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Chapter 486 The Decaying Empire

Chapter 486 The Decaying Empire

After all, there is no answer for a heavy task.

He can hand over certain levels of scientific research work to other smart people in the fleet and Origin Star.

But when it comes to time and space, and the biggest secret of his resurrection, after Sun Miao's death, he has no one to talk to, so he can only do it himself.

It's not just that he can't trust others, it's that this matter involves too much. Both the Empire and the Psychic Demons have telekinesis masters who can spy on people's memories. If one more person knows about it, the risk of exposure will increase.

As long as he himself is immune to psychological scrutiny, the risk of exposure will always be 0. But even if there is only one more person, the risk of exposure will only become one in a billion, which is a qualitative change from nothing.

Ren Zhong still has not completely shared memories with Sun Ai, and this is the reason why he confessed the truth.

Sometimes he would regret it. If he had known earlier, he would have woken up halfway and talked to Brother Sun in person before he died, and talked about everything thoroughly.

Maybe Sun Miao couldn't give any effective advice, but at least it would be helpful for him to talk about it, relieve his stress, and leave no regrets.

It's a pity that time passes and we can never go back to the past.

The two never had a grand farewell, only a letter spanning several years.

Although this kind of farewell is free and heroic, it always makes people feel regretful.

It can only be said that no one's life can be perfect.

It wasn't until he lost the ability to resurrect that Ren Zhong began to feel more clearly that the passage of time was irretrievable.

After returning to the Tracer spacecraft, the important generals Isu Locke, Liang Qifa, Zheng Dafa, Gao Ya, Tang Youyun, Donald Yalson, Vincent Van Hoy and Xiao Xing, who was regularly awakened to supervise the work of the Legal Department,

Yue summoned her office.

Including himself, these nine people are the nine most powerful people currently awake on the fleet.

He has a new decision that needs to be discussed with everyone.

As usual, he would first express his opinion, then let the people below discuss it individually, and then he himself would make the final decision.

In non-wartime management, Ren Zhong is willing to use this kind of democratic centralism, which can not only ensure execution, but also avoid heavy losses caused by his own misjudgments as much as possible.

Of course, once he enters wartime management, Ren Zhong will not hesitate to switch from democratic centralism to Yiyantang. It can be said that he is stubborn, or he chooses to shoulder all the responsibilities by himself. Anyway, so far, he has still

Never missed it.

"There are still four years and eleven months until we reach the edge of the Black Mist Zone. The current situation is as follows..."

"Nanxiang Bo Liu An has dispatched a special service fleet and promised to perform escort work for us."

"The following is the relevant information about Nanxiang Bo Liu An that I found on the public network in accordance with the permission and authorization of the imperial decree."

Liu An, recognized as one of the strongest counts in the empire, has great military exploits and is cold-blooded and ruthless.

Some earls are good at business and have the ability to know people well.

Some counts are good at production. In order to improve the production efficiency of their companies, these counts even purchased genetic compilation technology from the Royal Academy of Sciences to compile the talent tendencies of their populations according to production needs. At some stages, full mechanization and artificial intelligence

The automatic assembly line represents higher efficiency, but in some specific industries and specific production needs, there are also a large number of habitable planets brought by planetary transformation technology, and human labor determined by population is also cheap and high-quality, extremely

Cost-effective. In the empire, human life is not valuable.

Some earls are good at scientific research, very good at overall planning, and have a deep cooperative relationship with the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Of course, most earls follow a middle-of-the-road approach and mainly live their lives.

As for Liu An, he was quite ambitious, fighting with iron and blood, and resorting to military force.

He decided that he had no other talents, so he went all the way to the dark side in pursuit of military exploits, using all possible means.

In addition to his strong military command abilities, Liu An also purchased targeted gene compilation services from the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Under the subtle guidance of thousands of years, human beings in the entire Nanxiang Star Cluster have branched off to the side on the evolutionary branch.

In Liu An's fiefdom, except for the nobles and a few civilians with special talent reserves, most civilians have a directional gene for irritability and irritability mixed into their innate genes.

The people of the Nanxiang Star Cluster can be said to be tough and chivalrous. Most of them will draw their guns at each other if they disagree, and they will fight you to the death. They are martial to the extreme.

As for other areas that are not Liu An's fiefdom, things are slightly better, but they are still obviously affected by thousands of years of personnel exchanges and genetic exchanges, and they are also quite martial and useless.

The benefits that such a social atmosphere brings to Liu An are obvious. He can always obtain high-quality soldiers, and these soldiers are particularly fanatical on the battlefield. Once they are attacked, they are not afraid of death.

