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Chapter 389 Dragon Slaying Technique

Chapter 389 Dragon Slaying Technique

Ren Zhong did not start the course right away, but spent a lot of time comprehensively observing every teacher and student in the college, and at the same time, he openly recruited smart people from all over the world.

He let the outside world know that as long as you are smart enough, no matter what your background, where you come from, or your age, you can get generous benefits from the Ren Group and even solve the household registration problem of your family members.

There are too many things involved in the development of nuclear fusion. He can only succeed but cannot fail.

Therefore, he must find the most talented people.

As for the risk of leaking information, he wasn't too worried.

He has a complete set of methods to catch moles, and no traitor can hide his flaws in the mirror of time.

Unconsciously, a month passed, and Ren Zhong memorized a long list in his heart.

Then, after a series of step-by-step twists and turns, he once again walked into the vault of Yersun Bank with the help of Xiao Xingyue.

Poor Xiao Xingyue had no idea that she had been hit by a bug.

By the way, Frederick Locke was also hit by a bug this time. The difference was that he died more simply than last time and did not suffer much torture before dying.

And Ren Zhong asked him tentatively, "If I use the secret between you and your brother's wife in exchange for your sincerity, can you make the decision and agree to my terms?"

Just a moment ago, Frederick Locke, who had been horrified because he had slaughtered seven subordinates in succession, showed a speechless and choked expression. He roared hysterically and asked: "Why didn't you tell me at the beginning when you had this bargaining chip? Why did you do it?"

Like this? You have killed so many people. Although their status is not as good as mine, they are still members of the core family of the Locke Group. Now how can you ask me to help you like this...Why didn't you tell me earlier!"


Ren Zhong ended Frederick's frustration and anger with a single shot.

He has achieved his goal and confirmed that it is feasible, and that is enough.

It's ridiculous to say that even if the surname Frederick became a given name, it seemed to have a curse, and it would always be easily associated with immoral things.

Sure enough, nobles of this bloodline are prone to falling into emptiness, and they have to find some different fun.

Ren Zhong went to Yersun City again...

There is a heavily guarded courtyard deep in the Spark Academy of Science.

There are three buildings in this courtyard, each building has seven floors, and each floor has more than 20 rooms of various sizes.

Including the exterior walls of the courtyard, all structural buildings here are composed of ultra-high-strength alloys.

There are a large number of automated weapons programmed by Qian Wangshen hidden in the dense forest outside the courtyard, and there are dozens of second-level and third-level gunsmiths on patrol.

Entering the courtyard, both the walls and the house itself are covered with a large number of probes, scanning everything around them at any time.

This is the most heavily guarded place in the entire Xinghuo Town, carrying the future of nearly 10 billion people.

In the conference room on the first floor of the tallest white building, Ren Zhong, who had dark circles under his eyes, was looking at the nearly 300 people below with a smile.

There was a large podium in front of Ren Chong. There were several thick stacks of books on the podium, containing as many as a million words.

After this resurrection, Ren Zhong first gave Ju Qingmeng a list and asked her to search for these people from around the world and invite them over.

Afterwards, Ren Zhong locked himself in the office and did not go out for food or accommodation.

He compressed his sleep time to only four hours a day, and the remaining time was either dictating copywriting, polishing words, or drawing patterns.

In short, he moved nine large textbooks in one month with his own strength, covering a complete set of knowledge about nuclear fusion from its inception to controllable nuclear fusion.

At this moment, Ren Zhong had just finished proofreading and had not rested at all.

He originally wanted to take a good rest after completing all the textbooks, and then use the best mental state to face these pillars of civilization, but when he was proofreading before, he subconsciously changed the controllable content that he had read out of interest in the middle of the 21st century.

Comparing the knowledge related to nuclear fusion with the textbook written down in his hand, he found that the empire's textbook had dug holes and tampered with key data.

If we use these textbooks step by step to develop controllable nuclear fusion, we can only take a big detour. In the end, there will inevitably be a major experimental accident that turns everything upside down.

Therefore, Ren Zhong can only use his existing knowledge to repeatedly verify and calculate.

In the end, he spent a lot of energy to put together his past and present understanding of controllable nuclear fusion and re-launched the correct teaching materials.

Just after finishing these tasks, time had already reached the point where he had to go to Xianyuanjing City, so Ren Zhong could only drag his tired body to the classroom.

At this time, nearly three hundred people looked at him on the podium with their necks raised.

