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Chapter three hundred and ninety-four starts construction

"Master, I don't know...how the salary is determined?" The second time he called the master, Zheng Laosi called more smoothly than the first time.

After asking, Zheng Laosi explained with some embarrassment: "Um... these people used to beg for food, but then the environment was not good and everyone had a hard time. I, the leader, have no ability...

Now, when I hand them over to the hall master, I can rest assured that the hall master will never treat them badly, but I’m still a little worried, so I’ll ask more questions.”

"The wages here are the same as those set by the state. Wages are also determined based on apprenticeships and formal workers from grades 1 to 8.

The salary base is about three to five times that of state-owned factories." Zhang Junping didn't care and explained the salary situation at his side with a smile.

Prince Gong’s Mansion renovation project, the first project seminar after the year.

Zhang Junping sat behind the conference table, holding his chin, looking at everyone in the conference room with interest.

No wonder those pretense slaps, especially the reversal routines, are so popular.

Really enjoyable.

Today, Zhang Junping introduced Zheng Laosi to a group of experts and professors from Tsinghua University.

As a result, Zheng Laosi, who was dressed in an old-fashioned Tang suit, was despised by a group of experts and professors from Tsinghua University.

It's normal that one is a casual member of society and the other is an expert professor from a top domestic university. They are both graduate tutors and doctoral tutors.

The gap between the two sides can be said to be that one side is above the nine heavens and the other side is below the eighteen levels of hell.

The chain of contempt has existed since ancient times.

Then, Zheng Laosi used his solid knowledge of ancient architecture and the deeper and more detailed understanding of ancient architecture from front-line craftsmen to directly impress many experts and professors from Tsinghua University.

The seminar became a stage for Zheng Laosi. The red-faced Zheng Laosi gave impassioned instructions.

I guess Zheng Laosi never thought that one day he would be able to show off in front of a group of university professors and be so successful.

"If everyone has no objections, then we will implement this plan.

Mr. Zheng led the construction team to repair the buildings that had been cleared.

An advisory group composed of Dean Liang, Professor Zhou and others, as supervisors, supervise and guide the renovation work.

Is there anything else you need to add?

Dean Liang?

Professor Zhou?

Mr. Zheng?" Zhang Junping made his final concluding remarks.

"Okay! Then I announce that the first phase of the Prince Gong's Mansion renovation project has officially started!" Zhang Junping waved his arm fiercely.


There was thunderous applause in the conference room.

The first phase of the Prince Gong’s Mansion renovation project occupies about a quarter of the entire Prince Gong’s Mansion.

Compared with the eight state-owned units, the residents in Prince Gong's Mansion are actually the most positive.

As long as the residents of Prince Gong's Mansion agree to move out, they can each enjoy twenty square meters of building compensation.

Once the news was released, more than 200 households expressed their enthusiasm.

Everyone is fed up with a family of five or six people crowded together.

There are more than 200 families living in Prince Gong's Mansion, and part of Prince Gong's Mansion has been turned into a large courtyard.

In order to solve the accommodation problem, the BJ people living in the courtyard used all their ingenuity.

The one-story house was suddenly turned into two stories, with a small suite built in the corridor.

In less than a month, the relocation of more than 200 households was completed.

What was repaired this time was the courtyard of Prince Gong’s residence which was converted into a large courtyard.

The main work content of this part is mainly demolition.

In addition, the main structure is inspected and then repaired and reinforced.

The person responsible for the construction was naturally the team of craftsmen under Zheng Laosi.

Valley tree

After meeting Zheng Laosi last time, Zhang Junping arranged for someone to register a construction company: Jiangmen Ancient Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.

And all the craftsmen introduced by Zheng Laosi were included in the company.

Zheng Laosi was also temporarily appointed as the general manager of Jiangmen Ancient Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.

The following management, except for the financial staff, is handled by Zheng Laosi's apprentices.

Zhang Junping has nothing to do about this for the time being, as he has no one in his hands.

We can only let Zheng Laosi and his disciples come in first, and then slowly recruit more people and make adjustments.

Zheng Laosi's team of craftsmen had not yet had time to conduct a level assessment, so they were not graded.

This first phase of the Prince Gong’s Mansion renovation project is a practice of the renovation plan and an assessment of all craftsmen.

For the time being, all craftsmen are paid according to the wages of first-level workers. After the assessment, they will be repaid according to their respective levels.

I'm so busy, March is here in a blink of an eye, the season of spring flowers blooming.

Construction of Prince Gong's Mansion has officially started.

During this period, while Zhang Junping was busy with Prince Gong's Mansion, he took the time to draw the floor plan and appearance design of the Daming Palace Central Business District.

And handed it over to Dean Liang and others, entrusting them to carry out in-depth design of the design drawings.

After completing all this, Zhang Junping came to Suzhou.

There is heaven above, and Suzhou and Hangzhou below.

Jiangnan has been a prosperous place since ancient times, and Suzhou has always been one of the core cities in the Jiangnan region.

Fireworks in Yangzhou in March.

Although Suzhou is not Yangzhou, it is.

Suzhou in March is the most beautiful season of the year.

Suzhou has flowers all year round, but March is the best time to enjoy them.

Thousands of acres of pear blossoms in the northern foothills, azaleas in the Humble Administrator's Garden, and the Tiger Hill Flower Festival will definitely make people linger and indulge in the fragrance of the flowers.

However, Zhang Junping came here not to enjoy the flowers, let alone the beauties of Gusu.

Zhang Junping came here this time for BRIC.

Bricks are also called Beijing Bricks.

But its origin is in Suzhou.

In fact, there are several origins of gold bricks, but Suzhou has the best quality.

Because Suzhou's soil is fine and rich in colloids and has strong plasticity, the bricks made from it are hard and dense.

Through his master Yang Mingde, Zhang Junping contacted a master who made gold bricks.

This time I came here to meet this master.

There is an ancient village on the outskirts of Suzhou called Yuyao Village.

Yuyao Village is named after the production of gold bricks.

The master Zhang Junping wanted to visit lived in Yuyao Village.

Under the guidance of the guide, Zhang Junping came to the home of Master Yao Jiezeng.

Zhang Junping was a little disappointed when he saw Master Yao Jiezeng.

Master Yao Jiezeng is over 70 years old this year. His dark face is full of ravines and his eyes are a little chaotic.

This is not a master, he is just an old man.

But now that we are here, we have to talk about it.

"Hello, Master Yao! I'm here from BJ. My master has contacted you before." Zhang Junping introduced himself.

"Ah? Oh! You are Mr. Yang Mingde Yang's apprentice!" The old man looked up at Zhang Junping with dull eyes and said hoarsely.

"Yes! It's me!" Zhang Junping nodded.

This chapter has been completed!
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