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Chapter 363 Huang Xue's Opportunity

The next day, Huang's father did not attend the Standing Committee meeting. Instead, he took leave and took his family back to the countryside.

When my future son-in-law comes to visit, according to the rules, I have to take him to his parents to see him and meet his relatives and friends.

Including Zhang Junping, Huang Xue's family had a total of seven people. Huang's father found two cars and brought gifts back to his hometown.

Huang Xue's hometown, Huangzhuang, is in Changshou County, on the bank of Longxi River, very close to Paoma Beach.

Paoma Beach is very unique, with giant rocks and mysterious caves, full of legends.

"It's winter now, so the scenery is a bit bad. It would be more beautiful here in summer.

When I was on summer vacation, I liked to sit by the river and sketch." Huang Xue introduced his hometown to Zhang Junping.

"It's beautiful even now. This kind of desolate artistic conception contains infinite hope, which is more touching." Zhang Junping sat in the car and looked into the distance.

"Junping, I have been listening to the teacher talk about artistic conception all day long. What is artistic conception?" Huang Xue said with some distress when Zhang Junping mentioned artistic conception.

"The artistic conception, how should I put it, can only be understood, not expressed in words." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

Seeing Huang Xue staring at him angrily, Zhang Junping explained: "It's difficult to describe artistic conception in words.

You will naturally be able to understand it when you have advanced skills. For those who have not understood the artistic conception, no matter how similar your paintings are, you can only be called a painter. Only those who truly understand the artistic conception can be called a painter.

Just like the scenery in front of you, people who don't understand the artistic conception can only draw bare trees and earthy mountains. No matter how similar the mountains and trees are, it's just a picture without a soul.

If you add one or two crows to the tree, think about it, will it be different?

People who don’t understand the artistic conception paint only winter; those who understand the artistic conception paint only the silence of winter.”

After listening to Zhang Junping's words, Huang Xue seemed to understand, but also seemed not to understand, and fell into deep thought for a while.

Zhang Junping did not continue the story. This was Huang Xue's opportunity.

My sister-in-law, who was chattering at first, was very obedient and silent at this time.

Although Huang Xue worked very hard, his talent was not very good, so after two years at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, he still only understood the form but not the spirit, and did not understand the artistic conception of painting.

However, Huang Xue worked very hard and had a very solid foundation. He was just one layer away from understanding the artistic conception.

Don't think that a layer of window paper is easy to pierce. With so many people learning painting every year, at least two-thirds of them will never be able to pierce this layer of window paper.

Teachers are also very troubled about this.

Because this cannot be taught using words.

For many people who have apprenticed under a teacher, in order to give guidance to the students, the teacher often calls the students over to watch while he is painting.

In fact, the teacher does this in the hope that students can understand the artistic conception in the painting by observing themselves painting.

However, some students with poor understanding did not understand the teacher's good intentions at all. Instead, they complained that the teacher did not teach anything and just let me watch from the sidelines.

When the car arrived at Huangzhuang and stopped, Huang Xue also woke up from her thoughts and looked at Zhang Junping with a blushing face.

"Do you understand?" Zhang Junping asked with a smile.

"I seem to understand a little bit, but I'm still a little confused!"

"It's okay. Didn't you bring an easel with you? After visiting relatives, you can watch me paint a picture and you will almost understand." Zhang Junping said softly.

"Okay!" Huang Xue held Zhang Junping's hand and said softly.

"Oh, you two are so disgusting!" My sister-in-law shouted in dissatisfaction when she was ignored.

"Lily, can I draw a picture for you later?" Zhang Junping reached out and rubbed his sister-in-law's head and said with a smile.

"I hate it, brother-in-law, you messed up my hair, I'll pay for it! At least two paintings!" the sister-in-law said coquettishly.

"Okay! Brother-in-law, can you give me another wood carving?" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

My sister-in-law is about the same age as my sister. When I look at my sister-in-law Zhang Junping, I always think of my sister.

Huang's father and mother, who got off the car in front, smiled with satisfaction when they saw Zhang Junping being so kind to their little daughter.

A family should be harmonious and beautiful.

"Xiao Zhang, this is my hometown!

Isn’t it beautiful? When I was a kid, I loved fishing and catching shrimp on the rocky beach.

When I catch fish and shrimp, I grill them directly without adding any salt.

Thinking about it now, I still feel that it was the most delicious thing I have ever eaten in my life.

More than thirty years have passed in a flash, and I am getting old, but I am satisfied to see you all grow up and have families." Father Huang said with some emotion.

"Uncle Huang, you are not old! The United States can still select the top ten outstanding young people at the age of fifty!

You are only in your forties, you are in your prime, and your career has just started." Zhang Junping said with some humor.

The father-in-law is a bit pretentious, just like Zhu Yuanzhang's pearl white jade soup, the so-called deliciousness is just the deliciousness of imagination.

Of course, what Zhang Junping said was not flattery.

Huang's father is now in his forties and is already at the deputy county level. Even if there is no progress at the beginning of next year, when Chongqing is upgraded to a city with separate state planning in the middle of the year, it will naturally be upgraded to one level.

A deputy county magistrate in his forties is not considered young, but a county magistrate in his forties is considered young.

By 1997, it took more than ten years to get promoted to one or two levels. When Chongqing became a municipality directly under the Central Government in 1997, it was possible to do prostitution for free.

Therefore, Huang's father's future has been determined. He will eventually retire at the department level. If he is lucky and capable, he might be able to become a high-ranking official in the border areas.

"Haha, let me lend you some good words!

Xiao Zhang!

This is my hometown, and it is also your hometown.

It's beautiful here, but it's very poor!

You have many ideas, can you think of ways to help your hometown develop?"

Zhang Junping shook his head helplessly and looked around Huangzhuang.

“You’re an old man, you work all day long, but this time you still can’t do without work in your hometown.

Why don't you go home quickly and don't keep your parents waiting?" Huang's mother said dissatisfiedly when she saw Huang's father talking about work again.

"Oh, I'm used to it! Okay, let's not talk anymore! Let's go home quickly!" Huang's father turned around and confessed to the driver before leading everyone towards the village.

It must be said that Father Huang was very careful about the impact and did not let the car drive directly into the village. Instead, he got off the car at the entrance of the village and walked into the village.

This is the quality of cadres in this era, a quality of cadres based on simple beliefs.

When Zhang Junping and his party entered the village, a temporary standing committee meeting was being held in Changshou County.

The meeting has two topics.

One is the decision to create a food street and a clothing street.

The other one is the resolution on issuing lottery tickets for the Reform and Development Fund.

The Reform and Development Fund Lottery was named after Feng Weiguo.

There are many capable people in the government. Yesterday Zhang Junping just gave a rough outline.

In less than two hours before the morning meeting, a fairly complete work report had been formed.

"Comrades, the country has sounded the clarion call for reform and opening up.

How we seize this great opportunity to develop the economy of Changshou County and let the people of Changshou County live a good life is the unshirkable responsibility of all of us here..."

This chapter has been completed!
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