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Chapter 155 Conspiracy without technical content

At 6:30 the next morning, Ren Zhong strutted into the town on a motorcycle.

It was not working time now, so it was Ma Xiaoling who opened the door to pick him up.

As soon as he saw Ren Zhong, Teacher Ma swooped over to him, hugged him hard, and even started talking to him.

Ren Zhong shook his head from side to side, barely escaping the attack of saliva.

When the two of them entered, the gate of the town house was closed again behind them. Ma Xiaoling said proudly, "How did I perform? Was I infatuated enough?"

Ren Zhong gave her a thumbs up, but it was really hard to tell the truth.

You are not infatuated, you are an idiot!

Arriving at the reception room, Madafu was eating bread made from pure natural flour. There was also milk brewed with improved nutritional milk powder on hand, and there was also a large drawer of steaming steamed buns.

Madafu smiled and greeted Ren Zhong, "Come and have some."

Ren Zhong shook his head, "No, I've eaten."

As he spoke, Ren Zhong placed the box containing the anti-aging medicine on the table.

Ma Dafu didn't check the box and put it directly into his pocket. Seeing Ren Zhong's eyes also falling on the box, he smiled cheerfully and said, "Tell me what Ren Zhong is. He should die obediently when he reaches his age. After all, no one can

It is no match for the power of time. But whenever there is a chance, I always want to live for one more day. I can’t bear to die.”

Ren Zhong was speechless when he looked at Ma Dafu's silver-black intertwined medium-length hair neatly combed into a big back and his face full of wrinkles.

Lao Ma looked like he was fifty or sixty years old at this time, but he was actually only forty-three years old, yet he said that he died at a young age, which was simply awkward.

Ren Zhong, who comes from the 21st century and has even met centenarians, feels that he will never get used to it.

He thought again of Sun Miao's words last night.

Under the subtle guidance of history and common sense, almost everyone feels that human lifespan is born this way, and after all, existence is reasonable.

As for how to extend lifespan, the way humans think about it is to use this anti-aging medicine with unknown ingredients to barely extend their lives, but they never explore the underlying mystery.

Someone may have tried it, but it was in vain.

Sun Miao may not be the first person to see abnormalities in telomeric DNA. After all, it is present in cells. As long as microscopic amplification and biological science develop to a certain extent, and driven by history, this matter will be discovered naturally.


But other people often only think that maybe half of the telomere DNA should have been left, and the remaining half is invalid and is a redundant part that has not had time to be eliminated in the process of human evolution.

After all, there are always unsolved mysteries in the human body.

Only Sun Miao thought this was unreasonable and questioned it, insisting on finding out more about it and trying to find a fundamental way to "longevity".

The reason why Sun Miao left the Mengdu Group must be that he tried to establish the project through normal channels.

Unexpectedly, his project proposal was not only rejected, but also given a warning.

This aroused his vigilance and eventually led him to run away.

The reason why he was able to leave alive was only because of his past academic achievements and the great potential value he showed.

If you change someone else, let alone establish a project, even if you just say something that shouldn't be said, the predator will be there in the next minute.

"By the way, what is the purpose of asking Ma Xiaoling to cooperate with you in this scene since yesterday? I personally think it is not necessary, but it will make Yang Bingzhong wary of you. You have a lot of money now, right? Let's combine it again

What happened yesterday, your reputation has been at its peak. I think you can start to launch the plan. At least you can take away..."

Ren Zhong waved his hand, "The time is not yet ripe. I have to obtain citizenship first, and then I can..."

Ma Dafu frowned, "It's unrealistic for you to go through the four-factor authentication method. After all, the referendum is out of control."

"Wrong, everything that can be controlled is within Yang Bingzhong's hands." Ren Zhong interrupted Ma Dafu, "As long as it is a vote in Xinghuo Town, whatever result Yang Bingzhong wants will be achieved. In addition, Chenhui Mining Area

The scale is very large, and the reserves are at least twice as large as those of the Xinghuo Mine back then. I also heard that the Mengdu Group’s demand for experimental samples has increased a lot recently.”

