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Chapter 271 The meaning of the drunkard is not only in the wine, but also in the landscape

Before departure, Ren Zhong went to the biochemical laboratory again.

For no other reason than to check on Sun Miao's digestion and pick up a level 5 psychostimulant.

Ren Zhong, who was preconceived, noticed that Sun Miao was slightly distracted.

Ren Zhong teased: "Brother Sun, are you feeling spring?"

Sun Miao rolled her eyes, "Fuck you."

"But I think something is wrong with you. You didn't look so worried before."

Sun Miao sighed, "I can't tell what happened. In the past, I was only thinking about how to create cancer babies with unlimited proliferation ability, and then slowly raise them up, and use continuous observation of the children to crack the code

Lifespan question. But I didn’t expect that Sun Ai actually...well, doesn’t need my care. I couldn’t think of what to do next for a while. Sun Ai is growing very well, but I still haven’t found a new entry point.

.I know the difference between her cells and ordinary people's cells, but it's of no use. Now I have begun to teach Sun Ai some biological and medical knowledge, as if I can only wait for her to grow up as soon as possible, and then she will take care of her.

I'll look for opportunities. Alas..."

Ren Zhong understands.

Sun Ai made a mistake in his judgment of human nature.

What she "heard" about Sun Miao's heart was not accurate.

Brother Sun didn't really fall in love with Tang Shuying.

What he likes is just the sense of struggle with clear goals before.

Now he has fallen into a confused stage in his life.

Ren Zhong thought for a while and said, "Brother Sun, I think you have gone into a misunderstanding."

"How to say?"

"Perhaps the reasons behind some of the problems that seem complicated to you are actually very simple."

Sun Miao: "Are you saying that premature aging is due to overactivity of the brain? It causes excessive consumption of the body?"

"You know? You think so too?"

"This is just a possibility. The function of anti-aging drugs is to repair the hidden injuries caused by overload in the human body at the genetic level. It only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. The birth of the colonial warriors is also based on the same purpose, which is to provide the brain with stronger

Logistics base. But the fusion genes in the colonial warriors have brought new disadvantages. The final question still falls on why the human brain is overactive."

"This is where the problem lies. Brother Sun, I suggest you use this as an entry point."

Ren Zhong pointed to his head.

Sun Miao was stunned, "You want me to return to Mengdu Group to continue the human brain implantation project?"

"That project has no meaning anymore. It is just a cover for the Mengdu Group. But Brother Sun, you can use the knowledge you gained when you were responsible for this project to dig deeper into the secrets of the human brain. Let me tell you one more thing.

, I will not age prematurely. You should have noticed it, right?"

"Yes." Sun Miao was silent for a moment, "It's a heavy responsibility, please give me some more samples."

"what would you like?"

"Ten neurons."


"Hey, you agreed? Do you trust me so much?"

"If I don't believe you, who can I believe?"

"Ju Qingmeng."

"Go away, it's two different things. No, it's the same thing. Let me put it another way, if I don't believe you, who can I believe?"

Sun Miao: "It sounds much better this way."

Ren Zhong didn't know that Sun Miao, who was in trouble in life, could make it that far, but he did everything he could to provide Sun Miao with the greatest help.

He even completely ignored ethics and took out his own neurons.

Our efforts to completely crack and solve the lifespan problem have come to an end.

Next, he has to complete another thing and make final thorough preparations for corporate war.

Ren Zhong came to the armored laboratory next door, where Ju Qingmeng was having a heated discussion with her parents.

The topic discussed by the three people was the equipment configuration of the newly reorganized Yang Sheng Army.

Ju Qingmeng, who knew Ren Zhong's true intentions, wanted to give Yang Shengjun and Xinghuo Army equal treatment.

However, the more experienced two elders believe that Yang Sheng Army has just arrived and rashly giving equal treatment may not only cause the members of the Star Fire Army to have grudges, but also put pressure on the arms reserves in the town and cause unnecessary problems for Ren Zhong. waste of resources.

The two elders suggested that for now, we should only appropriately improve the equipment level of the Yang Sheng Army, and then set assessment standards through continuous observation in the following days, and gradually improve those who meet the standards, so that some of them can slowly catch up with the equipment of the Star Fire Army. level.

From an economic and political perspective, the two elders' idea is totally fine.

But only if there is no imminent war.

Ju Qingmeng's father said: "Although Yuanxing Military Industry has given us a concession, we can purchase unlimited amounts of military equipment at preferential prices, but we still have to spend money. Giving too good equipment to low-level professionals who are not strong is likely to cause A huge waste. This is not one or two people, but 80,000 people! They have heavy responsibilities and are very rich. It is okay to do this for a day or two, but if things go on like this, the operating costs of the company will remain at a high level for a long time, which is not appropriate. There is no business like this. "

Ju Qingmeng: "But..."

The mother added: "There are no buts. Even if the military industrial group gives a preferential price, it is still making money. Also, we currently do not have a complete production line. If the core components of the equipment are seriously damaged, they will still have to be scrapped directly. You can give me a It is very easy for a level 1 professional equipped with level 2 equipment to have this situation happen."

