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Chapter 107 The edge is gradually revealed, bluffing

The giant rock beast has four limbs and looks like a giant ape. It is nearly fifty meters tall and has a wingspan of nearly eighty meters.

The head is like a rolling stone, without eyes or mouth.

The forearm has four fingers and the hind legs have no fingers, standing like a stone pillar.

There are no obvious biological organ structures in its body, as if the entire body is made of minerals.

Usually, most of the ruin beasts Ren Zhong sees can find clear reference objects on the earth.

But this rock behemoth is completely different.

Understood from a 21st century scientific perspective, it is authentic silicon-based life.

It doesn't have any special abilities. It's just big, heavy, with amazing absolute power, super high defense, and amazing "blood volume."

If you want to kill it, you have two options.

Either directly break open its abdomen and take away the chips inside, or continue to smash the rocks on it like a quarry until it completely loses its mobility.

But even for level four professionals, there are usually only two options to achieve one of these two conditions.

First, use a powerful and high-cost attack method to severely damage it with one blow, but this can easily damage the chip, and the cost is high. However, the corpse of the rock monster is basically equivalent to stone, which is worthless, and only the chip is valuable.

Second, use controllable attack methods to slowly smash it like a quarry. But this is not cost-effective. Hunters often need to spend a lot of time and energy to get a chip. The cost of time and consumables are also not low.

Those who can beat it have no interest in it. After all, there are corpses to deal with other level four ruin beasts, and it only has chips.

Those who are interested in its chips are basically unable to defeat it.

Therefore, the armored giant beast has been active outside the dense forest near Starfire Town for a long time, but no one has come to trouble it.

Over the years, the rock behemoth has lived quite well, and from time to time it can taste the nameless ancient people who have lived here.

But today is clearly its Good Friday.

Because the unnamed "ancient man" who created the nightmare of the Starfire Beast has returned home in full glory.

Ren Zhong raised his sword and made a wave of a flow up, his momentum was comparable to that of a flying dragon riding on his face.

Ren Zhong was swallowed by the giant rock beast.

Although he has now put on the exoskeleton armor, the scene looks basically the same as when he first interacted with this fellow.

Ren Zhong, who entered the rock behemoth's esophagus, immediately felt the rocks around him being squeezed from all directions like a millstone, making his armor creak, but he did not panic.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he was quite familiar with this scene.

The last time he came in, he was quickly squeezed into a meatball sauce that would make a rock giant cry.

But this time...

Zheng Tian and others, who were lying behind the hill and looking at the battlefield using their special abilities, were shocked.

Ou Youning exclaimed in a low voice, "It's over."

Zheng Tian: "Will Mr. Ren be okay?"

Wen Lei: "No, I have to go up and help."

Chen Hanyu, who was standing next to him, hurriedly greeted him, "Don't be impulsive! Mr. Ren told you to watch carefully, so he must be fine! This is a level four beast. Not only will you not be able to help, but it will only cause trouble."

Everyone looked at Chen Han again and said, "How do you know?"

Chen Hanyu hesitated for a while before saying: "He is so smart, there is no way he has not considered this situation. This should also be in his plan."

Zheng Tian muttered, "That's right."

At this moment, the giant rock beast in the distance, which had just eaten a small grasshopper, smacked its lips and was about to lie down to rest again, stretched out its neck.

There was a muffled sound.

It suddenly shook, and smoke and dust billowed out all over its body.

Immediately afterwards, muffled sounds exploded one after another.

The giant rock beast was shaking like chaff.

Five minutes later, Ren Zhong used his modified arc-light chopper as an electric pickaxe to break a large hole in the belly of the rock beast, and then jumped out.

The moment he jumped out, white mist rose all over his body, and the surface of his armor was covered with a layer of white frost.

He waved to Chen Hanyu in the distance, "I'm dead! The connection between the chip and the torso has been completely severed by me! Come here and remove the chip! Only three minutes!"

After saying that, Ren Zhong turned around again, and the howitzer on his shoulder bumped twice.

Two secondary air blast grenades were blasted through the hole he made.

The next second, a large cloud of white mist rose from inside.

Here, Chen Hanyu rushed out quickly.

In order to seize the time, she rode an electric motorcycle that was placed next to her in advance.

Twenty seconds later, she rushed in front of the corpse of the rock beast, then slammed on the brakes in an attempt to slow down.

Because her driving skills were not good enough, the tires of the motorcycle skidded and it rolled over.

The front wheel hit a rock again, the car rolled over again, and Chen Hanyu flew up.

People in the distance screamed in fright.

However, Chen Hanyu did not hit her head on the ground. Ren Zhong started the medium engine in time to fly into the air, flew across her body, hugged her waist in mid-air, and sent her back to the cave entrance.

Ren Zhong did not blame her for her negligence. He only ordered: "Although I have just used air bombs to dispel the low temperature, the temperature inside is still below zero. Please bear with it. Although this chip is only worth 1,000 points, it is still worth 1,000 points to me."

