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Chapter 146 The county town who spends a lot of money is passing by, chasing the heartless man for thousands of miles

The whole day was very comfortable for Ren Zhong.

The mighty hunting army walked a full circle around Chromium Carbon Town, visiting six large hunting grounds and dozens of small and medium-sized hunting grounds, and also handled several reunion riots of small beasts.


Yang Bingzhong also received good news frequently.

At about noon, Mr. Yang personally notified his three major professional teams.

He told everyone that although the existing animal processing production line was barely up to standard, he still decided to make a huge and comprehensive upgrade.

Within a week at the latest, the company's beast processing capacity will be doubled on the current basis.

Yang Bingzhong also told Ren Zhong and others that from now on, the number of affiliated professional teams under Chromium Carbon Resources will be increased to 10 per team, and the total number of affiliated semi-professional players will be raised to 60.

In addition, Yang Bingzhong also notified Ren Zhong, Tang Shuying and Jiang Kai that he had recruited four new professional teams in just one morning.

Two of them have level five professionals.

The other two teams are also all level 4.

Including the original three teams, there are now seven professional teams under Chromium Carbon Resources.

Within half a day, the cutting-edge hunting force lost due to the relocation of the original chromium carbon resources was not only replenished, but even better than the previous ones.

For the other two professional captains, this is not good news, as it means that their status will inevitably decline.

However, he was not interested in this task, but he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, Yang Bingzhong, who holds his ten-year contract, will definitely give him a great deal of freedom and let him completely break away from the hunting mission.

Now he is a "free" citizen.

In the afternoon, Ren Zhong and others, who had obtained Yang Bingzhong's permission, informed many semi-professional captains that the new professional team had been formed.

The atmosphere that was still hot in the morning cooled down briefly first.

This is bad news, which means that these semi-professional captains who are just one step away from being promoted have lost hope of promotion in the short term.

Yang Bingzhong had information about them. Since he didn't notify them, it naturally meant that in Yang Bingzhong's eyes, they were all unqualified.

But they quickly cheered up and immediately turned their attention to the anchor contract.

In less than two hours, Ren Zhong and the three of them had each recruited ten affiliated teams.

Among them, Ren Zhong was the most fruitful. In addition to taking down eight defeated third-level captains, he also gained two fourth-level captains.

Although Tang Shuying and Jiang Kai were envious, they didn't say anything.

It's strange that among all professional teams, his team is the weakest and his personal strength is the "lowest", but he is still the most popular.

It is rare among scavengers for a fourth-level professional to be exploited in the name of a third-level professional.

The problem lies in Ren Zhong's identity as a citizen and the amazing talent he showed in the parking lot battle this morning.

With the protection of citizenship, his potential can finally bring him added value.

Some semi-professional captains took the initiative to offer bribes in order to work for him, but some were rejected, and some directly communicated privately and proposed bribes.

Most of the day passed. Except for taking action in the morning, Ren Zhong did not even touch the whole hunt. However, the money in his pocket suddenly increased by 73,000 yuan, and the total wealth reached 4.24 million.

Three thousand of them were the dividends from today's team hunting, and seventy thousand were the cash that three mediocre third-level captains quietly transferred to him in order to stick with him.

Wait until tomorrow, these ten teams will start to create value for him.

The two teams with level 4 professionals among them had an average daily hunting harvest of 20,000 points. Ren Zhong took 7% of the hunting points, which resulted in 2,800 points.

The average daily hunting harvest of eight teams of three-level professionals is 3,000 points, accumulating 24,000 points, and Zhongzhong takes away 7%, resulting in 1,680 points.

In this asset-rich Chromium Carbon Town, professional teams no longer have to worry about the rise of semi-professional teams that will snatch resources. The contracts in their hands can be considered to reflect their value.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, under the envious gazes of Tang Shuying, Jiang Kai, Zheng Tian, ​​Chen Hanyu and many other semi-professional captains, Ren Zhong waved his hand and rode eastward alone.

Getting out of Spark Town was never his goal, it was just a process.

His journey is the stars and the sea.

He is just a passer-by here.

Now, he is going to the county seat alone.