Ju Qingmeng sighed, "Oh, this..."

Ren Zhong walked forward and said first: "Uncle and aunt, I understand everything you just talked about."

"Hello, Mr. Ren!"

The two elders quickly got up.

Ren Zhong's lips twitched, "Sit down, sit down quickly. In this way, I plan to get my own arsenal."

The three of them were immediately shocked.

Ju Qingmeng shook his head, "No, this is illegal!"

Ju Qingmeng's father also said: "The arms factory that Yuanxing Military Industry is planning to build outside the town has started construction. By then, according to the principle of proximity, we should be able to get more discounts on the purchase price. Mr. Ren, you are actually..."

Ren Zhong shook his head, "After all, it's someone else's thing, not my own property. Besides, I have ways to avoid breaking the law."

Half an hour later, Ren Zhong and Ju Qingmeng left side by side and headed straight to the airport where his private airship was parked.

Take off and head straight to your destination.

Along the way, Ju Qingmeng looked a little nervous.

Ren Zhong patted her shoulder gently, "It's okay, I'm here."


There were five people in the airship at this time.

Driver Chen Meng, "secretary" Ou Youning, Chen Hanyu who had just been promoted to level five dismantling engineer, as well as Ren Zhong and Ju Qingmeng.

Ren Zhong saw through Chen Hanyu's little thoughts.

In fact, about two days after surviving the cold-blooded butcher's disaster in Spark Town, she already had the technical level of a fifth-level dismantler.

It's just that she has been putting off doing the professional title assessment, and she hasn't changed her level five gloves.

Her ideas are both simple and complex.

Once he becomes the only level five dismantler in the town, he will have to participate intensively in the cross-level team hunting led by Zheng Tian, ​​and take on the task of chip disassembly of level five or even level six beasts.

In that case, she would be very busy and, like Zheng Tian, ​​would spend less time together and more time away from Mr. Ren.

She was escaping that situation.

Chen Hanyu did not realize the change in his mentality.

After Yang Bingzhong was executed, her tense heartstrings relaxed.

The fear of the opposite sex that I once had has gradually disappeared due to the protection of Ren Zhong.

Her attention was distracted and she was no longer as obsessed with professional books as she had been in the past.

She was a reserved person to begin with, neither daring to express her feelings nor willing to give up, so she secretly indulged her thoughts as a little girl that she had suppressed for countless years.

She felt that the life of being a little secretary by Ren Zhong's side was very relaxing and comfortable.

This was a life she had never expected, and she was very satisfied.

It's a pity that her little thought could not be hidden from Ren Zhong.

She was interviewed by Ren Zhong.

Then, she woke up with a fright.

After seeing the official announcement between Ren Zhong and Ju Qingmeng, Chen Hanyu did not feel jealous or disappointed, but instead realized that she was not as good as Ju Qingmeng.

Ju Qingmeng never slowed down in pursuing him.

But not myself.

Although she rarely shows her true appearance to others, she has never let go of her pride in her beauty.

It was obvious that Mr. Ren had taught him so many principles, but after the external threat was removed, he relaxed so easily.

Mr. Ren is different. His desire for like-minded people is far greater than his pursuit of sex.

I was wrong.

After that, Chen Hanyu put aside all the unnecessary thoughts and once again put all his energy into treating his career as a dismantler.

Now she is nominally at Level 5, but she already has complete Level 6 knowledge, but it still needs to be verified.

She also noticed subtle changes in Ren Zhong's relationship with her, and the familiar Mr. Ren seemed to be back.

"Mr. Ren, I read the information about the vibranium tiger, a level six ruin beast that appeared in Nangao Town, Chongyi County. I have something to say."

Chen Hanyu said this while placing the tablet out.

Ren Zhong smiled and said, "You say."

"This Vibranium Tiger is different from the original Demon Infant, and it is also different from the large beast indirectly controlled by Legion Beast. Since it appeared in Nangao Town a week ago, it has shown overwhelming level six strength. From the intelligence video Look, although it doesn’t have any large-scale killing capabilities, its individual combat effectiveness is extremely strong. Its small size allows the energy in its body to be very concentrated. When mobilized, its single-point killing power is far better than the legion beast and the big jellyfish."

"No one knows where it comes from or where it grows and grows. It seems to appear out of thin air, which shows that it is very cunning. Moreover, it only besieges and blocks towns, and only enters the town to eat ten people every day. After eating, it will Let’s go and never miss him. He obviously has a certain amount of wisdom.”

"I think that if you want to deal with it, you should make more comprehensive arrangements and mobilize Zheng Tian's hunting group to hunt it. Mr. Ren, it is too risky for you to go alone. It is not necessary. Otherwise, you should at least bring Captain Ma and Bai Feng and others form an elite team."

Ren Zhong shook his head, "Your guess is basically accurate, but not completely right. The accurate energy index of the Vibranium Tiger is 240,000, which is the peak of level six. As for why I am alone without helpers, of course it is Because I have absolute confidence."

When Chen Hanyu heard this, he looked at Ju Qingmeng and Ou Youning next to him with eyes asking for help.

