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Chapter 105 The real purpose of high-IQ murder[6500 words]

Definition of high-intelligence murder.

1. The murderer usually has a high IQ.

2. Usually, murders are highly concealed, and the murderer will use indirect means to achieve direct results.

3. When the deceased suffered a fatal blow, the murderer usually had a sufficient alibi.

Since his resurrection, Ren Zhong has made many mistakes and deceived many people.

He also talked to himself about a lot of righteous and awe-inspiring rhetoric, but in fact it was somewhat idealistic and biased.

It’s not that his level is really just that, it’s just that in a specific environment, there are a lot of specific interferences in his thinking. When facing different people, whether it is the words he speaks or the inner psychological activities, there are actually more or less.

It is worthy of careful consideration and even improvement.

But when you really calm down, adopt a rigorous academic attitude, and make up your mind to do something, even without the help of the time spiral, as long as you obtain enough information in advance, the tasks can be interconnected and an exhaustive strategy can be achieved.

During this day, I managed to catch a fish with great difficulty. I did not participate in the daytime hunt, but spent the whole day in the town.

In the morning, he cashed out Yuanhang Heavy Industry shares in his house.

Although the amount of money involved was more than ten times larger than before, it was no surprise to him that he was getting used to the bloodshed of the Yuanxing stock market.

The stock sale was successful. The unit price of the sold stock was 769.4 points, which was a total increase of 458.95% compared to the purchase price of 137.65 points.

After deducting taxes and commissions, the total funds withdrawn were 383,832.23 points and the net profit was 314,990.02 points.

Ren Zhong was once worried that his hundreds of thousands of funds would cause some ripples in the market, causing small changes in stock prices.

Now it seems that he was worrying too much.

After he took action, the unit price of Yuanhang Heavy Industry continued to rise, reaching a peak of 769.44 one minute later, then smoothly falling to 763.01, and then began to fluctuate very slightly, which was exactly the same as Ren Zhong's memory number.

Ren Zhong understands.

Even if it can be converted into a purchasing power of more than three million yuan, in the vast ocean of terrorist funds created in this era of interstellar productivity, it is still just a drop in the ocean that is so small that it can be completely ignored and not worth mentioning.

Even though he, an ant-like butterfly, flapped his wings with all his strength, he did not create any waves worthy of attention on the Source Star.

The chariot of history is still ruthlessly and steadily moving along the plan of the upper class structure of Origin Star society, heading in a direction that he cannot capture for the time being.

After all the funds are withdrawn, including small and large income from short-term speculation, morning hunting hunting, daytime hunting, level 4 watch hypnosis, level 2 professional wages, etc., and then deducting equipment maintenance, daily

After all the costs required for life training, Ren Zhong’s total capital on hand reached 428,705.75 points.

Then he went to the arms mall and passed by Fatty Wang who had come as promised at the corner of the mall's containers.

The two of them didn't exchange much greetings.

Wang Zhaofu only handed over the key to the Qingfeng heavy-duty truck to Ren Zhong, and then lowered his voice, "As per your request, the car is parked in a closed parking space. I came in through the exclusive passage given by the mayor at five o'clock in the morning, and I tried my best not to let him in.

Others see it.”

Ren nodded, "Okay. Thank you for your hard work."

Ren Zhong paid off the balance at the originally agreed after-tax price, paying out a total of more than 63,000 points, and the remaining funds became 361,027.97 points.

When paying, Wang Zhaofu was slightly shocked by Ren Zhong's magic power of taking out money from his crotch without blinking an eye, but he didn't ask any more questions.

Immediately afterwards, Ren Zhong said goodbye to Fatty Wang and went to Ju Qingmeng's office to discuss the next equipment transformation plan with her in detail.

"I bought three special parts from Wang Zhaofu, which are... Please help me get it like this..."

"Then I will also upgrade the circuit system, transmission system...these eight major systems to the highest level."

"After completing this set, I want the output power limit of this second-level exoskeleton to reach just 1,100 kilowatts. Of course, I still don't want to change the appearance too much."

This time, on the 24th day, Ren Zhong’s standards for his equipment had already surpassed the peak state on the 45th day in the previous timeline.

Although his data at this time is far from catching up with last time, under the influence of the amplifier, he can already display his peak strength when fighting against some specific objects he has dealt with before.

After listening to his request, Ju Qingmeng began to make a budget and check the inventory.

