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Chapter 493 The meaning of life, the birth of a miracle, there is no god

Chapter 493 The meaning of living, the birth of miracles, no God

"Report 997-27, I am Captain Huang Xubo. We have completed all preparations and the 14 space suits have been successfully connected in series! The energy supply line interface has been modified and successfully connected to the information flow repeater energy supply line backup interface. It can be used at any time.

Switchable energy supply mode.”

"Our ship's main battery will shut down in five minutes! The crew members have completed their positions and fixations according to the second plan. The content of the second plan is as follows. Four colleagues will open their masks first. The life monitoring system will be triggered.

Causes the series connection to be terminated. It will take thirty to forty seconds for my colleagues to stop their physiological reactions. Then I will quickly take off the spacesuit, complete the last step in the vacuum, restart the series system, and thirty seconds before the main battery shuts down, the preset

The setting program seamlessly switches to the backup power supply mode! I will also conduct manual inspection.”

Huang Xubo's voice was still loud and full of impassionedness.

Afterwards, Huang Xubo and four other people said in unison: "Please allow us to carry out the mission immediately!"

Sure enough, they chose the safest option.

In fact, even if they don't choose this way, the command center has already compiled specific voice instructions and there is no need to send them to them now.

Time was tight, and the task was heavy. There was not much exchange of greetings. He only said at a very fast speed: "Huang Xubo, Dong Jixiang, Gera Chek, Qiao Jiaxin, Zheng Chongwen, the five of you, please implement the second plan immediately."

"As you command!"

In the broken 997-27, Huang Xubo took steps and walked in front of his four comrades.

The clicking footsteps were captured by the voice communication radio, and then transmitted through the information flow relay, appearing in the headquarters command room and the main control room of the Falcon.

After a brief silence, the sound of heavier and heavier breathing began to sound.


It's like a bellows pulling, a strong wind blowing, and even more like the waves washing over the beach.

Facing death, as long as we are human, we will be nervous, this is inevitable.

Even though they were thousands of miles apart and could only hear the sound, every listener could not help but imagine the scene in their mind.

Before today, these people on 997-27 were all unknowns.

In their not-so-long lives, they come quietly and leave quietly, doing what they can, getting the rewards they deserve, and enjoying a mediocre life.

There are many, many such people on the fleet, on the Source Star, and in the working fleet.

This is the ordinary life of ordinary people.

But this time, fate violently pushed Huang Xubo and other five ordinary young people onto the stage of history, and the lives and deaths of three billion people depended on them.

They made the decision without hesitation to sacrifice five people to try to save three billion people.

They have become no longer ordinary, glorious and majestic.

"Everyone, we will gain immortality at this moment! We are already an equally great part of the great cause! The light of the Source Star will eventually fill the universe! Please turn off the life monitoring system and then tear off your masks!"

Huang Xubo used almost all his strength and roared at the top of his lungs.

The next moment, violent wind sound came.

This is caused by the rapid leakage of air in the space suit due to loss of pressure.

The painful roar came with the wind. It sounded distant, as if it came from the horizon, but it resounded in the ears of every listener.

After just a few seconds, the wind stopped and only Huang Xubo breathed heavily, which meant that the air in the space suits of the other four people had been emptied.

Another forty seconds passed, and Huang Xubo finally said in a proud tone: "Reporting to Sir Earl! The first link has been completed! Four colleagues have sacrificed! During this process, no one restarted the life monitoring system! The series connection has not been interrupted!


In fact, Huang Xubo's last two sentences are a bit superfluous.

When performing military missions, reports should be concise and concise, focusing only on matters that are core to the mission.

But no one would criticize him for superfluous.

Choosing the second option was originally for insurance, but these ordinary soldiers proved themselves with facts.

Their will can overcome instinct. They reduce Huang Xubo's workload.

Time continued to pass little by little, and finally it was the last minute.

"I have set the preset program and am about to take off the space suit."

Thirty seconds later, an electronic sound sounded from the communication system.

This is the text-to-speech conversion that Huang Xubo manually entered in advance in order to avoid being unable to conduct speech due to the loss of air.

"The backup energy mode has been switched. Work ship No. 997-27 has completed its mission. Please continue to move forward, No. 981-27. Please continue to move forward, Lord Earl. Please continue to move forward, Source Star Civilization."

Electronic Sound finished the final report in an indifferent tone.

There was silence in the conference room.

After a while, a low sniffing sound came from the corner.

Ren Zhong looked over and saw that the person making the sound was an elegant man with white hair and crow's feet on his face.

She quickly raised her sleeves and wiped her eyes.

At this moment, an unexpected voice sounded in the conference room.

"We will arrive at our destination on time."

This is Mavian.

In the Falcon, Ahmed, who barely sat up straight, turned to look at Mavian and said angrily: "You...why did you hang up the voice call!"

Mavian turned around and said, "My Lord Captain, please continue to rest. Your rest time is only twenty minutes. During this time, please give us the driving authority and trust our abilities. As for why you have to hang up the communication

?Of course it’s because I will mobilize all detection methods and light a torch to light the way forward for the rest of the journey.”

