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Chapter 483

Chapter 483: Deeply Congratulated

"He is a killer who walks in the shadows and lives with death."

"He has never been a bully in his life. He just picked up the robbery and pulled the trigger against the injustice in his eyes."

"He was wanted, arrested, and imprisoned. The length of his life was forced to be measured in dollars."

"But in the end he chose to die for two billion people."

"This is not a forced responsibility, but a proactive responsibility."

"He is Wang Qiao, the number one killer of Source Star."

Nearly two months later, when he met with the fleet headquarters and held a martyr award ceremony, and met Wang Qiao's widow and descendants, Ren Zhong personally wrote an epitaph for Wang Qiao.

There are no graves in space, but you can leave a nameplate representing glory.

This ritual did not exist in the past Source Star society, and sacrifice was never respected, but Ren Zhong changed the rules.

Ritual is not a mere spectacle. During the ritual, survivors can understand and perceive the victim's state of mind, and understand why the victim died and in what mood he died.

Then, the ignorant survivors and successors will slowly learn how to follow in the footsteps of their predecessors and continue to move forward.

The so-called accumulation of civilization lies in this inheritance time and time again.

What the members of the fleet headquarters don't know is that in the Source Star galaxy one light-year away, nearly 20 billion people are crying and gnashing their teeth because of the more than 2.23 million names that have been fully disclosed.

And I feel ashamed that I slept in for an extra five minutes today.

Those who were left behind on the Origin Star did not feel sad about being abandoned.

On the contrary, these people are the ones in the know.

They know what Ren Zhong is pursuing, and they also know how lonely Ren Zhong is on the fleet at this time. They also know that those pioneers are the real ones who leave their homes and go to the unknown and dangerous empire. The pioneers work hard and continue to succeed.

In order to create a breathing space in advance for those who stay here.

After the awarding ceremony, the people on Source Star quietly returned to their respective posts, studying, studying, and working to create.

The fleet headquarters has taken away a large amount of metal resources, so we will develop metal recycling technology; it has taken away a large number of high-energy batteries, but we still have the source of the sun; it has taken away a large amount of stocks of Ruin beast chips and products, then we will counterattack in the wild and raise them in captivity

Ruin beast.

As long as the sun is still high, our future will always be bright.

"Sir, according to your instructions, the trophy collection work is coming to an end. The engineering staff has collected a large number of samples of sublimated proliferators. All the staff of the Academy of Life Sciences, the Academy of Medical Sciences, and the Academy of Biological Sciences have been unfrozen and have entered a state of working reproduction. They

We are overjoyed with these achievements. We have to admit that the Ascendants have gone very far in biotechnology. They have pushed genetic technology to a level beyond imagination. Even if they just decipher a small fragment, it will be of great help to us all.


"In addition, the Ministry of Mineral Exploration and the Ministry of Energy also made major discoveries. Although the explosion of the C1915 star was very complete, less than 1% of the heavy hydrogen elements remained, but it was enough to triple our energy reserves. According to the 'Net'

It is recommended that five hundred annual ships have been transformed into energy production ships. In terms of metal minerals, we have also made a new round of reserves, which is enough to make up for the losses caused by the Mother Emperor Ship Battle, and there is even a surplus."

Zhuo Yihang took a tablet and reported the work item by item in front of Ren Zhong.

Ren nodded and said, "Good job."

In fact, these things can be reported directly by Sun Ai, which is faster and the data is more comprehensive and accurate.

But Ren Zhong thought about it and decided to let Zhuo Yihang communicate in person.

Next, he, Ju Qingmeng, Zheng Tian, ​​Ma Xiaoling, Huo Donghua and other core personnel will still enter cryogenic slumber, but the vast majority of people in the fleet, including the scientific research department, will remain active for a long time, absorbing results while sailing, advancing technology, and multiplying .

So in terms of administrative functions, someone must be kept active for a long time and connect with Sun Ai at high frequency to maintain order, supervise work, and prevent psychological problems and social problems.

Ren Zhong needs to give more personal advice to the temporary successor in order to train him. The candidate for this successor is Zhuo Yihang.

He has gained the trust of Ren Zhong.

This once marginalized person who was brought back to Spark Town from the Source Star Enumerator Academy by Ren Zhong has gained his due status with his own efforts and abilities.

At this moment, Sun Ai's exclamation sounded in Ren Zhong's ears, "Uncle! There is a major discovery. The engineering staff responsible for cleaning the battlefield picked up a good thing!"