Of course, there are disadvantages, that is, there will always be some extremists in the Nanxiang Star Cluster who would rather die than be restrained. They are extremely difficult to control and become space pirates, disturbing the planet, plundering resources, and blocking and robbing business roads.

Liu An has the troops to quickly wipe out the space pirates. With the help of the Imperial Super Network, this is not difficult.

However, so far, the space pirates are still active and will only be surrounded by Liu An's bandit-suppressing fleet on a regular basis and forcibly recruited as battlefield death squads. Liu An will promise that if these pirates can establish military exploits, they will be pardoned and even be expelled.

Appointed as a special warfare fleet with extremely high autonomy, supported by delicious food and abundant resources.

This is the current situation of the Nanxiang Star Cluster.

After the general introduction was completed, Ren Zhong couldn't help but think that for the sake of one person's military exploits, he had to shape the personalities of tens of millions of people on thousands of planets into what he wanted, and thus changed the atmosphere of the entire star cluster civilization. He had to

Praise Liu An for his generous words.

Ren Zhong tapped the table lightly, "The relevant information about the Nanxiang Star Cluster can be found here. I will state my position first, and then you will analyze it individually."

After a pause, Ren Zhong said again: "Before, we only had indirect contact with Liu An through Nanjiu Viscount Southgate Augustus. He once gave us a sentence, and I still remember it very clearly. 'They

Not worthy,' these were Liu An's exact words. Now, he has dispatched a convoy fleet. Facts have proved that we are worthy after all."

"But maybe we are too good for each other. I have some doubts in my heart. In addition, there are a large number of scattered space pirates in the Nanxiang star cluster. I think this is Nanxiang Bo's strategy to raise poison. He doesn't care about those who were burned, killed, robbed and tortured.

The civilians are even more coveted by the bloodthirsty soldiers who fought in the space pirate career."

"Liu An's temperament can be seen clearly. So now, I hope you will each take a stand, analyze and speculate on what mission Liu An's special service fleet comes with, what identity it is, how we should respond, and whether we should trust them.

It's better to make your own plans. Think for ten minutes first, then enter the document, and then raise your hands to speak from front to back, starting with Ys Locke. During the process of individual analysis, exchange of opinions is prohibited. I want to hear each of you's own thoughts.

What you say must be completely consistent with your document, and you must not change your views because of what others have said.”

After finishing speaking, Ren Zhong stopped talking and just closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Others lowered their heads and wrote quickly.

Half an hour later, everyone finished their presentation.

Ys Locke, Vincent Van Hoy and Xiao Xingyue believe that Liu An is very dangerous and must be carefully guarded. It is not an exaggeration to even directly regard him as a hostile relationship. The fleet should not follow Liu An's orders.

When entering the black fog area, you should even take a detour around the olive-shaped black fog area. Even if you go straight through the black fog area, it only takes five years to cross 0.25 light years, while a detour will take eighteen years to cross 1.8 light years.

, is also worth it. Ys Locke more clearly stated that after collecting a large amount of the explosion residue of the C1915 star, the fleet's reserve nuclear fusion energy is enough to support such a detour.

Liang Qifa, Gao Ya and Tang Youyun believed that Liu An should be treated conservatively. The black fog area can be entered, but a high degree of vigilance must be maintained throughout the process.

Zheng Dafa and Donald Yalson felt that no matter what Liu An's temperament was, Ren Zhong was now the associate count and full viscount of the empire and was protected by the laws of the empire, so there was no need to worry.

Ren Zhong smiled and said: "Very good, my original intention is to let you use your brains. At the same time, I also hope that you will think about it for yourself first. When I announce my decision later, you will be able to understand my true feelings.

Intention. It doesn't matter if you say it wrong. What's important is that this thinking process can make you grow."

"I will announce my decision first and take a detour. First, you can take another look at the star map of the Nanxiang star cluster. Although there are more than 3,400 stars and more than 16,000 planets in this star cluster, the distribution of stars

It is irregular, with more inside and less outside. Among them, 2,800 stars are close to the central area, and the other 600 or so are outside."

"Look at the idle planets that have not yet been developed. In fact, there are not many. If you count them, there are nearly a thousand stars. More than 500 of them are Liu An's fiefdoms. The rest of the planets belong to many viscounts. They are shared by the barons. There are also many direct planets.

The royal land belongs to the royal family. A relatively large proportion of the stars distributed in the outer layer are idle, and only some stars with a transportation network of jump channels have prosperous civilization."

"This shows that the resources in the Nanxiang star cluster are actually limited. The core limited resource is not the radiation energy of the stars, but the carrying capacity represented by the jump channel. The difference between having a channel and not having a channel brings about transportation problems

The convenience is worlds apart.”