The next plan is very important.”

Hearing this, Chen Hanyu, who was in Ren Zhong's arms, nodded stupidly and said subconsciously: "Well, time is running out, please let me go quickly."



The people who continued to eat melon in the distance bared their teeth.

Ou Youning: "Brother Ren really doesn't care about women."

Zheng Tian: "My butt hurts just looking at it."

Wen Lei: "Chen Hanyu can succeed, right? Well, this is a level four ruin beast."

Zheng Tian: "Should...maybe...probably...maybe it can work?"

Two minutes later, Chen Hanyu, who was shivering with cold, climbed out of the hole in the belly of the giant beast.

Ren Zhong leaned down, grabbed her shaking hand, pulled it out, and asked: "How is it?"

Chen Hanyu vigorously raised the storage box in his hand, smiled brightly, and opened his frosty eyebrows, "Fortunately, I have lived up to my mission. Perfect!"

Although she has been a level 4 dismantler for a long time, this is actually the first time she has dismantled a level 4 beast chip.

And if the level of the gloves is not enough, she will of course worry that she will not perform well and mess up Ren Zhong's plan.

It ended perfectly. Chen Hanyu was very satisfied with her performance.

She was very excited, and her chest was heaving violently.

Seeing her like this, Ren Zhong was a little speechless. He wanted to say, "Why are you so excited? I have never seen you fail to dismantle the fourth level. It was also a good quality at the end."

But Ren Zhong thought for a moment before realizing that this was indeed the first time in this timeline that she had dismantled a level-4 chip.

Anyway, in order to match the other party's excitement, he reluctantly gave a compliment.

"Not bad, good job."

Chen Hanyu nodded heavily, "Thank you, Mr. Ren, for the compliment."

"Okay, okay, it's cold here, let's go, it's time for us to go back."

On the way back, the other four people in the team felt a little strange.

In this hunt for level four ruin beasts, fighting and dismantling were the responsibility of Ren Zhong and Chen Hanyu, and they themselves did nothing.

The meaning of my own existence seems to have become a background board, responsible for eating and marveling.

Just like in that TV series, when the protagonist appears to challenge the impossible, the supporting characters express doubts and worries.

Then the protagonist easily accomplished something that was impossible according to common sense.

The supporting characters all blushed, feeling ashamed of their own ignorance.

Ou Youning, who was sitting in the passenger seat of the van, silently turned away and looked out the window on the right.

The Ben Lei truck was moving parallel to the van truck.

The person driving there was Zheng Tian. She forcibly took the driver's seat of the Ben Lei car on the grounds that she would be too tired after completing a two-level battle with Ren Zhong.

As for Chen Hanyu, he was sitting in the passenger seat of the Mercedes-Benz.

Ren Zhong sat comfortably in the back seat of the Ben Lei car and acted like an uncle.

The driver of the van truck here is Wen Lei.

Ou Youning said faintly: "We are all teammates fighting side by side, but why are the gaps between people so big? There must be something between Brother Ren and Chen Hanyu that they are hiding from us."

Wen Lei: "Don't think too much."

"I lick Brother Ren like this, why doesn't he still trust me and keep it secret from me? Wen Lei, why do you think this is? What did I do wrong?"

Wen Lei: "You're the only one who talks so much. Have you ever thought that Mr. Ren didn't let us know because it might be for our own good?"

Ou Youning regained his health again and said with great interest, "Yes. It must be like this! Forget it, I will improve my skills when I get back."

Bai Feng in the back row couldn't help but ask: "What technology?"

"Thigh-hugging skills! I feel that Brother Ren is still lustful, but he must have mysophobia. I have to think about it carefully. I will ask Mamasang, who sleeps in the night, to help me keep an eye on it. I will definitely find someone who is both good-looking and cute.

Niu! Well! That’s it!”

Wen Lei turned away silently, really not wanting to see this fool again.

At 5:45 pm, it was peak hour and the Xinghuo Resource Recycling Plaza was crowded with people.

Suddenly, a woman's scream suddenly sounded in front of the platform.

"Oh my God! This is the chip of a giant rock beast!? Did you hunt a level four ruin beast?"

The female staff looked at Ren Zhong dumbfounded and shouted.

Her voice was so high-pitched that it instantly attracted the attention of other staff in the square and the scavengers waiting in line to sell goods.

The noisy square immediately fell into an eerie silence.

Ren Zhong smiled and nodded, "Yes, it's a level four beast."

About five seconds later, I don't know who spoke first. Immediately afterwards, buzzing whispers and discussions started one after another, and then became one, like a plague of locusts passing through.

It was obvious that they were just talking in a low voice, but the volume was louder than the previous loud conversation.

In such a noisy environment, the female staff member who was responsible for the "old friend" couldn't help but ask: "How did you do it?" while calculating the price.

Ren Zhong smiled again and spread his hands, "The details are not important, what is important is the result. Well... it is very strong and scary. But we won."