Ma Dafu was stunned.

Since Ma Xiaoling was also sitting next to him having breakfast this time, Ren Zhong used two methods this time, hinting at the investigation results to Ma Dafu in a more subtle way.

Ma Dafu pondered for a long time, then raised his head and sighed, "Oh! I understand, that's how it is."

Ma Xiaoling next to him looked confused, "How come it's like this?"

Madafu smiled again, "Fortunately, there is still plenty of time. So how are you going to get citizenship?"

Ren Zhong: "Yang Bingzhong values ​​me very much now. Yesterday he realized that Captain Ma and I were in a relationship. In order to stabilize me, he even directly gave me 50 points as starting capital. Next, I pretended to be in love with Captain Ma, and at the same time

Then I got entangled with Manager Ju and two girls in the team. When the time comes, Captain Ma, you pretended to have discovered that I was stepping on N boats and forced me to break up with the others."

"I refused, and then we turned against each other. Mayor Ma, you also threatened me once. This is not against the law. After all, although the social atmosphere is generally very open, there are also many monogamous family groups among the citizens. Captain Ma has never

I have been in a relationship, and I have strong strength and straightforward personality, which fits the profile of a strong woman with a strong desire for exclusivity. Then, seeing that you and I are at loggerheads, Yang Bingzhong will feel that the opportunity has arisen to win over me, and he will definitely take action."

"But there is a difficulty. He is likely to ask me to sign a ten-year contract with him, which is the most restrictive level. I cannot sign this contract. Otherwise, my citizenship will be compromised and I must be controlled by him. I have no intention of doing so for the time being.

Think of how to circumvent this."

This time, Ren Zhong changed his mind.

He will not make the Ma family and his daughter sad anymore.

Ma Dafu frowned and thought for a long time, "When the conflict breaks out, your conflict must be intense enough. Before the conflict breaks out, you two must be close enough, and the reason for the outbreak must be stronger. In this way, his wariness can be minimized.

When the time comes, if you come up with a delaying strategy, there should be a possibility of success. After all, as long as you get corporate certification and referendum, then it will naturally have no use value."

Ren nodded and took a sip of tea, "But how can we achieve these details?"

Ma Xiaoling clapped her hands and said, "I have an idea! Can Ren Zhong just make my belly bigger?"

Ren Zhong, who was drinking water: "Pfft!!!"

Dr. Ren Da collapsed on the spot, "Only four days! How is it possible! Do you think this is blowing up a balloon? Besides, we are just acting, there is no need to be so big, right?"

He really wanted to dig open Ma Xiaoling's Tianling Cap and see what the structure of his brain was inside.

I seriously doubt that her cerebral sulcus is flat.

Or Lao Ma thought of a way.

"Ren Zhong said that many citizens have become his spies, right?"


"Then I will arrange a villa for you with white walls."


Ma Dafu blushed slightly, covered his face and said, "You two remember to shout louder around nine o'clock in the evening."

Ren Zhong: "..."

Ma Xiaoling, "This is great! I have a unique skill in acting!"

Ma Dafu: "I had to shout for three days in a row to deepen Yang Bingzhong's impression."

Ren Zhong also started to cover his face.

Ma Dafu then ordered, "Don't pretend to be real, otherwise I can't afford to embarrass this person."

Ren Zhong shook his head, "I don't dare."

Ma Xiaoling didn't bother to curl his lips, "He can't beat me, he has no chance to fight hard."

Ma Dafu looked at his daughter silently, God knows what he was thinking.

"Then, on the third day, you two remember having a big quarrel. The content of the quarrel was probably that you, Ma Xiaoling, demanded that he break up with the other three people. Four days later, during the day, Ma Xiaoling, you publicly went to see Zheng Tian and Chen Hanyu.

