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Chapter 81 Co-Publishing

Wang Shixiang and Ma Wei were the same. They also heard rumors at a wine party.

Someone bought all the tattered furniture from all the junkyards in the capital.

Others thought it was a joke, but Wang Shixiang heard it and remembered it in his heart.

When I looked back, I found out that all the antique furniture that had been bought was from the Ming, Qing and Republic of China. Wang Shixiang, who was studying Ming-style furniture, had his eyes red and slapped himself hard.

In order to study Ming-style furniture, he went everywhere to find favors and search for Ming-style furniture to study.

As a result, I suddenly heard that someone had bought back more than a dozen carts of ancient furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties from a junkyard.

Even if it is broken furniture, it will not affect the research at all!

Wang Shixiang slapped his mouth because it was dark under the lamp and missed a lot of ancient furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

After repeated inquiries, I finally found out that the ancient furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties at the junkyard was bought by Mrs. Liu from CAFA.

Wang Shixiang came directly to the door, hoping to borrow it for research.

Only then did I know that the old lady had accepted an apprentice, and the ancient furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties was bought as a gift to the apprentice.

After hearing what the old lady said, Wang Shixiang became jealous and almost asked the old lady if she still lacked apprentices.

The old lady did not agree to Wang Shixiang's request to borrow furniture, but she proposed that after a while, she would visit him with her apprentice's research results and ask for his advice.

This led to today’s trip.

While the two were talking, Zhang Junping had already moved the manuscript down.

The original was collected by the old lady, and what she brought over was a copy.

"Quick, move in, everyone go to my office!" Wang Shixiang's eyes lit up when he saw the box in Zhang Junping's hand, and he urged repeatedly.

At this time, Wang Shixiang no longer had the aura of a big shot, and was more like a child. When he saw his parents buying delicious food after get off work, he almost clapped his hands to welcome him.

When Zhang Junping moved the manuscript into the office and put it on the table, he was pushed away by Wang Shixiang.

The two bosses Wang Shixiang and Shi Shuqing came to the table and began to read the manuscript.

There was no praise, no praise, just the sound of turning pages of books, and even the two bosses had forgotten the existence of Zhang Junping.

Wang Shixiang and Shi Shuqing read it very carefully and carefully. They spent a long time studying each page and analyzed the data one by one.

Furniture research manuscripts are not literary works and do not require gorgeous words or beautiful words. What they need is rigorous data and detailed research.

The serious attitude and full dedication of the two bosses are the best compliments.

The old lady was already used to this. She directed Zhang Junping to find a thermos and a teacup, make some tea, and slowly sip the tea while she waited.

After adding water to a pot of tea three times, the color of the tea was almost gone. Only then did Wang Shixiang put down the manuscript and raised his head.

"Mr. Liu, famous teachers make great disciples. These manuscripts of your disciples can be published directly!"

"I think we can publish separate books on Ming-style furniture, Qing-style furniture, lacquerware and the three major schools. But Lao Wang, the study on Ming-style furniture you are planning to write will probably be aborted.

Yeah!" Shi Shuqing also put down his manuscript and joked.

"It's different. What I plan to write is about the appreciation of Ming-style furniture. It's about appreciating Ming-style furniture. The key lies in the word "play". Mr. Liu's book "Gao Tu" is more professional and can be used as a textbook on the traditional craftsmanship of hardwood furniture.

Qualifications are two different directions!" Wang Shixiang shook his head and smiled indifferently.

What Wang Shixiang said is to the point. The old lady, Zhang Junping and Wang Shixiang are not the same kind of people. The old lady and Zhang Junping are both craftsmen, and in general they are artists in the public opinion, while Shi Shuqing and Wang Shixiang are experts and appraisal experts.


In fact, to put it bluntly, the old lady, Zhang Junping and others rely on their hands to eat, while Shi Shuqing and Wang Shixiang rely on their mouths to eat.

There is no way to say who is more powerful between the two. They are not the same type of people, so there is no way to compare them.

However, the relationship between the two can also be said to be complementary to each other.

The old lady, Zhang Junping and their works rely on appraisal experts such as Shi Shuqing and Wang Shixiang to increase their value.

Some people may say that since one has to rely on appraisals by appraisal experts to increase one’s worth, then appraisal experts are more powerful.

However, those who say this ignore the fact that if there are no craftsmen handed down from ancient times to the present, is it necessary for the so-called appraisal experts to exist?

"Old Wang, I think it's better to publish a book together with you as the main one. You polish these manuscripts and publish a book that is both refined and popular, professional and artistic, so that my apprentice can also take advantage of it!" The old lady put down her teacup.

, said with a smile.

"This..." Wang Shixiang was a little moved.

"Lao Wang, I think Mr. Liu's suggestion is feasible! The most important thing when we engage in cultural relic research is professionalism and rigor!

When it comes to professionalism, I believe there is no one more professional than these manuscripts written by Mr. Liu, a great disciple. Even those papers written by Lao Chen from Gome, in my opinion, are just like that.

If Lao Wang, you and Mr. Liu can jointly publish a book, I will write a preface for you!" Shi Shuqing also persuaded.

"Old Shi, why are you also making noise?

Mr. Liu, I feel that by co-publishing a book with Ling Tu, I am taking advantage of Ling Tu!

The structural changes of every mortise and tenon joint and the production process of every decoration in these manuscripts are quite complete. Any woodwork factory will treat it as a treasure, and it is a professional book that can directly guide production.

Even if we publish separate books, I will also indicate in the book that the relevant data comes from the disciple..." Wang Shixiang explained with a wry smile.

Mr. Wang Shixiang was such a sincere person, and he maintained an admirable innocence throughout his life.

"Old Wang, you are not a hypocritical person, so why bother with this? What is the purpose of our book? For fame and fortune?

And what is the purpose of establishing your Institute of Cultural Relics?

Study the practical value existing in cultural relics and inherit and carry forward the traditional craftsmanship in cultural relics.

My apprentice's manuscripts may indeed be very professional as you said, but for a young man of twenty years old, how many people will take him seriously if he publishes a book?

Speaking of which, I had selfish motives, so that my apprentice could use your reputation as Lao Wang to become famous!" The old lady's words were more truthful, and she was directly honest that she was borrowing Wang Shixiang's name.

The three bosses were having a conversation, but Zhang Junping was unable to interrupt and could only listen.

But I was very moved in my heart. Everything the old lady did was paving the way for him.

"Okay! Since what you, Mr. Liu, have said, I will take advantage and publish a book together with Ling Tu!

Put these manuscripts here with me for the time being, and I will think about how to add something to them so that they can be worthy of the title of author." Wang Shixiang no longer refused and agreed with a smile.

After speaking, he looked at Zhang Junping and asked: "Your name is..."

This chapter has been completed!
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