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Chapter 496: Eternal Night and Eternal Day

Chapter 496 Eternal Night and Eternal Day

Accompanied by bursts of metallic-coated glow, one after another, the spacecraft arriving here after a voyage spanning four light-years are undergoing the last big test - the jump voyage.

There is no need to elaborate on the hardships along the way. Most people feel deeply about it.

Sixty-two point five years, the efforts of three generations have finally converged to this moment.

From the beginning of the design of these ships, the need to enter the warp subspace channel has been taken into consideration, and there is no problem with the performance of the equipment.

The net controlled by Sun Ai has also obtained relevant technical parameters. It only needs to activate the force field shields on the surface of all ships at a specific frequency to imitate the physical structure of subspace, so that it can enter it safely and stably, and then use absolute

The speed is 0.1 times the speed of light, but in the three-dimensional universe, it is a real speed of 10 times the speed of light, quickly traveling a long distance of 3 light years.

At this time, in the entire Origin Star civilization, the only people who had ever experienced sailing across subspace were in the Yersen annual wheel caravan that had stopped returning a hundred years ago.

This caravan consists of a thousand annual ships, and was briefly owned by Liu An twice. The reason why Liu An snatched this fleet from nine viscount families is related to the failure of the "Net" node of Source Star.


After the "Net" was repaired and the Origin Star fleet was successfully deployed, Liu An stopped the economic sanctions against the nine viscount families and returned a total of two million crew members from these one thousand transport ships who had been forced to labor for many years.

Of course, Liu An did not return the transport ship at that time. Although the mosquito legs were small, they were still meat. A thousand annual ships were only a drop in the bucket of Liu An's wealth, but they were still wealth after all.

But when Ren Zhong suddenly rose up and became a quasi-count, Liu An had no choice but to temporarily return a thousand annual ships in accordance with the law, although he was reluctant.

Although the nine viscount families looked jealous, they were not in a position to take action and organize the crew members and their descendants who had multiplied to more than four million people and a thousand annual ships, and let them select a new general manager on their own.

, established a commercial transportation company to operate on its own, waiting for the arrival of the Source Star fleet to take over the entire business.

But then, the good news came that the Source Star Fleet was completely destroyed in the Black Mist Zone, and that the would-be Earl Ren Zhong died young.

The Earl's Mansion of Nanxiang immediately executed most of the senior executives of this company called Yuanxing Commercial Transport and took over the entire company.

I never expected that Ren Zhong would miraculously come to life again.

In desperation, the Earl's Mansion of Nanxiang had no choice but to withdraw all the airborne executives, allowing this commercial enterprise that had changed owners several times to reorganize its management structure and build its headquarters in Nanjiu C in advance.

Millions of people in the Yuan Star business finally ended their ill-fated careers and returned to the banner of the Yuan Star humans. It was also a journey of many twists and turns.

At this time, no one in the Source Star Fleet had ever experienced sailing through subspace passages. Most people happily gathered near the observation windows of each ship, trying to use their eyes to capture this first time in their lives.

An unforgettable scene.

Of course, this is destined to be a vain hope.

Although the energy level is undergoing drastic changes, human eyes can hardly see anything, only patches of bottomless darkness.

At this time, there was a lot of noise in the throne room of the Tracer spacecraft, and no one cared about entering the jump passage.

After Ren Zhong passed Wen Yuanbo's registration of the title, the information and intelligence related to the empire could finally be fully released to all humans on the Origin Star.

After a short period of rapid learning, everyone in the throne room now has a more comprehensive understanding of the political system of the Machinery Empire, and has finally begun to truly participate in decision-making.

Those who are qualified to sit in the throne room are high-level talents in the entire fleet system who have been selected at all levels and have served in management positions for a long time, and have developed stronger abilities and sharper logical thinking.

This is the result of Ren Zhong’s long-term comprehensive decentralization.

He has been racking his brains alone for too long, and now he is quite happy to see others share their wisdom and help him share the workload.

At this time, the main controversy in the hall is over the very embarrassing planet Nanjiu C.

The director of the Resettlement Department did not lie. Nanjiu C is indeed a planet in the habitable zone of a star. The size and diameter of the planet are also very suitable. It even has an atmosphere that is completely suitable for humans instilled by large-scale surface transformation machinery.

But the chicken thief's director hid a key piece of information, that is, this strange planet has almost no rotation like the moon.

It is not a standard spherical shape, but looks like a slightly flattened pancake.

A wonderful tidal locking phenomenon is formed between Nanjiu c and Nanjiu star.

One side of Nanjiu C is completely aligned with the huge star Nanjiu Star, and is completely locked.

Such characteristics create a very unique natural landscape on Nanjiu C.

The illuminated side is eternal day, and the other side hidden behind is eternal night.