Ren Zhong had fantasized about the scenes in Chongyi County or Liaoyuan County many times, but he never expected that the first one he would enter would be the larger and more prosperous county in the central region.

Earlier, he had thought that if he could enter a human city and reintegrate into society, he would settle down and become an ordinary scholar.

Go back to school, study, find a job, get back on the track of scientific research, and then live the plain but happy life that your parents expected on this planet separated by an unknown number of years and an unknown number of light years.

's life.

By the way, as an ancient person, I can experience the future of human science for my contemporaries who have disappeared in the long river of history, which can be regarded as settling the life regrets of many classmates and mentors in my heart.

You can also use fantasy literature to secretly write about the difficult entrepreneurial years of human ancestors on the earth that may have disappeared over time.

If he was lucky enough, he felt that he might be able to start a family, expand his business, and fulfill his father's most cherished dream to continue the family lineage.

His father's dream has been fulfilled by his younger brother whom he has never met, but as a son of man, why not realize it again?

Although it is impossible to see my father again, we should just seek peace of mind.

But now, the idea that prompted him to set foot in the county town has undergone earth-shaking changes.

He has changed.

Although I have seen the scenery of counties all over the world many times in the stock market posts and daily headlines, and even experienced it in the holographic images of the sleeping space, I actually drove through it built on a huge transparent cover.

, the huge city gate shaped like a dark door, when he entered the county seat, he still felt a strong impact.

The large, medium and small aircraft flying all over the sky in Chrome Carbon Town are spectacular enough, but compared with this county, Chrome Carbon Town seems like a remote place.

Under the transparent dome, hundreds of conical buildings stand.

At the top of the pointed cone are floating island-like platforms one after another.

There are gardens, fountains, and blue shades on the platform.

There is also a circular waterfall sloping down part of the platform, with water droplets flying in the sky and rainbows all over the place.

All kinds of real birds and animals fly under the dome and on the platform.

This is simply a hanging garden.

Ren Zhong didn't see many people on the ground, but there were a large number of small floating vehicles shuttled back and forth in the air carrying people with casual looks and casual clothes.

"Hello, first-level citizen Zhongzhong, welcome to Zhansha County. I am your artificial intelligence guide, you can call me Zhizi. According to the citizen system query, your job is a scavenger of chromium carbon resources in Chromium Carbon Town, a subsidiary of this county

Professional captain, so you can only travel here, employment and settlement are prohibited."

"This county has been selected as one of the top 100 model counties for urban landscape construction in the world for ten consecutive years. You will definitely feel at home. I have sent the county's guide information to your watch. You can check it yourself or ask me questions."

"Special reminder, your Azure Type 3 motorboat cannot meet the county's air emission standards. Please go to the parking lot and replace it with a Floating Type 1 anti-gravity suspension vehicle for free, which can be used within the county."

A graceful female voice sounded from the simple auditory resonance system of the level 5 watch.

Ren Zhong did as he was told and changed the car.

This floating model is connected to the management system of Zhansha County.

No matter where he wants to go, he only needs to inform Tomoko of the destination, and then he can arrive in peace.

Ren Zhong simply scanned the travel guide.

He felt deeply.

This is in line with all the imagination he had in the 21st century about the Earth's direction in a thousand years.

Extremely high citizen welfare benefits, good living environment, and free career choices.

Under normal circumstances, citizens can make decisions about their lives as they please.

If you are willing to learn, go and learn. As long as you can graduate successfully, you will get a job that is both easy and highly rewarding.

Even those who are unwilling to work can be well supported by comprehensive social welfare benefits.

More than 50% of the adults in this county do not work at all.

The favorite pastime of people here is planetary travel.

Yes, while the people in the desert are digging for food with their backs turned to the sky, the citizens of the county can already leave the Source Star regularly and, with the help of the cryogenic warehouse, travel to many scenic spots in space in this planetary system.

The life span of citizens is still much shorter than that of human beings in Ren Zhong's understanding, but cryonics technology has lengthened a person's life cycle in a certain concept.

Ren Zhong does not envy the lives of these citizens.

