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Chapter 474

Chapter 474 The whole army is destroyed

After the meeting, everyone returned to their posts and began intensive preparations.

Most of the technical and equipment preparations have been initiated by Sun Ai himself.

Most of the work will be done by smart machines.

However, as military commanders, the participants still have some personnel mobilization work that needs to be supplemented and improved.

For example, the source star civilization has always been regarded as a vassal of the Mechanical Empire. The technological route it follows is equivalent to a comprehensive weakened version of the empire. The application ideas and results transformation ideas of technology, and even its dependence on technology are also

Very similar to Mechanical Empire.

The staff within the Source Star Fleet are originally more "superstitious" in various high-tech detection methods. If they are asked to switch to relying on smoke screens, illumination flares and strong light emitting devices, they must even rely on the naked eye to supplement and improve intelligence. Not only does it require technology

Transformation also requires ideological indoctrination.

The people below must be allowed to actively switch their ideas in the shortest possible time, and it must be preached at all levels by commanders at all levels from top to bottom.

Even if you don't have time to give a long speech, verbal emphasis is always needed.

As for the heavy responsibility, I am still alone in the water droplet spacecraft.

Compared with before, he was no longer always preoccupied, and his eyes became firm again.

Sun Ai keenly caught his changes and became happy.

"Xiao Ai, please give me the core content of the survey information of the five reconnaissance armies, especially the relevant data of the C1915 star."

At the meeting, Ren Zhong did not let anyone else study this information with him.

In everyone's common sense, that large area has become the enemy's rear area. The key now is to withstand the enemy's impact. Studying the star field exploration report on the enemy's rear area is purely for support and is meaningless.

"The size of the C1915 star is very large, nearly eight times that of the source star, and its mass is nearly ten times that of the source star. Its density is very close to that of the source star, but its composition is very different. Its surface is made of hard high-temperature alloy rock, but its interior is

But it is filled with a large amount of hydrogen and helium isotopes that react at low temperature and high pressure. In a sense, it is equivalent to a cooling star."

"The original material that makes up it is the stellar material released by the two stars that exploded to form the Tamron Nebula. After a long period of cooling, these materials formed a gaseous spherical star. It continuously absorbs free dust in space, while internally

The low-speed nuclear fusion has never stopped. The heavy nuclear elements produced are emitted outwards and adsorbed by the star shell, eventually creating this strange planet. The surface is solid, the interior is solid and liquid, and the star core is extremely compressed hydrogen.

Helium isotopes.”

"Although it has evolved for a billion years, it still contains a large amount of hydrogen and helium isotopes. For example, it is roughly equivalent to an ultra-small star with a density greater than a solid planet, but because of the total mass

On the low side, the internal reaction intensity is too low, resulting in it being a relatively stable thermonuclear planet. The energy released and the materials generated cannot break through the rock layer on its surface. Instead, it continues to strengthen the star shell, turning it into

It has a big alloy lump that cannot emit light or heat in the universe, but its surface is constantly spewing alloy magma, emitting a subtle red dark light."

"These are the detailed analysis reports on the star shell, star mantle and star core that Scout Xiao Wu and Staff Officer Wang received respectively..."

Among all the survey information, Sun Ai focused on describing the characteristics of the C1915 star.

As Ding Canghai judged, Star C1915 is indeed the most special star in that large area.

Its relevant information deserves attention.

Even in the vast universe, the natural birth of a star that is surrounded by alloy rock on the outside but continues to undergo nuclear fusion similar to that of a star is an extremely unlikely event. After all, according to common understanding, heavy nuclear elements should be the first to move.

It is deposited deep inside the star, and then slowly evolves into a star core composed mainly of metals such as iron.

But C1915 is better, the heavy elements have escaped to the outside. It is probably affected by other materials such as nearby black holes and nearby ray bursts, or it may be affected by some remnants of broken binary stars, and it became what it is today.

It looks like. Perhaps after waiting for a few billion years, slow thermonuclear fusion will slowly exhaust its energy and convert it into elements with larger atomic weights, forming a larger giant solid star. But that will happen in an unknown number of years.

It's over.

Just like in the past, after listening to Sun Ai's description, Ren Zhong slowly tapped the operating table of the water droplet with his fingers, closed his eyes slightly, and fell into a long thought.

Two hours passed unknowingly, and he suddenly opened his eyes.

A bold idea came to his mind, and it might be the only chance to win.

Facing the fourth-class Mother Queen with an invincible turtle shell that cannot be blasted away by a galaxy-level main gun, she can only rely on this decisive strategy.

"Awaken all scientific researchers related to theoretical physics, energy science and materials science, form a research and development team around the Dragon Tulong Academy of Sciences, release relevant information about the C1915 star to them, let them start research immediately, and formulate a complete plan.


Although the war is about to break out, it is too late to start scientific research now, but the important task is to seize the day and night.

Now you can push the project forward as far as you can. As long as you can remember this information, it will not be considered wasted work.

Wait until next time to shorten the time and speed up the progress.

No matter what happens after going to the empire, at least now, I still have resurrection.

After receiving the order, Sun Ai began to refine the general order into countless detailed instructions.