You will be injured again. Finally, I will show up again and scold you for becoming Yang Bingzhong’s lackey, and threaten you to cancel your temporary deserter qualification. At this point, it should be enough."

Ren Zhong thought about it for a while and said, "It's a good plan."

Ma Dafu: "But the difficulty here is that the fight must be real and the injuries must be real enough. Otherwise, it will not be convincing."

Ma Xiaoling waved his hand, "Hey, dad, what are you worried about? I have a special skill of beating people. Beating people in acting is a double special skill, the best of the best!"

Ren Zhong quickly stopped, "Stop! Stop it! I have other plans, and I have a way to fake the injury!"

His next plan was to inject Xingyuan injection and fake an injury again. If he really wanted to beat Ma Xiaoling until he was bedridden for ten and a half months, he knew how much time would be wasted that day.

Ma Xiaoling said disappointedly: "It's such a pity."

Ma Dafu finally commented, "Actually, this strategy is a bit of a trick, but there is no harm in trying it. Even if it doesn't work, there is no loss. The big deal is that we, father and daughter, will be made a joke. It's a trivial matter. Maybe Yang Bingzhong is really stupid enough to be fooled?"

Ren nodded, very pleased.

He proposed the overall plan, and Lao Ma added the details.

Just like it was normal when he led his junior students to work on projects in the laboratory.

Ren Zhong smiled and said, "He is not particularly stupid, but he will definitely be fooled. The success or failure of a strategy does not depend on whether it is sophisticated or not, but on whether it is used at the right time. We have created excellent preconditions, so, he

He will jump in. We just give him a push."

In the morning, seven or eight teams of semi-professional scavengers lay on the side of the hill, secretly looking down.

Over there, Wen Lei, Bai Feng, and Yu Jin were fighting fiercely around a third-level ruin beast.

Ou Youning squatted at the foot of the mountain two hundred meters away, stacking blasting traps one after another like building Lego.

Wen Lei, who was knocked into the air by the beast, shouted angrily: "Ou Youning, are you okay?"

Ou Youning: "Come on, come on! Hold on for a while!"

On the other side of the battlefield, Ren Zhong held Zheng Tian with his left hand and Chen Hanyu with his right hand, with a smile on his face.

Zheng Tian's body was limp, as if she wished she could stick to Ren Zhong's body.

Chen Han's speech was slightly stiff, her cheeks were pink, and she was extremely shy.

Finally, two minutes later, Wen Lei and others, who were retreating steadily, retreated and successfully lured the beast into the trap.

There was a loud bang.

The beast was blown over on the spot, and its life or death was unknown.

Ren Zhong hugged the two girls with both arms and flew forward, landing right in front of the beast.

The ferocious Xu beast actually pretended to be dead, and violently attacked Ren Zhong and the other three.

With two clangs, Ren Zhong shook off two spears from his back like lightning, and then violently threw them out. This third-level beast, which was extremely ferocious in the eyes of ordinary people, was nailed to the rock on the spot.

Ren Zhong patted Chen Hanyu's buttocks through the exoskeleton gloves, "Go ahead and remove the chip."

Then Ren Zhong began to comment on everyone's actions in the battle just now.

Everyone accepted the teachings humbly.

He first praised Wen Lei and the other two for their great work and their tacit understanding of how to advance and retreat, and then he severely criticized Ou Youning.

The bomb, which cost a full fifty points, couldn't even kill a level three beast. It was simply embarrassing.

Behind the hillside, there was a lot of discussion among the semi-professional scavengers who were spying on everyone the whole time.

"Damn, Zheng Tian and the others are so happy. Captain Ren is leading them to level up!"

"Fuck, why don't I have such a good life?"

"What are you thinking about? Look at Chen Hanyu's figure and appearance. Do you have it?"

"Oh, that's true."

Another: "I do!"

"You are a man! You have no face! You are just thin!"

Before I knew it, a whole day passed.