After a long time, she rubbed her temples and said, "What a coincidence. Although the things you want are rare, they are all available in the warehouse. But I have a question."

"Well, you say."

"Excluding the three special parts you have already bought, namely the Fission Beast Tendon, the total cost of the modification project you need to do on my side alone will be 22,000 points. It is not cost-effective."

"So in total, the total cost of your equipment is as high as 43,000 points. I think you might as well spend fifteen thousand to buy a complete set of level three exoskeletons. Level three exoskeletons already have a one-kilowatt upper limit performance, and then I just You need to make some small changes, and at most you only need to spend 5,000 points to modify it to a set of 1,100 kilowatts of equipment."

"A few fission beast tendons can be used, and the final performance will be a little stronger. Now that your strength is no better than that in the town, there are almost no buyers for these second-hand parts. Like I said, in the end you You can also sell this complete set, which is much easier than selling the dismantled parts individually."

"With this incoming and outgoing capital, you can save at least 16,000. Even if you are good at stock trading and making money, it is not necessary."

Ren Zhong lowered his voice and said slowly: "Lin Wang's existence has seriously hindered my development. But I don't have time to compensate them for playing slow. Before long, I will kill Lin Wang's entire team. I have to hide my strength in front of them first. , lower their vigilance towards me.”

Ju Qingmeng was stunned for a moment.

She didn't question Ren Zhong's decision, she just said in a low voice: "Well, thank you. I'm with you. When I help you, I'm also helping myself."

After saying that, she squeezed Ren Zhong's hand tightly, her face flushed a little.

Ren Zhong knew that she had thought of another direction.

But he didn't explain too much. He just withdrew his hand silently and said, "Well. I won't say thank you."

Ju Qingmeng: "I won't tell either."

In a sense, Ju Qingmeng's guess may also be correct.

Throughout the day, Ju Qingmeng took a sick leave and did not show up at the counter or the manager's office. He squatted in the small laboratory the whole time.

She first spent four hours to complete the complete set of designs, and then set aside parts related to the biometal bearing hub, fission beast tendons and Aiman ​​beast armor alloy, and also modified other related parts.

After ten o'clock at night, Ren Zhong rode to the parking lot again, quietly opened the closed garage, opened the Qingfeng heavy truck, stuffed the three parts into his backpack, and then rode back to the arms mall.

At 1:30 in the morning, Ju Qingmeng, who was almost tottering from exhaustion, finally breathed out, "It's done."

After saying that, she started to stand up, but staggered and almost fell down.

Ren Zhong supported her from behind and put her on the folding bed, "You go to sleep quickly. I have to go. By the way, I want to take out the Fang Heavy Sniper on consignment in the mall and use it before tomorrow morning. return."

"Well, please pay attention to safety. The key to the mall door is on the workbench."


Wearing an exoskeleton that still looked like a second-level exoskeleton on the surface, but actually had abnormally modified equipment whose performance had surpassed the peak of the third-level exoskeleton, Ren Zhong rode a motorcycle out of the arms mall.

Tonight, the guard responsible for guarding the north gate of Xinghuo Town is none other than guard captain Ma Xiaoling.

Given Ma Xiaoling's rank, the night watchman incident had nothing to do with her.

But Ren Zhong made a deal with her in a private name.

Ren Zhong said to her: "If you lend me the motorboat tonight, drive away the other guard members, guard the north gate alone, and then help cover up my whereabouts, I will tell you what happened to your father and me." What are you planning? Your father wants to protect you and keep you out of it. But I think you are the captain of the town guard, so you should have some right to know."

Ma Xiaoling agreed to Ren Zhong's deal without hesitation.

At 1:45 in the morning, Ren Zhong walked to the north gate of Xinghuo Town.

Ma Xiaoling was crossing his arms and leaning against the door frame.

Her floating motorboat was parked next to her.

Ren Zhong walked forward and Ma Xiaoling threw him a coin-shaped remote control patch key.

She raised her eyebrows frivolously, "Take it."

Ren Zhong took the key and said, "Thank you."

"Thank you, I'll wait for you to complete the transaction."

"See you there at ten o'clock tomorrow night."


Ren Zhong got on the motorboat, looked at each other again, nodded to each other, and left in a tacit understanding.

Looking at the floating motorboat in the distance, Ma Xiaoling thought to himself that although he didn't understand what he was going to do tonight, something big would happen in Xinghuo Town tomorrow.

At 2:07 in the morning, Ren Zhong arrived at the abandoned mine pit.

