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Chapter 358 Tongtian Avenue

Father Huang sat up straight, stared at Zhang Junping and asked, "Tell me carefully, how can we build roads without money?"

"Uncle Huang, dig out some villages that are hiding in the mountains and forests due to wars and other reasons.

Most villages actually have roads.

It’s just that this road may be quite rugged, and many people can only pass by people and walk on camels and horses, which is the so-called camel horse trail.

These ancient camel and horse trails can all be widened.

No matter how poor the county is, it can still get some explosives, right?

It is not difficult to get people from villages, explosives from counties, and roads widened.

There is no need to build the road like an asphalt road like a city, it just needs to be able to drive a horse-drawn carriage.

It doesn't take much, just open one-third or even one-fifth of the villages' roads.

With roads, we can carry out the rural economic development I mentioned before.

Then the advanced ones will drive the backward ones, and this one-fifth of the villages will be used to drive the development of other villages.

With this cycle, one day the economy of all villages in Changshou County will be able to develop."

Zhang Junping's words made Huang's father fall into silence.

Father Huang lit another cigarette and took a deep breath. The smoke enveloped Father Huang's entire face.

Father Huang's face appeared and disappeared in the smoke, just like his mood at this time, which was ups and downs.

In fact, any college student in the future, and even many non-college students who are on the Internet, can tell you what Zhang Junping said.

However, these words are thought-provoking now.

"You just said that you want to ensure the marketability of agricultural products? Why do I feel that there is something in your words?"

“Our current agricultural and sideline products are purchased by the purchasing stations of supply and marketing cooperatives.

There is no problem with a small amount. Chongqing alone can digest those agricultural and sideline products.

However, once the development of a certain type of agricultural and sideline products is concentrated, can the supply and marketing cooperative still digest those agricultural and sideline products?

For example, if more than a dozen villages in a township all grow apples, and the apple output reaches millions of kilograms a year, can the supply and marketing cooperative still be able to handle it?

What should I do if I can't digest it?

Of course, I am not saying that supply and marketing cooperatives are not good at purchasing and selling.

Rather, if there is no preparation in advance, a situation like the old society where low grain prices hurt farmers will inevitably occur."

"How is that possible?"

"How is it impossible?

Yes! The country has fixed prices for fruits.

But what if the quantity is too large and the supply and marketing cooperative cannot purchase it all?

The fruit farmers drive their own carriages into the city to sell apples, and a large number of fruit farmers go to the city to sell apples, so they will inevitably lower each other's prices..."

"..." Huang's father fell silent once.

"Xiao Zhang, I've been listening to you for a long time. How can you just talk about how to develop the rural economy? What about the urban economy? How should the urban economy develop?"

"The urban economy is divided into two types, industry and commerce.

The economic development of industry, or reform, is actually about changing one's thinking.

The country has actually given the direction of reform.

From the planned economy to the market economy, the market economy will eventually completely replace the planned economy.

Since it is a market economy, the direction of industrial development must be determined by the market.

If you don't realize this, you may be eliminated by the market.

In fact, to put it bluntly, we will produce what the market needs. Only by adjusting the product production plan according to market demand can we succeed.

Just like the furniture factory I opened in BJ.

Why did I open a furniture factory in the first place? Because since 1979, educated youths who went to the countryside began to return to the city one after another.

When educated youths go to the countryside and return to the city, a large number of older unmarried young people will inevitably appear in the city.

The children have suffered so much in the countryside and are still in their late twenties and early thirties and are still unmarried. Will the parents be anxious?

For example, it will create a situation where people get married together.

Can I not buy furniture when I get married?

When people in the city get married, they pay attention to thirty-two or forty-eight legs.

This is what the market needs.

I caught it, so my furniture factory is in short supply, and furniture orders have been scheduled until next year." After Zhang Junping finished speaking, he picked up the tea cup and took a sip. After saying so much, he was also a little thirsty.

"What about business?"

“There is a saying that there is no stability without farmers, no strength without industry, and no wealth without business.

Economic development is inseparable from business.

In fact, opening a factory to produce various materials for sale is also a business activity.

But the business I’m talking about here refers to the tertiary industry.

For example, restaurants, supply and marketing cooperatives, department stores, and transportation all belong to the tertiary industry.

The tertiary industry has a characteristic, which is low investment, quick results and high efficiency."

After Zhang Junping finished speaking, he saw that his father-in-law was a little confused, so he simply gave examples and gave ways to develop the tertiary industry.

"Uncle Huang, if you want to develop the tertiary industry, the simplest way is to find a street, name it a food street, and encourage and attract people to open restaurants on this street.

Of course, it can also be a clothing street, or a furniture street, etc.

Putting similar products together will form a cluster effect, which can attract more consumers to come and consume.

In fact, this kind of operation has already appeared in ancient times, such as BJ's Dongfeng Market.

If you have money, you can also build it into a mall style, and the decoration city that Huang Xue is now in charge of is this model."

In the evening, Zhang Junping and his father-in-law talked a lot until very late.

The conversation ended at the urging of my mother-in-law.

It can be seen that the father-in-law is very talkative. If the mother-in-law hadn't urged him repeatedly, the father-in-law could have talked with him all night long.

Zhang Junping's words not only opened a window for Huang's father, but directly opened a avenue to the sky.

As long as Huang's father can understand the ideas in Zhang Junping's words, he can become a reform pioneer of this era, an economic expert, and his future will be bright.

Although Mr. Liu and his mother-in-law already knew that Zhang Junping and Huang Xue lived together, they were not married after all.

Therefore, Zhang Junping could only share a room with his two brothers-in-law at night.

After a night of silence, I got up early the next day.

At his mother-in-law's house, Zhang Junping didn't have the heart to sleep in late.

When Zhang Junping got up, Huang Mu and Huang Xue had already gotten up and were making breakfast.

Breakfast is noodles with pickles.

As the new son-in-law, Zhang Junping received special treatment. There were two extra poached eggs in the bowl.

But under the longing eyes of his brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Zhang Junping could eat it.

I could only give one of the poached eggs to my sister-in-law, and divide the other one into two halves, and give them to my second brother-in-law and third brother-in-law respectively, "You can eat it, I don't like eggs."

Regarding this, Huang's father and Huang's mother didn't say much.

From the gifts Zhang Junping brought, we knew that he was not short of money and eggs.

Of course, Zhang Junping is not short of everything. As the mother-in-law, it is necessary to lay two poached eggs for Zhang Junping, the new son-in-law.

It is etiquette and shows that you value your son-in-law.

After dinner, my father-in-law took Zhang Junping to his office to have a good chat with him.

This chapter has been completed!
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