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Chapter 453: Wrong Information

Chapter 453 Wrong information

Some commanders love war and are deeply immersed in the huge sense of accomplishment, satisfaction, pride and a little vanity brought by this kind of commanding thousands of people to move forward in an instant, and they long for victory.

At that moment, he longed for the great pleasure of trampling the enemy's leader under his feet.

Such commanders can become relatively good generals, but they will never become great leaders, because they will be dominated by the short-term pleasure that will eventually fade away, and will sink into the war in the process of joining the war.

There is also a type of commander who hates war, and a huge sense of guilt and pain flashes through his heart every time he issues a charge order. Some commanders sink into this pain and cannot extricate themselves, and eventually become extremely disgusted with war and hands.

Stained with blood, he sank into another abyss.

There is another type of commander who, although he also hates war and feels guilt and pain, has another more determined goal that drives him to move forward bravely with pain. During the war, he is just like the first type of commander.

He is so selfless that he forgets the pain. The purpose of this kind of commander joining the war is to end the war and end the eternal huge overwhelming pain that brings war to everyone. But in the process, he

And he has to continue to face the process of death like a waste of human life that he never wants to see...

This third type of commander will either die a spectacular death or live to become a leader worthy of praise.

Ren Zhong is working hard to become the third type.

After he issued the general attack order, soldiers who were once affiliated with the Mengdu Group, Yuanxing Military Industry, and the grassroots military began to charge.

Ren Zhong even keenly noticed that the special forces team members who executed Yang Bingzhong were among them.

Those seventh-level mecha warriors were no longer the arbiters of absolute violence that he once needed to look up to, but had become an inconspicuous member of the crowd of soldiers under his command.

He didn't even catch up with these people.

But he will still feel sorry for the deaths of these people one day in the future.

The directly responsible troops, including Zheng Tian, ​​Yu Chengde, Song Muen, Wang Qiao, Yuan Qinhu and others did not leave their respective battleships. They all stayed in their respective command posts and communicated through the ghost particles that Sun Ai assisted in reestablishing.

channel to provide real-time command support to the soldiers on the front line.

This is of course done by Ren Zhong in order to preserve his strength.

In this war, it was part of Ren Zhong's plan to drive out the tigers and devour the wolves, while consuming the strength of Elder Frozen and Li Yang, so that his Ren Group and the Spark Army could become the absolute rulers of the Source Star Civilization.


This is very standard conspirator behavior.

It's just that Ren Zhong has more shame and guilt than ordinary conspirators.

But now that he has focused on the responsibilities of the empire, he has already developed a state of mind that looks at everything with cold eyes through self-sacrifice again and again.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although the frozen elders lost control of the Source Star army because of their superstitious belief in the reliability of the "net", they never brought the "inferior armaments" produced from the Source Star into the Tracer.

, resulting in some insufficient firepower; although the essence of the Tracer is indeed not an imperial battleship, but just a colonial ship, this spacecraft still has certain Star Wars capabilities after all.

Although it does not have heavy artillery, it does have defensive capabilities and carries many small combat units.

The first to pounce were a thousand top warriors from the Frozen Legion.

Compared with the eight million elite soldiers who have heavy responsibilities, the number of Frozen Legion soldiers is completely disproportionate. Each Frozen Warrior has to face at least 8,000 enemies, as well as a Starry Sky Ruins Beast with different abilities. But everyone

He is a super-level professional, and his quality is not on the same level at all.

This group of terrifying battlefield ghosts wore lightweight armor made by the Empire. They traveled through the universe with incredible maneuverability and direction-changing capabilities, dodging the artillery fire from the Ruins Beasts and Dragon Fighters in front of them.

The distance between the two sides suddenly narrowed, and every frozen warrior was like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep, or like the god of death seeking life, destroying all life wherever he went.

Not only that, but behind the Frozen Warrior, one after another ninth-level ruin beasts controlled by the Tracer's brain flew out.

Behind the herd of Xu beasts was the legion of faceless men that Ren Zhong had dealt with before. They were the humanoid warriors that Ying Feng mentioned. They numbered about a thousand.

Ren Zhong once led a small number of elites to massacre the faceless men in a narrow corridor, but that was because of the favorable location, which does not mean that the faceless men are not scary.

In this space, the faceless man, who has a weird ability to change directions and can completely ignore the upper limit of the human body's ability to withstand acceleration, is finally able to exert his full strength, showing an eye-catching combat effectiveness.

The following warriors are basically invincible.

In addition, there are also a large number of live ammunition weapons and the energy flow cannon of the smaller size that has been cooled and reactivated and started sweeping again.

The tracer's brain also accurately identified the ability level of approaching enemies. These relatively low-end weapons basically targeted rebel fighters below level eight, and their kill rate was extremely high.