He found a piece of hard rocky terrain outside the abandoned mine pit and gently parked the motorboat on it.

Then, he held the box containing the goods in his arms, then drove the media engine behind him, and floated into the air, like an eagle flying to the ground, and flew straight down the slope of the abandoned mine pit to the lower area.

He landed smoothly, waited for the medium engine nozzle to cool down, opened the energy shield lining, increased the output power to 450 kilowatts, and then plunged into the dark pit.

Turn left, turn right, and go straight ahead for 300 meters.

There is a Level 4 Ruin Beast 50 meters ahead. Jump up, walk diagonally upward for 80 meters, go downhill, and jump down.

Go straight, turn right, turn right, turn left...

At the Y-intersection, choose right.

At the intersection, choose left.

After seven days of repeated exploration, Ren Zhong has completely perfected the magnetic field line network model algorithm.

His prediction accuracy for the distribution of ruin beasts in the lower area has also reached over 98%.

At the same time, he also continued to analyze the battlefield traces of Lin Wang's team, and partially deciphered the equipment characteristics of everyone in Lin Wang's team, especially Xing Ming.

Using on-site analysis, he also accurately calculated the regular patrol and hunting routes of the Linwang team.

Including the general activity time of Lin Wang and others, I also know the responsibility clearly.

They usually come to the abandoned mine in the afternoon.

There is no need to track the other party.

The basis of his inference is that in the past, Pei Lihui basically only came to collect the encounter tax in the morning.

It can be concluded from this that the action mode of the Linwang team is to fight individually in the morning and gather together to develop the abandoned mine pit in the afternoon.

In addition, Ren Zhong had dealt with another professional captain Tang Shuying, and even witnessed Tang Shuying's hunting process with his own eyes.

Lin Wang's and Tang Shuying's fighting styles should be similar. When they discover a fourth-level Ruin beast, they are always used to letting their estranged human shields step into the trap first.

During the delicious meal, the only male member Lin Wang brought was Pei Lihui, and no one else was brought.

Well, in the entire professional team, those who have the closest relationship with Lin Wang are Bei Lihui, Pan Fenglian, and Sima Wan.

The status of Xing Ming and the fourth-level colonial warrior in the same team must be somewhat different.

Lin Wang is also a mecha warrior himself. The only one in the entire professional team who will be assigned to step into pits and test mines is Xing Ming!

At this time, although he had never inquired in person, Ren Zhong, who was willing to do calculations but not unintentional, was already one of the people who knew those people best in the entire Xinghuo Town.

There is a wise saying that the person who knows you best may not be yourself, but your enemy.

The real core of high-intelligence murder lies in collecting all the information that can be collected and formulating a careful plan that takes into account all factors.

No matter how heavy the task is, it can be done.

At 3:02 in the morning, after avoiding a total of seven level four beasts and nineteen level three beasts along the way, and being forced to use short-range howitzers to kill two level three beasts, the task was over.

Ren Zhong looked at the entrance of a three-meter-high cave fifteen meters away, took a deep breath, closed his eyes and re-deduce it in his mind.

Tomorrow at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the Linwang team will start exploring at the entrance of another pothole, repeat the patrol route seven days ago, eliminate a total of 9 level 4 ruin beasts along the way, and arrive here around 4:30 pm.

Then they will pass by here.

This pit is an important magnetic field line node in the entire abandoned mine pit, and it is also the favorite of the alienated species of labyrinth bugs, the plasma coil labyrinth bug.

As long as they can stay here for a while longer, their energy level reaction intensity index will increase visibly to the naked eye.

Although the same kind of corpses are constantly being buried here, some level three plasma coil maze bugs that have just broken through level four are still happy to come here.

Lin Wang grasped the opponent's obvious weakness and made targeted preparations.

This is one of Linwang's rich mines.

At that time, Lin Wang and others will launch an attack on the fourth-level plasma coil maze bug inside without hesitation.

Xing Ming, who is at the front and responsible for exploring the path, will die.

Ren Zhong let out a low drink and dodged towards the entrance of the pit.

The maze bug that was sleeping prostrate inside got up angrily.

Although the entrance of this cave is small, the space inside is unique.

The cave is fifteen meters long and eight meters wide, and the arms supported by the rock structure are four meters high.

But this bed bug is not small.

After getting up, its head almost reached the top of the cave.

Its six folded lengths are at least six meters long and spread out on the ground, shaped like a farm machinery plowing the ground.

