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Chapter 431 Memories kill, the possibility of repairing the network

Chapter 431 Memory Killing, the possibility of repairing the "net"

Seeing that things were on track, he decided to leave decisively because he needed to maintain his image as an apostle of the empire.

He did not allow the frozen elders to announce his arrival to others.

As for the reason, he did not explain.

Now that he has occupied a dominant psychological position, he naturally does not need to explain everything.

Ren Zhong yawned lazily and said: "The little sampan of the Origin Star Colony has changed its course. I don't need to pay attention to the next trivial matters. Although the management system you established is rigid and outdated,

The top and bottom are separated, but your control over the colony is acceptable. That's not bad at all."

Ever since they came into contact with Ren Zhong, the old popsicles, who had been highly nervous throughout the whole process, felt a little relieved when they heard his not-so-candid praise.

In any case, this apostle from a high-ranking noble family has relaxed his attitude at this time. After returning to the empire, he will probably not go to death to impeach them in front of the ministers of the Colonial Department.

Betholds Yersen, who was in charge of material distribution, touched his bald head like a slick businessman and bowed: "Thank you, Lord Apostle, for your compliment. We will continue to work hard."

Ren Zhong waved his hand, "From what you say, it seems that you are planning to no longer be in cryogenic slumber and will be on duty throughout the whole process?"

Betholds was stunned, "Uh."

He suddenly felt a little panicked.

He was really afraid of Ren Zhong's request.

Others standing in front of the screen also became nervous and pricked up their ears.

Ren Zhong: "It doesn't have to be like this. First, according to the laws of the empire, in a non-war situation, you are on the same level as me. I have no right to make such harsh demands on you. In addition, there is no need for this. Your lives are precious.

It shouldn’t be wasted here. I just praised you for your control. Another thing I mean is that the new Great Migration plan and the plan to leave the spark of civilization do not need to be fully disclosed, as long as it is at the top level.

Properly control the direction in the structure to avoid having only a few people die here when we leave. I only focus on the results, not the process."


Everyone secretly sighed.

Although Ren Zhong talks about being on the same level, in fact, the old popsicles only think that he is talking nonsense with carrots and sticks.

We believe you.

They were really afraid that the apostle who was forced to "waste" five years of his life on the Source Star would force them to be on duty out of revenge.

No one knew it, but Ren Zhong breathed a sigh of relief.

If the nine old popsicles really have to be awake and on duty, then he himself will be constrained in every way and will not be able to play tricks.

As it is now, everyone is happy, which is good.

Ren Zhong waved his hand again, as if he was impatient, "Okay, just inform me and arrange a rest room for me. I'll go and take a rest."

At this time, Fidina Locke quickly asked: "Master Apostle, do you need me to arrange toys for you?"

Ren Zhong glanced at her sideways.

Fidina would be wrong, "I'm actually very good at..."

Ren Zhong's face became serious, "In my family, sexual relations without emotional basis are prohibited."

After saying that, he turned and left.

The Frozen elders did not feel disobedient to his statement, but only respected him.

"As expected of a high-class noble."

"It is said that only the oldest group of nobles in the Emperor Star have such strict family rules. The purpose is to maintain the purity of the bloodline."

"They believe in the rule that only the fruit of love can give birth to better genes."

"No wonder the apostle can single-handedly break down the class barriers we created in Source Star."


Ren Zhong followed the mechanical maid to a huge and magnificent suite.

He remained expressionless throughout the whole process and just sat by the porthole overlooking the starry sky, meditating.

He was also trying hard to restrain every muscle in his body, especially not to let his shoulders sag, which would make others see his relief.

Ren Zhong silently looked at the starry sky, thinking to himself that it was indeed impossible for the whole people to announce that the Great Migration plan had been changed.

The reason is very simple. Today's low-level citizens and desert people don't even know about the existence of the Great Migration Plan.

Then, telling these people the "good news" may create huge chaos.

This will ignite the ambitions of barbarians and lowly citizens.

Rather than artificially creating chaos, it would be better to let these people continue to live like this stupidly.

Then, when the Great Migration is actually about to be carried out, the Ren Group, which has completely broken the shackles of development, must have achieved absolute rule over the Origin Star. The Ren Group can take over the authority of the association and complete the final step of transforming the Origin Star civilization.

Yes, what Ren will leave to Yuanxing is not only technology and resources, but also a management system with the Ren Group as the skeleton.

As for when the time comes, will the Ren Group transform into a new evil dragon?

Ren Zhong doesn’t think so.