As soon as they made contact, in just five minutes, the heavy-duty Ruins Beast Legion at the front suffered heavy losses. The Dragon fighter was not seriously damaged, but the ordinary soldiers further behind were detonated one after another, causing heavy casualties.

The momentum of the heavy-duty army was also halted.

The area around the tracer has become a meat grinder.

Brilliant fireworks exploded one after another in space, as gorgeous as New Year's fireworks.

Ren Zhong, who was used to wearing a laboratory coat, was wearing crisp casual clothes, but he stood with a straight posture like a soldier.

His eyes have been resting on the holographic simulation projection in front of him for a long time.

Although it takes time for light to flow in space, under the illumination of ghost particles and the diligent and rapid transportation of information flow, massive amounts of information are fed back to Ren Zhong's eyes in real time.

For a commander, this is a great blessing, because he can always accurately and timely grasp the dynamics of the entire battlefield, and corroborate these dynamics with the plans made in his mind in advance, and then at extremely fast speeds,

With extremely high efficiency, he issued relatively brief orders to the two lieutenants around him, Qian Wangshen and Chen Hanyu.

Subsequently, these two people will also absorb and digest his intentions at a slow speed, break down his orders into more detailed plans, and convey them to Zheng Tian and other core commanders.

For example, when Ren Zhong said, "The arrow in the third quadrant advances eight thousand kilometers forward," the combat staff immediately mobilized real-time information analysis to analyze the distribution of enemy and friendly forces in this area, firepower status, ammunition reserve status, and other nearby war zones.

The status of medium and long-range firepower reserves and other corresponding parameters. These important information will quickly emerge, and together with the heavy-duty orders, they will be presented to the third quadrant combat commander Yuan Qinhu simultaneously.

After Yuan Qinhu understands Ren Zhong's intention, he will immediately analyze the battle situation in the third quadrant, disassemble the third quadrant into more blocks, and find his own firepower advantage area and the enemy's potential loopholes.

area, and then quickly deduced in his mind, carried out chain derivation, and then sent the plan he derived through the brainwave device to Sun Ai, who was disguised as an ordinary intelligent brain, and then Sun Ai conducted a more comprehensive derivation of the plan, and

Further refine it quickly, and then include the combat power in other adjacent quadrants.

Subsequently, Sun Ai completed the feasibility calculation and once again broke down the order into countless subtle and precise commands. These commands can consider every missile on the battlefield, every energy cannon, and the engine of every combatant.

within, and then issue the same precise instructions to every weapon of every combat unit.

But before the specific execution, Zheng Tian, ​​as the deputy commander-in-chief of the battlefield, will receive in advance the battlefield dynamic simulation deduction calculated by Sun Ai based on these orders. In this simulation, the estimated dynamics will be displayed a hundred times faster, and then by

Zheng Tianlai intuitively judged the feasibility of these dynamics and made overall corrections.

Subsequently, Sun Ai will read Zheng Tian's correction results again, readjust the detailed orders to form the final instructions, and then officially issue them.

This whole process may seem complicated, but it actually takes no more than thirty seconds.

In this process, Sun Ai also used his huge computing power to accurately help each combat unit, or to capture potential crises in advance and issue warnings, or to instantly take over certain weapons and engines of the combatants, so as to

Make dynamic corrections that can save lives.

For example, use the equipment of soldier A to rescue soldier B, or capture the gap and instantly mobilize dozens, hundreds, or thousands of people to complete the fire coverage and achieve a kill.

In this link, the wisdom and talents of every soldier, from Ren Zhong and Zheng Tian to the next, were organically integrated into a whole by Sun Ai.

Human intuition, the rigor of artificial intelligence, the fastest real-time response, human reaction and the computing power assistance of smart devices perfectly coordinate into a whole.

This is the practical application of the "Net" of the Mechanical Empire in space warfare.

For an army of the same size, having a "net" and not having a "net" are completely different concepts.

Seven minutes after Ren Zhong issued the order, the soldiers in the third quadrant successfully rushed to a position that was only fifty kilometers away from the tracers.

Sensing the approaching danger, Ying Feng within the Tracer also began to mobilize troops, quietly moving some of the elite combat forces located in other quadrants over.

Ren Zhong counted the time in his mind, watching the color blocks change like a computer game.

But it was at this time that Zheng Tian reported two important pieces of information to Ren Zhong.

"Soldiers are somewhat dissatisfied with the additional coating on their armor. They believe that this coating without particularly obvious defensive properties brings too much useless load, limits their maneuvering speed, and in turn causes additional damage.

Some soldiers have already applied to remove coated armor."

Ren Zhong refused: "Reject all applications and once again emphasize the importance of coating to everyone."