He didn't go to see any hotels, guesthouses, casinos, romantic places, tourist attractions and other places that must be visited by tourists. He also didn't go to the school he had longed for. Instead, he directly chose the professional mecha warrior training ground.

The Floating Type 1 quickly took off from the parking lot, and then merged into the aerial vehicle network, delivering it smoothly and safely to its destination at an extremely fast speed, a floating island in the air with an area of ​​more than 100 acres.

There is no staff here, and all guide information comes from his watch.

After some operations, Ren Zhong went straight to the VIP area.

The fee for the intermediate area of ​​the Mecha Warrior Training Ground in Spark Town is 10 points every 4 hours.

The premium area fee in Chromium Carbon Town is 100 points.

But in the highest-level VIP area of ​​this ultra-luxury training ground that only citizens can enjoy, the consumption standard is 100,000 points every 4 hours.

The soaring prices have simply raised eyebrows.

However, he carefully checked the description of the VIP area and gradually felt relieved.

It’s expensive for a reason.

There are extremely expensive intelligent battle robots here.

All statistical data of all combat professions from level one to level five are recorded in the robot. It can comply with the user's needs and simulate almost all types of combat profession styles, providing users with an experience that is truly infinitely close to actual combat in real confrontations.

And can ensure life safety.

In addition, since Ren Zhong is selected from the highest level VIP area, he will have exclusive access to a spacious battle space covering an area of ​​30 acres, which is private enough.

The most important thing is that there are complete medical services and free equipment maintenance services. For this alone, 100,000 points every 4 hours is worth the price. Because he can build as much as he wants without worrying about damaging the equipment.


"Dear guest, please specify your confrontation training type."

Ren Zhong thought for a moment and said, "Powerful colonial warrior, peak level five."

Ten seconds later.

Ren Zhong, who was lying on the ground while receiving treatment for minor injuries, said: "I want to rest for five minutes. The next confrontation training type is set to the middle of level five."

Thirty seconds later.

Ren Zhong lies down again.

He stared blankly at the humanoid robot in front of him who was completely black, had no facial features, and was as one as a cast sculpture. He sighed quietly, "Next time...forget it, next time it will be mid-level five."

If it cannot be adjusted lower, there will be no point in training.

Four hours later, the dying Ren Zhong was carried out of the training ground by two intelligent nursing robots, and then sent to the parking lot.

Ren Zhong, who was unable to move, had to pay an additional 500 points for value-added escort services.

These two nursing intelligent robots will take him to the parking lot, then put him and his motorboat into an improved intelligent armed escort vehicle, and take him directly to the Chrome Carbon Town villa area.

He once again tasted the feeling of receiving actual combat training from Ma Xiaoling for the first time.

Miserable defeat, infinite misfortune.

He was defeated more than sixty times in just four hours.

He had six reactor batteries replaced for free on his armor, and received four minor armor repairs.

He lost miserably.

Although he had tried every means, he had raised the power of the flame-slashing giant blade to the extreme more than once, and then slashed the faceless metal man's face, but it was all in vain.

His all-out bombardment couldn't even break through the defense.

The other party is more powerful.

The speed is faster, and it doesn't even care about the terrifying acceleration that the body suffers due to inertia when maneuvering at ultra-high frequencies.

This is a fully realistic simulation, which shows that level five armored warriors do have this capability.

His sixth sense was useless. Before his brain could react, the opponent's fists had already appeared in his face, behind his head, waist and other weak spots.

Even if this faceless man doesn't use any special abilities similar to Bai Feng's electric discharge, the three items of high defense and high speed monster power alone are enough to completely crush him.

The gap between Level 5 and Level 4 is indeed too big and disappointing.

So much so that Ren Zhong doubted in his heart whether that old profiteer Sid Meier was bragging.

Even though he is so strong, he still has no hope against a mid-level fifth-level armored warrior.

How did Sid Meier do it when he was in his prime as a young man?

Ren Zhong thought to himself, Ma Xiaoling once said that she was not afraid of Sid Meier in his prime.

Alas, if Teacher Ma is around at this time, please ask her to fight with this faceless man who is the same type as the cold-blooded butcher. You will definitely gain something from watching from the sidelines.