"A fragment of the Imperial Ship's ovary that is more than 80% preserved!" Sun Ai's tone was full of excitement.

Ren Zhong is a little confused.

Although the explosive power of C1915 is very amazing, there are always exceptions in everything. No matter how completely the mother ship is broken into pieces, it is reasonable to have one or two good pieces of meat.

What's more, the ovaries of the Imperial Mother Ship are originally the core organs used to produce proliferating offspring. They deserve an extra layer of preventive care and should be kept relatively intact.

So Ren Zhong didn't quite understand why Sun Ai was so excited.

But after Sun Ai explained, he understood.

It turns out that although the Imperial Mother Ship is called a ship, it is essentially a giant single creature.

It does not have a centralized brain like humans. The core cells of the network neurons that carry memory are distributed throughout the body, especially in the ovaries.

The cells in the ovary are mainly divided into two types, one is the network neuron core cells used to carry memory and thinking, and the other is the megablast cell used to carry complete genetic information.

Megablast cells are huge in size and contain 46 extremely long chromosome chains.

These chromosome strands contain huge amounts of genetic information.

During the culture of proliferative progeny, different fragments of the chromosome chain of the megablast cell will be intercepted to generate smaller embryonic cells. After these embryonic cells mature, they will grow into "disordered", "latent" and "toxic" cells. "Spikes", "giant elephants", "sandworms" and other specific creatures.

"We have the opportunity to obtain the memory of the Imperial Mothership from this fragment, and we can also get a glimpse of the secrets of the Ascendants through the analysis of the nuclei of the megablasts. When the Empire was at war with the Ascended, the chance of obtaining intact megablasts was very rare. Once that happens, When it is determined that the decline is irreversible, the Imperial Mother Ship will often destroy the ovaries on its own, leaving not even a single intact megablast cell. The Megablast cells of the Imperial Mother Ship are simply a huge treasure trove. In the history of millions of years of war, , the empire has obtained complete giant cells no more than 500 times. On average, it takes about once every 10,000 years. Each similar harvest can help the empire update the database of Ascended Persons and greatly promote the development of the empire's biotechnology. Development can also bring huge help to the empire on the frontal battlefield."

Sun Ai concluded this way.

Ren Zhong raised his eyebrows, "Then I have achieved military exploits?"

Sun Ai snorted, "Of course! Alas, it's a pity that what you got was the fourth-level mother queen's megablast cell. If it was the first-level mother queen's, just this single battle achievement would be enough to make you the first in half a million years."

A newly-promoted Duke. In history, no one has ever obtained the megablast cells of a first-class queen."

Ren Zhong: "What about the fourth-class empress? Viscount?"

"Yes, Viscount." Sun Ai responded: "Your current title of Viscount is a temporary position created to meet the power structure needs of the colonial fleet when it returns. You only have the name of Viscount, but not the actual status of Viscount. Although you took over

The nine administrator positions completed the second half of the return journey, which is considered meritorious, but after all, they were the ones who established the Source Star Colony. Without this battle, your merits would probably only get you the title of lifelong baron, which would kill the gang.

If you become a hereditary baron, you can get a fiefdom on a planet with an area of ​​no more than 10 million square kilometers. However, the ovary fragments of the fourth-level mother queen can make you a hereditary viscount, and it is also an upper-middle-level rank among viscounts.

.Coupled with your important military exploits in managing the escort of the colonial team back home and defeating the Queen Mother's patrol, you have a great chance of becoming a lifelong earl, and your descendants can also obtain the title of hereditary viscount. Of course, the rest are just additions.

, the most important thing is this piece of ovary fragment. It’s so lucky.”

Ren Zhong was satisfied when he heard this, "I understand, it is indeed a good thing."

"Then do I have to declare my military exploits to the empire now?" Sun Ai asked.

Ren Zhong shook his head, "Wait a minute, let's analyze the neuron core cells first and take a look at the memory of the Mother Emperor Ship. I always feel that the Mother Emperor Ship knows our whereabouts too well. Things may not be that simple."

Sun Ai responded.

Not long after, Ren Zhong learned a piece of bad news. Sun Ai said: "The radiation dose of the microparticles generated by the fusion nuclear explosion was too high, and the intensity of the radiation was too high. The information in the core cells of most of the neurons in this fragment has been destroyed."