There are about forty people inside who are originally employees of the Ren Group, and the other two hundred or so people are talents who have been recruited from all over the world in this month.

In the previous political science courses, Ju Qingmeng, Zheng Tian, ​​Huo Donghua and others had already given them lessons, explaining the essence of the Great Migration Plan and the relationship between the desolate people and the middle and lower-level citizens on the Source Star today.

He also vaccinated them against the situation and told them that they would undertake an extremely important task.

Once you make the choice to join this plan, you have to remain anonymous, stay away from your family, and work in a closed environment for at least fifteen years and up to nineteen years.

During this period, they can only follow orders and stay in specified locations to perform specified jobs. They can meet with their families once every other month, but the meeting process must be fully monitored by electronic devices.

The price is not heavy, but the reward corresponding to the price is that they and their families will definitely be able to get tickets for the Great Migration with Ren Zhong, and they will also receive generous treatment.

If you cannot accept this condition, you can choose to quit and work in ordinary positions outside the Ren Group.

Everyone who stays here now has signed the core contract.

Ren Zhong lightly knocked on the table and coughed lightly.

There was deathly silence down there, and you could hear a needle drop.

"You should already have some preliminary knowledge of me, so I won't waste any time introducing myself."

"Now, since you already know what the real Great Migration looks like, it should be clear that if I do nothing, nineteen years later, I will definitely be able to follow the association's senior leaders to the empire and see the new world.

However, there are at most about one billion tickets to the New World. It’s my turn, not yours, nor the vast majority of people on the Source Star. The remaining nearly 20 billion people have only one place to go, then

It’s like having your brain taken away and turned into a commodity.”

"What we have to do is to change this future. The means to change the future are right here."

Ren Zhong patted the textbook beside him.

A gentle young man wearing glasses below raised his hand and asked: "Mr. Ren, what is this?"

Ren Zhong smiled slightly, "It is a technology. It can be used to provide nearly inexhaustible electrical energy to replace the Locke Group's space charging station. At the same time, it can also be used to destroy everything and become a weapon."

The fatal blade that hangs over the heads of the association's senior leaders and the frozen elders. I call it...the art of slaying dragons."

"What kind of dragon are you slaying? It's an evil dragon. What is the evil dragon? It's a rule established jointly by the association and senior citizens."

"They use these rules to steal the fruits of our labor, deprive us of our rights as human beings, trample on our dignity, and treat our bodies as commodities."

"Everyone, learn the art of slaying dragons and realize it. Then use the power of our hands to fight for our own relatives and friends, and for those who, although they have never met each other, are still struggling to survive on this planet.

In the future, we will end the endless enslavement and demands of higher citizens on us, and rewrite the history of mankind."

After saying this, Ren Zhong turned around and left.

These students have no teachers, and only nine textbooks are placed in front of them.

They can only learn together.

Including the former professor of Spark Science College, everyone here had a blank understanding of nuclear fusion at this time.

They must and can only follow the road paved for them from the desert of knowledge and use their own feet to walk step by step until they reach the other side of hope.

There must be some people walking faster among them.

Then, these people can become teachers for others who come after them.

As time goes by, some successors will slowly find new "soul resonance points" when learning a certain stage of knowledge, burst out their learning ability, and be able to move faster than others.

At this time, these former students will become teachers of others. They will join hands and support each other to move forward.

Ren Zhong came to Xiayuanjing City again, and once again accompanied by Zhou Ya, he talked a lot with Director Xia of the Human Resources Department of the association and turned himself into a preparatory student of the Enumerator College.

Ren Zhong once again went to the Paradise of Humanity.

Populus euphratica once again defeated Tang Xiangyun's hunting group and No. 38's self-rescue alliance.

Ren Zhong once again took control of the coastal town from Tang Xiangyun, and once again defeated the aberrant colonial warrior with the help of Zhou Ya's bodyguards, seemingly thrillingly but actually easily.

If you only watch this short period of time alone, Ren Zhong's life has not changed much. It is simply a boring loop replay.

But his mental age is nearly two years longer than before.

There is an additional dragon-slaying camp in his base camp.

In the conference room of the Yersen Hotel, Ren Zhong looked at Frederick Locke across from him with a smile.

He spoke before Frederick introduced himself, "Hello, Mr. Frederick, I have been waiting for this meeting for a long time. Are these your assistants? They are..."

Ren Zhong's familiar statement confused Frederick Locke.

If I remember correctly, he had never dealt with Ren Zhong.

