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Chapter 252 Historical truth, fatal loophole

At nine o'clock sharp, Ren Zhong took a shower, put on a pair of light casual clothes and appeared in the living room after the smell of sweat was gone.

At this time, Xiao Xingyue had already drank two cups of strong tea.

Seeing that Ren Zhong came out with his hair not yet dried, Xiao Xingyue smoothed her long hair, smiled and teased: "Looking at your refreshed appearance, you feel quite comfortable being served."

Ren Zhong sat down and forced a smile, "It's okay."

Xiao Xingyue raised her eyebrows, raised her chin slightly, and said in a rather connotative tone: "Then I have to worry about whether you can play with me later."

Ren Zhong frowned slightly, "What do you mean?"

"Forget it, we'll talk about this later. Let's talk about more important things first."

Ren Zhong was slightly surprised, "Let's talk here directly? No need to go to a more secluded place?"

As he said that, he looked at Xiao Xingyue's wrist again.

Xiao Xingyue lowered her head and looked down. The next second, she suddenly realized something, and then burst into laughter. "I actually thought it was strange before. Do you really think that you can completely avoid the Internet without wearing a watch?"


Ren Zhong was stunned, "What do you mean?"

Xiao Xingyue said slowly: "On the Origin Star, no one can completely avoid the net. It is true that you can escape from its field of vision slightly without wearing a watch, but it is useless. You will still leave traces in all the electronic devices you use.

Leave traces. 'Net' monitors all electronic equipment on the Source Star, and collects huge information beyond your imagination every moment. What kind of person you are, and what kind of plans you have, 'Net' can according to the huge information

The data is analyzed with extreme accuracy, allowing you to see everything clearly from the inside out. Human beings seem to have random thinking, but our randomness is pseudo-random, and there are rules to follow behind all of everyone's actions.

The part you hide is just the part you think you have hidden. Have you ever heard of the idiom that you will know the leopard when you see its spots?"

Ren Zhong was stunned for a moment.

In an instant, his interest in the Origin Star Civilization Promotion Association suddenly dropped a lot.

An indescribable loss arose from the bottom of his heart.

After a long time, he forced a smile and said, "So that's it, my knowledge is too shallow."

Xiao Xingyue: "Based on your previous habit, you would say, 'I see, my knowledge is shallow.' You are changing your habit of working hard and trying to hide it from the Internet. Right?"

Ren Zhong hummed, "It's easy to change a country's nature, but it's hard to change it. It's really impossible for me to hide it."

"It's good to know, so we can just talk here."

Ren Zhong asked again: "Then why did you play riddles with me a few days ago?"

Xiao Xingyue shrugged, "Because what I want to hide is not the Net, but the compradors who have certain rights to call the Net."

"Then you said it again now?"

"Because I have to prevent the compradors from getting rid of you before I absorb you. Now you have become a fifth-level citizen and enjoy most of the civil rights. Your life safety is protected by the 'net'."

"I understand. Tell me about the Source Star Civilization Promotion Association. I'm very curious."

Xiao Xingyue: "You already know about the Great Migration."

"Yes, but I'm not sure who has the tickets."

"Citizens of Level 5 and above. This is the decision of the Supreme Council of Elders and cannot be changed or raised."

Ren Zhong was stunned, "What if there are citizens above Level 5 whose family members have not reached Level 5?"

"Cannot board the ship."

"Hiss..." Ren Zhong thought for a while, "How many people are there in total on Source Star?"

"Ten billions."

Ren Zhong frowned: "Only tens of billions?"

"There are no statistics on the deserted people. I personally estimate that there are about 10 billion deserted people at present."

"Approximately how many people can leave in total?"

"Less than a billion."

Ren Zhong thought for a while, "Too few, really too few. Is it because there are not enough resources to build enough cryogenic chambers?"

Xiao Xingyue shrugged, "No. My personal guess is that the Presbyterian Church may think that only so many people are needed."

"What about the rest of us?"

Xiao Xingyue waved her hand, "Perhaps they will be slowly destroyed due to depletion of resources, or they may all have their brains taken away. But this has nothing to do with the Promotion Association. What we are concerned about is what happens after the Great Migration."