He has two main reasons.

First, this is a power organization created by him, and he has been selecting personnel.

Second, he is not dead yet. As long as he is not dead, even if the distance is measured in light years and the return journey can take decades, he himself will always be the Sword of Damocles that always hangs over the head of the Ren Group. With him

With my own deterrence and restraint, the Origin Star civilization will not be brought into an absolute monopoly society again by over-developed technology.

In fact, at this moment, Ren Zhong wanted to take a deep breath.

Although he had found a new path, the Emperor's Revolution, he himself did not like this path, but he had no choice.

He closed his eyes, thoughts racing through his mind.

Many memories came to mind.

From the moment he woke up in the dense forest, to the years when he took root in Spark Town and gradually grew stronger, and then continued to erode and rob the enemy's resources, conquer cities and territories, rapidly develop and grow, and then destroy the "Net"...

He moved forward step by step and reached today.

He did a lot of things that he didn't want to do, and even became someone he didn't want to be, but it was all worth it because he was finally worthy of his guilt.

In the end, he just used the information stolen from time to tell a big lie, and achieved something he never dared to think of before.

This process seems simple, as if it is just a sentence. In this "BOSS battle" in this timeline, there is not even a serious bayonet and bloody fight.

But the crux of the problem is here. The power of the frozen elders is too great. Once the old popsicle is taken care of, everything will be taken care of from top to bottom.

According to myths and legends, there are devout believers who have knelt down and worshiped in front of the Buddha's statue all their lives, just to listen to the Buddha's instructions.

Even if the Buddha just says Amitabha, believers who hear the Buddha's voice can achieve enlightenment and complete Nirvana.

To this believer, his life of waiting seems in vain. In the end, he achieved nothing and even failed to become a Buddha. But who can say that his actions are meaningless?

At least he was satisfied.

In his own heart, even the great satisfaction in the moment before his death was worthy of his lifelong piety.

Ren Zhong's behavior is somewhat similar to that of a devout believer. They both went through untold hardships to reach the end, but there was nothing spectacular. They just simply acted out a play and discussed Taoism with "Buddha".

It's all about his acting skills. He can be considered as achieving his goal and saving tens of billions of lives.

But there is an essential difference between Ren Zhong and believers.

He is not here to worship Buddha, he is here to become a Buddha and destroy the spiritual mountain.

On the Lingshan Mountain, there were originally nine giant Buddhas.

Each of the nine great Buddhas controls a layer of heaven and dominates the human world.

Now, among the nine great Buddhas, there is a new Buddha with shining golden light in the skin and a great Buddha wheel.

But this new Buddha is a false Buddha.

Hidden in the new Buddha's appearance is the blood-red body of Shura, which symbolizes the suffering of all living beings.

Jingle bell, jingle bell…

The suite doorbell rang.

Ren Zhong shook his fingers, and a video projection appeared in front of his eyes. The person outside the door was actually Ma Zhongfei, the founder of Shenxun Group.

"Come in."

Ren Zhong gave an order.

The door in front of Ma Zhongfei opened by itself, and he quickly stepped inside.

Before Ma Zhongfei could speak, Ren Zhong said first: "Are you here about the 'net'?"

Ma Zhongfei was stunned for a moment, and then nodded respectfully, "The apostle is indeed very wise."

Ren Zhong pointed to the chair next to him, "Sit."

Then he added, "It's not just you, right? Others recommended you. It seems that the relationship between me and your heir Ma Xiacheng is the purest. There is no conflict of interest, and the cooperation has always been very pleasant. Moreover, you guys

He also analyzed my behavior and concluded that among all your heirs, the one I admire most is Ma Xiacheng. I have a close relationship with your collateral heir Ma Xiaoling, so it is most appropriate for you to come and talk to me.


"Master Apostle, you are so transparent." Ma Zhongfei looked shocked.

"It's just a matter of human nature." Ren Zhong picked up the tea cup in front of him, "Just say what you want to say, no need to hide it. When I was studying to become an apostle of the empire, my mentor once said something to me. 'When

When the person you are censoring tries to say something to you, he is usually trying to hide some key information in order to achieve some ulterior purpose.'"

Ma Zhongfei: "Uh..."

He felt that Ren Zhong's words seemed a bit familiar.

He recalled it carefully before he realized that these words were the standard teaching materials of the Enumerator Management Department of Yuanxing.

When the enumerator system was first established, it was he, Ma Zhongfei, who briefly negotiated with two others to finalize the enumerator teaching materials.