"So, since the resources of the Nanxiang Star Cluster only appear to be unlimited, but are actually limited. Will Liu An, who has absolute power, continue to covet the slightly enfeoffed imperial planets in the central star region? What if I go and become an earl?

, I will become his direct competitor and take away part of what he sees as his own. Can he accept it?"

"Let's analyze Liu An's age and the distance between him and the Marquis, and then comprehensively analyze what Nanxiang Bo Liu An has been doing. We can conclude that we must take a detour, otherwise we will be dead!"

"Liu An sincerely despises us, thinking that we are colonists and looks down upon me. But I have become a quasi-count. Once I gain a foothold, there will be another count in the Nanxiang Star Cluster who can compete with him for war merits. He

It will not be able to bear it. One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. This is inevitable."

"The meeting is dismissed!"

Ren Zhong is in a good mood.

Three of the eight core subordinates have views that are completely consistent with my own, which shows that they have really used their brains and made reasonable judgments.

Soon after everyone dispersed, Zheng Dafa, who was now in charge of the internal resource allocation cycle of the fleet, that is, in charge of commercial work, came back anxiously. As soon as he entered the door, he knelt down on the ground with a bang, "Your Majesty Earl! I was wrong, I...

…I was so naive! I really thought that at the time.”

Ren Zhong stood up, walked to his desk, pulled Zheng Dafa up, and said angrily: "Why are you nervous? I didn't say I would remove you from your post. The real purpose of organizing this meeting is not just to test you."

cognition, but more importantly, I want to cultivate you. Although Zheng Dafa, you are not smart, but you have done your duty over the years, and I have noticed it. Your loyalty is no problem, then I will naturally treat you and your future

There are enough people to take care of you. Of course, it’s okay to be a happy man, but if your heirs want to be in a high position like you, they still have to rely on their ability to speak."

"Thank you for your understanding, Lord Count." Zheng Dafa responded, bowed and walked back.

After Zheng Dafa left, Ren Zhong couldn't help but smile.

He knows that little people have their own way of survival.

This Zheng Dafa, like Ding Canghai, had been Wang Jinshou's lackey back then, and he was also a master dog who specialized in evil ideas. It was he who created the bridge and encouraged Ding Canghai to assassinate Ren Zhong.

Ever since he abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side to rely on himself, he has been living a cautious life.

He also knew that he was stupid and could only pay more attention when encountering problems. He would also serve as Ju Qingmeng and Huo Donghua's second-in-command whenever he got the chance. He could learn more if he could.

Now Zheng Dafa has also settled down on the fleet and has a family full of children and grandchildren. He is afraid that he will lose his trust because of a small mistake.

After waiting for a while, Xiao Xingyue arrived.

Having not met alone for a long time, Ren Zhong discovered that Xiao Xingyue had not aged much.

Although she has been active frequently over the years, her activity time is not very long and she spends most of the time sleeping.

At this time, Xiao Xingyue was still wearing the white robe of a mentalist from the past, looking tall and slender.

When she looked at Ren Zhong, there was no longer as much gloom in her eyes as in the past, but instead there was more relief and guilt.

She sat on the chair in front of Ren Zhong's desk and sighed.

Ren Zhong looked at her hesitant expression and said with a smile: "Just say what you want to say, there is no need to hide it. We have known each other for more than a day or two."

Xiao Xingyue looked up at him and sighed: "Actually, before you showed me this information about Liu An, I had fantasies about the empire. I always thought that a civilization that has developed for tens of millions of years will never be able to

Too backward and too barbaric, there should always be some advanced ideas for civilized governance. Now that I think about it, I was naive. Although your decision was cruel and cold-blooded at the beginning, but now that I think about it, it is helpless. Only in this way can at least a little bit of Source Star be preserved.

The kind of fire that can at least prove that so many people once existed in the Source Star. Liu An is a terrible person. Through genetically directed compilation, he changed the innate personalities of tens of trillions of people and created trillions of bloodthirsty and warlike fanatics.

Such a person has no bottom line at all. No matter what he does, there is no need to be surprised. He is just the tip of the dark iceberg of the empire. You understand, we know nothing."

Ren Zhong hummed and did not defend himself.

After a long time, Xiao Xingyue rubbed her temples and said, "I want to apologize to you. I'm sorry."

She spoke very slowly and her face was full of sincerity.

A smile appeared on Ren Zhong's face, "Thank you for your understanding, but the past has passed. I don't blame you. After all, according to normal thinking, who would have thought that a decadent and backward empire could survive for tens of millions of years?

?This is not common sense, but it does happen. There is always a reason for it, and I will try to find the reason."

This chapter has been completed!
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