After saying that, Mavian curled his lips, said no more, and just continued to stare at the projection screen intently.

In fact, he was thinking in his heart, since the five survivors on the 997-27 ship can break the scientific logic of human survival instinct, maybe the Falcon can also do it?

No one instigated him, no one encouraged him. He didn't know what he was thinking, but he felt his heart beating faster for no reason.

Or maybe he finally found his own meaning of life from the actions of Huang Xubo and others.

So what if you have been living for others?

Aren't people born as collective beings?

If there is no civilization, no group, no Source Star Fleet...

If you were born on an isolated island with no other people at all...

I can speak, think, master this knowledge, and even complain that I shouldn't be a tool. Isn't it because I was also born in this collective?

I am the tool of the collective, is the collective also my tool?

We mold each other into who I am.


Therefore, even if it is against my will, even if it is not in line with my nature, I should try to burn it once.

At least the efforts of Captain Sami and Huang Xubo should not be in vain, nor should the sacrifices of the hundreds of thousands of people who have died in the entire working fleet be in vain.

A long tail spewed out from the willow-leaf-like tail of the Falcon, and it rushed towards the direction of 997-27 in the dangerous black fog area.

Twenty minutes later, Ahmed initially recovered and took over control.

In the remote command room of the fleet headquarters, everyone watched as the work ship, which was designed to have a maximum cruising speed of 0.2 times the speed of light, kept moving forward, and then moved forward.

In the distance of the Falcon, there were some hazy black spots rolling in from the side like waves.

This is an imprecise tearing of the dark energy gravitational field, and it is a beast that chooses and devours people.

As these dark spots get closer to the Falcon, their edges become clearer and clearer.

This is a modeling of the detection equipment on the Falcon scanning more and more clearly as it gets closer.

Suddenly, someone in the conference room exclaimed in a low voice that the Falcon seemed to have been accidentally sucked into the gravitational field of a dark energy mass that passed quickly.

Five seconds later, something incredible happened.

The Falcon was not attracted, but drew a curve, still moving forward at a speed greater than 0.2 times the speed of light!

"This is ejection acceleration using the gravitational field of dark energy. After multiple accelerations, the Falcon's cruising speed does have a chance to reach or even exceed 0.25 times the speed of light. Although the low-energy engine used by the work ship is not enough to push to 0.25 times the speed of light,

The structure of the spacecraft itself can barely support this speed."

"During this process, it is necessary to control the incident angle of the ship and the distance between the ship and the dark energy cluster extremely accurately. It is also necessary to control the attitude of the ship, always aligning the most stable front side of the structure with the source of gravity, and to target the dark energy cluster.

The movement patterns and characteristics of the energy group are controlled to the extreme. This is indeed the only way to reach the destination within 16 hours. But there can be no mistakes."

Among everyone present, the best pilots, combat members, and most knowledgeable academic staff acted as commentators, quickly explaining the principles to others.

In fact, if he himself took over the spacecraft, he would also plan to operate in this way, but it may not be possible for Ahmed and Mavian to cooperate so perfectly at this time.

"Everyone, we will witness the birth of a miracle, and I also believe that this will not be the last miracle from the Source Star."

Ren Zhong said this again.

Fifteen hours and forty-nine minutes have passed.

The miracle Ren Zhong talked about became a reality.

The Falcon flew over the impact zone of the aftermath of the dark energy explosion, successfully arrived at the predetermined area, and successfully connected to data link 997!

Since then, this last data link, which was in danger of being disconnected, finally received double insurance.

However, the person who reported back to the fleet headquarters was neither Mavian nor Ahmed, but an unfamiliar voice.

The other party gasped and said: "Report to the Earl, this is the Falcon. I am Zhang Heng, the reconnaissance equipment controller! We have arrived! The link has been established! Now the ship has switched to inertial flight mode, and we will arrive in four hours

997-27 Ship position!”

Ren Zhong hummed, "Well done. Your deeds will be reported to all fleet members."

"Thank you, Lord Count! There is one more thing."

"Zhang Heng, tell me."

"Due to the use of the new Xingtian Potion and Super Brain Potion, Captain Ahmed Sami and Technical Officer Mavian died ten minutes ago. In their last words, they wanted me to combine them with Ship No. 997-27

Can we put the other five martyrs together?"


People are always afraid of loneliness. Even if they die in the boundless universe, it would be a kind of happiness to be buried with like-minded people.

This is the last little happiness that warriors long for, and it should be given to them.

In Ren Zhong's mind, Sun Ai said with emotion: "Sometimes I wonder if there really is a god in the universe. We seem to have been blessed by the gods. Ship No. 997-27 was not attacked for a full 16 hours.

The dark energy group was involved, and the Falcon also completed the impossible miracle."

Ren Zhong shook his head and whispered to himself: "There is no god in the universe. If there is, it can only be people like Huang Xubo, Ahmed Sami, and Mavian. God is just a fantasy created by human beings when they are incompetent.

Trust, in fact, that the one who creates miracles is God.”

Sun Ai: "But the empire doesn't think so."

Ren Zhong: "That's the empire. We are us."

This chapter has been completed!
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