It made a buzzing sound of high-voltage current activating from its mouth, and at the same time it lunged forward.

As it ran, the spiral coils on its spindle-shaped abdomen hanging behind began to glow with a dazzling white light.

Lines of plasma as thick as a substantial thigh began to gush out from behind its tail like a fountain, bombarding the ground behind it.

The surging terrifying voltage instantly filled the entire space.

Similar to the water-permeable electric eel, it is also a mutant beast that plays with electricity, but the former is completely different from this fourth-level plasma coil maze bug.

Whether it is voltage, current or total power, the two are not at the same level of quantity.

After jumping forward a few meters, the maze bug began to turn around.

Ren Zhong knew that after it completely turned around, the plasma would flow in like pouring molten iron, engulfing him entirely and then burning him into powder.

At this time, Ren Zhong, who was wearing a helmet and having an insulation layer installed on every part of his armor, still had his hair standing straight on his head.

But he was not panicked.

He simply pulled out his fangs from the side of his thigh and sniped, held his hands flat, took aim, and pulled the trigger.


The five-level special bullet superconducting magnetic needle sniper bullet from Wang Zhaofu, worth 4,400 points before tax, roared out and hit the forehead of the plasma coil maze bug, piercing it!

After an instant, Bedbug turned around for a moment.

The thin plasma at the back of its abdomen seemed to have suddenly found its direction, snaking along its body and surging up to its forehead like all rivers returning to the sea.

It began to roar shrilly, and the coils on its abdomen began to flicker brightly and dimly.

It attempts to terminate the discharge.

But it was useless. Under the attraction of the real superconducting magnetic needle, the plasma in its body came out and came back, which was unstoppable.

Its body, the plasma in the air, and the superconducting magnetic needle bombs are organically combined to form a closed circuit.

It's short circuited.

The surge will not stop until the energy matrix in its body is completely exhausted.

Three minutes later, the Plasma Coil Maze Bug lay on the ground, with a small black spot burned out on the top of his forehead, and there was no more movement.

It died, and it was not an unjust death.

Just one special bullet is worth more than a Plasma Coil Maze Bug.

Ren Zhong's shot is basically the same as an anti-aircraft gun used to kill mosquitoes.

But he can afford it.

After the high temperature in the cave was gradually taken away by the soil, the temperature dropped again, and the ozone diffused slightly, Ren Zhong walked inside, dragged the bed bug's body all the way in, and repositioned it into the crawling and resting appearance it had previously.


Afterwards, Ren Zhong took off his exoskeleton armor gloves and replaced them with the level four dismantling glove he got back from Chen Hanyu.

He took a deep breath, and a light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

This dismantling can only succeed, not fail!

Three minutes later, Ren Zhong put the chip that had been damaged to the point of being completely unusable into the storage box.

He was not disappointed, because this time his definition of success was not to obtain a perfect chip, but to preserve the bug's body as perfectly as possible.

He picked up the box that he had been holding in his arms, opened it, took out an ostrich egg-like object from it, carefully opened the bed bug's head shell, and put the object inside.

Then, he set the thing inside to activate after ten minutes, closed the head cover, and then used the cutting function of the disassembly glove in reverse to carefully ablate and melt the bed bug's head shell, restoring it to its previous appearance as much as possible.

After finishing all this, Ren Zhong checked the superconducting magnetic needle sniper bullet on the top of the bug's forehead, which was silver-gray like the head shell, had a needle-point shape and was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye. After confirming that its orientation was OK, he exited the cave.


He waited outside for about eight minutes when a gentle buzzing sound came from inside.

Ren Zhong glanced at the scanner and determined that the frequency, method, and mechanism of the energy oscillations transmitted inside were almost exactly the same as when the labyrinth bug was alive, but slightly stronger, and he left with confidence.

The bomb he put in just now dissipated the disguised information when it slowly released the electric surge. It was exactly like the state of the fourth-level plasma coil maze bug when it broke through to the fifth level. It could frighten other ruin beasts for a long time and not dare to easily


After doing all this, that's enough.

Wait until tomorrow afternoon, Xing Ming will excitedly approach this unlucky bug that fell into a deep sleep after breaking through the realm, ready to pick up the leak.

Then, the level five special bomb called the boiling bomb, worth 50,000 contribution points, will detonate.

The boiling bomb will have an output power of 15,000 kilowatts and instantly release terrifying plasma that looks like boiling water, filling the entire cave and lasting for 5 seconds.