There is a huge temperature difference between the two sides. The temperature of the focus area in the middle of the illuminated side is as high as thousands of degrees Celsius, and the surface is melted into an eternally boiling magma structure.

Such a long period of high temperature allows these areas to continue to generate an astonishing amount of plasma. It seems that there are colorful auroras rising into the sky one after another, driving energy and enveloping the atmosphere to surge upwards, leaving the surface of the planet for more than ten years.

After thousands of kilometers, the temperature slowly drops, and then falls in all directions under the action of gravity, like a fountain.

These atmospheres that repeatedly change between high and low temperatures are dispersed along with the movement of this air flow, and continue to spread along the upper layer of the planet's atmosphere to the area facing away from the star.

When these higher-temperature gases slowly reach the focus on the back, the temperature is already horribly low.

This cold air falls from the sky, violently bombarding the earth and the glaciers that are getting higher and higher, then whizzes along the surface of the planet, runs along the surface at a terrifying speed, and then crosses the boundary between light and darkness, heading towards the front focus.

magma zone, and continues to heat up in the process.

Expanding from the focal area on the sunny side to the surrounding area, there is a large magma scour plain. The ground temperature gradually decreases until it reaches high latitudes where the incident angle of sunlight is less than 30 degrees. In this area, the heating of the atmosphere by direct star rays is different from the heating of the atmosphere from the backside.

The extremely cold air that came in barely reached a delicate balance, and the overall temperature slowly dropped by 40 degrees, making it barely habitable for humans.

If we continue to higher latitudes, the overall temperature will drop sharply and quickly fall below zero degrees.

On the polar line where eternal day and eternal night meet, the combined temperature is already below minus 100.

At a completely sunny location, the overall temperature has even dropped to over 200.

This means that on the entire Nanjiu C, the area suitable for human habitation is actually only a very awkward circular belt, and it has to endure the year-round strong winds of level 14.

And this annular belt may not be stable, because the orbit of Nanjiu c around the Nanjiu star is not a standard circle, but a huge ellipse.

When Nanjiu c reaches the near star point, the annular belt will move outward. When Nanjiu c reaches the far star point, the annular belt will move inward.

In addition, the planet's atmosphere changes from time to time due to glacier collapse or violent volcanic eruptions.

Also, due to the intense heat on the sunny side, most of the ocean area, which accounts for 60% of the planet's surface, is boiling all year round, and massive amounts of water vapor are entering the atmosphere every moment.

This water vapor will cool on the backside, forming extremely tall glaciers. But these glaciers will collapse violently at intervals, and huge ice edges will swoop down with amazing kinetic energy.

Some ice edges will be broken into fragments in countless collisions in advance, but some ice edges will span a distance of more than a quarter of the circumference of the planet and appear on the other side of the boundary between day and night.

There will even be a small number that cross the habitable zone and crash directly into the boiling sea on the sunny side.

On this planet with a completely distorted environment, the main means of realizing the water cycle is not gentle rainfall or snowfall, but giant ice prisms.

Before seeing these detailed information, the humans of Source Star had never imagined that there could be a planet with such a harsh living environment in the universe. It was simply breathtaking.

It's no wonder that with the advanced technology of the Machinery Empire, this solid planet in the habitable zone is actually deserted.

It seems that after the original planetary terraformers spent huge sums of money to create an atmosphere on the surface of the planet, they were still very helpless to find that the environment was still too bad to be inhabited, so they had to abandon the semi-finished product.

The great Earl Ren was unexpectedly assigned to such a planet. Most of the people in the throne room were filled with indignation and expressed that they could not accept it.

More than 80% of the people suggested that Ren Zhong should exercise the authority of the earl and send a letter to the empire through Wen Yuanbo, requesting that a more reliable planet be replaced.

However, some people analyze the objective situation and feel that Nanxiang Bo Liu An has only slightly restrained his murderous intention, but his hostile stance towards Yuan Xing has not changed.

Nanxiang Bo has served as the military and political officer of the Star Cluster for thousands of years, and has already achieved unshakable absolute control over the core functional departments of the military and political affairs.

The arrangement for Nanjiu C to be given to Ren Zhong as the origin planet was definitely Liu An's personal instruction. Mere protests and representations may not change anything.

Ju Qingmeng said: "Perhaps this is the first problem Liu An poses to Ren Zhong. If we really lodge a protest statement to the empire, we might leave a perception of our incompetence in the minds of the review officials and affect the empire's center.

The judgment of the potential and ability of Ren Zhong, the new earl, will further affect the level of fiefdom that Ren Zhong can finally obtain. So what is before us is actually a multiple-choice question, either sacrifice the present or the future. No matter where it is

Any one of them can be considered Liu An’s fault."

Ju Qingmeng expressed his position, and Ou Youning, who had jumped the most and had the most objections, immediately shut up.

