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Chapter 333 Inheritance of Master and Disciple

"You have to look at the system from both sides. At first glance, it seems to be restricting the workers, but if you analyze it carefully, you will find that these are actually protecting the workers." Zhao Wenlong also echoed from the side.

"Ha, according to you, this fine is still protection?" When Zhang Junping said this, Li Guohua did not dare to refute, but he did not hesitate to Zhao Wenlong and sneered when he heard the words.

"Fines are not the purpose, the purpose is to regulate their behavior and to enable them to develop the habit of operating machinery and equipment in their daily work.

Only in this way can we reduce the occurrence of work-related accidents, improve work efficiency, and improve product qualification rates!" Zhao Wenlong did not argue with him, but explained seriously.

Seeing that several other deputy factory directors were about to speak, Zhang Junping knocked on the sea of ​​tea to attract everyone's attention, "Why are we integrating furniture factories? For development!

What’s the point of making money behind closed doors? We have to go out and make money from Americans, British people, and Japanese people!

This is the real thing!

As for what you said about having too many rules and feeling restrictive, that’s not the point!

State-owned and national laws, families have family rules, and factories have factory disciplines. No matter what industry you are in, there must be rules! Without rules, there is nothing!

You factory directors should do more ideological work as workers!

I won’t say much about the factory system. In short, if you understand it, you must implement it. If you don’t understand it, then overcome the difficulties and understand it!

I will not treat everyone who works poorly and will create a better working and living environment for everyone.

However, anyone who breaks the rules will be punished accordingly!

If you really don’t understand it, you can find another job, I won’t force you here!”

Zhang Junping's words are solid and cannot be refuted.

For a moment, the reception room fell into silence.

We are not fools. We all used to be the first and second leaders in various factories, so we naturally heard the knocking meaning in Zhang Junping's words.

These words were not addressed so much to the workers as to a few of them.

"Okay, that's it!

Let’s talk about something else. The foundation of our furniture factory is technology!

I just had a few chats with Master Du, which was about improving technology.

Our carpentry industry used to pay attention to the inheritance of masters and apprentices. In the new society, the inheritance of masters and apprentices still exists.

But how can we make the master-disciple inheritance play a greater role in the new society?" Zhang Junping said this and did not continue. Instead, he served tea to everyone and left time for everyone.

After a pause, Li Guohua took the lead and said: "The factory director is right, we must pay attention to the inheritance of master and apprentice..."

Then Balabala said a lot.

"Boom boom!"

Zhang Junping couldn't help but knock on the sea of ​​tea, and reminded with a smile: "Old Li, I have tea here, I'm full, please give me more!"

When Zhang Junping said this, Li Guohua couldn't help but blush. He was used to being the leader in the past. Before getting down to business, he used to quote a lot of clichés from classics. One was to show that he was capable, and the other was to express what he was talking about.

How important things are.

"Hehe... Hey, I'm used to it, I'm used to it!" Li Guohua smiled awkwardly, and then said: "I think the sense of honor of the masters should be improved, and the masters who have taught many disciples and whose apprentices have good skills should be commended!

Give titles such as advanced individuals and advanced party members."

"I think we should hold a ceremony to recruit apprentices. This will show that the factory values ​​the inheritance of masters and apprentices, and that they will also teach their apprentices attentively!"

“I think it’s better to provide some benefits and give more benefits to masters who have many apprentices and are skilled.”

With Li Guohua taking the lead, everyone else also expressed their opinions, and it was quite lively for a while. It was just a lesson learned from the past, and everyone was taking advantage of it.

Zhang Junping listened with a smile and silently acted as a waiter, making tea and pouring water for everyone.

After some discussion, the reception room became quiet again, and everyone was waiting for Zhang Junping to make his final summary.

“What everyone just said was very good, so I’ll summarize it.

Everyone's opinions are relatively unified. On how to carry out the inheritance of master and disciple, everyone's opinions are based on the two aspects of fame and fortune.

We can take a multi-pronged approach.

First, about recruiting disciples.

From then on, an apprenticeship ceremony will be held every year.

Every master or master who is qualified to accept apprentices can accept apprentices on this day.

The source of apprentices is selected from the newly recruited employees every year. As for who to accept as apprentices and who to become teachers, in principle, it is voluntary, accepting apprentices is voluntary, and becoming teachers is voluntary.

Of course, we are now in a new society, and we no longer pay attention to three-year apprenticeships, two-year service and so on.

However, the traditional etiquette of three festivals and two birthdays must still be observed!

After accepting an apprentice, the first three years are the apprenticeship period. The apprenticeship period can be shortened according to the situation. The master will report it to the factory, which will organize an assessment. Those who pass the assessment will be qualified for formal employment.

During the apprenticeship period, no business skills assessment will be conducted in the first year, and business skills assessment will begin in the second year.

The apprentice's assessment results are directly included in the master's performance rewards. You will discuss how to reward them later.

The second is the honor of master and apprentice. The honorary title of a master can be divided into four levels: first-time teacher, being a teacher by example, tirelessly teaching, being kind and virtuous, and being a leader in the world.

If there are three apprentices who are apprentices and are dedicated to formal work, they can be selected for the honorary title of [Beginner's Master]. With the title of [Beginner's Master], they can receive 1.2 times the salary every month, and various benefits are also calculated according to 1.2 times.

If there are ten apprentices who are apprentices and are dedicated to formal work, they can be selected as the honorary title of "Being a role model to others". With the title of "Being a role model to others", they can receive 1.5 times the salary. Similarly, other benefits are also calculated based on 1.5 times.

There are thirty apprentices who are apprentices, and those who are dedicated to formal work can be selected as [Tireless Teachers] and can receive twice the salary...

There are fifty apprentices who are apprentices, and those who are dedicated to formal work can be selected as [Honesty and Virtue Cultivator], and can receive three times the salary...

There are one hundred apprentices who are apprentices and are dedicated to formal work. They can be selected as [Taoli Tianxia] and receive 5 times the salary. Various benefits are also calculated at 5 times.

In addition, the masters with the two titles of "Houdude Shuren" and "Taoli Tianxia" are no longer limited to the factory in selecting apprentices. They have the right to arrange a certain number of people to enter the factory every year to be their apprentices..." Zhang Junping stated.

Say what's on your mind.

Secretary Liu Weimin, who was attending the meeting nearby, quickly recorded what Zhang Junping said.

Everyone was stunned by Zhang Junping's generosity.

“The other thing is to organize a skills competition!

The skills competition is divided into two levels. The first level competition is the apprentice competition. Participants are recommended by the tutors and teachers. The top ten will be chosen and the first place will be...

The first level of competition is the competition between formal workers.

This does not distinguish between masters and apprentices, as long as they are regular workers, they can sign up to participate, and the top ten will be awarded the first place prize...

If the apprentice gets a rank, the master can get the same reward..."

This chapter has been completed!
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