Three minutes later, all today's harvest will be settled.

A level 4 chip from the Rock Behemoth is worth exactly 1,000 points.

There are a total of 6 sets of third-level ruin beast chips and corpses, with a total value of 750 points.

There are a total of 12 sets of second-level Ruin beast chips and corpses, with a total value of 420 points.

Total income 2170.

Today he used special equipment low-temperature cloud explosive bombs, two-stage gas explosive bombs, and other miscellaneous energy sources, ammunition, and equipment minor damage repair costs. The total cost of the team was 170 points, and the net profit was 2,000 points.

Ren Zhong took away 50 and got 1000 points.

When dividing the loot, Ren Zhong did not hide it from the other teams, but generously divided the money in public, and even reported the amount, which only made the scavengers next to him salivate when they saw it, and their eyes glowed green with envy.

Especially when they heard Ren Zhong say that he was not the captain, but Zheng Tian was the captain, everyone in the team immediately turned their admiring eyes to Zheng Tian.

Zheng Tian's team is already well-known among scavengers. Many people know her, and they also know that her team originally only had five people.

In the past, Zheng Tian's team only had trouble with the ghosts of the first-level ruin beasts, and rarely succeeded in challenging the second-level ruin beasts.

But now that we are able to hunt level four beasts, the new man must have played a decisive role.

This Zheng Tian has something special!

I don’t know how much extravagant work she had to do to win such a person into her team.

So envious...

I feel like I can...


Being paid so much attention by everyone, Zheng Tian was a little worried, but she couldn't help but hold her head up proudly.

This is probably the feeling of standing out that she has always wanted.

However, luck and misfortune depended on it. Before everyone left the square, the female staff member in charge of settlement had already caught up with them and said loudly: "Mr. Ren, the boss asked you to go upstairs to his office for a chat. The rest of the people stayed where they were.


Ren nodded, got out of the car, and followed him upstairs.

After Ren Zhong left, Zheng Tian, ​​who was sitting in the driver's seat of the Mercedes-Benz, recalled everything she had done today and vaguely realized something.

The proud look on her face instantly froze.

She suddenly became nervous and apprehensive.

She knows that every step Ren Zhong takes must have deep meaning.

Zheng Tian couldn't help but start to figure it out.

What is the purpose of Mr. Ren’s explosive strength today?

He wants to attract the attention of Mr. Yang and sign a contract with a professional team?

That is of course a good thing, it means that everyone can follow him and take off on the same spot.

Or is he going to join Lin Wang's team and let everyone have a full meal before saying goodbye, treating it as a farewell dinner?


Chen Hanyu's hand reached over from the side, grabbed Zheng Tian's hand, shook it a little harder, and whispered: "No matter what happens next, you have to believe that Mr. Ren will have the best arrangement, don't think nonsense. He once

He said that among all the scavengers in the town, we are the only ones he trusts. We must have confidence in ourselves."

Zheng Tian still lowered his head in despair and replied: "Yeah."

Although Chen Hanyu comforted her, her worry about the future still made her irresistibly swallowed up by a sense of powerlessness.

In Yang Bingzhong's office.

Ren Zhong met the real helmsman behind Spark Resources for the "first time".

Although the time was completely different and the internal factors behind the events were slightly different, the scene was almost exactly the same as "last time".

Yang Bingzhong's relaxed and natural posture of leaning back slightly on the chair, crossing his legs, and spreading his hands flat, with an expressionless poker face, gradually relaxed and showed a warm smile after meeting people...

Even the tiny details of the placement of his fingers were the same as last time.

This is obviously no coincidence.

Ren Zhong understands.

This is Yang Bingzhong's way of governing.

The other person's body language is carefully designed to look relaxed yet domineering.

He seemed confident, but at the same time, he seemed unsuspecting of the person he was meeting for the first time.

This is a technique that Yang Bingzhong specifically uses to declare his authority to subordinates whom he meets for the first time, while at the same time slightly narrowing the distance between the subordinates and himself. It has been tried and tested without fail.

However, Ren Zhong, who has dealt with super-class entrepreneurs, local government bosses and other big figures more than once in the 21st century, also knows that top political and business giants with truly charismatic personalities do not need to design their body language so deliberately.

If those people really want to win over someone, they will have a friendly charm with every move of their hands and feet. In the gentle and silent homely chat, they can bring the two parties closer to each other infinitely, naturally and freely.

Yang Bingzhong obviously couldn't do this, so he had to carefully design it.

The more standard his body language is at this time, the more it is just a bluff in Ren Zhong's eyes.

It turns out that Yang Bingzhong, the real controller behind the lives of 20,000 desolate people, is actually nothing more than that.

I can only give you 60 points for your acting skills.

Ridiculously funny.

Even if Yang Bingzhong was beaten to death, he would not have thought that when the two parties met for the "first time", he would be labeled by Ren Zhong as a mediocre person with a fierce appearance and a soft heart.

He even lost all his underwear.

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