Before they arrived, Locke Group did not tell Ren Zhong what level of negotiation team it would send this time.

Even if Ren Zhong could identify him as the minister in advance through certain connections, it would be absurd to reveal the names of the other seven assistants at once.

Frederick frowned slightly, "Hello, Mr. Ren. Do you know me?"

Ren Zhong blinked, "Not only do I know you, but I also know you very well. Before we officially start the negotiation, I actually have some quite personal topics that I would like to communicate with you."

Frederick felt an inexplicable chill in his heart.

He thought for five seconds and finally nodded, "Okay, we can chat in a private capacity first."

Ren Zhong pointed to the small conference room next to him, "Please."

Arriving at the small conference room, Frederick looked at Ren Zhong with great vigilance, "What on earth are you going to say?"

Ren Zhong did not speak immediately, but glanced at his left wrist.

Frederick understood and raised his hand to turn off his watch.

"No one can hear you now, just say it."

Ren Zhong still smiled and shook his head, and pointed at Frederick's abdomen with his finger.

Frederick was shocked, "What do you mean?"

There is an ultra-high-sensitivity biochip in the subcutaneous tissue of his abdomen, which is one of the Locke family’s trump cards. It has a signal-emitting function similar to that of a ghost particle communicator. When a Locke family member is in danger, no matter where he is hidden,

This chip can be used to send distress signals to the outside world.

This chip also has a monitoring function. There is a command center at the family headquarters that monitors at all times, in case family members are suddenly attacked and have no time to react.

Of course, a core member like Frederick Locke will always have some secrets of his own to keep, so he has the power to turn off the chip, but he just doesn't want to do it now.

Ren Zhong sighed, snapped his fingers, and used the voice-activated switch to activate the ultra-high-power electromagnetic interference bomb hidden in the ceiling of the small conference room.

Frederick also heard the buzzing sound when the jamming bomb was activated. His expression changed drastically, and he pretended to run away.

"Mr. Frederick, there is no need to panic. I am protecting you. It is best not to let other people in your family know what I am going to talk to you about. After all, I don't think your brother wants to know about Ms. Eliza."

Relationship with you, right?"

Frederick, who was about to run away, looked stiff, stopped, and turned back angrily, "I don't know what you are talking about!"


Ren Zhong punched Frederick in the stomach, making him curl up like a bug, and then reached out to pull off the pendant from his neck.

This looks like a decoration on the surface, but it is actually a "transparent USB flash drive" with data storage function.

Ren Zhong took out his watch, and under Frederick's panicked but helpless gaze, copied the information in the "transparent U disk" into the watch.

"Do you still want to quibble now? Mr. Frederick?"

About half an hour later, Frederick Locke left with the negotiating team.

The outcome of the negotiation was "to everyone's satisfaction".

Ren Zhong promised to purchase more energy supply batteries from Locke Group, and also promised to cooperate with the Locke family in the next recovery plan to help Locke Group get clear-cut help.

At the same time, when Ren Group develops fossil energy, it will invite Locke Group to intervene to enhance cooperation between the two parties to achieve mutually beneficial and win-win results.

Finally, Ren Zhong and Frederick Locke reached another secret agreement.

Ren Zhong told him that Ren's Biopharmaceuticals, headed by Sun Miao, was secretly developing drugs that could clearly extend life.

Mengdu Group's anti-aging drugs only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, but this drug from Ren Group can fundamentally solve the problem of lifespan.

Ren Zhong said to Frederick: "Actually, all of you don't know my real secret. I will show you a copy of my physical examination report, which was done one year ago and one week ago. Look at Sun Miao's

My aging assessment.”

Frederick was doubtful at first, but he was moved by the rigor of the report. The report pointed out that although a year had passed, Ren Zhong's biological age had only grown by less than half a year.

Frederick: "This..."

Ren Zhong patted Frederick on the shoulder, "Do you understand? This medicine can extend the average life span of a person from more than forty years to eighty or ninety years. Of course, its production is more difficult than you imagine, and its cost

It’s also extremely expensive. Currently it can only meet my needs. But I will expand my production capacity in the future. As long as you can keep the secret and cooperate happily with me, I will provide you with enough longevity medicine to live to the age of eighty. How about


No one can resist the temptation of this forbidden medicine.

Ren Zhong was not worried about Frederick's publicity and betrayal after he left.

No big deal, I'll just change my routine next time.

This chapter has been completed!
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