Zheng Tian: "Okay, also, three minutes ago, the Dragon formation in the second quadrant completed the first kill of the Frozen Warrior. The exposed corpse of the Frozen Warrior caused some commotion. Some people thought

This is the famous ninth-level gunsmith on the Origin Star six hundred years ago."

Ren Zhong: "Go on, I told you that our enemies are the Ascendants. This is a civilization that has pushed biotechnology to the extreme and can even make the body stronger than machinery. They have been lurking in the Source Star for a long time and know us well.

history. And they have been quietly capturing powerful professionals on the Source Star, seizing the bodies of these predecessors, and using colonizing viruses to control their brains. What you see are celebrities from six hundred years ago, but in fact

It's just a body controlled by the Ascended One. It's a weapon, not a person."

At this moment, if you are responsible, it is the imperial edict.

Regardless of whether he is Li Yang's friend or not, the rebel soldiers who were passively involved have no choice.

They believed it and continued to do so.

Time continued to pass little by little. During this period, armed warships continued to receive orders and began to close the distance and approach for bombardment.

The energy weapons of these warships pose a huge threat to trace seekers, and can also kill some ninth-level ruin beasts and super-level ice warriors that cannot be eliminated by frontline warriors alone.

The Seekers have attempted to destroy these warships by releasing high-explosive missiles.

But this hasty move only exposed the military immaturity and incompetence of the pilot Ying Feng and the founder of Yuanxing Military Industry.

Ren Zhong was well prepared and completed the small-scale troop mobilization in a timely manner, creating a spherical troop vacuum zone, and accurately detonated the physical missile in the center of the vacuum zone in advance.

This terrorist missile with a direct killing radius of 1,000 kilometers ultimately failed to survive.

But in fact, this cannot be blamed on Ying Feng, only the information support provided by Sun Ai is too invincible.

After the missile was detonated, there was silence in the Iron Throne Hall.

They were shocked by the images captured by their own spy robot.

The opponent's maneuvers were timely and precise, and the force vacuum created was just right.

It's as if the trace seeker's methods have already been exposed to the other party's calculations, as if the other party is the one who owns the "net".

For the first time, the old popsicles had the psychological expectation that they might be defeated.

Only Ma Zhongfei, who had been busy repairing the "Net", did not notice the changes outside. Instead, he raised his arms excitedly and shouted: "I succeeded! I restored part of the directional communication function of the 'Net', and now I can communicate with the apostle through

The brainwave signals in the watch communicate directly! I have recognized that he is still wearing a watch, which at least shows that he still has a certain degree of freedom!"

The others also cheered up after hearing this.

Although no one knows what the current situation of the apostle, the marshal of the fleet, is, everyone has an illusion that as long as they contact him, the situation can be reversed.

However, this group of people had no idea that Ma Zhongfei's so-called efforts and attempts were completely in vain.

His so-called success was nothing more than a charity given to them by Sun Ai according to Ren Zhong's plan.

"Master Apostle, what are you doing now? What is going on?"

When this voice rang in Ren Zhong's mind, he had already appeared under the 0001 armed battleship in advance under Sun Ai's prompt. He sat in front of a chair, facing the unknown person who had buried the lower half of his body.

In front of Li Yang, a giant sarcoma composed of several human bodies.

At this time, Li Yang's upper body was outside the sarcoma, and his lower body seemed to be planted inside. Countless thin tubes like banyan tree roots grew out of his waist and abdomen, wrapping around the sarcoma like a net.

Li Yang was closing his eyes tightly at this time.

He is accumulating strength, waiting for the reminder of the heavy responsibility, and then bursts out the psychological control power blessed by the super assistant brain.

Beside Li Yang, there are eight ninth-level colonial warriors who have been firmly controlled by him, responsible for his personal security.

Ren Zhong's breathing tightened slightly.

In a sense, this is his personal final battle.

As long as this disaster is successfully diverted to the east, he will be able to set foot in the core of the empire as the savior of the Source Star colony and the successor of the "indigenous" administrator selected by natural selection.

"You idiots! You took away my control over the network and refused to let me quickly repair the network. You failed to discover this hidden crisis. Now I'm being held hostage!"

"The people who are eyeing the Source Star are not only pilgrims, but also psychic demons. Have you seen that person? That is a psychic demon with the ability to manipulate minds! I couldn't find him!"

"Now, all my people have betrayed me! He has already infiltrated the nine major groups you established! I know what is happening now, but I can't help you, and I can't even protect myself."

"If it weren't for my family members possessing brain crystals that can block the interference of psychic demons, I would have been controlled! Idiots! I was killed by you! You once again betrayed the empire's trust in you because of your selfish interests, and you also betrayed me. !

"Anyway, you should wish your own luck first. I'm being firmly controlled now. I'm still waiting for the chance! You'd better hold on until I can think of a way!"

Ren Zhong shared the scene in his vision with Ma Zhongfei, while cursing in his heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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