This was a very huge mobilization, involving the freezing awakening of tens of millions of people, as well as an equally huge mobilization of resources, but only 0.1 seconds later, the specific awakening command was implemented in each freezing warehouse.

This is the power of the "net", and it is also the foundation of the current mechanical empire.

In fact, among the four major branches, the Machine Empire is the race that has the most complete preservation of the original characteristics of human beings and is the most authentic.

But this authenticity also caused the Mechanical Empire to lag behind the other three human routes in terms of comprehensive strength. Pilgrims who once advocated virtual transformation developed genetically liberated biological reproductive equipment into inhuman sublimators, and their personal telekinesis was unlimited.

The enlarged and powerful Psychic Demon was so heavy that he could not breathe.

Until millions of years ago, a young aristocrat who was both a genius scientist and a top agent exploded and lurked close to the pilgrim's omnium.

The core framework mechanism was swept away, and then retreated completely, and then it exploded in research and development in a life cycle of just a few decades, establishing a semi-artificial intelligence system that combined the conventional human brain with the pilgrim's virtual consciousness, and created

It was only after the original model of the first "Net" that things changed.

Since then, the Mechanical Empire has finally received strong support in the field of super intelligence, barely catching up with the development progress of the other three branches, and has also created its own racial characteristics in terms of mechanical megastructure, giving it the power to fight a war.

Then, the Mechanical Empire began to absorb the thoughts of the Ascendants and combined it with its own technology to develop a biochemical starship based on the Ruin Beast, and created a telekinesis system that could barely compete with the Psychic Demons.

After this series of struggles, the mechanical empire, which was in turmoil at the time, regained its footing and prevented its extinction.

"Although I don't agree with such resource mobilization during a war, the order has been carried out." Sun Ai said.

Ren Zhong hummed.

The next second, he stood up suddenly.

The enemy finally appeared.

An alarm suddenly sounded at the front of the extremely deep defensive front, and video images were simultaneously displayed on Ren Zhong's projection screen.

Critical stingers, densely packed like locusts, are quietly approaching an unmanned frontier base station.

Then the unmanned frontier base station suddenly turned on the strong light search function.

Under the strong light, the metal dust smoke bomb that was dropped into the universe half an hour in advance came into play.

The whereabouts of all critical stingers are illuminated in detail.

The moment it was discovered, the information flow communication between the forward base station and the rear was disconnected.

But radio communications are still connected.

The radio signal from the frontier base station arrived at the space floating ball repeater less than 600,000 kilometers away in two seconds. It was then converted into an information flow signal by the repeater and arrived at the fleet headquarters instantly.

Without any preheating, a fierce firefight broke out instantly.

The forward base station was destroyed by the critical stinger swept by the wind in a second, but the armed battleship hidden behind the meteorite not far away emerged boldly, and the main battle beam cannon roared into action.

The energy impact of the battleship's main gun penetrated the critical stinger formation, plowing the ground like a blade, creating a short vacuum zone.

At the same time, the two warships also launched functional missiles with the main target of releasing strong light.

The missile exploded and was as bright as a star.

A brief round of extremely large-scale bright light spread out in space.

The halo spread, illuminated the enemy fleet, and then reflected back, being captured by the optical camera.

The Source Star warriors finally saw the enemy fleet clearly.

Everyone in the command center of the headquarters and Ren Zhong felt their scalps were numb.

Wherever the light shines, there are hazy shadows.

A radius of 300,000 kilometers...

Six hundred thousand kilometers radius...

Millions of kilometers in radius…

The dense and overwhelming space that seemed to cover the entire universe was filled with countless enemy combat units.

Wherever the light shines, there is the enemy. There are no boundaries and no end.

Critical stingers and hydralisks of various sizes account for the largest proportion, but there are also many other life forms of various sizes.

The number is too large to be counted.

Everyone even realized for a moment that even if all the energy and ammunition reserves of the Source Star fleet were exhausted, it would be impossible to defeat the enemy.

"It's over."

This thought was in the minds of everyone in the headquarters.

At this moment, the information flow communication at the rear began to be cut off piece by piece.

It is clear that the enemy is still at the front, but the information flow and communication behind the deep defense line has begun to be paralyzed.

After just a few seconds, the source star fleet's defense lines, which were tens of millions of kilometers deep, all lost information flow communication and were "lighted out."

"There is an enemy combat unit with the same stealth performance as the Critical Stinger. It penetrated deep into our defense lines in advance, and then suddenly activated, paralyzing our communications. Although we still have radio and laser communications, the transmission of orders

The efficiency will be reduced a lot.”

Sun Ai said at the same time in the waterdrop ship and the command headquarters.

Ren Zhong responded and nodded, "It's okay. We will fight as hard as we can. Use radio waves to pass on the order, and everyone will meet the enemy. Change the combat objectives to ensure the research progress of the Dragon Slayer Battalion as the highest goal. Tell me.

Everyone, my orders must be implemented unconditionally!"

Four days later, the Tracer, the Galaxy-class cannon, and the Source Mercury were destroyed.

The entire Source Star fleet was destroyed.

Ren Zhong took out his notebook.


This chapter has been completed!
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