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Chapter 384: Going to the Grave for the New Year

Zhang Yingyao's smiling face turned into a chrysanthemum, and he waved his hand in a triumphant manner, "Today is the Chinese New Year, so I won't let you eat.

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, I’m treating you! Let you try the Maotai my boss brought back.”

Isn't it just that he has a good son? He will make you angry.

Everyone didn't give Zhang Yingyao a chance to continue blathering, and stood up and left one by one.

Accountant Zhang Yingkun also carried two canvas bags and asked militia captain Zhang Yingkui to leave together.

"Pingzi, sit down and have a rest! I'll make you a bowl of egg water.

After drinking, you go to sleep first! When her mother saw Zhang Junping, she pulled him by the hand and said distressedly.

"Mom, I'm not tired! I'm young and it's okay to stay up all night!"

"It's okay. Look, your eye circles are red!" His mother touched Zhang Junping's face distressedly.


Zhang Yingyao puffed on his cigarette with a face full of jealousy. "You ladies, I haven't slept a wink all night, and I don't see you caring about me."

"Mom, my dad didn't sleep all night either, let him go and get some sleep.

I'll post the pair and the door money.

After posting the pairs, I still have to visit the grave."

The custom here in Yuandu is that on New Year's Eve or New Year's Eve, after posting the pairs of money, you go to the graves and invite your ancestors to come home to celebrate the New Year.

"..." Zhang Yingyao nodded with satisfaction, the boss's pain was not in vain.

"This old guy, it's okay if he doesn't sleep all night, he won't die!

I used to stay up late during big tournaments, so I'm used to it." My mother glanced at Zhang Yingyao and said with a nonchalant expression.

As the mother said this, she turned around and made two bowls of egg water and put them on the table.

Zhang Yingyao, who was feeling sad, was suddenly resurrected with full blood. He drank the egg water in one breath, wiped his mouth and said: "I'll go and take a nap. Boss, you can also take a nap. Just post the pair and let the second and third sons do it."


"Okay! Then I'll go and take a nap, second and third, call me after posting the money!" Zhang Junping didn't hold on.

He was a little sleepy.

It doesn't matter if you stay up late, the key point is that it was too much trouble to distribute money to the villagers yesterday.

Although the villagers accepted the decision to withdraw their shares, they couldn't help asking questions.

It's okay, gentlemen. The most I can do is ask if I can follow Zhang Junping to go to BJ to make money next year.

It would be scary for old ladies to come to collect money. There is nothing they wouldn't be curious about.

The key is, these people are either aunts, sisters-in-law, or aunts.

Zhang Junping couldn't offend them yet, so he could only deal with them politely and angrily.

Even if they are not his relatives, Zhang Junping is not willing to offend them.

In the village, it's no big deal if you offend a man. Even if you can't beat him, you'll probably get a beating at most.

However, if you offend these old ladies, your reputation will basically be ruined. These old ladies can make you do a lot of heinous things.

In rural areas, it has not been uncommon since ancient times for people to be instigated by others to get divorced, to have their reputations ruined and be singled out for the rest of their lives, to even be bullied into committing suicide, and to die of frustration.

It was the old women in the village who did this.

It fully proves what it means to kill without a knife.

It was already past two o'clock in the afternoon when Zhang Junping was woken up.

The second and third eldest children had already posted money on each door and were waiting to visit the grave.

After washing his face and changing his clothes, Zhang Junping followed his father to his grandfather's house.

I gathered my grandfather, uncle, and second uncle together and went to visit the grave together.

When visiting the grave on New Year's Eve, women are not allowed to go, only men.

This is also one of the reasons why so many families in rural areas, in order to have a son, are willing to be punished and become poor and bankrupt, and their families are ruined, but they also want a son, right? Gu Xiang

Not having a son is equivalent to cutting off the incense inheritance. One of them said that he did not have a son to visit the grave during the Chinese New Year.

It seems that not only Zhang Junping's family was late to visit the grave, but everyone was also late.

There are also rules for visiting graves. They always visit graves in the morning.

This year most people have changed it to the afternoon.

On the way, there were many people visiting the grave, and Zhang Junping and his team grew bigger and bigger.

Grandpa Zhang Junping's team, eldest grandpa's team, second grandpa, and fourth grandpa all gathered together to form a huge team.

You can tell which family has a prosperous family at this time. For those with a prosperous family, such as Zhang Junping's family, fifty or sixty people visited Zhang Junping's grandfather's grave together.

This was just the old man's team. By the time of Emperor Gaozu, the team suddenly grew to hundreds of people.


No one visits Tianzu’s grave anymore. If there is no ancestral hall, people who visit the grave usually only visit the ancestor’s generation. This is because Zhang Junping’s grandfather’s generation is still here.

Otherwise, the most I can reach is my great-grandfather.

No matter how high it is, it means pressing a piece of paper money on the grave, and then chanting, inviting the ancestors to come home for the New Year.

There are also those with few people, such as the eldest brother-in-law’s family, where only four or five people go to visit the grave alone.

This year, the Zhang family's grave visit was particularly lively, with firecrackers going off for more than an hour.

There are also many offerings to ancestors.

Every ancestral tomb, as long as the ancestral tomb is named, has offerings.

According to grandpa, it was the blessing of the ancestors that made the Zhang family have such a Qilin son like Zhang Junping.

On the way back, the four old men, the eldest grandfather, the second grandfather, the grandfather, and the fourth grandfather, plus the grandfathers of the family, got together and murmured about the possibility of building an ancestral hall.

After building an ancestral hall, ancestors will be able to receive incense and offerings, and they will not have to travel to visit their graves.

However, I was worried about violating the policy and causing trouble for the Zhang family.

After all, this was just a few years ago.

The situation of the past few years is still fresh in the memory of our grandparents.

In the past few years, we were not allowed to visit the graves at all. Everyone visited the graves secretly.

Even door-to-door money is not allowed.

It has only become more relaxed in the past few years, and everyone can visit graves openly and openly.

"Pingzi, you are a college student and know a lot. Can you tell me, does building an ancestral hall violate the policy?"

Zhang Junping thought for a while and said: "Grandpas, worshiping ancestors is not a superstition, but a family inheritance, which can bring the hearts of the people together.

There are no national regulations that prohibit the construction of ancestral halls.

However, since we are in the north, building an ancestral temple is a bit eye-catching.

It would be best to wait another three or four years before building.

In the past few years, you elders can sort out the family tree of our Zhang family.

Also try to find a way to contact the tribesmen who have moved out."

"Pingzi, according to what you said, it's okay for people to build ancestral halls in the south, but it's not okay for us to build them in the north?" The second grandfather was very dissatisfied with Zhang Junping's words.

"Second Grandpa, the Southern Ancestral Hall has always existed. There is no need to rebuild it at all. At most, it will just be renovated.

But, look at our village and the surrounding villages, which village has an ancestral hall?" Zhang Junping explained with a smile.

Speaking of ancestral halls, in the entire Shandong Province, probably only a few families such as Confucius, Mencius, Yan and Zeng had ancestral halls, and the others did not have them at all.

This is also related to the history of Shandong.

Since the Han Dynasty, Shandong has suffered several disasters, including the Yellow Turban Uprising at the end of the Han Dynasty, several campaigns against Goguryeo by Emperor Sui Yang in the Sui Dynasty, droughts and floods, locust plagues during the Little Ice Age in the Song Dynasty and Ming Dynasty, and the increasing status of the Confucian government, resulting in Shandong

People are almost dead.

Nowadays, most Shandong people have moved here from other provinces.


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