At the moment it detonates, the superconducting magnetic needle sniper warhead, also a level five, will be repulsed, carving out a capillary-like hole in the insulation layer of Xing Ming's armor and taking root.

Subsequently, the billowing plasma in the cave will flow into the inside of Xing Ming's armor along with the superconducting magnetic needle sniper bullet.

When everything calmed down, the superconducting magnetic needle sniper bullet had been completely melted by the terrifying heat released when the electric current released by the fifth-level boiling bomb passed through the surface of Xing Ming's armor.

The entire murder scene will be disguised as an unfortunate mutated beast riot.

Lin Wang could only think that there was something wrong with the evolutionary direction of this unlucky maze bug. Before it died, it released plasma from its head that was comparable to a level five ruin beast, burning Xing Ming to death and also burning itself.


Maybe Lin Wang will be lucky enough to find the remains of the Ruin Beast chip.

Because the core of the boiling bomb's warhead is originally a level five discharge beast chip!

On the way back out of the abandoned mine, he originally wanted to pick up the corpses of the two level three beasts that died in his hands.

One is for money, but I don't want to reveal that someone has been here.

But he missed it, and the two corpses and the chips had been dragged away by other ruin beasts.

At 5:17 in the morning, Ren Zhong returned the Fang Heavy Sniper to the consignment container of the arms mall.

He even carefully checked the angle at which the heavy sniper was placed and the curved shape of the gun belt.

Then he went to look at Ju Qingmeng's small laboratory again, and found that she was still sleeping soundly.

Locking the door from the outside, Ren Zhong left quietly and arrived at Team Zheng Tian's courtyard at 5:33 in the morning. He sat on a beach chair with his legs crossed, took a nap, and waited for Wen Lei to bring him food.

In the evening, when Zheng Tian's team returned to the town after a whole day of hunting, they heard something very shocking.

Xing Ming, a senior level four heavy-armed defense mecha warrior in Lin Wang's team, died in the afternoon while the professional team was hunting in the abandoned mine.

It is said that he died so miserably that his body was not even preserved and the hunters were too lazy to collect it.

When they heard the news, everyone was surprised and shocked.

Xing Ming is not an ordinary person. Before joining the Linwang team, he was the first semi-professional captain in the town for a long time. He has rich experience and strength, and is good at defense. He didn't expect that someone like this could do it.

Died quietly in the abandoned mine.

Only Ou Youning glanced at Ren Zhong with doubtful eyes.

But at this time, Ren Zhong looked at Zheng Tian with the same shocked eyes and asked her to go find out more information quickly.

Ou Youning was confused again.

When there was no one around, Ren Zhong, who was squatting alone in the toilet, heard Lin Wang inviting him to come for a chat, and then the corners of his mouth quietly curved.

He had six purposes in killing Xing Ming.

First, by killing Xing Ming, Lin Wang's team was reduced in number, creating opportunities for himself, a balanced mecha warrior, to join the opponent's team.

Second, he is going to a new mine to get source stones.

Third, during the operation in the new mine, he would seize the opportunity to spy on Lin Wang's reality and all his equipment at close range.

Fourth, avoid contact between Linwang and people from Chongyi County.

Fifth, for happiness.

Sixth, he also became more familiar with the terrain of the abandoned mine.

The people he wanted to kill there were far more than just Xing Ming.

The abnormal geomagnetic and information flow fields in the abandoned mine pits have created a remote communication blank area deep in the pits.

As long as your hands and feet are clean enough to kill people there, you can avoid being noticed by Yang Bingzhong and not affect his next plan.

That place was exactly the best burial ground he had chosen for Lin Wang and others.

As for why not just throw money at them and blow them all up?

First, it is impossible for Ren Zhong to control Lin Wang's team's movement patterns down to the second.

Second, Lin Wang will let others take risks first, and it may not be Lin Wang who dies.

Third, Lin Wang must have more ways to save his life. He did that last time and failed to kill him. If the timing of detonating the bomb is slightly wrong, it will only kill but not kill him and scare the snake.

Fourth, Ren Zhong really wants to go to a new mine. He really wants the source stone.

Fifth, regardless of all the above factors, he directly smashed hundreds of thousands of points into the entire small mushroom in the abandoned mine. Then Lin Wang was indeed dead. Then what? With such a big movement, how could he hide it from Yang Bingzhong? Then

Waiting to be hunted down by Yang Bingzhong?

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