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Chapter 40 The Descendants of Qingtian Stone Carving

"Don't be ridiculous, brother, I don't look down on the sculpture department, I look down on your craftsmanship!

Why do you insist that I speak so clearly?" Zhang Junping curled his lips and mocked.

Zhou Jianping doubted life in one sentence.

I almost ran to the corner to draw circles.

Curse Zhang Junping.

Of course Zhou Jianping's skills are not really bad. If they were really bad, Zhang Junping wouldn't say such things.

The reason why I dare to say this is because it is recognized in the dormitory that Zhou Jianping's skills are the best among the seven of them.

Zhou Jianping grew up in Qingtian Stone Carving Factory. He studied stone carving since he was a child and is the successor of Qingtian stone carving.

When it comes to Qingtian stone carvings, many people may not be very clear about it.

Qingtian stone carving is one of the three sculptures in Zhejiang, and is as famous as Dongyang wood carving and boxwood carving.

Qingtian stone carving has a very long history, originating from the "Songze Culture" period 5,000 years ago.

Qingtian stone carving has its own genre, which is bold and bold, delicate and delicate, with both form and spirit, and the tone is realistic but still meaningful.

The stone used in Qingtian stone carvings is Qingtian stone, one of the four famous stones along with Shoushan stone, Changhua stone and Balin stone.

Qingtian stone is rich in color and has unique patterns. It is mainly "pyrophyllite", which is waxy, oily, glassy, ​​opaque, slightly transparent to translucent, and has a dense and fine texture. It is the earliest stone used for seal carving in China.

With cyan as the main color, famous Qingtian stone products include light jelly, fish brain jelly, soy sauce jelly, Fengmen Qing, Bijing jelly, mint jelly, Tianmo, Tianbai, etc.

Qingtian stone carvings, developed based on Qingtian stone, were selected as tributes many times during the Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China.

During the Qianlong Emperor's 80th Birthday, the ministers used Qingtian stone carvings to make a set of sixty "Book of Fortune" seals as a birthday gift. This set of seals is still preserved in the Palace Museum.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, with the opening of ocean commerce, Qingtian stone carvings were exported to Britain, the United States, and France. They participated in many international competitions and won awards at the 1899 Paris Competition, the 1905 Belgium Competition, and the 1915 American Pacific Exposition.

In the second year of Xuantong, Qingtian Stone Sculpture won the silver medal at the Nanyang Entrepreneurship Conference held in Nanjing.

Zhou Jianping can be said to have a family background, and he has laid a solid foundation since he was a child. After being admitted to Central Academy of Fine Arts, he studied systematically in the sculpture department for another year, and his skills became even more refined.

Among the students of their generation, Zhou Jianping definitely belongs to the top class.

Of course, compared to Zhang Junping, he is still a little worse. After all, Zhang Junping was already famous before time travel and was a provincial master of arts and crafts.

But the difference isn't much.

If the skill level is divided into beginner, intermediate, advanced, expert and master levels.

Zhou Jianping is roughly at the level of a senior industrial artist, while Zhang Junping has reached the expert level.

The three levels of junior high school and high school are a quantitative accumulation, while the advanced to expert level is a qualitative change.

As for the gap between expert and master level, there is a huge gap. There are so many experts in the world, it is a bit exaggerated to say that there are too many.

But every province has dozens or hundreds of expert craftsmen in arts and crafts.

However, a true master of arts and crafts can count them on two hands.

The reason why I don’t want Zhou Jianping’s stone sculptures is because it’s a joke.


It’s also because Zhou Jianping doesn’t lack a platform for display.

Zhou Jianping, who is backed by Qingtian Stone Carving Factory, is not short of money.

Qingtian stone carvings from this period, like Yuandu mahogany inlaid with silver, were well-known local products that could be exported to earn foreign exchange.

The brothers walked around in the yard and laughed for a while before locking the door and returning to school.

The next day, school officially started.

As a second generation, this is the first time for Zhang Junping to step into a university classroom as a student, and everything feels so fresh.

When I came to the Chinese painting classroom according to my memory, I immediately felt that it was different from what I imagined.

The classroom of the Chinese Painting Department at CAFA is not large, and unlike other universities, there are neat rows of desks and chairs.

The layout of the classroom can be said to be very messy. As soon as you enter the door, there is a large painting table next to the podium. There are also some long tables around the classroom, and there are many easels and small stools in the middle.

In fact, the classrooms for their freshmen and sophomores are a little better, but the classrooms for their juniors and seniors are even messier.

In fact, it is not accurate to say classroom. It should be said to be a studio. To be more precise, it is the studio number of the Department of Painting at Central America.

The teaching atmosphere at CAFA is very free, and the classrooms where students attend classes are just like studios.

Even after they graduate in the future, it will be written in their files that so-and-so graduated from such-and-such studio in the Department of Chinese Painting.

Each studio has a well-known professor leading the teaching.

This can be regarded as a different kind of teacher-instructor relationship.

When Zhang Junping arrived, three or four classmates had already rushed to the classroom.

The students who came early are cleaning up spontaneously.

After all, no one has been here during the summer vacation. There is a lot of dust in the classroom and there is a musty smell.

The window has been opened, and a male classmate named Liao Bushi is standing on the windowsill cleaning the glass.

"Classmate Zhang Junping, did you really stay in Beijing to study during the summer vacation and not go home to make trouble?" A female classmate asked crisply when she saw Zhang Junping coming in.

The speaker was the monitor of their class, Huang Xue, a hot girl from Sichuan.

"Yes!" Zhang Junping answered and consciously joined in the cleaning process.

Seeing that the water in the bucket had turned black, Zhang Junping picked up the bucket and prepared to fetch water.

"Zhang Junping, tell us about your work-study experience in Beijing?"

"Sir, squad leader, what can you say about the work-study program?

I'd better go fetch water and tell you when I get back!" Zhang Junping imitated Huang Xue and spoke in Sichuan dialect.

"Zhang Junping, you hate it, try to talk like me!" Huang Xue said angrily, stamping her feet.

Zhang Junping ignored Huang Xue's shouting, laughed, and walked out of the classroom.

"Oh, Huang Xue, I didn't expect that the Sichuan dialect spoken by Zhang Junping is quite similar!" Liao Bushi stood on the window sill and smiled.

"What are you laughing at? What a resemblance! It's so unpleasant!" Huang Xue glared at Liao Bushi, then looked at Zhang Junping's leaving figure with confusion.

Zhang Junping seems to have changed. He didn't know how to joke before.

She always said ten words, but he couldn't reply even two.

By the time Zhang Junping came back from fetching water, all the students in Studio 4 had already arrived.

There are only fifteen students in the fourth studio of the Chinese Painting Department.

Everyone is busy cleaning.

The first day of class is mainly about cleaning up, getting new books, etc.

Tutor, please tell me about the course schedule for the new semester.

Next, let’s talk about the interesting things we experienced during the summer vacation.

Their counselor is a senior student named Ye Lirong who stayed at the school after graduation.

My family is from Beijing. I am very enthusiastic and can speak and do things easily.

The appearance comes from the heart, and the person also has a heroic spirit.

After the senior sister explained the course schedule and study tasks for this semester, she did not leave, but stayed to accompany them to chat about their summer vacation experiences.

We continued chatting until get out of class ended at noon, then everyone left the classroom together and went to the cafeteria to eat.

"Zhang Junping, why didn't you go find me?

Didn't I tell you my home address?" Ye Lirong stopped Zhang Junping.

This chapter has been completed!
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