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Chapter 380 Mysterious and mysterious

Chapter 380 Mysterious and mysterious

Although Ren Zhong also knew that this idea was unreasonable, his intuition told him that it was probably the truth.

There is no reason why a person who was able to escape the surveillance of the "net" at the age of eight and survive until now would still be caught so easily ten years later, after the "net" has been eliminated.

In addition, Ren Zhong felt that since he could see this person's abnormality so intuitively, there was no reason why other Yuanxing people were all fools and they should have some sense of it.

But the strange thing is that No. 38 was so easily sold as "waste" by the Mengdu Group, which is very incredible.

Combined with the abnormal situation in the game field today, Ren Zhong even believed that the commotion in the Mengdu Group laboratory was related to No. 38.

Ren Zhong further speculated that No. 38 might have mutated some kind of ability similar to mind control.

He can "infect" and control the object he wants to control when in close contact, like hypnosis.

But there are still doubts about Ren Zhongzhong.

Others in the self-rescue alliance did not show any obvious signs of being under mental control. They only seemed a little abnormal when they first came into contact with No. 38. However, after truly integrating into the group, they still think quickly, have clear logic, and speak and behave normally.


After the initial brief contact, it became clear that they truly trusted No. 38’s every word from the bottom of their hearts, as if they had been together for decades.

In addition, the total number of people in the Self-Rescue Alliance has exceeded one thousand at this time. Ren Zhong cannot imagine how powerful one person's mental power or hypnosis must be to control so many people at the same time so stably.

This is also unreasonable.

It is this unreasonableness that troubles Ren Zhong.

He called up the scene in the game field in the sleeping space and observed the forcibly hypnotized No. 38.

The young man is short and looks harmless. There is a number written on his shoulder, and below the number there is a QR code pattern the size of a fingernail.

By enlarging the QR code and scanning it, his volunteer information can be read, showing that he is from the biochemical laboratory of the Mengdu Group.

This should be the "waste label" he re-labeled with non-washable paint after he was taken back to the laboratory a few days ago.

Ren Zhong was scanning the label at this time, and also saw the comments given to him by the staff of Mengdu Group. They generally said that this person was ordinary, had no use value, and was not a threat. He could be packaged and sold as a commodity together with other failed samples.

, it can be regarded as giving full play to some residual value.

"What exactly is this man's ability, and what is his purpose?"

Ren Zhong pondered this issue.

After a long time, he shook his head slightly in the sleeping space.

He couldn't get a definite answer.

During this period, Ren Zhong also carefully considered whether to issue an order to Hu Yang, telling her to eradicate No. 38 at all costs tomorrow.

The most practical way is to instruct her to pretend to accept the other party's demands for negotiation, attract the person here, and then kill him from a distance without any face-to-face contact.

But as soon as the idea took hold, it was quickly extinguished by Ren Zhong.

Ren Zhong asked himself, and felt that he could not easily sentence people to death based on unwarranted "evil".

After all, No. 38 has not committed any crimes so far. It is only human nature for him to steal people from Populus euphratica.

Everyone is doing it.

If he really ordered Hu Yang to plot against the other party because of his subconscious vigilance, it would be unfair, and it would be no different from the "net" that just relies on data models to casually sentence people to death.

With this thought, Ren Zhong restrained his murderous intent and fell into a deep sleep.

After waking up, Ren Zhong and Zhou Ya went to the bathroom behind the booth to wash up briefly, then had a simple breakfast, then lay down and waited for the game to start.

From time to time, Zhou Ya looked sideways at Ren Zhong, who was lying on the sofa in a state of deep thought. She knew what he was probably thinking about, and she was curious, but she didn't feel comfortable asking.

After a long time, when the time reached 6:50, Ren Zhong finally put down his hand, straightened the back of the sofa, and sat up, with a strange light shining in his eyes.

Zhou Ya: "What's wrong?"

Ren Zhong: "This game will be over soon."

Zhou Ya: "Huh?"

With a piercing alarm, the time reached exactly seven o'clock in the morning.

All the contestants who were sleeping a moment ago were awakened by the piercing alarm. They quickly opened their eyes and climbed up from the cold and wet ground. While stretching their bodies, they either expectedly or helplessly contacted the players behind them.

Ren Zhong said to Hu Yang: "Although the hunting group seems to be powerful, it is actually nothing to be afraid of. No matter how much cotton is rolled into a ball, it is just cotton. The hunting group has never been truly united. They are divided into four groups and seem to be compressed.

You have room for action, but it actually disperses the troops and gives you an opportunity. So, within the next hour, when the communication is over, you can directly launch an attack. Attack the No. 1 station closest to you first."

Hu Yang: "Okay."

Five minutes later, some changes occurred within the hunting group.

Two hundred elites were evenly distributed in each of the four hunting group bases and gathered towards the center of the field.

Tang Xiangyun gave the hunting group a death order, requiring them not to delay any longer and to finish their work in one battle.

An accident occurred. Hu Yang's army, which had been either defensive or dispersed, rushed out before the four armies converged and launched an active attack on the two hundred elites who came out of Station No. 1.