Ren Zhong: "How to say?"

In the next half hour, Xiao Xingyue concisely described the purpose of the promotion association to Ren Zhong.

The promotion association takes the military department under the association as the main body, and its members are distributed in various enterprises and organizations.

Unlike the comprador faction, which is full of infinite longing and expectations for the future, the Promotion Association, as an independent faction, does not recognize the paradise-like description of the comprador faction's advanced civilization empire.

These people believe that even if they complete the Great Migration and successfully integrate into higher civilizations, Source Star humans will still have to face brutal competition within the secondary civilizations under the empire.

The end of deep space navigation is not paradise, but just another new competitive situation.

But under the current Yuanxing system, the old citizen class has slowly rotted away in a pool of stagnant water.

The vast majority of people have no citizenship status, but they have almost no value as a human being.

These people cannot create resources and only know how to enjoy and consume.

Even if they sit in various seemingly important positions, it is only because the omnipotent "net" is escorting and assisting them in their work that the work of these people looks good.

Without the "net", they are nothing.

If the "tickets" for the Great Migration were all obtained by such characters, then the humans of the Origin Star would probably be completely submerged soon after arriving in the Empire's territory.

So, how to change the situation and select these billion people more accurately has become a top priority for the Promotion Association.

The Promotion Association has gone through a period of confusion for a long time, with no determination and ideas but no idea where to start.

The commotion Ren Zhong created in Spark Town inspired the Promotion Association's thinking.

They do not intend to completely subvert the citizen system of Source Star, but they believe that if they can relax the shackles a little like Ren Zhong and give Huangren more room for promotion, the situation will be different.

Twenty years later, when the Great Migration begins, if at least two to three hundred million people can be promoted within a reasonable and legal system, the population base of one billion immigrants will be expanded to ten.

Two to three hundred million people, then the two to three hundred million people who join in will become the catfish stirring up the stagnant water, and the Source Star humanity will regain its vitality.

After reaching the empire's territory, the humans of Source Star will definitely show greater competitiveness.

The civilization belonging to this planet will also be able to regenerate.

After listening, Ren Zhong asked: "The Net has not taken any action on your ideas?"

Xiao Xingyue said: "'Net' is an important tool given to us by the empire. 'Net' only cares about the results, not the process. So our actions are not as difficult as you think."

"what's the result?"

"Provide a sufficient number of human brains."

"What about the Mengdu Group's current human brain implantation experiment?"

"In fact, the association has already provided a sufficient amount of human brains. This is the Mengdu Group's own initiative to please the Net and the Empire. But in fact, we have not received a request to develop similar technology. Furthermore, if we want to exceed the quota,

If you provide human brains, you can just take them, since most of the deserted people will eventually be eliminated."

Ren Zhong: "Yes, I understand."

Xiao Xingyue: "You have a heavy responsibility. In addition to being handsome, your ability is very important."

Hearing this, Ren Zhong raised his head and looked at the red-fronted armor hanging on the wall.

Xiao Xingyue made eye contact with him, and the two of them nodded slightly, understanding.

What she wants is the ability to escape psychological scrutiny.

There are both people from the promotion association and comprador groups in the organization of mentalists.

A being who can keep secrets and is extremely talented will surely play a key role in the drastic changes in the next twenty years.

Xiao Xingyue became the Riddler again, "Currently only I and the president of the Promotion Association know about this matter."

"Then I'm really honored."

Ren Zhong asked again: "Then what should I do next? What will the Promotion Association do?"

Xiao Xingyue: "Taking your battle in Spark Town as an opportunity, we will make efforts at the high-level meeting of the association to demand the release of Huangren's productivity. Of course, our demands have formed a fundamental conflict with the Mengdu Group, so

The Mengdu Group is undoubtedly on the opposite side of us. We will set off a wave, stir up the storm, and reshuffle the citizen system of Origin Star! Adding two to three hundred million new level five citizens is actually only the minimum goal. We

We even want to shuffle the existing one billion 'crew' down to five to six billion to give the Great Migration a major change! By then, what will arrive in the empire's territory will be a steel division full of combat effectiveness. We will

In the cosmic-level social structure, we will re-establish a realm that belongs to our human civilization!"