At first, both of them only knew that they were going out to hunt level six beasts, but they didn't know that the strength was so high, so they also tried to dissuade them.

Ren Chong was not annoyed at all, he just said meaningfully, "You all think that my actions are forced, and others will think so even more. What I want is this effect."

The three of them were stunned.

Ju Qingmeng responded the fastest.

She remembered what Ren Zhong had said about the arsenal before, and she suddenly understood.

Ju Qingmeng thought for a while, "Anyway, let's prepare with the goal of hunting the vibrating tiger first. The vibrating tiger has a total of five special abilities."

"First, the impact tiger roar, which can use directional information flow to impact and damage the target's brain, making it dizzy and unconscious. Second, explosive impact, its hind legs have evolved a very explosive ejection structure, which can instantly release terrifying The kinetic energy allows it to use reverse thrust to accelerate in a straight line and break the sound barrier within 0.1 seconds."

"Third, the vibranium body. Its whole body is made of metal, and it has an extremely strong alloy structure. It is not afraid of acceleration impacts, and with explosive impacts, its ability to change directions is extremely strong. Fourth, its ultra-high frequency oscillating blade, its front claws Embedded with an overclocking oscillation mechanism, its sharp claws can vibrate and impact at a frequency of more than 100,000 times per second when tearing the target, and its energy intensity is better than the six-level oscillation knife we ​​made."

"Fifth, remote-controlled whip tail. This whip tail is linked to its crystal core through information flow. It can be retracted and can fly in anti-gravity. It is extremely strong. Once entangled, it is almost impossible to break free with explosive force. There are other things inside the whip tail. The performance of the strong discharge device is comparable to that of the six-level electricity-controlled Ruins. While there is still one day left, let’s prepare special equipment around these five points.”

After saying that, she stood up and went to the logistics cabin behind the airship.

Seeing that Ju Qingmeng had made up his mind, Chen Hanyu stopped talking and followed, "I have some relevant information in the field of dismantling here. I think we can design some countermeasures accordingly."

After the two of them got up and left, Ou Youning carefully approached Ren Zhong and said, "Brother Ren, what are you thinking?"

Ren Zhong glared at him, "You talk too much."

Ou Youning's face was full of confusion, "Huh? I also think it's very dangerous for a person like you to be alone. I didn't understand why you refused to let me go when I asked you to give me more time to prepare a big trap."

Ren Zhong's lips twitched, "I'm sorry."



Just now, he had some preconceived prejudice against Ou Youning.

He thought Ou Youning was asking him what he thought of Chen Hanyu.

This belongs to which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted.

When the time comes, we will realize that Bodhi has no trees and nothing to cause dust.

As it is now, it's good. Everyone is working hard in the right direction, and that's enough.

Ever since, Ren Zhong's attitude towards Ou Youning was not very good at that time, and now it seems that he has blamed the wrong person.

"Ou Youning, let me ask you a question."

"What? Brother Ren, tell me."

"If one day I want to send you on a mission, you will have to live a very hard life for ten years. You will suffer humiliation and your life will be in danger at any time. But if you get the thing done, it will be a great help to me. It will be great. At the same time, I also give you the right to refuse. What will you choose then? Go or not?"

Ou Youning was stunned.

This may seem like a question, but in fact it may be a hint or an advance notice.

This question cannot be answered casually as in ordinary casual chat.

Ou Youning thought about it for a long time, until the airship arrived in Chungyi County, and then slowly said: "I will feel a little unwilling, but I will do it and do my best to do my best, even if I die on the way to the mission,

It's not impossible. Because I firmly believe that behind every arrangement of yours, Brother Ren, there must be reasons that I can't understand, but are extremely important."

"Besides, Brother Ren, you saved me more than once, and you gave me my life. You also showed me different scenery. I can't believe that a few months ago, I was still looking up to others wherever I went.

Little man. Things are different now. I show my face in the town and no one knows that I am Brother Ren, your confidant. I am very grateful to you for giving me all this. I must carry out your orders. But,

I have an additional request."


"Before I set off on my mission, I wanted to leave behind at least two or three children. My father had been arranging for me to arrange a spouse for a long time before he was alive, but I was always afraid of trouble, so I hid until now."

Ren Zhong grinned, "Don't say it as if you want to say goodbye, I'm just asking casually."


Although it is somewhat incredible, in a sense, Ou Youning's personal obedience to himself is close to the state of a revolutionary sacrificing for his ideals.

Ren Zhong has made a little judgment, and it is still feasible to replace the righteousness of "revolution" with his own personality charm.

Ren Zhong stood up and waved to the logistics cabin.

"Everyone, let's take a rest first. We've arrived at the place. Let's take a leisurely tour here and tell the people here, um, I'm here. Oh no, it's us."

As he said that, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Ren Zhong's mouth.

Only Ju Qingmeng understood the meaning behind his smile.

Wang Jinshou is going to be in trouble.

Tianyuan Military Industry is in trouble.

His idea of ​​a drunken man lies not only in wine, but also in the mountains and rivers.

He is completing the last territory of Spark Town's power.

He wants to legally get a military industrial company of his own.

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