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Chapter 322 Step by step [4200 words]

When he opened his eyes again, it was already six o'clock in the morning on the 136th day.

If time is compared to a place, then Ren has been here so many times that he can know what will happen next today even with his eyes closed.

In the previous timeline, he would accurately capture Wang Jinshou's lackey Zheng Dafa two hours later, and then turn him into a double agent through some simple operations. He would accurately attack the Wang family and his son on the 140th day, and then go to jail smoothly.

The same was true in the previous timeline, but the difference was that Ma Xiaoling was forced to reopen because he failed to pass the psychological review.

Going back to the previous timeline, Ren Zhong did not arrive in Chongyi County until the 139th day, and only came into contact with Zheng Dafa for the first time after killing the Vibranium Tiger.

After thinking about it for a while, Ren Zhong had a comprehensive plan in mind.

He had attended the investment meeting before and completed his provocation against Wang Jinshou at the meeting.

Therefore, if he pretends to be ignorant and follows the normal rhythm to deal with the Zhenjin Tiger this time, Wang Jinshou will definitely make his move through Zheng Da.

Just take the call.

The next step is to partially repeat some of the steps in the previous timeline to truly capture Tianyuan Military Industry, and at the same time control Ying Hao's pace to prevent Ying Hao from dragging down both the Promotion Association and himself.

Whether it is exotic minerals or Tianyuan Military Industry's new positioning technology, they must be obtained.

Ren Zhong once used the method of calling a thief to catch a thief to take advantage of Yang Bingzhong. Not only did he reap benefits, but he also killed his enemies.

But this time he couldn't do the same thing again.

The reason is very simple. Now that all the exotic minerals in his hands have been exposed, as long as he reports Wang, he himself will definitely be the first suspect.

Moreover, the amount of exotic minerals this time was particularly large, reaching 21 tons, and the association could no longer tolerate him monopolizing it.

But according to Sun Ai's estimation, he must eat them all.

Therefore, I will find a new way to defeat the Wang family of Chongyi in the stock market, and let the Wang family and his son would rather die than keep the matter of the foreign mine in their stomachs.

An hour and a half later, Ren Zhong, wearing red armor, walked out of the villa.

He pretended not to notice Zheng Dafa, who was peeping at him in the dark, and went straight to the tarmac at the edge of the county town.

Afterwards, he took his private airship and headed straight for Nangao Town.

About half an hour later, the heavy-duty airship landed in the center of the Nangao Town parking lot.

At this time, there are dozens of deserted people standing here with ashen expressions on their faces.

There were tears on everyone's face, and sadness was written on their brows.

Ren Zhong knew what was happening here, but he still pretended to be ignorant, walked up and asked curiously: "Hello, I am Ren Zhong, the boss of Xinghuo Resource Recycling Company, who are you...

What's wrong?"

Hearing this, one of them raised his head and looked at Ren Zhong in surprise, "Ren...Boss Ren? Really Boss Ren?"

At first he thought he had heard wrongly, but after seeing Ren Zhong's face he was sure it was not an illusion.

Ren Zhong is now very famous in Yangsheng City, and most people have learned about his appearance from different channels.

Ren Zhong smiled and nodded, "Of course it's me. Does anyone dare to pretend to be me here? That's my airship over there, did you see it?"

Dozens of people raised their heads one after another, looking at Ren Zhong with wide eyes, their eyes filled with hope, admiration, and a hint of fear.

A person at the back braved the man who had spoken to Ren Zhong before and said, "Talk to Boss Ren? Boss Ren is so powerful, maybe there can be a solution."

The man who spoke to Ren Zhong first swallowed hard and gritted his teeth, "Boss Ren, the thing is like this..."

Everything was as expected by Ren Zhong. About three or four days ago, the Vibranium Tiger, which used Wangnan Mountain as its nest, began to make trouble.

After the defeat of the team of hunters hired from outside by Nangao Resources and the town government, Nangao Town has entered into a rhythm of drawing lots for ten people to die every day.

These people in the parking lot at this time were the relatives and friends of the ten unlucky guys who had just been sent to serve as rations for the Vibranium Tiger.

The others have dispersed, leaving them alone to accept the sad reality.

After Ren Zhong heard this, he looked angry, "The beast is our prey, just like the animals in the breeding farm. It's just a level six beast, how can we not deal with it?"

The victim's relatives shook their heads helplessly, "But it has already failed once. The town government and the resource company lost a lot of money because the information they provided was wrong. Now there is nothing that can be done about the idea that the town government has decided. It is better than letting it break in.

It's good to come to the town to cause trouble. Those big shots probably thought that the Vibranium Tiger would one day get tired of the tastes of the people in Nangao Town, or that some kind-hearted masters would come and kill him. Anyway... Anyway, people like us

Isn't the life of a deserted man also a commodity? It's just a suffering for those who won the death lottery, and for us relatives and friends. Sigh. Forget it, maybe it will be my turn next, and I don't have to be so worried."

