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Chapter 399 I am no longer holy

Chapter 399 I am no longer holy

Ever since he could remember, Ren Zhong had never let himself fall into a state of control.

This time he made an exception.

The next morning, Ren Zhong sat up from the soft bed and looked at his watch.

It is now seven o'clock in the morning, and Ju Qingmeng went out early again.

Ren Zhong recalled his gaffe last night, shook his head, and patted his face again.

After washing up, he did not rush back to Xiayuanjing City as originally planned. Instead, he put on his armor and mask and wandered onto the streets.

As the original citizens gradually retreated into Yangsheng City, the white walls have long since been demolished.

What was once a white-walled area has become what is now Central Park, and is dotted with several buildings, including town hall towers and villas.

Ren Zhong once thought about tearing down the wall of his villa, but he changed his mind because he didn't want to be too exposed.

Up to now, instead of demolishing the wall, the wall has been moved around a lot outside to form a new wall that is not a white wall.

He walked around the wall of his mansion. The wall was clean and tidy, without even a single stroke of graffiti.

From time to time, he could still see the sharp edges of automated weapons, and he also saw many elite guards patrolling here.

When these people saw his hidden appearance, they subconsciously wanted to come forward for questioning, but Ren Zhongmei activated the identification system in time to let the guards know his identity.

Everyone immediately retreated far away, not to disturb his "incognito private visit".

After getting farther away from his villa, Ren Zhong finally saw other people in a small garden square.

Middle-aged and elderly people may gather together for boxing exercises or read books together.

There were also elderly people standing together with smiling faces, watching several three- and four-year-old children playing together in front of them.

Looking at this scene, the heavy feeling in Ren Zhong's heart relaxed a little.

He didn't intend to forgive himself, he was just trying to convince himself that he had no choice.

He also informed Sun Miao that he should remember to record the "scenes of the prosperous times" outside from time to time and show them to the volunteers who were suffering, so that they would know the meaning of their sacrifices.

This may be more cruel, but it can bring some comfort to my heart, both for myself and others.

Later, Ren Zhong went to the gunsmith training camp, where he met Yu Jin.

Even though Ren Zhong was wearing ordinary armor and a mask, Yu Jin still recognized him from afar and walked up quickly.

Ren Zhong did not let Yu Jin retreat, but let him stand beside him and continued to wander around the town with him.

After a long time, Yu Jin suddenly said: "Sir, you are not in a good mood."

Ren Zhong: "Yes."

Yu Jin: "Is it because of yesterday's personnel selection?"

Ren Zhong: "Yeah."

Yu Jin: "This is where you, sir, are different from us. It is precisely because of this that we firmly believe in you. But I don't think you need to blame yourself. We are all adults and will be responsible for our own choices. You We owe nothing to anyone. In fact, we should thank you for creating this opportunity for us to pursue our true dreams, instead of living like an animal for the rest of our lives, and then being harvested by others, including our bodies and souls."

Ren Zhong smiled and said, "You are such a good boy, you actually learned to enlighten me."

Yu Jin shook his head: "I don't have the ability to enlighten you, sir. I just want to tell you how much we believe in you. It's a pity that I have more responsibilities now. In fact, I wanted to write down my own name more than once yesterday. I I couldn't accompany them. As far as I know, there were several people who had the same idea as me, and I dissuaded them."

Ren Zhong: "Oh? What did you say?"

Yu Jin: "I said, 'What we are going to do is very similar to the process of manufacturing a machine. Someone has to draw the design, someone is responsible for purchasing the parts, and someone is responsible for tightening the screws. Although different tasks seem to have different importance,

But every job requires people to perform it.'"

Ren Zhong gave a thumbs up, "Well done. But didn't I say that only people with children can participate?"

Yu Jin blushed, "I just froze an embryo not long ago."

Ren Zhong asked with great interest: "Who is the woman?"

Yu Jin's face turned redder.

This straight-line boy was unusually a little shy. But he quickly plucked up the courage and admitted honestly: "It's Populus euphratica."

"Hu Populus!" Ren Zhong recalled in his mind the girl who showed a vitality as tenacious as her name in the Paradise of Humanity, and nodded with a smile, "Yes, you two are indeed a good match."

Yu Jin: "Yes. I know."

"Okay, I have to go back to Yuanjing City. I'll leave the matters here to you."

"I will not disappoint you sir!"

On the third day after Ren Zhong returned to Yuanjing City, the Spark Army fought a battle with the garrison of neighboring forces at the edge of the territory.

The cause of the incident was that the opponent's soldiers dispersed into the territory of Zhongzhong and ruthlessly plundered the scavengers in several important resource-producing areas.

Zheng Tian judged that this was a test by the other party, and based on the principle of coming and not returning, he simply sent an army of 10,000 people deep into the opponent's hinterland, and pulled out a field camp where 5,000 people were stationed, and then quickly retreated to

Show warning.

Subsequently, the other party immediately jumped out to accuse the "arrogant and domineering" Ren Group, and quickly gathered a total of five forces and began to advance into the Ren Group's territory from all directions at the same time.

The war started simultaneously on all fronts.

However, Ren Zhong completely took his hands off him and only listened to the battle report, but did not interfere and focused on his graduation assessment as a census officer.

The assessment lasts for two days and consists of eight subjects.

As in the past, Ren Zhong ended this routine operation with perfect scores in all subjects without much effort.

Although the scores are not important and all he wants is to graduate, the perfect score in all subjects still satisfies his obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The next big thing waiting for you is the so-called internship assessment.

He met his mentor, a middle-aged man about thirty-five years old, with a thin build, a sulcus nose, and obvious mixed-race features.

His name is Brown Jonathan. He was born in the Yersun Group. He was just a sideline bastard. He had no chance to enter the core circle of the Yersun Group. Later, he simply became an enumerator. He is quite famous in the entire source star's enumerator system.


This "famous reputation" is actually a bad reputation.

Wherever this person goes, not only will not a blade of grass grow, but there will also be a lot of chaos.

Everyone knows that the essence of his "census" is to ask for bribes. Basically, which town gives more money to buy life, the town can survive.

In addition, this person also has many weird habits. If he is not satisfied or dissatisfied at all, he will immediately turn against him and kill others.

However, his professional quality is very good, and he can always find very reasonable theories and data to support his decisions, so that the supervision department within the census officer system has never been able to catch his sore feet, but he can't.

After all, it is legal to give and receive bribes on the Origin Star, but it was replaced by another name, called donation.

As long as Brown Jonathan paid full income tax on the cash he received, he acted reasonably.

Before being appointed as a tutor by the college, Li Yang sent a close confidant to ask Ren Zhong if he wanted to be replaced.

Ren Zhong rejected Li Yang's proposal. He wanted to meet this man in person and gain some benefits for himself.

His reason is that this makes it easier for him to pretend that he still has a grudge against the Mengdu Group.

Li Yang approved.

This chapter has been completed!
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