Today is definitely a magical day for Zheng Tian and Chen Hanyu.

I never thought that hunting could be like a date.

Even though I knew this was a show, I still didn't want to wake up.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Yang Bingzhong in the office casually glanced at his eyeliner to summarize the submitted video materials, smiled lightly, and said only two words, "Continue."

He opened the account of his professional team again and glanced at the team's income distribution.

Today, Ren Zhong and others harvested a harvest worth about 3,000 points in total.

Ren Zhong didn't save any points for himself, but gave 1,000 points to Zheng Tian and Chen Hanyu each, and 250 points to each of the other four.


At 7:30 in the evening, I slept in a private room in the bar.

Ren Zhong met with nearly thirty small business owners or store managers in the private room, and casually took over the multiple industrial shares held by Lin Wang's team in the town.

Since the time was advanced this time, it was Lin Wang and Bei Lihui who he personally killed, and he became Yang Bingzhong's confidant. More people came to surrender and surrendered their shares, and the scale of their assets was even larger.

After all the calculations, these properties can bring him about 4,000 points of income every day, which is three times more than the 1,000 points last time.

Around eight o'clock, Ren Zhong went to the arms mall again.

Ten minutes later, he secretly drove a Mercedes-Benz car out of the mall and disappeared into the darkness.

People with sharp eyes noticed that Ju Qingmeng was sitting in the passenger seat.

At 8:50, the Thunder Car returned outside the white wall.

Ju Qingmeng jumped out of the car and walked home in vain.

Ren Zhongze stayed alone outside the white-walled gate for a while.

There were still a few red marks on his face, and he kept rubbing it until his face was completely red and there was no discoloration anymore.

Yang Bingzhong has more and more "goods" in his hands.

Yang Bingzhong did not know that at this time, another armed escort vehicle had just left Xinghuo Town and headed straight for the neighboring county of Chongyi County.

Just now, Fatty Wang dragged away some of the dismantled parts of Lin Wang's armor.

The final selling price was slightly higher than what Fatty and Ren Zhong originally estimated, reaching 3.03 million.

The assets in Ren Zhong's pocket once again reached the insane value of 4.47 million.

While he was rubbing his cheeks, he was actually recalculating tonight's stock market operation in his mind.

Ren Zhong plans to enter the market tonight.

But this is still not the peak operation of any stock god. The real peak only exists in the world of citizens.

At 9:05 in the night, Ren Zhong drove the Ben Lei car into a villa next to the town government tower.

Five minutes later, the howling of ghosts and wolves began.

Even if the villa has excellent sound insulation, it still can't resist Ma Xiaoling's wild and unrestrained roar.

The faint "shocking wailing" lasted for more than an hour and did not stop until a quarter past ten.

After finishing the work, Ma Xiaoling huddled on the sofa out of boredom, crossed her legs, chewed a lozenge in her mouth, and complained: "This is harder than I thought. Teacher Ren, look at how much I have sacrificed for you.


Ren Zhong was speechless, "I told you to use a synthetic voice, but you didn't listen. It's my fault."

"What do you know? No matter how similar the synthesized sound is, it still lacks a bit of charm."

Ren Zhong: "You seem to be very knowledgeable?"

"Of course! I've learned a lot of information these past two days! But I think it's unfair. You have to scream tomorrow too."

Ren Zhongzhi shook his head, "That's impossible! My acting skills are not as good as yours, and I screamed too deliberately."

Ma Xiaoling raised his fist and said, "Not necessarily."

"What's the meaning?"

"If you're in pain, you'll scream out your true feelings, right? I'm going to beat you anyway, why not practice my hands first to get used to it?"

Ren Zhong's old face darkened.

He suddenly felt that Ma Xiaoling in the previous timeline didn't really hit him, and he felt resentful in his heart. This was because he traveled through time and space to avenge his previous shame!

