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Chapter Thirty-Three Horses Are Treating Guests

After hanging up the phone, Yang Mingde picked up the pen and swiped it, signed his opinion and name, and then asked again: "Is the money for renting the house enough?"

"That's enough! I went to Xiushui Street yesterday to sell some wood carvings!

I’ve made some money and can pay the rent without any problem!”

"Yes, you are very talented in wood carving!

I have seen your wood carvings and they have reached a certain level.

I don’t have anything to teach you, the rest is to accumulate slowly!

I discussed with your Master Liu today that you will not transfer to the Sculpture Department for the time being!

It’s better to stay at the Chinese Painting Academy first!

Back then, I first learned wood carving. After reaching a certain level in wood carving, I couldn't break through, so I turned to calligraphy and painting!

After studying calligraphy and painting for about ten years, when my realm of calligraphy and painting broke through, my realm of wood art naturally followed!

The reason I am telling you so much is because your wood carving skills have basically reached the level I had back then!

What we have to do now is accumulation. Studying and organizing ancient furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties is accumulation, and learning calligraphy and painting is also accumulation!

This is the so-called principle of drawing conclusions by analogy and accumulating insights.

When you accumulate enough, you will naturally achieve a breakthrough!"

"Yes, I understand, Master!

I have recently studied ancient furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and I feel like I have gained a lot!”

“It’s good to have something to gain, but remember to guard against arrogance and impetuosity!

In addition, I have discussed with your Master Liu. In order to avoid you receiving special treatment and interfering with your studies, I am not planning to announce your relationship for the time being!

Waiting for you to finish sorting out those ancient furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties and meet our requirements!

Do you have any objection if we officially accept you as our disciple again?"

"Master, thank you!

To be honest, if you disclosed to the public that I am your apprentice now, I would probably not even dare to go out!

I’m afraid I’ll accidentally lose your person!”

"Haha! If you embarrass my people, you are also degrading your own people!

I'm not disclosing it now because I don't want you to bear so much pressure!

It’s good that you understand!”

While the master and apprentice were talking, assistant Xiao Li came to Yang Mingde's office.

“This is Xiao Zhang’s work-study application, I have signed it!

Please help him go through the relevant procedures and then issue him a letter of introduction!"

"Okay, Dean Yang!"

Xiao Li looked Zhang Junping up and down, and was very curious about the relationship between Zhang Junping and Dean Yang.

A student actually dared to come directly to Dean Yang to apply for a work-study program.

The most surprising thing is that Dean Yang also signed and approved it.

You know, in the past, Dean Yang never took care of these chores and left them to another vice president.

"Classmate Xiao Zhang, you can follow Xiao Li!

Good job!”

"Thank you, Dean Yang!" Zhang Junping bowed to Yang Mingde before following Xiao Li out of the office.

Since Yang Mingde did not explain his identity to Xiao Li, Zhang Junping would naturally not reveal his identity.

At this stage, keeping his identity secret will only benefit him.

It is conceivable that once it is revealed to the public that he is the disciple of Yang Mingde and Liu Yanying, he will not only be envied, but also looked at with jealousy and hatred.

How can you, Zhang Junping and He De, be able to worship Mr. Yang and Mr. Liu as your teacher?

This kind of pressure can crush a person.

Even if Zhang Junping is not afraid of those pressures, he does not want to be distracted by these things.

Yang Mingde's assistant personally took Zhang Junping through the work-study program procedures and issued a letter of introduction. Naturally, he got the green light all the way. He quickly completed all the procedures and got the letter of introduction.

Taking the letter of introduction, Zhang Junping ran to say hello to the old lady again, saying that someone was treating her at noon and he would not go home for dinner, and then returned to the studio.

"I'm sorry, Brother Ma, for keeping you waiting!"

At this time, Ma Du was lying on an Arhat bed, sticking his buttocks out and studying the patterns on the Arhat bed.

"It's okay, it's okay! Brother, are you done?" Seeing Zhang Junping come in, Ma Du quickly got up from the Arhat bed.

"Well! I'm done. I'm not going to do a work-study program. I'll ask the teacher to open a letter of introduction!" Zhang Junping briefly explained what he had just done.

"Brother, you are really like this!" Ma Du pointed his thumb at Zhang Junping, "You have such a good master and you still have to work and study. You are really too diligent!"

“I am also forced by life. I have too many ideas in my mind, but every idea is inseparable from money!

I can only find a way to work-study and make money!" Zhang Junping said, spreading his hands.

"That's great. When I was in school, all I knew was that I needed money from my family, so why would I want to make money myself?"

"Haha! Brother Ma, at that time, you made mistakes when you went to make money by yourself, which is different from us now!" Zhang Junping said with a laugh.

There is no work today, so there is no need to clean up the studio, just lock the door and leave.

The two of them rode bicycles and first went to a Beijing Pharmaceutical Company wholesale store to find Wang Shuo, then to the Farmers Daily to find Liu Zhenyun, and then to Hai Yan.

Good guys, the two of them rode bicycles around the inner and outer sides of the Second Ring Road in Beijing for most of the time before meeting everyone together.

Wang Shuo also brought someone with him, Feng Xiaogang.

At this time, Feng Xiaogang was still Wang Shuo's lackey.

The Moscow restaurant that Lao Mo mentioned was originally a Western restaurant opened by the Soviets. They hired master chefs from the Soviet Union. The hall was magnificent. The four large copper pillars that have now turned dark blue due to oxidation were golden at that time. The tableware and utensils were golden at that time.

They are all made of silver, and the dishes are all Russian palace dishes. You have to have a special meal ticket to enter and dine. The doormen at the door are security personnel transferred from the military region troops.

After the war between China and the Soviet Union in the 1970s and the withdrawal of Soviet chefs, Lao Mo no longer needed special meal tickets.

Most of the people who come here to eat are high-level people or returned overseas Chinese.

So this place became a place for the big boys in Beijing to show off.

In the 1970s and 1980s, if anyone could have a meal at Lao Mo's, they would raise their chin at 45 degrees and say, "I just went to Lao Mo's with my buddies for a meal!"

That’s what Lao Mo will do if he eats it for a long time!”

If you want to treat someone to a meal and want to save face, then you should say, "Come on, brother, let's go to Lao Mo and have a good meal!"

As soon as he said this, he was bound to receive a burst of praise and envious looks.

Before the 1990s, Lao Mo had always been a representative of luxury dining in Beijing.

In the 1970s, one person could easily spend three or four yuan on a meal.

You know, in the 1970s, the evaluation salary was only thirty yuan.

In the 1980s, a meal could easily cost more than ten yuan. A group of five or six people like Zhang Junping could eat a meal worth a hundred yuan.

Braised beef in pot, grilled fish with cream, cream of mushroom soup, grilled mixed with cream, foie gras......

Watching several people in Madu ordering dishes, Zhang Junping secretly murmured, had Madu been stimulated a little too much today?

Is your brain damaged by stimulation?

The dishes they ordered were all Lao Mo's signature dishes. After this meal, plus drinks, they would be worth two hundred.

This chapter has been completed!
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