping.

Just two words, it seemed that all the strength was exhausted. Old Feng sat on the chair with his head weak, breathing heavily.

Zhang Junping was overjoyed because he didn't expect that there was something.

In fact, Zhang Junping just deceived Old Fengtou to see if there was any treasure hidden, but he was reluctant to take it out.

Zhang Junping turned around and sat down, looking at Old Feng's head quietly without saying anything.

After breathing for a while, Old Fengtou slowly stood up and walked into the back room.

There was a ringing sound from the back room, and after an hour, Old Feng came out with a box in his arms.

Putting the box on the table, he turned around and entered the room. After a while, he took out another box.

These two boxes are very ordinary. They are boxes made of ordinary old elm wood. They are also antiques, antique and have a quite ancient charm.

There was still dirt on the box, and it looked like it had just been dug out of the ground.

These two boxes were much larger than the previous writing box. Zhang Junping secretly laughed to himself, how many treasures could be packed in such a big box?

When Zhang Junping was thinking wildly, Old Fengtou opened one of the boxes.

Reveal what's inside.

Zhang Junping took one look and was immediately disappointed.

When ordinary people see the things inside, they may get excited and go crazy.

But, to him, they are just vulgar things.

There was a box of silver coins neatly stacked in the box, and a dozen small goldfish and two large goldfish were placed on top.

Big and Small Goldfish is talking about gold bars produced by the Central Mint.

The raw material for making gold bars is 400 gold bricks imported from the United States. The central mint cuts them directly and uses a semi-automatic gold bar rolling machine to make small gold bars of various weights.

Gold bars are divided into 2 cents, 4 cents, 5 cents, 1 tael, 2 taels, 3 taels, 5 taels and 10 taels. The definition of large and small yellow croakers has also changed accordingly. Generally speaking, 10 taels and 5 taels

Two gold bars are classified as large yellow croakers, 3 city liang, 2 city liang, 1 city liang and smaller gold bars of 5 cents, 4 cents and 2 cents are classified as small yellow croakers.

Large yellow croakers are usually cast by silver houses. The central bank also entrusts some of the large gold bars from the treasury to be recast by reputable silver houses in response to market demand. Small goldfish are usually cut from flat gold plates.

Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, due to inflation, the purchasing power of gold was very large. Three small goldfish could buy a house similar to the one in front of me in Beijing.

The big goldfish that Lao Fengtou hid in the box was the ten-market-liang goldfish produced by the Central Mint during the Republic of China.

And those little goldfish are all little goldfish that sell for one price or two.

According to the old system of the Republic of China, 1 catty was 16 taels, and 1 tael = 50016 = 31.25 grams. This amount is almost the same as 1 ounce of gold today.

Calculated in this way, a large yellow croaker weighs 312.5 grams. Even based on the price of 400 to 500 yuan per gram in later generations, it is only 140,000 to 50,000 yuan.

It's not a large yellow croaker with special commemorative significance. In future generations, it can only be sold at the price of gold.

After doing this calculation, we can understand why Zhang Junping was disappointed when he saw these gold and silver coins.

Gold and silver dollars were hard currency before liberation, but now, these gold and silver dollars are the least valuable.

Any old gadget in this house is worth more than the big yellow croaker in the box.

"You should keep these yellow and white things for yourself and pack them at the bottom of the box!"

Old Fengtou was not surprised by Zhang Junping's reaction. If Zhang Junping showed that he cared about these yellow and white things, he would really have to consider a deal with Zhang Junping.

This is not like ten years ago. If he didn't trade, what could Zhang Junping do to him? The worst he could do was not go abroad.

The big stone weighing on Old Feng's head and heart relaxed a little, and he opened the second box without saying much.

Take out an object from inside.

Zhang Junping only glanced at it and suddenly stood up from his chair, his eyes widened.

He never thought that Old Feng would actually have this thing hidden in his hand.

This is a real national treasure bronze!

Zhang Junping lowered his body and looked at the bronze in front of him carefully.

For a moment, Zhang Junping wished his eyes were on the bronze vessel.

It's in perfect condition and has a big door!

Zhang Junping never expected that Old Fengtou could actually obtain such a bronze vessel.

This is a real treasure!

Zhang Junping regretted a little. He would have known better than to force Old Feng to do so and let him go abroad with this bronze.

The only consequence of taking this bronze vessel abroad is to spend the rest of your life crying behind bars.

This bronze vessel has a special shape. It resembles a tubular square statue, with a wide mouth, a long neck, and a high square base. However, on both sides there are animal heads that are common to Western Zhou Gui, and there is a drooping bird tail-shaped decoration underneath.

The height is 22.2 cm, the diameter is 20.7 cm, and there are 22 inscriptions on the inner bottom of the abdomen.

The most precious thing about this bronze is the twenty-two inscriptions.

One of the simplest ways to determine how valuable a bronze vessel is is to see if there are any inscriptions on it.

The difference between bronzes of the same era and type, those with inscriptions and those without inscriptions, is as big as the gap between heaven and earth.

"Uncle Feng, I didn't expect you to hide such a treasure!

You are really good at this skill!

The younger generation admires him! Sure enough, ginger is still hotter when he is old!" After a while, Zhang Junping raised his head and looked at Old Feng with a complicated expression.

"Haha, Mr. Zhang deserves the award, you are the real master! How could the old man hide this idea from you?" Old Fengtou said with a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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