Ren Zhong did not frown, but sighed heavily, "Don't worry, I will go back to make some preparations and improve my armor. I will come back to meet this Vibranium Tiger in a few days."

After saying that, Ren Zhong turned around and walked quickly towards his airship.

The group of Nangao Zhenhuang people behind him did not react for a while.

The man from before asked loudly from behind Ren Zhong: "Mr. Ren, what did you just say?"

Ren Zhong turned around and said, "I said, I'll come back in a few days. How can this make sense? You didn't do anything wrong. You just have to be sent as feed if you're not lucky enough to draw lots. It's ridiculous.

In my eyes, the life of the deserter is also life!"

Ren Zhongshuo finished speaking loudly, turned around and left, leaving only a large group of desolate people in Nangao Town looking at each other.

After just a few minutes of communication, this group of people realized what was different about Ren Zhong.

I often hear from traveling businessmen I know well that Spark Town is no longer what it used to be. Not only is it powerful, but the barren people are now living and working in peace and contentment.

They say that what you hear is what you see and what you hear is what you see. The people in Nangao Town were somewhat unconvinced. Now after dealing with Ren Zhong, the helmsman, they realized that this rumor was actually true.

With such a kind and brave boss, how can the people of Spark Town live a bad life?

So envious.

When the heavy-duty airship had just arrived at the parking lot of Spark Town, his statement that he would personally challenge the Vibranium Tiger had spread widely in Nangao Town, and quickly spread to all parts of Yangsheng City.

Outsiders thought he was crazy.

The masters here in Xinghuo Town asked for a fight one after another.

Many of the experts who were leading the team for training outside wanted to return to Spark Town on the spot.

He had a heavy responsibility but persevered to make these people stop, and even publicly stated his position on the public channel of Xinghuo Town that he could destroy a mere six-level ruin beast with the flip of his palm, so there was no need to worry about it.

That's how things settled.

Later, Ren Zhong issued an order to temporarily take back all the equipment containing exotic mineral alloys from his subordinates, gather them together, and re-refine them into a small piece.

Immediately afterwards, Ren Zhong purchased dozens of old ghost particle communicators on the grounds of improving the efficiency of Spark resources.

In the next few days, everything went as usual until the morning of the 138th day, when Ren Zhong once again put on the fully maintained Chifeng Armor and arrived in Chongyi County with Ju Qingmeng, Chen Hanyu, Ou Youning, and Chen Meng.

The timeline has been changed. Now that some good people have taken the initiative to take advantage of the situation, the boss of Nangao Resources did not hold a public bidding meeting, and did not contact Ren Zhong throughout the process. He only wanted to save whatever he could and earn more. The principle of pretending not to know anything about this is very true.

Unknowingly, the eyes of the entire Chungyi County were focused on him.

But at this time, Ren Zhong's thoughts drifted back to Xinghuo Town.

In the evening, Ren Zhong was leaning back on the spacious sofa in the hotel living room, closing his eyes and relaxing.

He is waiting for a message.

"Uncle, uncle, are you there?"

A childish voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

The corners of Ren Zhong's mouth curved.

It’s done.

He summarized the hallucination resonance communication method finally summarized by Sun Ai under his guidance in the previous timeline, and used the excuse of improving the Red Front Armor to purchase and equip positron bombers in advance, and then The entire operation process was written in a detailed instruction manual, which was left to Sun Miao.

In the end, Ren Zhong succeeded in getting Sun Ai, who was less than two hours old, to contact him in advance.

Ren Zhong thought to himself: "I'm here, hello Sun Ai."

"Uncle, you are amazing! How did you come up with this idea?"

Ren Zhong: "I guessed."

Sun Ai: "I don't believe it."

"It's not important. Now, I need your help."

"What help?"

At one o'clock in the morning on the 139th day, Ren Zhong quietly walked out of the villa door and went straight to the villa area where the senior management of Tianyuan Military Industry lived.

Sun Ai kept broadcasting information in his mind.

"Chongyi County central surveillance has been temporarily blocked."

"Chongyi County Night Watch Management System has been invaded."

"There is a night watchman patrolling on the right side of the intersection thirty meters ahead. Slow down and you can pass safely within thirty to thirty-five seconds."

"When a cross patrol officer passed by, he immediately hid in the grass. I have blocked the other party's metal and life detection devices."

"Go forward at a constant speed of thirty meters per second and pass through the path ahead."

"I have hacked into the Iron Wall Type 6 automatic protection system. Uncle, you can fly directly over the wall."

About half an hour later, Ren Zhong appeared in front of a six-level armed sleeping cabin.

After waiting for five minutes, Sun Ai said: "Uncle, I have blocked the communication system of the other party's watch. We can arrest the person."

Quietly, Ren Zhong carried the CEO of Tianyuan Military Industry, who was second only to Wang Dingyuan in terms of internal status, back to his villa and placed him under house arrest.