It is scattered and cannot be identified. Only a small number of cells contain relatively complete information, but it is not the complete memory of the Imperial Ship. It is quite fragmented and I have to reorder it and splice it together before I can identify it, and they are all recent."

Ren Zhong raised his eyebrows, "How recently?"

"The details are only within twenty years, but you can probably find some generalized information within the fifty-year range, just like reading human memory."

"That's okay. Continue."

A moment later, Sun Ai finally completed the splicing of memory fragments and transformed them into a combination of video and text that humans can recognize.

When Ren Zhong saw it, he felt happy and said in surprise: "Oh, this mother-in-law is actually a scientific worker."

It is miraculous to say that the real mission of this Imperial Ship patrol active in the edge area of ​​the Nanxiang Star Cluster is not to snipe the trace-seeking colonial team, but to participate in the development of the Ascendant's interference method against the empire's information flow communication technology.

Fifty years ago, the Mother Imperial Ship had noticed the existence of the Source Star Colony and quietly lurked outside the Source Star, secretly monitoring, stealing information, and analyzing intelligence. In view of the fact that the internal migration of the Source Star Colony had already begun at that time, there were no growth rings.

When the transport ship returned from the Southern Nine Stars to engage in business transactions, the Imperial Mother Ship was not in a hurry to attack, but planned to wait until the Source Star Fleet migrated before taking action, so as to obtain the core resources at a lower cost and in a shorter time.

By the way, the Imperial Mother Ship can simply use Yuan Xing as a guinea pig to complete scientific research projects.

Thirty years ago, on the day when Ren Dusu was reunited, the Imperial Ship discovered the "wonders of the universe".

Without warning, some changes occurred in the area near the Source Star, and the speed of information flow slowed down a hundred times.

The Imperial Mother Ship provided this information to the leaders of the Ascended Civilization in an attempt to analyze this phenomenon.

However, the difficulty of this matter exceeds the technological level and understanding of the Ascendants, so they can only settle for the next best thing and take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to test the reliability of the new information flow blocking technology.

This is the perfect experimental area.

Since then, the Mother Emperor Ship has quietly been stationed outside the asteroid belt in the outer ring of the source system, observing in secret and reporting regularly.

Everything is perfect except for the occasional "skipping" of the timeline for no apparent reason.

The Ascended One also tried to analyze the reasons for the "frame skipping" of the timeline, but of course it failed.

When the "Net" was still intact, since the "Net" had built a comprehensive information flow monitoring and scanning system near the source star system, approaching rashly could easily arouse vigilance and expose its existence, so the Imperial Ship appropriately distanced itself and did not alert the enemy.

Nearly a year after the information flow transmission speed changed, the "Net" malfunctioned. The Mother Emperor Ship recognized this change and dispatched the newly bred "Disorder" to approach the source star system, and then surrounded it, forming an egg shell-like shape.

huge blocking layer.

Then, the Imperial Mothership began to tentatively send information flow signals disguised as imperial communications to the Seeker spacecraft hiding near the source Venus, but no reply was received, indicating that the Seeker spacecraft did not receive the signal.

Since then, the Imperial Mothership has confirmed that the interference technology has been successfully developed, and dispatched a small fast mobile team to bring this set of genes back to the upper echelons of the Ascendants.

Several years have passed, and more than twenty years ago, the development of blocking technology was completed. This technology can effectively interfere with the previous generation of imperial information flow communications.

After completing the first mission, the Imperial Mothership did not rush to leave. Instead, it continued research in place and developed a skin gene that could deceive the empire's information flow scanning technology. It was widely used in many military units. Critical stingers and

"Latent" is one of the best.

About fifteen years ago, that is, five years before the Origin Star Fleet carried out the Great Migration, the Ascendants took advantage of this technological gap to severely damage the Machinery Empire on the frontal battlefield and achieved outstanding results.

The empire was retreating steadily. Not only did it lose a large territory, it was also forced to hand over nearly 2% of Quasar's computing power. It was a disastrous defeat that was rare in ten thousand years.

When Ren Zhong saw this information, he counted the time in his mind and was amazed.

The time when the Imperial Mothership conducted key experiments and attempted to block the source star's information flow was fifteen years before the Great Migration, and the blockade lasted for nearly a year.

It was in that year that he completed the torture and killing of Elder Frozen for the first time.

At that time, he did not know the existence of the "last radio wave" and asked the tracer to send this information out.

However, it is obvious that the "last radio wave" that time was intercepted by the huge shielding layer formed by "Disorder".