In a hand-to-hand fight, the brave one wins.

It took only two minutes for the Populus euphratica army of more than 500 people to break through the opponent's formation and plow across the battlefield.

The war started suddenly and ended even faster.

The elite leader of this hunting group was killed, and most of them were killed. Only a few dozen people threw off their armor and fled in all directions.

With less than twenty people killed on Populus euphratica's side, it can be said to be a complete victory.

Many players and spectators were stunned.

But it was not over yet. Hu Yang immediately led the crowd to rush towards Base No. 1, and before the other three elite hunting groups could react, they broke through the temporary city wall and broke into the wall in just five minutes.

Populus euphratica did not kill all the defenders inside the wall, but allowed the miscellaneous fish who had previously been hiding in the city to escape through the other three city gates.

Moreover, there were many people who were captured and then released by her, allowing them to escape.

Afterwards, Hu Yang pretended to defend the danger, and stood at the top of the city, facing off against the late-arriving elites of the third group, the remnants of the previous group, and nearly 800 cannon fodder, a total of nearly 1,500 enemy troops, Yaoxiang.


At this time, the fish hunters who had escaped from Base No. 1 were making a large circle in an attempt to join the large army.

The first miscellaneous fish rushed into the opponent's large army. Populus euphratica moved his fingers and detonated the remote-controlled bomb tied with shackles on the back of the miscellaneous fish.

This man certainly deserves the blame.

When he was a lone contestant before, he trampled and killed several other weak contestants. It happened that someone under Hu Yang's command had seen his evil deeds, and recognized him at this time and reported the matter to Hu Yang.

Hu Yangcai made this decision, put something on the prisoner, and then deliberately let him go.

The high-explosive bomb on this man exploded, killing or injuring more than ten people nearby.

After that, the large army of hunters did not dare to accept any approaching remnants.

Whenever someone attempts to come over, regardless of whether they are "one of our own" or not, regardless of how the other party explains it, they will all be destroyed in advance.

After dozens of people were knocked down one after another, the group of miscellaneous fish hunters who handed over their equipment to their "superiors", eager to get shelter, and eager to integrate into the large army because they lost their base, suddenly had no idea at all.

They neither dared to get close to the large army, nor did they dare to go their separate ways. After all, all their valuable equipment had been forced to be handed over to others. If they were left alone at this time, they would only become lambs to be slaughtered.

There were about two hundred people standing in the wilderness, neither moving forward, nor retreating, nor scattering, nor gathering together.

They were confused, panicked and even more desperate.

At this time, Populus euphratica above the city wall said with a loudspeaker: "Do you understand clearly now? Is this kind of person really reliable? Is the promise of the so-called eighth-level citizen useful? If you abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side now, I will give you a chance.


The group of people hesitated for a moment, and then walked towards Station No. 1 one after another.

They plan to surrender.

Seeing this, the commander of the elite hunting group over there couldn't allow such a situation to happen, so he immediately detached a team of 300 elite troops and rushed forward.

They either want to attack the city or intercept and kill this group of "traitors" to prevent the enemy from growing further.

But the next second these more than 300 people suffered disaster.

It turned out that at some point, the heavy artillery battalion arranged by Populus euphratica in advance had set up an ambush on the hills on both sides of the area.

After the opponent's more than 300 elite troops were fully within range, two heavy artillery battalions each consisting of 60 people opened fire, emptying their ammunition in just thirty seconds, then self-destructing the heavy artillery and quickly escaping.

Of the more than 300 elite hunting groups, less than 50 people managed to escape, which can be said to have been a heavy loss.

Tang Xiangyun's player spokesperson watched the more than two hundred "traitors" gratefully enter the city. He could only withdraw his troops briefly and decided to merge the remaining three stations into one.

Now he has no sense of security at all.

However, a result he did not expect occurred. The heads of the other two stations did not agree to his request for a merger, and each returned with their elite cronies.

As Ren Zhong expected, there were many people on the other side, but it was of no use.

When they had the upper hand, they seemed united, but once they were at a disadvantage, the internal cracks were inevitably exposed.

Zhou Ya, who had been watching the whole process, turned to Ren Zhong and asked, "Did you already know that this would happen?"

Ren Zhong smiled and nodded, "Of course. Their people's hearts have never been united. They are like a temporary building block house that falls apart with a gentle push. Once these people's hearts are broken up, it will be difficult to lead the team."

Zhou Ya: "But the hearts of the people over there on No. 38 will not break up."

Ren Zhong hummed, "That's why I asked Hu Yang to act as soon as possible. If it continues, the final winner will be the self-rescue alliance. Hu Yang and others will definitely either die or be controlled, but they will still die after being controlled.


Zhou Ya: "This person is so scary? Why don't I think so? Populus euphratica can't win even with your help?"

Ren nodded heavily, "Well, if we have a head-on confrontation, we definitely can't win. I'm betting on another thing."

Zhou Ya: "What's the matter?"

"You'll know then."

Zhou Ya curled her lips, complaining in her heart, being mysterious and mysterious.

This chapter has been completed!
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