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Chapter 282 The god of stocks declares war [Thanks to the leader of ipo

The 140th day of the Ren Zhong Era, November 19, 682 years of the New Origin Calendar.

The night just beginning of winter seemed a little cool.

There was silence in the living room of the hotel suite, except for the sound of pages turning.

Wang Zhaofu was sitting on the sofa, with his feet together and his hands clasped together, looking nervously in front of him, as if he were a student waiting for the teacher to mark a test paper.

Over there, Ren Zhong was flipping through a leather-bound notebook with yellowed pages at an extremely fast speed.

Next to Ren Zhong was a pile of account books that he had already read.

After a long time, Ren Zhong put down the last notebook in his hand, slowly raised his head, rested the pillow on the sofa, and closed his eyes.

Wang Zhaofu asked nervously, "Brother Ren, how are you? It helps..."

Ju Qingmeng raised his hand and pressed it down, making a silencing gesture.

Recently she has become more and more familiar with Ren Zhong.

Once Ren Zhong assumed this posture, she knew that it meant that he was about to enter a state of deep thinking.

Xiao Xingyue had previously asked Ren Zhong if he already knew the whereabouts of the Wang family's private collection of exotic minerals, which was the location of the top-secret laboratory.

Ren Zhong gave a specious "affirmative" answer.

In a sense, Ren Zhong is lying.

Since Xiao Xingyue can ask, it means that the Wang family is very cunning, and even the "net"'s investigation failed to find any clues.

How could he know if he had such a heavy responsibility?

The reason he lied was that the 21 tons of exotic minerals were necessary evidence to deal with level seven citizen Wang Dingyuan.

If he wanted to tie the Promotion Association to his own chariot, he had to make up a lie to boost the other party's confidence.

Perhaps lying this time alone may not be able to achieve the goal, but Ren Zhong can continue to observe Yinghao and the Promotion Association through subsequent developments, and indirectly experience the operating status of the top level of Yuanxing's social structure, and discover more information.

This is another round of deep testing for him.

Fortunately, thanks to the super high IQ profile he continued to build, Ying Hao believed his lies and gave him his undivided support.

Xiao Xingyue has informed him of the results of the high-level meeting.

But as for how to make this lie come true, Ren Zhong actually had no idea at all.

Even if the "net" could not catch the mouse, he would be able to dig it out despite his heavy responsibility.

His plan was very simple and crude. He would find an opportunity to interview Wang Dingyuan, and then suddenly become violent. He would gamble that he could control Wang Dingyuan, torture him to extract a confession, forcibly dig out the information, and then die and reopen the case.

If this doesn't work, keep following other executives of Tianyuan Military Industry, or follow Wang Dingyuan in advance after reopening.

No matter how many times you have to die or how many times you have to restart, it is just like being trapped in a dense forest and dying a hundred and thirty-six times, but you still managed to break out, compressing infinite time into a moment, No matter how big the secret is, it can be cracked.

Now the situation has changed. Although he has just read the account book, Ren Zhong has already vaguely grasped the context in his heart.

At the same time, his heart was also ecstatic.

He found a flaw in the "net".

"Net" has no logical association ability.

"Net's" judgment on information must be based on accurate data.

As an example.

A person who often watches horror movies clicks on the latest movie in the "Midnight Ring" series. The opening scene is a home living room with heart-warming lighting, and inside is an old-fashioned picture tube TV that is flashing snowflakes. Then The first thought that came to mind was the fear that a ferocious female ghost would suddenly appear from the TV.

But if "Net" is analyzing this video that has not been watched before, no matter how many "Midnight Bells" have been stored in "Net's" database, the TV in the screen will always be just a TV, and there will be no other


It wasn't until a scary ghost suddenly appeared on TV that the Internet immediately labeled the movie a supernatural horror movie.

Even with the computing power of the Internet, it may only take a billionth of a second to watch a movie, but the objective logical sequence still exists.

It must wait until a ghost appears before it can make a judgment.

The reason is simple, it doesn't associate.

The reason why the "net" is invincible is that there is a large group of people working behind the "net", using the information captured by the "net" to perform human-level association deductions.