Ma Xiaoling stretched again, "Forget it, I won't force you. When we were sparring before, you beat me so badly that you didn't even scream. I know you can't do it. Just watch my performance. It's half past ten, tonight

Will you stay here?"

Ren Zhong shook his head, "No, please arrange a night watch uniform for me. I'll have something to do when I go out later."

"Then we won't be training in virtual reality anymore?"

"Well, I won't practice tonight."

"That's just right, I can really speculate...oh no, let's start a national war!"

At a quarter past twelve in the morning, Lane 7, Nancheng District, slum.

The twin moons hung high in the sky, everything was silent, and there was no sound.

Outside the crooked, old and shabby door of Room 144, Ren Zhong, dressed in a night watchman uniform, stood at the door. He took a deep breath and gently reached for the old-fashioned mechanical door lock with his palm.

This is the lair of Sima Wan from Cunning Rabbit Three Cave.

Ren Zhong gently exerted force with his fingers, and the door opened.

This mechanical door lock has long been broken.

Ren Zhong walked through the door and turned on the searchlight above his head.

The room was messy, empty, and dusty.

It's the same thing when you go through the main hall and into the back room.

Obviously, this airy and unoccupied house with holes in the roof had been visited countless times by thieves.

Ren Zhong took out the Level 4 exoskeleton disassembly parts worth tens of thousands of points and a metal microscanner from his backpack, embedded the battery, started it, and then searched along the living room floor.

Five minutes later, he switched to the hot melt cutting machine and made a square hole in the cement floor about eight inches thick.

He saw a sophisticated encryption lock, put on a pair of Level 2 Dismantler gloves, and slowly stretched his hand forward.

As his palm came closer, the glove began to emit faint energy beams regularly.

A minute later, the encryption lock clicked and opened.

Unlocked successfully.

Ren Zhong breathed a long sigh of relief.

There was a slight clicking sound from the back room, which seemed to be the entrance to the basement.

There is a more complicated lock there, which can't stop him either.

Last night, under his orders, Zheng Tian and others packed up their valuable belongings overnight, moved some of their things into Lin Wang's manor, and moved in each of them in Lin Wang's manor.

Ren Zhong asked Chen Hanyu, who was staying in Sima Wan's room, to take a good look at Sima Wan's belongings.

In the previous timeline, Ren Zhong had already confiscated Sima Wan's belongings once, which included notes from Chen Hanyu's parents and a notebook she herself recorded using encrypted phrases.

It's ridiculous to say that the encrypted phrases Sima Wan mastered were exactly the self-created phrase list method that Chen Hanyu's mother taught her back then.

This is not a sophisticated encryption method, just a password sequence.

As long as you follow the sequence, perform some basic conversions, and then derive new numbers, and then search the Xinyuan Dictionary based on these number phrases, you can find the corresponding text.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, Sima Wan would still use this method.

Presumably, she thought that Chen Hanyu's parents were dead anyway, and even if Chen Hanyu, a little girl, just disappeared, she would probably not survive given the environment in this town. She believed that this set of code words constituted her own unique skill, so she felt free to use it boldly.

Who would have thought that Chen Hanyu would crawl out of hell with the blood feud between his parents again.

At that time, Chen Hanyu translated the contents of the notebook, which was a very complex security unlocking solution for the unique encryption lock of the two dismantlers.

One of the unlocking steps has more than 60 links. If any link is wrong, the unlocking will be judged as failed.

Another one has more than 120 links.

It's a pity that Ren Zhong didn't know about the existence of Room 144 at that time. Even if he knew that there was something behind this thing, he could only leave it alone in the end and did not dig deeper.

Unexpectedly, the detailed information spanning the two timelines was actually connected here.

As for why Sima Wan wrote such important information into paper documents instead of storing it in her watch, it should be because Yang Bingzhong also had control of her watch.

She was afraid that her life-saving means would be taken away by Yang Bingzhong, so she might as well write it down in paper documents and store it. No one knew where it was locked anyway.

【Recommendation ticket】

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