Ren Zhong gave a thumbs up, "What a grand blueprint, I admire it. The person who founded the Promotion Association is indeed a great wise man."

"You will and have played a key role in the heavy responsibility. The president has very high expectations for you. So he has repeatedly guaranteed you."

"Say thank you to the president for me."

"But there are still doubts about you that even the 'net' can't explain."

"It's my vocabulary, right?"

"Yes. You have left doubts that cannot be erased. It is too late for you to change your vocabulary and habits now. This is a hidden danger for you. The Internet has never stopped observing you, so... you must

Be more valuable and make the Internet look forward to you."


Ren Zhong raised a new question, "Have you seen "A History of Ten Thousand Years"?"

"See, what's wrong?"

Ren Zhong: “Can you tell me more about the content?”

Xiao Xingyue: "The history of Yuanxing is false."


"It's detailed in "History of Ten Thousand Years", but since you asked, I'll just mention a few words."

Ren Zhong: "Yeah, I'll listen."

Xiao Xingyue: "Yuanxing is not the origin of human beings."

Ren Zhong's heart began to beat fast.

"We actually come from the area ruled by the empire, which is where mankind originated. Ten thousand years ago, we were vassals of the empire. However, due to the unfavorable war situation between the empire and its enemies, the star region we live in is facing annihilation.

.The Pioneers drove the escape spacecraft to the Source Star, an area far away from the war, and repopulated here. The time when the Pioneer spacecraft arrived at the Source Star was exactly 10,000 years ago."

"The antiques you see that are more than 10,000 years old are all forgeries designed to deceive the barbarians and lower-class citizens. The history of our civilization is not as long as described in the false history. It is only 10,000 years old.

Year. Now the empire has gained the advantage in war and the situation has stabilized again. So we can go back. The essence of the Great Migration is return. The specific details of these ten thousand years are detailed in "Ten Thousand Years History". If you are interested

, just buy it yourself. It only requires 300 million credit points."

Ren Zhong thought for a long time and asked another key question again, "How far is the empire's capital planet from us?"

"It must be thousands of light years away. But our migration destination is less than four light years away. There is already the empire's starry sky transportation network there, and it belongs to the ruling territory."

Ren Zhong continued to ask: "What is the name of the star region we are in, that is, the super galaxy cluster measured on a scale of 100 million light-years, in human language."

"Sloan Great Wall."

Ren Zhong: "..."

If he hadn't already tempered his heart to a stone, he would definitely scream in terror now.

He wanted to shout.

"On top of one lie, there is another lie."

What the hell is Sloan Great Wall!

What the hell did it come from!

Humans come from the Earth in the solar system on the Orion cantilever in the Milky Way at the end of the Laniakea supercluster!

But he didn't say anything in the end.

He really wanted to know how long he slept and how far he slept.

On the other side, Xiao Xingyue smiled brightly, "Okay, let's finish talking about the business. It's time for me to do some personal things. Tsk, tsk, Ren Zhong, you are indeed handsome, so I'll just like you."

Ren Zhong looked up at her blankly.

He knew that the Riddler was filling in the loopholes again, fulfilling the lies she had told to deceive the compradors.

Ren Zhong shook his head and said slowly: "I admit that I am handsome, and I thank you for your appreciation. But I am sorry that I reject you."

Xiao Xingyue was stunned, "Why? I'm not pretty enough?"

"Beautiful, but I don't like it."

Xiao Xingyue's brows slowly wrinkled.

She almost blurted out, but finally endured it.

She wanted to say.

"Besides your idioms, this is another fatal flaw that the Net continues to question. If you reject me now, you are tying a time bomb on yourself!"

But Ren Zhong's attitude was too determined, and whatever she said at this time would be problematic.

She had no choice but to smile bitterly and shake her head, "That's really sad. I'm really not used to it. I've never been rejected by anyone."

【Ask for monthly ticket】

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