At least we can find many directions for breakthroughs.

It's a pity that we can't look back on the past, and we don't know why we were so deep in love. Looking back at that time, I feel confused.

We have "broken up".

Halfway through the journey, when he was about to arrive at Chrome Carbon Town, Ren Zhong received a call from Ju Qingmeng.

The two chatted briefly for a while.

Ju Qingmeng's mood sounded very low.

Ren Zhong didn't spend much thought and asked her to take the initiative to tell the situation.

On the way to Chrome Carbon Town, the turning point of Ju Qingmeng's fate quietly came.

Of course she also wanted to come to Chrome Carbon Town, but it was impossible to get a transfer order.

On the contrary, the enemy who had been holding her down in Xinghuo Town asked her servants to inform her that after Xinghuo Town was banned, she would have to return to work in a third-level military industrial enterprise in Chongyi County.

This military-industrial enterprise is the property of her enemy's family.

The other party has already planned everything.

The other party has decided that after more than three years of suffering, Ju Qingmeng should have changed and is worth playing with.

There is no doubt that it is clear at a glance what fate awaits her.

When telling this, Ju Qingmeng's tone did not contain much sadness, but was very plain.

Ren Zhong knew her plan, but did not dissuade her.

He only told Ju Qingmeng that he would make arrangements and return to Xinghuo Town.

As for everything else, just take it one step at a time.

Any oath he made or any promise he made at this time would only seem pale.

It is better to say than to do.

Unexpectedly, Ju Qingmeng shook his head and refused, "I know you are a person who promises a lot of money. But I don't think you need to die in vain. Now, except for the deserters in Xinghuo Town, everyone in the world knows that Xinghuo Town has no future. .If you come back, you will just be blocking the car. It doesn’t matter if it’s my business or Starfire Town’s business.”

"I really don't have excessive demands on you. I won't use promises to force you to do things you can't do before you have fully grown up. That is meaningless. I hope you live well and stay in my heart forever. Remember you once owed me a promise. Then, one day in the future, you can just avenge me."

Ren Zhong was silent for a long time.

"Thank you for your understanding, but I have already made a decision. I compared the prices in Liaoyuan County and Zhansha County. I found that there is not much difference in materials between the two, but the labor costs here are outrageous. If I want to find For a mechanic of the same level as you, at least half of the cost will have to be spent on hiring people."

"I have more than four million in my pocket now, and I will probably keep one million for expenses. The remaining three million, and all my income in the next period, will be poured into equipment, materials and parts. I will leave the purchasing to Brother Wang. I will ask him to deliver the things to Xinghuo Town, and then...I will definitely return to Xinghuo Town in seven days. I need you to help me complete the transformation within two days."

Ju Qingmeng was stunned, "What's the point of this?"

Ren Zhong smiled, "Didn't you say that? No matter what decision I make, you will believe in me unconditionally."


Before hanging up the phone, Ju Qingmeng suddenly interrupted with another urgent news.

"Mayor Gangma informed me that you should hide quickly! Ma Xiaoling took a fast shuttle from Spark Town to Chromium Carbon Town at seven o'clock in the afternoon!"

Ren Zhong, who was in the armed escort car, reluctantly sat up straight and looked through the car window at his villa, which was only fifty meters away diagonally below.

Just outside the gate, he also saw the muscular figure in silver armor with a big gun on his back.

"Well, it's a little late. She's right in front of me and I can't run away. Is she here to kill me?"

Ju Qingmeng was shocked, "Ah this..."

Ma Xiaoling below had noticed the armed escort vehicle and immediately jumped into the air.

Two seconds later, her cold and handsome face appeared outside the car window, looking at Ren Zhong through the window.

The escort vehicle is still descending according to the preset route.

Ma Xiaoling controlled the armor's anti-gravity system and also drifted down the slope, remaining relatively stationary with the escort vehicle.

The two stared at each other, as if time was frozen at this moment.

Ren Zhongmeng hung up Ju Qingmeng's call and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Zhizi! Send me back to Zhansha County! Immediately! Immediately! Don't open the door!"

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