Ren Zhong wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his heart finally fell to the ground, and his face showed the feeling of surviving a disaster.

After a long time, he held back something in his mouth, "Beautiful! I almost capsized just a little bit. This royal ship is really interesting. Not only does it bring me battle glory, but it also helps me cover up."

It stands to reason that after the Ascended Ones win the frontal battlefield victory, this Queen Mother Ship can retire and return to the territory of the Ascended Ones to enjoy glory and advancement. It can be promoted to at least a second-class Queen Mother Ship.

But for the Imperial Ship, which has a long lifespan, fifteen years is just a blink of an eye.

It is not satisfied with these achievements, but continues to focus on the resources on the Source Star.

Because it found that the development level of the Source Star colony was beyond imagination.

This small colony has produced a lot of restricted-level imperial technologies, especially controllable nuclear fusion.

It decided to wait.

The reason why it did not choose to attack directly is because if the Origin Star humans rely on the ground to defend and retreat the main battlefield into the atmosphere, it will be more difficult to attack. The Origin Star humans can defend according to the danger,

It can resist for many years and may even attract reinforcements from the Empire.

Furthermore, under the close illumination of a star, units that focus on stealth capabilities, such as the Critical Stinger, will not have that advantage.

All things considered, it is not cost-effective to attack in advance.

Instead of going through a thankless attack, it would be better to wait to ambush the returning fleet. Anyway, according to the practice of the Empire's tracer colonies, the real essence is in the returning fleet, and everything else is just a tack on the details.

Therefore, the best ambush point is the Tamron Nebula.

As a result, the Imperial Mothership stopped monitoring the Source Star, quietly lurked in the Tenglong Nebula, and gradually dispatched small reconnaissance life forms, such as tiny life forms such as space tardigrades, as spies to explore the Tenglong Nebula.

Routes and trade routes are all under view, making it foolproof.

Ten years ago, when the civil strife broke out in the Source Star, it also received the "last radio wave" from the seeker.

In this message, it was surprised to find that the colonial fleet had lost 3,000 ice warriors and nearly 6,000 starship larvae, significantly reducing its strength.

It believes that the difficulty of this battle is unimaginably low, and is ready to easily grab a vote and leave. After making another achievement, it may be able to challenge the status of the first-class Mother Queen and become one of the highest ancestors of the Ascendants.

Its plan was seamless and wonderful, but in the end it overturned.

Ren Zhong thought for two minutes and said: "You can secretly place all the neuron core cells near the nuclear fusion reactor and illuminate them for a while to destroy the memory of the Mother Emperor Ship."

Sun Ai wondered: "Why? It took me a lot of effort to sort out these things. It's more or less a credit to me."

Ren Zhong smiled and shook his head, "Since the Mechanical Empire has suffered a big loss in the frontal battlefield, it will always learn from the mistakes and gain wisdom. It will take the initiative to catch up with these technological differences, or find ways to avoid interference. The new technologies of the Ascendants

How it was developed is no longer important. It is of no benefit to us to keep it. There can’t be anything surprising about Yuanxing. Once it arouses the empire’s interest, then this so-called credit will become my death.”

Sun Ai sighed: "Okay, you have the final say."

"After destroying the intelligence, you can send the battle report of the Imperial Ship battle to the empire and ask for credit for me. Remember to focus on describing the fact that I used my genius mind to develop the unstable warp. This is also credit. If I can get the hereditary

The title of earl is of great benefit to us."

Nanxiang Bo Liu An, who was once again accidentally awakened from a comfortable cryoslumber, was dumbfounded as he looked at the battle report in front of him and a recruitment order from the top of the empire.

What the hell?

The returning fleet of the C-class trace colony destroyed a fourth-class Queen Mother!

The low-level colonist named Ren Zhong, who served as the commander of the returning fleet, actually continued to advance technology on the way back and developed a jump technology that did not require a stable subspace orbit. He relied on this technology to rush to the vicinity of the Imperial Mother Ship.

Then he used a three-phase bomb to cause serious damage to it, and then detonated the star to directly kill the fourth-level Queen Mother!

This person also summarized a large number of combat ideas for dealing with invisible units and information flow interference!

He actually got a bunch of complete Megablast cells from the Queen Mother and is trying to analyze this genetic treasure house?

"My military exploits... Well, if I had known earlier... I would have had a headache..."

Liu An sighed and regretted his mistake.

This chapter has been completed!
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