Early in the morning on the 139th day, the heavily armed Chi Fengjia and Ju Qingmeng walked out of the villa side by side, boarded the airship, and headed straight for Wangnan Mountain.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Chi Fengjia and Zhenjin Tiger encountered each other, and an extremely fierce battle broke out.

The battle lasted for two full hours and did not end until nine o'clock in the morning.

No one could do anything to win over the other, and the fight was evenly matched.

Ding Canghai aimed and tried to fire the whole time, but was unable to find a perfect shooting opportunity. Ding Canghai was miserable.

Pushing the time forward four hours, that is, at five o'clock in the morning, Ren Zhong, who put on a pair of loose pajamas and a middle-aged appearance, walked out of his villa, bypassing the patrols and slept in Tianyuan Military Industry The CEO's sleeping cabin.

At this time, he looked exactly the same as the CEO, even their fingerprints were the same, with only slightly different pupils.

This is of course the credit of Chen Hanyu.

Just when Chifeng Jia and Zhenjin Tiger were fighting fiercely, Ren Zhong casually entered the research and development headquarters of Tianyuan Military Industry with a briefcase in his hand.

It also happened to be today that Wang Dingyuan went to Yangsheng City to host a bidding meeting and would not return to Chongyi County tomorrow morning.

At this time, Mr. Chen, who had become the incarnation of heavy responsibility, became the top leader on duty in Tianyuan Military Industry.

Mr. Chen seems to have a bad temper today. He always seems to be a bit shy and reticent to talk to strangers. Even when he entered the core R&D department, he only completed voiceprint recognition and fingerprint recognition. He impatiently refused the pupil recognition and entered the highest value.

Management code comes right through the door.

Tianyuan Military Industry's security system sent this message to Wang Dingyuan.

However, this important piece of information did not actually reach Wang Dingyuan's watch. Instead, it was intercepted by Sun Ai and received a special permission with Wang Dingyuan's identification code attached. The general meaning is, don't bother me with such trivial matters.

Mr. Chen can take responsibility for himself.

"Mr. Chen" stayed in the underground laboratory at the core of the R&D center for an hour, and then left with an empty briefcase. The reason was that he was going to Xifeng Town to follow up on the suppliers there.

"Uncle, you actually know so much knowledge about programmers? How did you hack into Tianyuan Military Industry's underlying information database, and how did you know the identification code?"

In Ren Zhong's mind, Sun Ai exclaimed.

Ren Zhong: "If I tell you what I guessed, would you believe it?"

Sun Ai: "I believe you are a ghost!"

"Then don't ask, Sun Ai, you just need to focus on the results and don't care about the process. How did things get done?"

"Well, I have already copied the stuff. The gum bombs you stuck all over the laboratory have also been shielded. Tianyuan Military Industry's automatic security robot will ignore these gum bombs."

Ren Zhong: "That's good."

Ren Zhong found a deserted corner on the street and put on a full-coverage robe.

No one noticed him.

The central surveillance system in Chungyi County should have discovered something fishy, ​​but it had been deceived by Sun Ai.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Ren Zhong rode a motorboat to meet up with the airship outside Nangao Town, and got into the red front armor that was severely damaged due to the execution of automatic combat procedures and the replacement of vibranium tigers.

Then, he looked down at the gap in the mask that was shattered by the vibranium tiger, and said to Chen Meng next to him: "Use the simulated tiger claw in your hand to hit my face, and the injury will be so deep that you can see the bones.


Chen Meng swallowed his saliva and did as he was told.

At a quarter past ten in the morning, Ren Zhong appeared in Nangao Town with scars all over his body.

He apologized to Yuan Qinhu, Uncle Zhou, Uncle Peng and others who gathered in the parking lot of Nangao Town to wait for the good news: "I'm sorry, it was my fault. I underestimated the strength of the vibrating tiger. I failed to kill it.


The barren people in Nangao Town looked at his appearance with very complicated emotions.

Yuan Qinhu took a step forward and said, "Mr. Ren, we still thank you."

Ren Zhong shook his head and said: "Because of me, the Vibranium Tiger failed to get the sacrifice today. It will rest for about half a day, and then it will definitely attack Nangao Town."

The people of Nangao Town suddenly became chaotic.

Some people began to point fingers.

Yuan Qinhu angrily scolded those white-eyed wolves, saying that Mr. Ren acted righteously, was already seriously injured, and had done nothing wrong.

Just when the two sides were quarreling, Ren Zhong stood up and said, "Please be quiet."

Everyone looked up and saw two potions in Ren Zhong's hand.

"This is the life-extending potion I just got. I said I would take care of this matter, and I will take care of it to the end. I will not leave you alone. So, you don't need to panic. I will risk my life.

Go challenge the Vibranium Tiger, I will do what I say!"

Everyone was in an uproar.

This chapter has been completed!
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