On the other side, Yu Junren, who once served as the general manager of the Chenhui Mining Branch of Zijing Mining and had a close relationship with Ren Zhong, but was not a core member of Xinghuo Town, now serves as the deputy director of the Yuanxing Mining Bureau, made an effective analysis


Yu Junren said: "Since the resettlement office dares to take out Nanjiu C, it must have occupied the high ground in terms of system and legal principles. I am afraid that even if we appeal, it will be of no use. You can see this list of idle planets in the Nanxiang star cluster. No.

Not to mention, although there are many idle solid planets and stars in the habitable zone of stars in the Nanxiang star cluster, not many have complete atmospheres after preliminary planetary transformation. If we reject Nanjiu c, we will either have to choose these

Planets are small in size and mass, and have low gravity. However, the resources of these planets are very limited, which is not conducive to development and reproduction. Or we can only choose these planets that are not in the habitable zone at all. With the technical strength of our fleet, we can indeed self-propelled

Complete planetary transformation, but this takes a very long time and requires the collection of a large amount of stellar radiation. I am afraid that by the time the Empire's assessment of Lord Earl ends, we will not be able to complete the transformation of the atmosphere. By then, Lord Earl's score will definitely be very bad. These

It is very detrimental to the assessment. Although the environment of Nanjiu C is harsh, it can barely be regarded as a place where we can get a foothold immediately. Is it better than letting us complete the planetary transformation ourselves?"

Ren nodded and said, "That's true. Although the source star fleet is currently far superior to ordinary colonies in terms of technological level, the energy and materials accumulated are not enough. The fourth-level mother queen can control 10% of a planet's energy. We have four consecutive

Even a fraction of the Mother Emperor's contribution is not enough. As for the wealth we have contributed, it is not enough to purchase a complete planetary transformation service, and time does not allow it. Okay, the discussion is over, I have decided to accept Nanjiu c."

In fact, Ren Zhong has been considered very clearly.

He knew Liu An's purpose, and he also knew that Southgate Augustus of South Nine Star must have been influenced by Liu An and was waiting to severely suppress the humans of Source Star.

Uncle Nanxiang's arrangements for Nanjiu C are just the beginning.

But risks and opportunities coexist, and no one can deny that Nanjiu C is a big guy.

Furthermore, the worse the environment seems and the worse the situation, the more it can lower others' wariness and weaken the intensity of suppression.

The dilapidated planet of Nanjiu C is actually more conducive to his accumulation and a blockbuster plan.

After saying that, Ren Zhong looked at the report sent from the ship's cockpit again.

At this time, the entire fleet has entered the jump channel.

In the next 108 days, the fleet will lose the ability to communicate with the outside world. Fortunately, Sun Ai has completely downloaded the knowledge data package in advance.

"There are still one hundred and eight days. I hope that all departments will work together to formulate a complete plan for rapid landing and colonization, as well as targeted development of planetary transformation technology. The meeting is dismissed."

After finishing speaking, Ren Zhong announced the adjournment of the meeting and terminated the discussion.

After the others left, Ju Qingmeng and Ma Xiaoling stayed behind, looking at him with slightly complicated expressions.

In the blink of an eye, Ren Zhong also felt a little dazed. When he thought about it carefully, he had not been alone with the two of them like this for sixty-two and a half years.

Although he spent most of the time in cryogenic slumber, and when he was awake he was busy and nervous and had no time to think about it, but the sheer span of time still made him quite emotional.

At this time, Ju Qingmeng and Ma Xiaoling had already fully understood the many major events that had occurred during the entire voyage, and they were no longer as angry as they were about his helpless act of breaking his promise and sacrificing 18 billion people.

In particular, Ma Xiaoling personally participated in the Battle of the Imperial Ship.

Even in the timeline of the final comeback, Ren Zhong, the then Viscount, did not stay comfortably behind the curtain and let others work for him. Instead, he personally charged into the battle and even protected Ma Xiaoling on the battlefield many times. This completely changed Ma Xiaoling's mind.

Ju Qingmeng sighed and said slowly: "I'm sorry."

Ren Zhong smiled slightly and gently held her waist, "It's okay."

"It's hard on you."

Ma Xiaoling walked up with a chuckle, "Hey, Sister Qingmeng, you don't understand men. Believe me, there is no conflict that cannot be resolved with just one shot."

Ju Qingmeng's face turned red when he heard this, and he was actually a little eager to try.

Although the medical department has repeatedly demonstrated that there is something special about Ren Zhong's genes, it seems that there is a serious reproductive isolation from ordinary Source Star humans.

But this kind of thing, even aside from the purpose of reproduction, can still help enhance feelings.

Ren Zhong coughed repeatedly, "Wait... Oops..."

This chapter has been completed!
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