Only when the two are combined can one be truly invincible.

The reason why the "net" seemed so incompetent this time and could not even dig out such a large laboratory was because Wang Dingyuan was extremely cautious to an outrageous degree.

When Wang Dingyuan was transporting people and materials, I am afraid that no one had any electronic equipment on them.

"Net" did not collect laboratory-related information from any channel.

As for the habit of handwriting notebooks developed by Wang Zhaofu's father, it is probably the reason why he discovered that Wang Dingyuan did not "like" electronic devices at certain special times.

Many of the entries and exits recorded in the notebook must have never been uploaded to the information network.

Since then, the entire logical chain of events has been connected.

The notebook in Ren Zhong's hand is not in the database of "Net", so he seems to know nothing about it.

But if this notebook is uploaded to the database of the "Net" and then discovered by a group of people serving the "Net", that group of people will definitely be able to deduce the most likely location of the laboratory just like myself.

Nearly half an hour passed unknowingly, and Ren Zhong opened his eyes.

This detailed account book records many material flows from more than ten years ago.

The rows representing the flow of valuable materials were intertwined into a network in Ren Zhong's mind.

Obviously, it was during that era that Wang Dingyuan began to build the top-secret laboratory.

There are many records of the whereabouts of alloy materials and energy modules in the ledger.

At the same time, there are also some very hidden fluctuations in the distribution of materials in some Tianyuan Military Industry workshops and laboratories.

Ren Zhong deduced many nodes in this intertwined network, and then connected the nodes one after another.

In the end, the connected lines pointed directly to a small town he had visited before - Nangao Town.

Ren Zhong recalled the extremely prosperous town of Nangao Town, as well as the methods and excessive force of Mayor Nangao, and some of the little doubts in his heart were answered again.

There must be a deep connection between Mayor Nangao and Wang Dingyuan.

Wang Dingyuan is the hidden backer behind Nangao Town.

But precisely because of this, Wang Dingyuan could not easily interfere with the affairs of Nangao Town.

Even though the Vibranium Tiger had posed a substantial threat, Wang Dingyuan just waited and watched.

This is even a good opportunity for Mayor Nangao to take the opportunity to eradicate dissidents and divide and disintegrate the desolate people in the town who are so powerful that they are out of control due to excessive wealth.

The mayor's calculation was perfect, and he knew something was wrong with him.

After thinking about these details, Ren Zhong's mouth curved slightly, he opened his eyes and said only two words, "It's useful."

Wang Zhaofu let out a long breath, "As long as it works."

Ren Zhong said again: "Since you were once a member of the Wang family, it is not safe for you to stay here and it is not in line with the rules. You should go back to Xinghuo Town overnight."

Wang Zhaofu looked at him deeply and said, "Okay. Brother Ren, take care."

Ren Zhong laughed heartily, "Don't make it sound like life and death, I'm very safe."

Watching Wang Zhaofu board the private airship floating above the hotel, Ren Zhong returned to the room.

Ju Qingmeng sighed, "He is also a miserable man."

Ren Zhong shook his head, "It's actually not bad."

Compared with many people, Wang Zhaofu's starting point is much higher. At least his parents have been with him for nearly twenty years.

Ju Qingmeng: "Yeah."

That night, well-known Internet celebrity MechaWarrior Ren Zhong posted two videos in a row, which became a carnival for tens of millions of fans.

However, when these fans excitedly clicked into the video, they were a little stunned.

You come here in good spirits, but you return in disillusionment.

This time the video has nothing to do with the battle, but is related to another hot topic, the arrest of Wang Jinshou.

However, the fans came because they were here. There is no charge for this video anyway, and the principle of free prostitution is to make money, so most of them enthusiastically went in and watched it.

This look only made some of the two chefs who were chasing today's two hot spots at the same time ecstatic.

Good guy!

I originally thought that reporter Xiao Xingyue's knowledge was invincible, but who knew that boss Ren here could add a summary of the situation and in-depth analysis on top of the first hand.