This sentence actually exists in the textbook, but it just replaces the imperial apostle with the enumerator on the source star.

Before Ma Zhongfei could speak, Ren Zhong said again: "I have also studied the enumerator college course you provided on Yuanxing. The teaching materials you provided are not bad, and they coincide with my instructor's views."

Ma Zhongfei was a little embarrassed by the praise, scratched his head and said: "The apostle is too praised."

Ren nodded, and then suddenly said: "Tell me what you want to ask."

Ma Zhongfei swallowed his saliva, "Master Apostle, you know. Among the nine administrators, my main job is to provide maintenance services for the 'net'. Although Shenxun Group seems to be developing quite well at present, for

For the empire, these are insignificant details. My family and I now don’t even have our own jobs, which is really uncomfortable.”

Ren Zhong smiled slightly, "I understand what you mean. You want to ask us if there is any way to re-enable the 'Net', right?"

Ma Zhongfei: "Yes. I know that this idea is a bit presumptuous and may even bring unnecessary risks to you and everyone, so I am just asking in my personal capacity now. If it doesn't work, forget it. I don't force it.


As he spoke, Ma Zhongfei pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses a little awkwardly.

Ren Zhong seriously suspected that Gao Ya's habit of wearing glasses was imitated by seeing the image of Ma Zhongfei at some point.

Ren Zhong narrowed his eyes, "Force? Mr. Ma, you don't have to worry too much, you can't force me."

Ma Zhongfei said awkwardly: "That's true."

But at this time, the old horse among the old horses did not know that Ren Zhong's mind had already become fully active as he spoke.

Ren Zhong deduced a new conclusion from Ma Zhongfei's words that he had not captured before.

That is, even if he has "truthfully told the truth" about his method of cutting off the "Net", these nine tracer administrators still have some means to theoretically regain control of the "Net".

Ren Zhong still held the identification code of "Net" in his hand, but he couldn't think of any good way to take over "Net" for a while.

He didn't even know how far the struggle between "Net" and Sun Ai had progressed, nor did he know how to enter the identification code when he couldn't connect to "Net".

Now, the opportunity seems to have appeared in front of him again.

Ren Zhong remained calm and asked seemingly casually: "Although this is indeed risky, with the help of the Internet, our return journey will indeed become much safer. Tell us about your plan? I listened.

We’ll make a decision later.”

Ma Zhongfei: "As you know, Lord Apostle, there is a backup external system on our seeker spacecraft."

Ren Zhong hummed, "I know. What next?"

In fact, he didn't know it before, but now he knows it.

He did not ask Ma Zhongfei specifically what this backup external system was or what it worked on.

But Ren Zhong was able to surmise on his own that this thing was probably the same as a computer in the 21st century. It was roughly equivalent to an external system USB flash drive used to install the system on the computer. It could start the computer without calling the hard disk data.

"We can try to connect the external system to the emergency data interface of the 'net', then start it in safe mode, enter the highest authority identification code, and try to force it to shut down and completely format it."

Ren Zhong's pupils narrowed, "But this will be risky. After all, the core of the 'net' has been completely penetrated by the pilgrims, and it may be endowed with wise-level artificial intelligence by the pilgrims. We may not be able to complete the format easily. Moreover, you also

You know, my assistant is fighting with it for control in the countless computing power modules of the 'net'. The two sides are restraining and killing each other. It would be okay if my assistant had the upper hand at the moment of startup, but if my

If the assistant is at a disadvantage, things will have uncontrollable variables, right? Now that the 'net' has noticed my existence, I can't do the same operation a second time."

Ma Zhongfei nodded painfully, "Yes, this is exactly our concern."

Ren Zhong pretended not to understand the "we" in Ma Zhongfei's words.

Obviously, Ma Zhongfei exposed something again.

The reactivation of "Net" was not the attention of him, the founder of Shenzhen News Group, but a joint decision of eight other people.

The ideas of these eight people are very practical and simple.

The absolute control of the nine of them over Source Star has always been based on the "net".

Without the "net", they would not be able to change the objective fact that Ren Zhong, the apostle of the empire, is too powerful.

After returning to the empire, the achievements of the nine of them will inevitably be greatly compromised because the "net" was damaged by the salted fish in the water.

But if the "Net" is repaired with the help of Apostle Ren Zhong, then even if they don't overwhelm Ren Zhong in turn, they can at least maintain a balance, and their treatment after returning to the empire will be slightly better.

At this time, Ren Zhong and Ma Zhongfei had their own thoughts and were entangled.

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