The video begins with Ren Zhong’s personal account of his trip abroad.

He talked freely in front of the camera.

"The story started three and a half years ago. In the professional high school in Chongyi, there was a talented girl named Ju Qingmeng..."

"Faced with the powerful persecution of Wang Jinshou, a well-known scumbag in the town, she is neither humble nor overbearing. She would rather leave her hometown than give in..."

"I didn't want to be an enemy of Wang Jinshou. I even came to Chongyi County in person regardless of the previous grudges, just to bring peace to the residents of Nangao Town. But I didn't expect..."

"The following is the scene when I captured the assassin Ding Canghai and Wang Jinshou's minion Zheng Dafa..."

After the video was played, it was replaced by the questions and answers of the heavy-duty employees interrogating Zheng Dafa and Ding Canghai.

The main focus of Zheng Dafa's account was his ideological transformation and brainstorming process under Wang Jinshou's control. He also detailed the life experiences of more than ten of his "predecessors" and made a general summary of what he knew. The evil things Wang Jinshou has done over the years.

After Zheng Dafa finished speaking, Ren Zhong left the country again and commented: "Wang Jinshou's way of governing his subordinates is indeed extraordinary. So no matter how many people he tortured to death and how many citizens' lives he destroyed, he always rested easy. This is simply a reflection on the source. The most cruel and cunning trampling of Star Law! Intolerable!"

Then came Ding Canghai's interrogation questions and answers.

Ding Canghai mainly talked about the origin and performance of the murder weapon in his hand, that is, the laboratory firearm.

After Ding Canghai finished explaining, Ren Zhong left the country again and said with a solemn expression: "This gun uses the hunter's main gun to stay away, shrinks in size, and compresses the energy at a high intensity. The power is amazing. One hit can blast It produces 400,000 kilowatts of energy, even level six professionals will die instantly if it touches it, and its performance is even more powerful than the Hunter-Killer main gun. Do you know how this powerful weapon under development came about?"

Later, the video changed to Zheng Dafa's narration.

He said: "I found a familiar technician in the company's laboratory. I didn't even give him any bribe, I simply said to get me a big guy, and he went into the laboratory to find the parts and Complete the assembly of the firearm and give it to me."

Ren Zhong left the country and said with a smile: "Did you see it? This is the standardized management of Yuanxing Military Industry's secondary subsidiary, a century-old listed military industry enterprise. It's so interesting. What kind of unprofessional management mechanism is required to allow such a situation? A gun was openly released and became a murder weapon in an attempt to murder me, a fifth-level citizen? Also, do you know the true power of this gun?"

When the video is played again, it happens to be the scene where the gun self-destructs and creates a mushroom cloud.

Ren Zhong laughed loudly in the narration, "This gun actually blew itself up!"

The truth of the matter is that Ren Zhong first asked Ding Canghai to throw the gun, and the gun then self-destructed due to induction.

However, Ren Zhong cut off the head and tail, giving people the impression that Tianyuan Military Industry’s technical level is indeed stretched.

Finally, Ren Zhong concluded: "A century-old enterprise is at this level. The management is extensive and amateurish, and the technical reliability is simply appalling. Imagine that you are a user of Tianyuan Military Industry, and you go to the battlefield with the equipment produced by it. You fired, but the enemy didn't die, but you blew yourself up, what does it feel like?"

"I have a heavy responsibility. As a senior stock investor with a winning rate of more than 95% in stock trading for more than four months, I make the following judgment. The downfall of this company will be around the corner!"

After saying this, Ren Zhong directly announced all the operation records of his stock account without hiding anything.

This is the first time that he has announced his identity as a straight-talking stock god to all the citizens of Source Star.

His comprehensive short selling of Tianyuan Military Industry will start from now on.

He officially declared war on the Wang family of Chengyi.

He wants to single-handedly defeat the Tianyuan Military Industry, a century-old enterprise, and the Wang family, a family that has been passed down for hundreds of years, from the stock market!

Wang Dingyuan was still waiting for the heavy responsibility to change his mind the next day, but only waited for a head-on blow.

This chapter has been completed!
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